blog – Sprinkle your stores
I was talking earlier about the fun that is shopping. Sometimes it is fast paced, you find a new store, or visit one you know you love already and the right click buy is faster than gunfire.
Then there are those days you really get to enjoy a store, looking at it not only for it’s creations, but it’s whole aesthetics. Quirky little charms, and a real feeling that you are in the space of someone that wants to share with you the whole experience of their passion.
Unfortunatly though, due to prim limits and expense, you cannot always add or do what you wish you could. The quirk or little parts of yourself cost extra, and sometimes – and especially with newer stores – that can cost more than you have to bargain with.
Recently I went to look at some skyboxes with Whimsy, it was actually before the new year lol, so not so recent recent. There was one in particular that I loved, not just for the design, but because the creator put a bit of her own heart in the build.
It was a poem that the builder had taken and rewritten onto the texture of one wall, the house of course came with a version without. But this kind of touch completely made the house a home.
I think stores should look like stores, I am not saying run out and redo your whole shop in personal house like looks – eeks at livingroom wallpaper walls in a store – but add a splash of you to it. Some of you may remember MAD Magazines. I was comic mental as a kid…and would totally spend hours now reading them too if I had the same access to them I did then.
If you do, then you will remember the little miniature cartoons that ran up the sides of the page. They were so incredibly detailed and often had their own little story going on, but they were also not a distraction from the main pages themselves, just extra sprinkles if you will.
Whippet & Buck has such sprinkles, one in particular makes me smile every time I visit the store. I once read a twitter from Dakota Buck alluding to her love for Project Runway, this was when the show first came about. I have only recently ever watched it, and I was so entranced by the whole thing, it is an incredible show…not your normal reality TV crapola.
Now that I have watched it enough, that sprinkle stands out to me, speaks to me about passion. To those that have never seen it the same thing just works within the store environment. But those that have will smile, and know a little more about the girls behind Whippet & Buck, and that one thing makes them real.
I bought the fat pack of the beautiful new cropped bustier, and knew that it would have so many fun uses. This is just one.
Have a Passion Filled Day!
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 1:
Hair: Joanna 2 – Fri.day
Skin: Alice – LAQ
Clothes: Mia Corset Pants – Leezu
Rachelle Cropped Bustier – Whippet & Buck
Shoes/Boots: Stomper Boots – The Abyss
Accessories: Art Deco set – Bliensen + MaiTai
Army Green Hair Rose – Essentia
Sculpted Nails with Hud – Pixel Mode
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
blog – Ta Daaaaa
I have this obsession, it is known as Ninja. It has had such an impact on my life in the last year or so. Yes it is a website that lets me see shows that are not yet in Australia and I love it.
One such show of course is Glee, only just started down here, and yet I have already seen the season on Ninja. I have laughed, I have gasped and I have bawled like a baby over that show…not only are the cast incredibly talented musically but they sure as hell picked a bunch of truly wonderful actors that can really pull at the old heart strings.
So the other day when I was tping around, I saw this fab t-shirt and just had to show my Glee love, it is the perfect backdrop show for a bunch of society labeled “losers” and that they all come good, and are shown to have so much to bring to the table, it makes me very happy indeed.
The boots I have on are the Armarda boots by Kookie, the three colours available are a splendid mix, and with or without socks option works well, because you never know what mood you will be in ahead of time. The leather texture on these is just that right side of worn looking, and I really like the mid calf length of them.
The recent hair release from Fri.day had me joyously happy, with the hat/hair combos of YUM. Not only is there the fedora look hat/hairs , but also the loose knit cap look, all three are just perfect, and Fri.day came to the party bringing out a set of Fedora poses as well.
Have you been to Whippet & Buck lately? if not you should go, and when you are feeling a bit bleh, it is so much fun trying on all the demos of the clothes, not just for quality assurance, but just because it could open up your eyes to something you wouldn’t normally see yourself in, and you can pre plan a look, mixing and matching with other items.
Everytime I visit, even though I know exactly what I am getting, I cannot help it, I have to try them on, because I think if they went through that much trouble, I’m doing it.
