• Addict,  Bax,  Bliensen + MaiTai,  Elate,  Essentia,  Fri.Day,  Magika,  Nyte n Day,  OhMai,  Tiny Bird,  VR Foundry


    Feva 2
    Feva 3

    Ok so the asset servers are playing silly buggers. I have taken back to inventory the same boxes about 12 times now, I gave up as they weren’t going there anyway, just vanishing, so now I am just dragging them out of the way, it looks like a delivery truck overturned outside my door. Actually I could totally do that, because I am so in love with the NotsoBad rezzer that I keep it out full time at the moment.

    As fun as SL can be during times of nothing working, it is unfortunate for those that have had plans made, a date set etc. Tuli announced last week that today would be the much anticipated release of her Eva skins. So far, not a peep out of Tuli as she is probably trying to tackle opening her new build and releasing of her new products, not just the skins.

    The skins come in seven beautiful tones, from very pale to dark dark tan, and with a blend of make ups that compliment all. The brow options vary from tone to tone, as some wont work on all…but all that info is very clear when purchasing, and you can always check edit, or demos to find out if the brows you are after are part of that tone package. Eva also has a lovely full cleavage option, that just cries out for attention, so don’t be wearing the b version and covering them up, that just wouldn’t be fair.

    Preparing this post I got to fall in love with all sorts of items, I mentioned the other day that Sabina Gully of Magika had been training up her sculptie techniques, and one of the outcomes of that is the hat hair on the right of the first pic. A beautiful loose beanie style but with a lovely rich texture that doesn’t make it too wintery, and is colour/texture change on click.

    Most of the clothing today is also featured at Clothing Fair, either RFL items or just regular, and the fair is still going strong, I popped over earlier today, and the crowds are having a great time. I love the semi casual to dressy pieces being released at the moment, depending on how you add to them, they can be fun for running around in, or going out in.

    That is definitely the case for the clothing released by Elate recently. The Kaia dress is perfect for slipping on and taking off – by taking off I mean going about your day :P. The two tone stripes give you ample opportunity with accessorising them, and using one of both colours as compliments to the look. I could totally wear these over a fav pair of  jeans too.

    Another LOVE LOVE LOVE is the gorgeous Mermaid set jewelry from Biensen & Maitai , this is a set to be had by all fishy lovers, pisceans which is now by the way, and just fans of all things water related. I love this necklace and earrings combo, and the image on both is just beautiful.

    Next up another big love – don’t you just love that show, it spins me out, but it is fab – are the Alex skirts , again by Elate. This is a MUST HAVE staple for the remainder of the year, the kind of item you have on hand in your go to folder, as the style and the fit is perfect. Not only is it high waisted, but the belt is superb, and even with a long top over it, covering the high part, the belt can be worn as a cinch and just enhance the whole look… bravo Kellie on this one.

    Changing into some beautiful hairstyles from Tiny Bird. Autumn has really been producing some really feminine styles lately – not that she doesn’t usually – but these have a little something extra in the girly girl department of twin sets and cameos for sure.

    The rest of the Jewelry is by Addict, Kianna has updated all of her necklaces and made them colourchange, so if you were oooing and ahhing in the past, but didn’t follow through, now is the time. The doll necklace has always been a fav of mine, and now I can make it match a variety of looks when I want.

    Boots Boots Boots, the Prestige ones have been featured here before, and the choice of either leather or suede is a hard one, but as you do get so much wear out of them, it is more to do with what colours will best enhance your wardrobe. The leather option is just perfect in the brown version, and I did make lots of squeely noises when I went from the skirts to the Trek outfit from Nyte n Day. How gorgeous is that safari look dress. Just going to show that thats two outfits in the same day that I get the use of the camel colour.

    I adore the trek dress, it is just gorgeous, and I was able to cheat and use the lower portion of it as a skirt with the new Boyfriend Racerback Tanks by OhMai. Be careful of those, Miss Anya Piglet made them sheer so you will need to wear a bra or the other fab layers to cover up – or not – the split sides and back of these are just perfect, it is funny how when you see something done so well, like side splits on a top, that you realise you don’t see them that often.

    Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the announcement that Eva is released, as the skin is just beautiful and I can see it fast becoming a default skin for many.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Donna, Alyssa – Magika

    Skin: Eva (tone 6/bl) 05b , Eva (tone 4/li) 03b – Tuli

    Clothes: Kaia Dress – Elate

    Moitie Jacket – Nyte n Day

    Shoes/Boots: Prestige Red Suede Boots – BAX Coen

    Accessories: Mermaid Necklace Bliensen + MaiTai

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Fri.day

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Time to pretend, Fistful of Roses, Time To Pretend II – Tiny Bird

    Skin: Eva (tone 6/br) 10b, Eva (tone 5/bl) 02b – Tuli

    Clothes: Alex Skirt – Elate

    Prost Dress (top only) – Nyte n Day

    Spring Bloom Dress ( bodysuit only) – Fri.day

    Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots Leather – Bax Coen

    Accessories: Olivias Pearls Onyx/Silver, Treasured Peacock Necklace – Addict

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Fri.day

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 3:

    Hair: Love Song , D.A.N.C.E , Nantes – Tiny Bird

    Skin: Eva (tone 6/br) 08b – Tuli

    Clothes: Trek Outfit , Mete – Nyte n Day

    Basics Boyfriend Racerback – OhMai

    Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots Leather – BAX Coen

    Accessories: Peace and Love Necklace – Addict

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Fri.day

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Bare Rose,  Gala,  Magika,  Urbanity,  VR Foundry

    Down a hole


    How cute right, yeah totally. Just a quickie because nothing beats one on occasion.