Speaking of Designers who go above and beyond. I was trying to piece together my last look, and came across the fabulous Magician Vests in my inventory, I was sold on their hand drawn lovelyness…but the colours were not going to work with what I wanted to do. I Growled and Grumbled in Eclectic’s IM box, and moments – seriously moments – later I had a new colours folder of the Magicians Vest, which she has put out for sale in her store at a special price.
The vest is just perfect, and comes on all layers, so you can mix and match to your hearts content. Vests are such a classic, and when done in this style they become a perfect staple for your wardrobe, and these new colours give them a definite vintage op shop look, having you ready for a day out doing the markets and galleries with friends or solo, to finish off at your favourite cafe.
Alice is a GLOW skin by LAQ, Alice just like all GLOW skins have a youthful essence to them, that not only works for casual and sporty, but merges into girl next door turned bombshell without much effort at all. Today I went with the more out and about looks, I think after the Tasha 2 pics I needed to show LAQ in a different light lol.
I am wearing the new PM Sculpted nails…these have pretinted bases for many skins you may like,I was wearing the LAQ Nougat gloves and I was set.
The nails come in sizes from 10-50 and the hud gives you lots of colours and french manicure options.
Picture 1:
Hair: Nicole – Fri.day
Skin: Alice – LAQ
Clothes: Glee Tshirt – Awesome Blossom
Denim Pants Skirt Vintage – BP*
Argyle Socks – Aoharu
Shoes/Boots: Armarda Boots – Kookie
Accessories: armwarmers – Fri.day
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 2:
Hair: Joanna – Fri.day
Skin: Alice – LAQ
Clothes: Lizzy Boatneck – Whippet & Buck
Ultra Darkwash Denim Jeans – Celestial Studios
Shoes/Boots: Armarda Boots – Kookie
Accessories:Â Â Tortoise Shell Bangle – Essentia
Anemone Earrings – Bliensen + MaiTai
Sculpted Nails – Pixel Mode
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 3:
Hair: Victoria – Fri.day
Skin: Alice – LAQ
Clothes: Magicians Vest – E! Eclectic Apparel and Accessories
Beige Tartan Jeans – Poison
Shoes/Boots: Armarda Boots – Kookie
Accessories:Â Â Sculpted Nails – Pixel Mode
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Erotika
Yes it is true, if you are ever wanting to shoot a garage calender, or porn lol this AO is for you. Seriously the poses and jumps and hovers are dangerous. I kept expecting to get in trouble for suggestive body language, then I remembered I was at home and the cops couldn’t get past my security orb, and if they did Fia would snack on them.
It isn’t called Erotika for nothing. I wanted to show the latest delights from LAQ, and I was going to do the usual all faces thing, but it was wayyyy too much fun pretending I was in a dirty calender shoot. Aren’t you all lucky I used up all my body oil in the last post :P.
When I tried on the hair I am wearing from Dernier Cri, I told Sofia that it was like I had just been shagged, it definitely has that morning after tousled look to it that only a great big bang can achieve.There are two kinds of great hair, the ocean spray dried from the sun wringlets, and the fantastic sex waves, you know it’s true.
Anyway, this hair, that skin and a fantastic bikini while walking in the incredibly sexy shoes by Maitreya. Honestly if I could right now, I would walk straight into WOW like this and hunt down Mel. There are many things to love about this kini, the first is the colour range and style, then there is the adorable ties…but my fav bit is the detailing that runs along the inner cheek, that allows for a nice tight buns look.
Speaking of tight though, as soon as I saw the AO kick into the pose in pic three, I knew I had to dig around for the cleavage enhancers also from LAQ for their own skins…see there is so much realism there, if I was doing that pose and didn’t have them on it would be odd lol.
Get thee to LAQ the Bikini is from there too, but honestly Tasha2 is a beautiful addition to the Glow skins line, if you already have Tasha you are going to love the new make ups. If you don’t then get thee to a demo.
Picture 1,2,3:
Hair: Cheryl – Dernier Cri
Skin: Tasha 2 – LAQ
Clothes: Bikini – LAQ
Shoes/Boots: Esprit XTD – Maitreya
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations:Â EROtika-I-AO – RedQueen rQ
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – and she danced
Thora wanted Flashdance, so I scoured the grid, and I got her Flashdance. Well the best I could do in the late hours as it was. Imagine if stores in SL had real retail hours *gasps*. I love it actually, since I typed that I just had a ten minute convo about it with Whimsy.
Imagine if for every 24 hours they were broken into two 12 hour lots, and those were broken into 8 plus 4. Imagine also if it was a LL ruling that everyday your store could only operate in one 8 hour slot, and had to be manned by you or a registered business partner. I love the idea of this, the concept of having to get to the store on time, or it will be closed for 16 hours just like RL. Also the idea that you would wait for stores to open and run in and be seen to by the creator behind the products.
Imagine the four hour gaps too, when no retail business could operate, there would be clubs and social areas only, so people would plan events again. I love the idea of running home after your shift, and having to get ready in the outfit you tpd over and grabbed during your lunch break that day lol.
Ok I could come up with scenarios with this concept forever. But moving on, Thora created a stunning curly style named Jeniffer after the sexiest 70’s Jen of them all Jeniffer Beals. This hair is gorgeous, and if you are a curly hair fan this one is for you. The style will be released at some stage today…and the new textures as stated before are just stunning.
I saw this movie when I was in 5th class, a school excursion where I really think that the teachers had no idea how adult the movie was going to be. I remember the strobe light scene and all the kids in my class pretending to move like robots because it looked even cooler. One of my greatest days as a kid…and tonight I got to revisit it with this hair .
Don’t forget it is only due to the fabulous VR Foundry Professional Posestand and HUD that I am able to do the ‘more than one of me’ pics, I would never survive without it.
Also what’s not to love, I managed a stripper pole AND Body oil in this post, I think I have outdone myself this time, by the way the oil is on the outside due to it being wet – just so you know I am aware how to layer :P.
Picture 1:
Hair: Jeniffer – LeLutka
Skin: IFEsunTan-makeup4(D Brows)hairbase – LeLutka
Clothes: Fantasy Teddy (Comes with dress) – VR Foundry
Accessories: Legwarmers – DeLa
Body Oil WET – LAQ
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Maniac Posechair – Sugarmill Poses
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 2:
Hair: Jeniffer – LeLutka
Kianna – LeLutka
Skin:-IFEsunTan-base(D Brows) – LeLutka
Clothes: Basic Sheer Leggings , High Rise Tank – Oh Mai
Knit Tank – Runo Runo
Tutu – Canimal
Ballet Tutu – BareRose
Shoes/Boots: Ashia Ballet Shoes – SLink
Accessories: Legwarmers – DeLa
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: DARE , Persona
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 3:
Hair: Jeniffer – LeLutka
Skin: IFEsunTan-makeup5(D Brows) – LeLutka
Clothes: Jen says time to grow up the Rave is over Trousers – LeLutka
Lousie Shirt – LeLutka
Shoes/Boots: Shavon boots – LeLutka
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Sinewave dance pole
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Doomed to dangle
As soon as I saw the items I am showing today, I knew that they were going to compliment eachother so well. Feeling very earthy, and natural these combination’s allow you to feel free and fresh. MInd you right now I am not feeling free or fresh. Mel has just informed me that it takes me roughly on average 1.5 minutes a log in – due to my inventory – which comes to about 60 hours a year *fans self*.
I saw the first dress on Tori over at BareRose and it was instant love. But I also knew that it was the separate pieces that I would have plenty of fun with…and at triple the price it is so worth it for that belt. The belt does NOT come on its own, you will have to edit it from the skirt…as it is not copy I had to trash one of the colours I could do without. Even if you don’t want to do that, you could always buy a second set and do it to the copies. It really is easy, and such a bargain.
I had to show how versatile it can be, wearing it with a stunning top which was one of my first purchases from Boom when they had a tiny store …I had so much fun shopping there that night with Newdolly, I still remember it <3.