    Tori sent me as a present the latest release in Alice inspired costumey like clothing from Bare Rose. While at the same time I was wearing the latest hair from Magika, now how cool are those tails. If you have ever seen the really strange Alice Sci Fi thingy they did a few years back, the rabbit had hair very similar instead of ears, and I thought that was kind of genius.

    A few hours later though a notice came through What’s New SL and bam I was off and hopping on over to Cobrahive to get me some of the adorableness. Those floppy ears, the whiskers which I was already a huge fan of, which you can get seperately in her tails store next door, and a bunny tail you cannot see. The sets are black or white seperately and because her 50% off sale is still on the price is insane.

    Remembering that Gala did a bunny inspired make up, I am totally all bunnied up, even my shoes and socks from Urbanity seem to work with the overall look of the divine outfit from BareRose. The dress comes in at least three colours and you could so totally wear the top part on it’s own with pants or something.

    With the new hair comes new textures, so be sure to go to Magika if you haven’t been in a while, the new colour pack options are fantastic. Choice overall is just great, and as usual the styles are gorgeous, with Sabina totally upping her game with sculpties lately, look out for more divine do’s.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Alyssa – Magika

    Skin: April Bunny – Gala @ Curio

    Clothes: Long Apron Alice – BareRose

    Shoes/Boots: Extreme Heels V2 – Urbanity

    Accessories: Look at me I’m a Bunneh sets – Cobrahive

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Adam n Eve,  Armidi,  Essentia,  Exile,  FAKE,  Fantasia,  Maitreya,  Stellar,  VR Foundry

    Clothing Fair pt 2



    Here I am again, continuing my clothing fair post from earlier , which isn’t really earlier as I still have both tabs active lol. The next dress had Whimsy wondering if there was a theme to the fair, and as much as one would have been cool, to my knowledge there isn’t for the creations.

    Very 80’s rocker this dress is, which would be strange for a dress I guess, but this was totally the fashion back then for those girls that didn’t want to do the frou frou but couldn’t escape from the frills. Tiered was all the rage, and funnily enough this style print very much made coordinating with your partner a whole lot easier…damn mens shirts were ugly mid 80’s I tell you, but the same or similar print on dresses and skirts somehow worked well.

    Sachi of Adam n Eve did a great job on this dress, it is easy to wear, and easy to accessorise. Whether girly girl with a bow in your hair, or tougher with that punky edge of zippered boots, I went both ways.

    Picture 7 technically

    Has me oooing and aaaaing for the love for Mel. He absolutely nailed it when it came to this blue drop down last weekend. I had been secretly coveting the gorgeous Hydra necklace choker set from Rozoregalia, but really wanted Mel to see it first, and without him even knowing he bought it for me <3. My only concern is of course that it is no mod, but it does have scripts for resizing. Lucky for me I have my own aLu Necklock so I don’t have to worry.

    The necklace comes in three styles and all three are just gorgeous, if I could wear them all at once and all the time I most probably would, but then I wouldn’t be able to wear anything else, so I will have to save it for the special moments .

    I am totally taken when it comes to good silver clothing, and this is gorgeous. Fake has a shared space at Clothing Fair, and this is one of the RFL items as well as available seperately of the 3 pack in the vendor. The way Dream uses sculpties to enhance the Fake or Fantasia clothing always excites me, and this dress has the added beauty of a breast piece that allows for a smooth line across the chest, rather than the clothing texture dipping and covering the mesh.

    It is those little things that will make Fake a store to be reckoned with in the future, the styles created for both lines of clothing brand are just fantastic. More Exile hair, actually all of the remaining styles are Exile and this updo is just gorgeous.

    Picture 8

    Ok the other item in the Fake/Fantasia store as a RFL vendor item were these INCREDIBLE throw me over your shoulder and ride away with me in your chariot style skirts – ok that isn’t the real name of them, but it should be – they are so beautiful and again just goes to show the talent oooozing out of Dreams fingertips.  The hair I thought was appropriate too with the name Giselle it just suited the theme in my romanesque fantasy.

    Picture 9

    Another of the stores I had not heard of before was Likka House, Whimsy and I were looking about and some great pieces were there to be found, but as soon as my eyes hit the Shaula skirts I was all about the gimme fingers. The fabric, the style, and the overall look of this set is great… there is something about that fabric and that skirt that reminds me of being little, I don’t know if it was my Mum who had one, but someone I know had skirts the same and I just love them.

    Nowadays though this look is pure Bondi markets , and that is just perfect wherever you are from. Even down to my toes I am channeling the beach…and people they are called THONGS not flip flops, that is the sound they make.

    Picture Ten

    Lastly and meant to be, the little red dress Madison by Stellar is the perfect way to celebrate such an incredible effort by Nevar and all those that work so hard each year on Clothing Fair for RFL. This dress has a beautiful style, with its poofed out skirt and strapless bodice, a lovely mantle for the divine Jewelry by Alienbear Designs that I wore in part earlier. But in full now as this elegant dress needs equally elegant accessories. The hair, is a masterpiece, and I am not taking it off for now…an updo like this one needs to be seen.

    Have an incredible day and remember to spend spend spend for Charity.

    and if you didn’t see post one of my Clothing Fair posts it is HERE .