The second dress was also adored from up high, by this stage I was hovering with Tori in the store. I knew that the two dresses were not only something beautiful and easy to add to, but that I would love to have them easily on hand. Whimsy was of the same reaction, informing me that last summer she spent every other day in her Summer Goddess dress
The dress comes with its own necklace of a very unhappy looking sun lol, but I opted for some beautiful jewelry by Dark Mouse, where the design was very similar.
Now about the beautiful skins, as I said the items today for me were very harmonious with each other. As in the past, the skins by Dernier Cri creator have a youthful exuberance to them. I really enjoy their character filled faces, looking all sexy and yet innocent all at the same time. While you could in fact dress up to the nines with this skin on, it really is an everyday all day skin. For those that don’t want that constant made up look it definitely hits the target.
I went hair shopping at Analog Dog earlier today, and picked up this gorgeous style called Lemon. I was a bit surprised to see how her hair packs are now structured, goes to show that I haven’t been there often enough I guess.
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shown. or
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Picture 1:
Hair: Lemon – Analog Dog
Skin: Charlotte [Chestnut] – Dawn: Dust – Dernier Cri
Clothes: Elma set – BareRose
Leather Crop Halter – Boom
Stone Cords – Celestial Studios
Shoes/Boots: Tassel Wedges – J’s
Accessories: Blue Harmony Hair Rose – Essentia
All other pieces come with Elma – BareRose
Eyes: Thaw -Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen byLeLutka
Equipment: VRProfessional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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HERE to return to <a href=”http://www.sasypants.com/”>Sasypants.com</a>.</strong>
<strong>Picture 1:</strong>
<strong>Eyes:</strong> <strong><span style=”color: #ff0000;”>Thaw</span> –
<strong><strong>Lashes usually worn : <span style=”color: #ff0000;”>Volumen</span> by
<strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Equipment: <span style=”color: #ff0000;”>VR
Professional Posestand and HUD</span> – <a href=”http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%
20Deck/40/146/23″>VR Foundry</a>
<a href=”http://www.sasypants.com/slurls”>
<strong>Click for Slurls Page </strong></a></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong>Always thankful for:Â <strong><a href=”http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%
20Deck/93/215/22″>Essentia</a></strong> for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many
pieces of which I have watched being made.
Picture 2:
Hair: Lemon – Analog Dog
Skin: Charlotte [Chestnut] – Nude – Dernier Cri
Clothes: Sun Goddes – BareRose
Shoes/Boots: Tassell Wedges – J’s
Accessories:Â Midsummer Amusements Necklace – Dark Mouse
Eyes: Thaw -Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen byLeLutka
Equipment: VRProfessional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – I see the future and what it will be
OMG how cool is the post Ashia did on her trip to the future. Funny that I was watching Back to the Future only recently, and with the changing of the decade it just got a whole lot bizarre around here.
Was anyone else pissed off we didn’t get hovercars or suddenly have all those futuristic things they have alluded to in the past 20 years in movies for about this time now.I got the dress and boots I am wearing in the last post, and I really like the whole idea of the look. So much so I am still wearing it, and funnily enough so is Ashia, we is twins we are. I decided that as I was going to show more lovely Gwen skins, that I would also take the time to show some other fabulous pieces.
A moment to mention the fantastic hair base of the Gwen skins, as I mentioned before so many options, but my fav has to be the widows peak style hair line. More evident in pic two this bring all those styles that are a little bit too pulled back, into some perspective. I don’t mind either way, but I do know from experience some girls wig out at non bang hair – pun pun punnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Baiastice is the designer of the day today, the styles of that store are always so well thought out, and put into really appealing looks. Those that can’t wont, and those that can, do. Not just the clothes though, often shoes and accessories just explode off the wall into your inventory.
Today though a little change of pace with a necklace from a new to me store, unusual and suitably named, the obscureness of it really made the formal pretty la la of the gown really work for me. Sissy really gets where women come from, I really do think so. She blends style and sophistication, together with boho and vintage..and the mixes work.
Take some time to look everything over, because skimming over a vendor sometimes just doesn’t entice you as much as it should…and look at all the possibilities in the outfits at Baiastice… sometimes the sets are so rigid, but often they have so much range in their own selves and even expanding into others.
Picture 1:
Hair: Roro – JE Republic
Skin: :GwEN:: Cocoa – iLinerWIne CL1 EBD – Dutch Touch
Clothes: Auti in Bustier Dress – Baiastice
Accessories:Â Kick Rocks Necklace – —W.3rd- West 3rd Street
Black Tipped Grey Hair Rose – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 2 :
Hair: Ryan – HCT
Skin: GwEN:: Cocoa – SmokeyPiP CL1 EBD HB – Dutch Touch
Clothes: Black Stripes Mix Dress – Baiastice
Shoes/Boots: Allumeuse /black – Courtisane
Accessories: Diamond eyebrows-duble and central – Baiastice
Takara Nail/Buddha silver – Mandala
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Hair:Â Who Knew – Exile
Skin: GwEN:: Caramel – Breeze CL1 EBD HB – Dutch Touch
Clothes: Silk Armour-black – Baiastice
Black Trousers – Fri.day
Shoes/Boots: Esprit XTD – Maitreya Gold
Accessories: Deluge Earrings – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 4:
Hair: Cuto – Mirai
Skin: GwEN:: Caramel – Just Smoked CL1 EBD HB – Dutch Touch
Clothes: Disconnected Dress – Baiastice
Shoes/Boots: Destructural Boots – Baiastice
Accessories: Black tipped Grey Hair Rose – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Iconic
Right now I am spinning around on an iceberg in a bikini, only in Second Life right? at the same time I am listening to Whimsy read off the gossip and drama of the Golden Globe awards…did you know Sophia Loren wore a dress she has already been seen in *Gasps ! I mean seriously, do you think at her age, with her experience and style that she gives a damn what the media think.
She is an icon, I remember being little and seeing her for the first time in House Boat. Saturday afternoons were wonderful for old reruns of great movies…her and Ann Margaret were two of my favourites for sure.
This new skin by Dutch Touch has a definite movie star quality to it. I was trying to think who it was that the lips reminded me of, which is not easy as the skin is hand drawn. But then it hit me, Liv Tyler, and what killer lips she has ,right!
6 stunning tones, and so many different options, that the fat pack could totally take you into a new inventory level. Different brows, cleavage and NEW Hairbases, which is a very handy option to have these days.
Styling it up with some New and older pieces from MichaMi, another style icon behind the label in my opinion, Milla really does create such heavenly pieces for her brand, and she has a new mainstore too as of the past few days. *reminds self to change slurly*
All the poses I used today are from the new release by Diesel Works, they are a fun set of poses for taking pics, I like having a nice range of poses that allow for full skirts etc.
Stay tuned for more of the Gwen skins in the future, these are just lovely. They are being released soon. Now I am sitting in flan as you call it, I would call it creme caramel !
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 1:
Hair: Sasha – Maitreya (limited time only 50L for Haiti fundraiser)
Skin: GwEN:: Cream – Bebe CL1 EBD – Dutch Touch
Clothes: Maisie Sweater, Maisie Leggings – MichaMi
Shoes/Boots: La Vivien – Courtisane
Accessories:Deluge Earrings – Essentia
Sacoche Helsinki – Courtisane
Widebelt – CoCo
Knitscarf black Normal – Aoharu
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Diesel works
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 2:
Hair: Jaiden – Maitreya
Skin: GwEN:: Cream – Spring CL1 EBD – Dutch Touch
Clothes: Afton Dress – MichaMi …..Bikini worn Aaliyah– MichaMi
Shoes/Boots: Mistral shoes – Adam n Eve
Accessories: Jade Set – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Diesel Works
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Staples
There are reasons that dresses are classics, and this dress is no exception. The cut and style to it reminds me so much of that Manager in a beauty salon, or walking the floor at some upmarket department store in the early 70’s.
Not to say that it is a uniform look, but the opposite, a very stylish staple that gives off a professional air. It is the kind of dress, that once you find it, you cant afford to not buy more than one, knowing that the amount of use you will get out of it means you will want back ups.