    Accessory Fair location

    Clothing Fair locations at bottom of post

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
    Picture 6:

    Hair: gST03-B – CriCri

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Plaid Ruffle Dress – Adam n Eve

    Shoes/Boots: Zipper Boots – CoCo

    Accessories: Mayur Set – Alienbear Designs

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 7:

    Hair: LoveStory – Exile

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Inara Medievalism – Fake @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots: Viniani Heel – Armidi

    Accessories: HYDRA*NECKLACE set of three – ROZOREGALIA

    Medallion Earrings – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 8:

    Hair: Giselle – Exile

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Lupa Skirt – Fantasia @ Clothing Fair

    White Bikini – LAQ



    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 9:

    Hair: Selene – Exile

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Shaula Scorpion – Likka House @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots:( THONGS ) flip flops – ON


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 10:

    Hair: Love Song II – Exile

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Madison Dress – Stellar @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots: ChiChi Heels – Maitreya

    Accessories: Mayur Set – Alienbear Designs

    Hair Rose – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    List of CLOTHING FAIR Stores and each sim


    Store List:
    Apple May Designs
    Gothic Passionate Dreams
    *+Crie Style+*
    Pixel Passion
    Total Betty
    Adam n Eve
    Lois Allen Designs
    SF Design
    INDI Designs
    Earth & Sky Designs


    Store List :
    Evie’s Closet
    EBT (Emotional Blackmail Threads)
    ED – Eclipse
    Suki’s Silken Fashions
    Adored Clothing and Hair
    Sparkle Skye Designs
    Nyte n Day
    Mer-Elf Creations
    Lost Dreams DEsigns
    Naughty N Nice
    Luck INC
    Coconut Ice


    Store List:
    Gritzi Design
    Awesome Designs
    ala Mood
    PaJa = Pastaria and Jade Designs
    Wilson’s Designs for Men
    Tres Beau Designs
    Glow Designs
    Styles of edo
    Kouse’s Sanctum

    Rio de Janiero

    Store List:
    Vitamin Ci
    Couture by Cat
    Dark Matter
    ~Mystic Sky~
    Lemania Indigo Designs
    Hell Bop Clothing
    Peeps Fashion
    ALESSANDRA – Skins & Fashion
    Epic Fantasy Wings & Clothing
    Casual Elegance
    On A Lark
    A&k Designs


    Store List:
    House of RFyre
    *GutterPup*/Trashy Designs
    Thalia’s Fashion Collection
    Avrele Designs
    Simone! & Style Starts Here!
    The Crystal Queendom
    ~*{ The Black Canary }*~
    Bliss Couture
    EROS Fashions by Keth
    Alyssa Bijoux Jewelry
    Heart & Sole
    The Curious Seamstress of Greenwood Designs
    Indyra Originals
    Shiki Design
    Solange! Fashions

    New Delhi

    Store List :
    Haven Designs
    Silk & Satyr
    BeNoir designs
    FallnAngel Creations
    Fantasia & FakE
    Brocade Tiger
    My Precious by Agnes Finney

    New York

    Store List :
    DKs & PixelThreads
    SpellBound “”
    Stellar by Lexi Morgan
    If The Shoe Fits
    SD Wears
    OMFG (I Love It)
    Audacious Designs /Slick
    Moxie Polanos Haute Styles
    Phoenix Rising
    Sinful Pleasures


    Store List:
    Rose Princess
    Gallery fumiwo
    Umi Usagi
    Body Canvas
    Milky House
    Blue Blood
    Bare Rose
    Honey kitty
    NONKO romankan
    Ume Mode
    House of Zen
    LIka House
    Alienbear Designs
    Virtual Impressions
    G Field

  • Bliensen + MaiTai,  Essentia,  Exile,  Nyte n Day,  P/a,  Urbanity,  VR Foundry

    Clothing Fair pt 1


    Wowza, I have no idea what time I started, but I am seriously starting to see spots I have spent so much time taking pics. So damn worth it though. The talent new and older at this years Clothing Fair to raise funds for Relay for Life,  is off the hook Yo! – I think I watched too much Scrubs this week .

    Many of the items being shown are from RFL vendors at the fair, so the money goes to help Relay for Life. I blended in a lot of Accessory Fair items at the same time, lol two birds and all that jazz.

    The first outfit is Nyte n Days RFL item, a special colour from the New Release Nyte did yesterday. I just had to have this look, as the top is just perfect for lots of things, and the shorts are musts. I especially like the thin belt and matching choker parts, as they make great accessories to use with other items.

    The hat/hair is from accessory fair, and by the talented Plurabelle of Bliensen + Maitai , the hat also comes without hair, but it is such a cute bob in this cabaret style, and as they are mod you can edit as I did to match your outfit.

    The Earrings are also from there, and have a hollywood theme to them, and are just perfect jangle earrings. With the outfit I am wearing stockings and garters from another Nyte n Day set, thats also at the fair…leading downwards to the gorgeous new shoes by Urbanity. Their first foray into footwear and so sexy with those super duper tall heels. I had to get them in this colour as Mel liked it so much, and it ended up matching perfectly with the clothing, so how is that for luck.

    The skin I am wearing is also from Clothing Fair, and also a RFL item and incredibly priced. The Plus skin Hope by Sn@tch is just gorgeous and I ended up keeping it on for the whole post. The lovely lips and mesmerising eye make up are just wonderful combination’s for a RFL skin, so make sure you try the demos available.

    Now onto pic two & three , fasten your seatbelts it is a long ride today.

    Kate had us at OMG, Whimsy and I snapped it up on the naughty, as we got to the fair earlier than we should have, don’t panic we only stayed long enough to see two stores and then left. All the different notices and what not confused us mixed with timezones etc.

    This set was designed especially for the RFL item, and is just HOT HOT HOT. It is by Indi designer Jamie Holmer, and we are so glad that Indi got the London sim location, because if not english the sim definitely made an impact. Not lost on me that trafalgar square the home of the Punk Culture of the 80’s is right outside the door lol.

    The jacket and all those pieces are just fabulous, and the boots I am wearing are also from Indi and at the fair. The Lombardi booties come with two options, studded and not, studded shown with the Kate set, and without in the next pic. Quickly though how HOT is the new Drew hair by Exile in the pic, mans hair that totally needs to be shot with a girl, Kavar you so need to do unisexy vendor pics , your short styles are wicked on women.

    Not a RFL item, but totally at the fair, the Freya set by Indi is OMG also HOT HOT HOT. I am so in love with the jacket especially in the brown, it is like vintage leather and yummy, and snuggly and just sexy. You get most of what you see in the set, the jacket YUM, the two coloured tanks with their ripped look of more YUM, the pants, and the belt…and the variations and layering options are well taken care of, going above and beyond.

    Teaming it up with the Turquoise Jewelry from Ganked I was so loving this look I could have stopped there. Everything was working, the way the booties fit under the pants cuffs, the jacket and hair, it was enough to want to make me convert my whole style. Actually now looking at it in print, I would have to say I was channeling Jeli as this would so suit her down to the ground.

    Picture four

    Now this dress was just too charming to not snap up, Vitamin Ci releases some beautiful pieces, and this is no exception. I love the style of the shorter dress, with the slit in the front to the side, the billowy sleeves and the option to wear jeans underneath if you can’t do mini, that come with. Very retro in colour pallette it is definitely a fun choice for the fair. I am actually wearing a wide leather belt over the top of the dress, it doesn’t come like that, but the belt pack from Sascha Designs is just gorgeous and a steal at the price. I used it to bring together the leather in the boots, and it really did ad a bit of a different look to it overall.

    Playing on the red, I went with more beautiful pieces from Ganked and the uber cute new glasses from Sand Shack Surf. These are rose tinted only to enhance your look on the world, not to cloud it. Also from the accessory fair I got another cute hairstyle from CriCri, one of many…and people if you have it, and you didn’t look past the hair OMG the trolley that comes with is super awesome with an inbuilt AO that is just wild fun. Honestly if you have no love for any of the hair – don’t know how that would be possible – buy one anyway just to get the trolley , trust me.

    CriCri hair is option city, you not only get to click to change colours in the pack you chose, but also in some cases change bangs, and add or remove bows and ribbons and whatever else they added…too cool.

    Picture five

    Ok the best thing about fairs like Clothing Fair, is the little stores you would otherwise never ever come across. That happened more than once last night, but this one was the first. It is Tomoto and the dress I have on is just  sweet and really pretty. The way it moves is divine, and the almost glettering star/diamonds are done in such a way as to move on their own, it is really like watching a star filled sky.

    I hadn’t been to P/a in ages, so to see newness by them at the Accessory Fair I was happy as a clam. This neck frill like choker in peacock feathers no less is wonderful. I love the idea that you could add it to a steampunk style blouse instead of the collar it may come with , and totally come out with a new look.

    Ok I am going to have to break this into two parts otherwise it will be hell.

    Continue to Post Two HERE

    Accessory Fair location

    Clothing Fair locations at bottom of post

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Cabaret Top Hat Hair – Bliensen + MaiTai @ Accessory Fair

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Mete Set RFL item , Stockings from Prost Dress – Nyte n Day @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots: Extreme Plum Heels – Urbanity

    Accessories: From Broadway to Hollywood Earring – Bliensen + MaiTai

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 2 & 3:

    Hair: Drew , Majandra – Exile

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Kate set RFL item , Freya set – Indi @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots: Lombardi Booties – Indi @ Clothing Fair

    Accessories: Arizona Set – Ganked @ Accessory Fair

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 4:

    Hair: Bon09 – CriCri @ Accessory Fair

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Kiya Orange – Vitamin Ci @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots:  Thigh High Boots – J’s

    Accessories: Rocklove – Ganked @ Accessory Fair

    Big Belts black – Sascha Designs

    My VW Thing Sunglasses – Sand Shack Surf

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 5:

    Hair: Bon10 – CriCri

    Skin: Plush Skin tone 3 Hope RFL item – Sn@tch @ Clothing Fair

    Clothes: Camisole Longue Astre – Tomoto @ Clothing Fair

    Shoes/Boots: Neyya Suede – Maitreya

    Accessories: Eden Choker – P/a @ Accessory Fair

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    List of CLOTHING FAIR Stores and each sim


    Store List:
    Apple May Designs
    Gothic Passionate Dreams
    *+Crie Style+*
    Pixel Passion
    Total Betty
    Adam n Eve
    Lois Allen Designs
    SF Design
    INDI Designs
    Earth & Sky Designs


    Store List :
    Evie’s Closet
    EBT (Emotional Blackmail Threads)
    ED – Eclipse
    Suki’s Silken Fashions
    Adored Clothing and Hair
    Sparkle Skye Designs
    Nyte n Day
    Mer-Elf Creations
    Lost Dreams DEsigns
    Naughty N Nice
    Luck INC
    Coconut Ice


    Store List:
    Gritzi Design
    Awesome Designs
    ala Mood
    PaJa = Pastaria and Jade Designs
    Wilson’s Designs for Men
    Tres Beau Designs
    Glow Designs
    Styles of edo
    Kouse’s Sanctum

    Rio de Janiero

    Store List:
    Vitamin Ci
    Couture by Cat
    Dark Matter
    ~Mystic Sky~
    Lemania Indigo Designs
    Hell Bop Clothing
    Peeps Fashion
    ALESSANDRA – Skins & Fashion
    Epic Fantasy Wings & Clothing
    Casual Elegance
    On A Lark
    A&k Designs