Shown here with other lovely staples from the wardrobe, you have looks that can easily go from the workplace, to a day out with friends, or to an early dinner date. Cool or warmer weather, depending on your tastes, some accessories like the ones worn and you are set.
This delightful dress comes from the talented sewing table of Zoe Demar, last week when I blogged her jacket, I did not realise that she was in fact cooking up a whole store of goodies, opening today. You will find a lovely handful of items already released, and more to come.
Niavi is the name of the store, and its a beautiful build as well, so make sure you go and visit it and the other great stores in the mall space.
All of the pieces that I am wearing with the Classic Black Dress, are from Nyte n Day. Another incredible resource for true staples, it’s taken weeks to pry Whimsy out of her Essential Jeans. The pieces are all either sold seperately or are part of a set, and either way you will get much use out of them all.
I am so glad too that Nyte has taken some time to revisit her older items, and is slowly doing a version 2 on some favourites *chants TIFFANYYYYYY* Nyte n Day is honestly one of those stores where you could easily just sit and watch, or sit and think over wardrobe ideas. I always feel really relaxed in that store, even though it is rather large it doesn’t feel overwhelmingly so.
New Hair from Exile, this full but short style is just gorgeous. I can see this being a much loved fav for many , including myself as a go to for short but sexy hair. Make sure you also check out Woo’s for these fun pearl sets, combining different strands to make new and interesting sets.
Waves to all and sashays off in her overly comfy suede pumps from Maitreya.
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 1:
Hair: Amelia – Exile
Skin: IFEsunTan-makeup2(L Brows) – LeLutka
Clothes: Classic Black Dress Solid – Niavi
Just Corset, Division Sweater, Mortise Sweater, Vest from Schooled II Set ,Essential Jeans – Nyte n Day
Shoes/Boots: Neyya Black Suede – Maitreya
Accessories: Bratty Bead Strands – Woo’s
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.Day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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I saw these boots and thought straight away…biker jacket. They are totally that for your feet, so what’s not to love. Even the style has a engine dynamic to it at the back of the heel. I got on aim and asked Mel to log on and lend me his bike…but alas only the owner can ride.
Unlucky or luck, I take the second because it got me a ride down a long highway with Mel doing the driving. In australia we could never do this, helmets on or no ride.
I totally had to dress in theme, so I went T-Bird instead of pink lady lol. The jacket is all win, and so well structured for this look, at the moment Aoharu is actually having a 50% off SALE so you definitely cannot miss out on the bargains.
Some old favourites in the form of the Adam n Eve leather pants, I love the soft look of the leather in these, and they do come on all layers which is great. Donning the beautiful tied up hair from Artilleri, I love this whole look…simple but smoldering make up with the NEW IFe skin by LeLutka I am happy as can be.
Have a great day all.
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 1:
Hair: Trixie – Artilleri
Skin: IFEsunTan-makeup1(D Brows)hairbase – LeLutka
Clothes: Leather Rider Jacket – Aoharu
Tank Shirt – LaLa FooFoo
Leather pants – Adam n Eve
Shoes/Boots: Dare bootie – GoS
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – I challenge YOU
When you have already done half of the work, why not proceed all the way? That is my thought for this year so far, and nothing could be more obvious in this post for that exact thing. I was piecing together bits and pieces last night, and again finding so much love and attention in older items. I spent the night on my stand while Whimsy was on hers, chattering away…I love when we can do that. Mind you I then took her to see the most incredible sculptures I have ever seen in SL , and I lost her …because she went wandering off to explore with her new pc power :). I am so glad she got a new computer and now gets to enjoy even more of SL.
The first picture is not so old though, newness actually. With a little bit of older around the middle. I was swapping back and forth and trying different things, and ended up keeping on my favourite waist sash. Seeing as the skirt is so sculpted, the sash gives me that comfort zone when changing poses, to lessen the sometimes dug into the waist that can occur…this is more to do with AO’s than poses, because I avoid that.