    Store List:
    House of RFyre
    *GutterPup*/Trashy Designs
    Thalia’s Fashion Collection
    Avrele Designs
    Simone! & Style Starts Here!
    The Crystal Queendom
    ~*{ The Black Canary }*~
    Bliss Couture
    EROS Fashions by Keth
    Alyssa Bijoux Jewelry
    Heart & Sole
    The Curious Seamstress of Greenwood Designs
    Indyra Originals
    Shiki Design
    Solange! Fashions

    New Delhi

    Store List :
    Haven Designs
    Silk & Satyr
    BeNoir designs
    FallnAngel Creations
    Fantasia & FakE
    Brocade Tiger
    My Precious by Agnes Finney

    New York

    Store List :
    DKs & PixelThreads
    SpellBound “”
    Stellar by Lexi Morgan
    If The Shoe Fits
    SD Wears
    OMFG (I Love It)
    Audacious Designs /Slick
    Moxie Polanos Haute Styles
    Phoenix Rising
    Sinful Pleasures


    Store List:
    Rose Princess
    Gallery fumiwo
    Umi Usagi
    Body Canvas
    Milky House
    Blue Blood
    Bare Rose
    Honey kitty
    NONKO romankan
    Ume Mode
    House of Zen
    LIka House
    Alienbear Designs
    Virtual Impressions
    G Field

  • Cobrahive,  Enkythings,  Essentia,  Exile,  LAQ,  VR Foundry



    Clothing Fair 2010 is approaching fast, 13th of March to be exact. One of the bigger events of the year with the donations going to RFL as they do every year, this is the 4th year and they are getting bigger and better with each one. The landing point this year is amazing, it was like arriving at the Olympics.

    One of the stores taking part this year is Phoenix Rising. The gown I am wearing is a sparkly strapless combination that just works beautifully. The texture on the skirt is like falling light beams, and the bodice is gorgeous.

    I decided that with that expanse of neckline, I didn’t want to go with the more traditional formal jewelry. But opted instead for some of the new Recluse collars from Plastik, these come in various styles and colour/print blends and are just lovely…you know I love posture collars, so these will definitely get featured again in the other variations.

    The second outfit comprises of the top of one of the newer dresses from Phoenix Rising, I decided that the jeans and top looked so cute together that I went that route for now. it also gave me another chance to wear the waist belt from cobrahive, this one actually more of a high waist belt.

    New hair from two stores, the first is Vanna a style from Pazazz, the textures are that tight curl look, and as an updo it is really nice. The second is really new from Exile, and I am so loving the pixie like bangs, very vintage and so hot. I pray that Kavar does a lot more styles with this bang look, because the possibilities are just OMG.

    What I learned today :

    Dot Lane plans on moving on;

    I am sad now, but I understand why.

    Dot Lane Girl Reporter:
    I want to write something special, I want to express how much someone like Dot Lane can mean to people that see her for what she is. See her use humor as a way of protecting herself, a woman that even though pint sized could fill ten thousand servers with her charm and charisma. A woman that reached into my heart all the way down here, and has now filled it with heartache that I didn’t get to tell her every day how incredible she is. But I know that she doesn’t need me too, that she knows I adore her so much, and that she would think me silly sitting here typing in tears just because she isn’t going to log in her avatar anymore.

    I am sad that she will be in plurk and I can’t spend lots of time there, but I do know she is happy, and that she is finding new adventures with her life. It is funny because I can just hear her in SL , and imagine her in her safari shorts and jacket from CKS about to take on the new world she has planned for herself. I imagine each day her sitting by lamplight writing down her memoirs and experiences with the wildlife she encounters. One day maybe I will come across some writing that will be by someone not named Dot and I will just know it is her, that no one else in the whole world could ever be the same, write the same, or have the same outlook on life…she is outstanding.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Vanna – Pazazz

    Skin: Claudia – LAQ

    Clothes: Encounter – Phoenix Rising

    Shoes/Boots: Nana Heels – Enkythings

    Accessories: Hair Roses – Essentia

    Recluse Collars – Plastik

    Buddha Nails – Mandala

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Dori – Exile

    Skin: Claudia – LAQ

    Clothes: Sopie Cuffed Jeans , Top from Wisk set – Phoenix Rising

    Shoes/Boots: Cypa White Croc  Boots – Enkythings

    Accessories: Waist Belt – Cobrahive

    Recluse Collar – Plastik

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Adam n Eve,  Essentia,  Fri.Day,  Kalnins,  VR Foundry

    Not only shakespearean


    I have mentioned in the past that I started out my Second Life as a redhead. I have red naturally through my RL hair, so it was just a normal thing for me to do, especially with the fun reds back then, which I now know where largely in part to tinting lol.

    Anyway, since then with all the different textures and the lack of naturals packs …BRING BACK NATURALS PACKS PLEASE HAIR PEEPS. Whimsy and I often cry about the loss of such a valuable hair pack. I kind of moved to black as a safe colour, but spend most of my time in a large range of colours, yay for dyeing your hair without the chemicals lol.

    Anywho, I was running down my folders tonight, and came across the lovely portia skin by Adam n Eve, blogged before, but I hadn’t paid much attention to the brows options at the time. I  realised that there is red as a hair base, and brow option, and as I had never done red brows in the past, I wanted to give them a whirl, for all those diehard fans out there.

    With the beautiful red hair textures from Fri.day, shown here in the latest Summer style, you really do get a nice overall look with the red brows – demands Sachi now makes red hair lashes -  I often wonder why there aren’t blonde and brunnette lashes in SL only black, not everyone wears mascara all the time.

    Fia calls this my librarian look, I put it together early this morning, and only now had the chance to take the pic. Last week when shopping with Whimsy for her Oscars dress, we went to Reale, and I picked up these skirts. I really like the detailing, and have been throwing it on every chance I get since then.

    A few months ago, there was a need for a hairstyle in Fashion Emergency. The funny thing was that when they supplied a pic to ask which one it was, all I could focus on was the jacket. So off I went and snapped it up. Naive does such lovely work with this cropped style look. The detailing on the coat is exquisite, I really love that all the detailing is done on the coat itself, and not reliant on prims.  But I would love to see some sculpted cuffs and collar as an option too, for a fuller effect.

    Accessory Fair is still going strong to my knowledge, and the item that called me to it in the first place was the ‘Where are my glasses’ necklace by Sissi. Not only is it a wonderful and humorous accessory, it has such lovely extra detailing and overall style, with the added bonus of being scripted to change as much as you can handle. The c0lours of the glasses, pearls and character all have multiple options in a drop down menu, so coordinating is easy.

    What I learned today: Today I found out that you do not have to be a premium member to own estate land, only mainland. I argued this point like a crazy person earlier today, as it was always to me, and most of the people I know, the absolute rule. I do not know where or when they changed this, because I swear it was not like that back when I started, or dreamland and all those other estates would have never made money.

    The whole basis of ‘leasing’ from the land barons, was that you didn’t have to become a premium account holder. Now what I don’t understand is, why is this the case at all ? why would linden labs put their highest priced item in the hands of people that have no commitment to them, who can buy privately with lindens, and then also pay tier with their lindens, by turning them into USD on the website, and not taking them, as LL goes to your USD balance first. So with no info on file, or ID needed, what is going to safeguard them against possible fraudulent behaviour ?

    I am just baffled by it, so thought I would share :).

    Hair: Summer – Fri.day

    Skin: Portia – Tone 3 Red – Natural – Adam n Eve

    Clothes: Saquito Lulu White Jacket – Naive

    Sarja Skirt – Reale

    Free Tank – Fri.day

    Shoes/Boots: Promenade – Kalnins

    Accessories: Where are my glasses – Sissi @ Accessory Fair

    Serenite (Black*Black) – [!SyDS! Ring]

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Anexx,  Artilleri,  BOOM,  Cobrahive,  Dernier Cri,  Here Comes Trouble/HCT,  Kalnins,  MichaMi,  VR Foundry

    Romper Domper Doo


    Sales are always fun, and even better when you have been meaning to go over and get your fix for ages and haven’t had a chance. The other things that are too much fun, are new AO’s . The other day I got one, and was attending a meeting and just giggling myself silly, while I bent and stretched and seriously exhausted my avatar and others watching me.

    The new AO is one of two recently released by Body Language. Romp is a definite no standing still styled AO. It has so much movement, and most of it is fitness like in nature. What better way to show off the new shorts by Boom I thought, so that was my first play today…also handy that I got fab new visors from Cobrahive this week. They are the store having a huge 50% off sale at the moment, and if you haven’t indulged you need to. Unisexy content for the win, so you can take a group of friends over and have a shopping party.

    Also new and a definite throwback to the 80’s are the sneakers by Anexx, these are reebokesque for sure. Everything about them is fun, the fringe on the sides, the beaded ends to the hang down parts, and the three different options, plain, paisley or rose print on the sides to these adorable hightops.

    Even MORE 80’s are the Denim Boots also by Anezz, wow talk about flashbacks, these were so popular back then. One of my best had a pair a bit lower and looser than these, and the funniest part about the jeans like boots was the pocket replica portion actually worked as a pocket, so storing your ID and such for the night was totally taken care of.

    The Riddle dress and coat combos are not only stylin for colder days, and yeah down here we are moving into that territory, but the coat itself is a separate wearable that will come in handy for so many different looks. Riddle does such lovely dresses that you could probably interchange the coat with other styles such as a big favourite their argyle ones.

    The Cozy Scarves are just too divine. Buttoned or unbuttoned this accessory is fantastic. You could ad so much to an item with this, totally changing the overall look of a garment. I decided to wear them with the gorgeous Rhia dresses that for me are so original Star Trek looking.

    The style is simple and just the right type of contrast, with Milla taking into consideration not only all layers , but sizes as well, with the premade prims portions in size options as well as mod. Pairing them up with her Pia leggings, aren’t the cutouts just adorable, I really hope she didn’t do those cutouts one box at a time, because we need her eyes to stay clear and focused for lots more beautiful releases to come.

    I stress so much about how long it can take me to get to a release, but sometimes it is a bonus that I did, with the buttoned look of the scarves, and the two tone look of the dresses working so well with the Pursay boots buttoned version by Perse. I cheated a bit here though and went with the Sasy Chic shoes in the noir for the second look, because I could and I did .

    I had to wear the eyewrap for this look first off, because wasn’t there always some sinister chick in Star Trek that appeared a goody and then wasn’t, and they for some reason are always missing eyes, or a hand or something peculiar like that – or maybe I am just mixing all my baddies together lol – regardless it is another item from Cobrahive that is just fab.

    The Faded tunics by Doppelganger have that at first male oversized shirt look to them, and honestly when is that ever a bad thing. I was watching Greek the other night and apparently it’s a big turn on for men to see women in their stuff – ok it was more about dress shirts but shhhh – what I really liked was that all the colours went so well with the snowdrift boots by Kalnins. Even though I very very much would love more colour options in these boots, the ones preset into the hud worked so well for these.

    Adding the big waist belts to cinch the look together, I am all ready for a day or night out with my snuggled footsies.