Thinking that even the highwaisted leggings from Zaara’s would work in the same regard for a lot of things – note to self .
I am all up in that jacket, I grabbed it last night, and adore that it comes with an extension much like a tails coat. Worn on or off the jacket is a beautiful Must Have, with not a touch of fitting required…yay. I was tempted to go with shorter hair, or even an uppydo for this look, but found that I preferred the medium length style so much more, and honestly the softness of it is great.
Then it was time for the absolute showstopper. There is something about new skin and new poses, that really makes me just so excited to blog. Poses definitely, we couldn’t get by without them, and I honestly do not know how we managed earlier on. I remember my first big poses purchase was a set from Digital Dragon Designs, 500L for thirty poses – what a bargain…and I so loved them.
Today I have new poses, and as you can see in the pictures, they are just lovely to work with. Putting the hands just were they need to be for my shape, which is definitely very cool.They are a new release , as is the hair, by fri.day, and both are equally delightful.
The Skin is the about to be released IFe by LeLutka , and as much as I have wowed in the past about Estelle, and Eclat and every other skin since skingloss, this one is just OMG wonderful. The ONLY thing that I would have to say I want different, would be that I wish the beauty marks from Estelle were on this one too, but then if that was the case I wouldn’t be inclined to back and forth, and I am so doing that. The make ups on this skin are from the base to rich beautiful red lips, and a whole lot of details in between.
I will be featuring more of the make ups in the future for sure, and even though they are different and I did have to tint, I just had to wear that hair extension again from the Eclat skins pack. I just had to get my hair out of the way to show off the NEW and so sexy collar by Sissi. As soon as I saw it on release I was intrigued, and then last night when I put this look together I knew it was perfect. So if anyone lagged on the Luck Inc sim for a few moments around 1am ish it was me and my four billion prims tping in and out again lol.
Ok not that many , but let it be known…the skirt alone is around 700 prims, so be very careful of where and what you are attending in it. I checked map before I tpd, the sim was actually empty for the first time ever that I have seen. Do of course go to events in it, just not something like hair fair lol.
Now the outfit itself is all win. It is actually a skirt from a gown by House of Nyla. I have previously shown the full gown, and knew that I wanted that skirt for this shoot, but wanted more of a solid look than the detailed one that comes with. My only obstruction was that the lower portion of the corset like top is actually on the pants layer/glitch pants, so that made it more complicated. But then the saving grace, and after only two tries elsewhere, one being the waist sash from Persona again. I thought LUCK INC does perfect layers. You see the other option even though they had a jacket layer, didn’t extend it, and relied on the pants layer to do that.
That sounds like my theme right, well it actually isn’t but could be lol, if you are extending with a jacket layer, then please actually extend it, because you never know what someone is going to want it for, to put together a look.
Anyway I found perfection in the dress by Luck Inc, it was not only the right layer that went all the way down to where the skirt started, with the glitch pants of the skirt still wearable under. but it was also a perfect shade of black , so that I could actually wear this out and people would think it was made that way.
Now the reason for my thought process was actually this, Luck inc and stores like it have so much talent, and yet stick to one concept because it works so well for them, but CK Winx I am challenging you to challenge yourself…I WANT A LUCK INC GOWN!
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Picture 1:
Hair: Nicole 2 – Fri.day
Skin: IFEsunTan-base – LeLutka
Clothes: Postal Jacket , Paine Skirt – LeLutka
Helena Waist Sash – Persona
Stockings black – Izzies
Shoes/Boots: Shavon Ankle boots – LeLutka
Accessories: Takara nails/rings – Mandala
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.Day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Click for Slurls PagePicture 2:
Hair: Hair piece from Eclat skin – LeLutka
Skin: IFEsunTan-makeup7 – LeLutka
Clothes: Black Leopard Ruffled Gown (SKIRT ONLY ) – House of Nyla
Petite Dress (Jacket layer only) – Luck Inc
Shoes/Boots: Saffron Pumps – LeLutka
Accessories:Medallion Earrings and Bracelet – Essentia
Collar me Up – Sissi
Takara nails/rings – Mandala
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Fri.Day
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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