    All of the hair I am wearing for this post is by HCT, I was a bit upset in convo the other day to hear that someone thought that Babyboo hadn’t been making hair. She has been in and out of SL of late, but she does as much as she can when she is here, and regardless of new or old her styles are still so lovely.

    Also lovely are the Charlotte skins by Dernier Cri, the make up range is fun and interestingly named, and I just love the body detailing, so when looking all fit for the shorts they were an easy choice.

    * RIP Corey Haim thank you for making my 80’s crush on you something special. Your movies were amazing, and Lost Boys is not even the first that comes to mind. *

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    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Gabriella , Kelsey – Here Comes Trouble

    Skin: Charlotte – Chestnut Nude Freckles , Charlotte [Coffee] – Natural– Dernier Cri

    Clothes: Wei Shorts , Camper Hoodie , Wild Girl I (red) Bikini Top– Boom

    Sabrina Swimsuit – Artilleri

    Shoes/Boots: Fringe Sweed Sneakers – Anexx

    Accessories: Visor Cap – Cobrahive

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language – Sweet Lovely Cute – Romp AO

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Evette , Smitten– Here Comes Trouble

    Skin: Charlotte [Chestnut] – Cat Liner– Dernier Cri

    Clothes: Winter Blues set – Riddle

    Shoes/Boots: Remake Denim Boots – Anexx


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language – Sweet Lovely Cute – Basset AO

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0 – VR Foundry

    Picture 3:

    Hair: Fritz , Distini, Kassina– Here Comes Trouble

    Skin:  Charlotte [Coffee] – Island: Rose , Charlotte [Chestnut] – Valley: Rose– Dernier Cri

    Clothes: Pia Leggings , Rhia Dress – MichaMi

    Shoes/Boots: Pursay Boots, Sasy Chic Noir – Perse

    Accessories:  The Cozy Scarf Buttons, Eyewrap Chain – Cobrahive

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language – Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Picture 4:

    Hair: Trina, Selma, Lillian– Here Comes Trouble

    Skin:  Charlotte [Chestnut] – Dawn: Steel, Charlotte [Chestnut] – Dawn: Teal, Charlotte [Chestnut] – Scene: Pink Dernier Cri

    Clothes: Faded Tunic – Doppelganger

    Shoes/Boots: Snowdrift Boots – Kalnins

    Accessories:  Big Waist Belt, Kurosu Choker, Eyewrap Chain – Cobrahive

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language – Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • 5th&Oxford,  J's,  Kitties Lair,  LeLutka,  Magika,  MichaMi,  VR Foundry

    That Coat

    That Coat

    So with all the buzz about the Oscars, I was planning a post based on looks you can do for them. Formal, Semi Formal, or just downright vintage casual. But then the post took on a mind of it’s own due to the coat I picked up last night while gallivanting around with Whimsy.

    She looks so pretty in her Oscars look, but we ended up doing one of our sim hopping, this store leads to another, and as I said, it ended up all about the coat. I could go on for days with looks with this one. It is that perfect old suit coat that I love thing happening, and the possibilities with it are endless.

    The coat is from Luster, the recently rebranded store, with items by Lo Jacobs. We had actually gone to Tableau because Nylon had released some newness – yes got some of that too – and I took off across the street and took Whimsy with me, she got all coated up too with a different style, but this one is the icing on the cake so to speak for mix and match brilliance.

    We then ended up at Mischief Boy, a new to us Hair Store, so new in fact that I think they were still setting up. The hat hair screamed Benny & Joon to me, and if you are a movie buff you will know exactly what I mean…so I was off and running in that tangent. Then next door to that we found another store so new that their vendors weren’t set for sale yet, but there it was, like a beacon calling to me the Tie Shirt. Off we went to their main and bamm it was mine.

    Seriously it is bloggers fate as I call it, as no real effort was made, the items were just everywhere I went, in perfect harmony. I got home and was thinking pants, I did kind of want to do a gaucho kind of look at first, but then I remembered that MichaMi was having a retirement sale on some of her items, so off I hopped and grabbed the black version of the fabulous Stella suit. The half off sale makes everything you don’t have a must…and when the suit was released I tried to behave and not go auto for the black, so yay a bargain – lol MichaMi is a bargain full price, I am just playin.

    Running to the middle me, that dress underneath, kind of reminded me of a tux, with the coat over the top, so adding my big mod bow I was a mix and match equivelant…kind of clubby, kind of fun. Speaking of fun, OMG that hair, seriously it’s a treasure of a style…so pretty in fact that it is supposed to be worn with an attachment of butterflies, but I will save those for another day.

    The hair I got at the Accessory Fair that is on at the moment. Whimsy and I went a few hours ago, and it was really lovely to spend that time moving in and out of the stores. One bit baffled me though, I looked at Map to realise there were actually two parts to the sim for the fair, but I couldn’t work out how to get to the second without flying over the buildings in the middle – I could have looked it up in search I guess, but I was worried I wouldn’t get back in.

    Anyway it was a Jewelry store called SyDS! That I got the Hair in, and lucky for me, we spent so long outside waiting for the gorgeous rings we bought to rez, that the hair finally rezzed inside…no demos that I could see but YUM, what a gamble and the price is wonderful.

    The other stunning item I got at the fair were from Ganked, I think we bought everything in there. This is the Pomp set, and it is just so elegant with all the shiny, but also costumey enough to wear in this way, which means it will get worn more often than your regular formal jewelry probably does.

    My major excitement earlier in the week was over the hat on the left. Four hats to be exact, from Sascha’s Designs. As soon as I saw them announced I was off and running. The style of them, the textures used totally had me thinking I was going to end up broke by the time I left, but the prices of them will shock you if you are a hat lover, I wont spoil the surprise just get on over there.

    Veil style pillbox hats like this one are always a must have, this one being a tad oversized than a traditional pillbox , but that is what makes it even more fabulous. Sascha says she has plans for more of these, and I cannot wait, it will totally sate my hat cravings I have on occasion that just leave me usually depressed. I may just have to save on wearing the others until one of those days, and then I can smile big and happy.

    hope you do today, have a good one.

    xox Sasy xox

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: hiroto Platinum – MB – Mischief Boy (  right )

    Ecce homo/Enchant – SyDS! (middle)

    Kia – Magika (left)

    Skin: Ife – LeLutka

    Clothes: Frida Coat – Luster(all)

    Stella Pants ( from suit) – MichaMi (right)

    Print Tie Shirt gustnado modo (right)

    Helda Mini Dress – R.icielli (middle)

    The Tease Lingerie, The Tease Underbust Corset – 5th & Oxford (left)

    Urban Agenda Pencil Skirt ( from set) – Indyra Originals (left)

    Shoes/Boots: Caged Heels – SLink (right)

    Alisa Zebra – Kitties Lair (middle)

    Long Boots Round – J’s (left)

    Accessories: Pomp Set – Ganked @ Accessory Fair   (all)

    Black Dop Hat – Sascha’s Designs (left)

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: DeLa

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Bax,  Discord Designs,  Stellar,  VR Foundry,  WWI

    Hump de Hump


    Olive 2

    I am having 80’s hair day today, all by myself maybe, or not…because some of you I know will love these styles as much as I do. The first one I think is just gorgeous , and if I had truly curly hair, I would be so happy if it styled as perfectly as this. My mums friend had a daughter that suffered from dry scalp as a baby, her mum used to massage it with baby oil every night, and her hair turned out just like this first style…I don’t know if one had anything to do with the other, but start rubbing, because it cannot hurt.

    The month of March is definitely a green month, as St Paddy’s day is just around the corner, and for some odd reason I always think of Stellar when I think of that day, probably because they usually do such fun group gifts for the day. This year I decided to get in first and enjoy the beautiful green knit dress , with some gorgeous green suede boots and fun garter socks.

    The second look was a bargain as the skirt is one of four that are available today with the humpday bargains to be found around the grid. I happened to stumble into that one, so while shopping there anyway grabbed it too, I was kind of naughty as I didn’t even wait for the rez but at 69L who cares. Four colours in the skirts and one of them was also green, so tempted but didn’t want to give up the chance of using the pink option on my white boots – yes confusing, but it feels like getting a free pair.

    The hair I am wearing in the second pic is not for the faint of heart, this weighs in at 418 prims on two attachment points. That is some piece of work, and so cool to finally have a longer version of the much loved braids styles from Discord Designs. I have always loved these styles of hair, and I have to admit that with the ever growing number of skins with hair bases, this sort of look just got even better with that option.

    Today I am wearing the Sheva skins again from unBra , I couldn’t resist wearing more of those beautiful make ups. The eyes are just so mesmerising, and the lips lush and full. Doesn’t hurt at all that the body is sexy as hell also. I do think personally that I could do with the breast area toned down a touch, as the crease in the cleavage for my shape sits a bit too high, but when wearing revealing and tight clothing, it all works, and works well.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: AGATA Model  05 – W & Y

    Skin: Sheva- redux A / M5 – unBra

    Clothes: Timeless Knit Dress – Stellar

    Army Girl Garter Socks – World Wide Industries

    Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots Green Suede – BAX


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Monique – Discord Designs

    Skin: Sheva- redux A / M11– unBra

    Clothes: Plaid Micro skirt flexi, Gidget Shirt– Stellar

    Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots patent white – pink option – BAX


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0 VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • LeLutka,  Maitreya,  Persona,  VR Foundry



    Ok story time.

    A while ago I got an invite to a fashion show, not so uncommon but the name of the store was so familiar to me. Funnily enough I had been cleaning inventory the day before; and when I came across items from the same store I got all nostalgic.

    The invite sat out on display in my house for a week, I did not want to miss the show. The day came and I tpd over and crashed so hard that I couldn’t get back online for a few hours. I was sad I had missed it, but then the next night when with Mel, I was chattering away and a blue drop down appeared – remember my story about Mel and Xstreet – and he said that he saw something he thought I may like.

    Not only was the outfit fabulous, but it was created by the designer who’s event I had missed. I was so happy that I swanned around in it all day. Now the background is that many many moons ago, back in August of 2006 a girl I had brought to Second Life had made friends with a very popular then D.J called Arty, and that D.J had a friend that he wanted us to meet, and at that time I was blogging for Appearance Mode.

    So we all went to this store, and the creations were all lovely, and elegant and I bought two sets which I went on to blog and really enjoy. Somehow though over the years, I lost touch with that store, but never forgot the really nice time we spent there with Designer Kimmera. It was a fun day, with Arty, Kitty and even Fia came to spend time with us that day.

    I am not sure if Challis or Caralyn still exist in her inventory, but they sure do in mine :).

    The Divalicious set is gorgeous. The hat is reason enough to buy it, but the fantastic use of system skirt for the sarong, and the high cut swimsuit that is just superb…it all works so elegantly, and would be perfect for walks along the side of a pool at some incredibly expensive resort, because a look like this has to be seen, it’s not for swimming in.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Hair Attachment MODIFIED – LeLutka not sold seperately

    Skin: Ife – LeLutka

    Clothes: “Divalicious” Swim – Tres Beau

    Shoes/Boots: Neyya Toe Cap – Maitreya


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page