• Stylish

    blog – Diva’s


    Because I don’t have access to Appearance Mode, the blog – I really wish I did just to get my archives – I cannot be specific about dates. All I know is that in mid 2007 a wave washed over Second Life, and it was in the form of Diva’s. Machinema of course already existed, people had recorded things in world in the past, tutorials, dancing etc…but up to that time, I personally had never seen anything like it.

    The style involved was reminiscent of slapstick vaudeville, the fact that Phaylen Fairchild doesn’t actually think she is funny, is what makes her so hilarious…she is our own virtual Bette Midler, just blonde.

    That very night, the first ever showing of Diva’s I was lucky enough to interview the then cast of the show, and believe me, it was the most intense hour or so, Phaylen decided that she was going to stay in full Diva’s character, and you couldn’t get a straight answer out of her about anything. I was so worried at the time that people just wouldn’t “Get it” but they did, and in spades. They loved the interview. She has such Star Quality and her 7 years in Second Life is a testament to that.

    Coming up this month is her 7th Year Anniversary of Second Life, and it is such an incredible milestone for her. She is an absolute pleasure to listen to, and I was privileged to be interviewed by her with Whimsy Winx a few months back…reversing the tables on me so to speak.

    On Sunday just past, I also had the honor of appearing on the Tonight Live show with Paisley Beebe, and Phaylen was also a guest, and had the audience in stitches with a snippet of her upcoming One Woman Show that will be on the 13th of December, and I for one cannot wait. She shared with us little parts of her show, as well as the after party, where she let us know that the FIRST ever talking Diva’s was going to be released this week. Well I couldn’t wait, and it totally lived up to it’s predecessors.

    Are we ready for a talking Diva ? I will let you be the judge, but I for one found the whole merge of Second Life’s Phaylen Fairchild into World of Warcraft, incredible, not only from a comedic standpoint…but technically as well. How she did it I do not know, but it is brilliant camera work, and since I actually play WoW now on occasion, I understand the jokes lol.

    So grab some friends, sit back and watch the NEWLY Aired Diva’s where

    Phaylen Seeks a World Of Warcraft Guild

  • Magika,  Persona,  Prelude,  Red Qeen,  VR Foundry

    blog – Edge


    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    A girl in in group chat said something along the lines of ‘ I don’t think plaid can be fashion’, I definitely disagreed and the conversation steered elsewhere for a while. Plaid and tartan consistently over my years being alive, have come and gone, when I was a toddler it was all red tartan, from skirts to peter pan collars, to the lining on trenchcoats. I am not just talking me, even though I did love my little red plaid skirt.

    Mid to late 70’s again it reared up and was in more muted tones this time, plaid and tartan prints on greys and navy’s. Dress pants and mid length skirts, definitely crossing over into an older and more mature dressed look. Back and forth it goes, again rising up mid 80’s with the Punk/Rude looks with black bomber jackets , shaved heads and red plaid pants or skirts. Both the men and the women this time.

    I wore blue tartan all through highschool, and in Australia where we wear uniforms, plaid and tartan is everywhere in our school system.

    I had plaid/tartan stockings in the 90’s, and the burberry look came back in full swing in the end of the 90’s and begining of the naughties. Suddenly there was Burberry and Plaid, with mixes of different tartans all over the place, from luggage to purses – loves my Burberry purse – to scarfs , hats, and clothing. My purse is real, my scarfs are just regular but so adorable in baby pinks and blues.

    Even this time of the year is Tartan filled, from ribbons and decorations, to traditional clothing that brings Christmas and well wishes to all, it is not just Fashion it is the return of an old friend. Whether you wear vintage or new, plaid and tartan will always be what you want it to be…a hint of it, or a full covering, it takes a definite flair to carry it off well. Don’t go overboard of course, but “Own it ” if you are going to bother.

    I was cleaning up some folders and came across some items I hadn’t blogged until today, the hat/hair dreads are just wicked cool, I love not only the cowboy hat with the skully of doom lol, but the dreads give it a whole different dimension. Also different are these wicked cool boots, the ones with the ring between heel and base of the boot, now of course in RL I would fall over and break a limb in these, but in SL I danced away some hours this morning while Maht was doing his 26 hours for Charity.

    Second pair of boots are from the Footwear Expo and they are so cute, they remind me of wellies but with heels, which is kind of a funny thing in my house, everytime my Mum returns from the UK she brings back Wellies, yet we do not have the weather or a farm. Mind you the most recent pair were bright red, so I can’t say I blame her, and these boots remind me of that look, so for winter and snow these are definitely the go, and with the colour change hud, so much fun.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Dreaded Oblivion – Snatch

    Skin: Glutony 6 Tan@TYPE.o6-B.o6 – Red Queen

    Clothes: High Collar Sweater, Leather Jodhpur Slacks – Prelude

    Shoes/Boots: Ring Heel Boots – Snatch

    Accessories: n/a

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Diva – Magika

    Skin: Tan@TYPE.o6-G.o2 – Red Queen

    Clothes: London Plaid Pants, London Plaid Vest – Prelude

    YStrapped Layered Tank – VG Republic

    Shoes/Boots: Lolipolita Boots – Periquita

    Accessories: Brody Gloves – VG Republic

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Stylish



    A Man, his music, and the passion to endure for a cause. Today that man is Maht Wuyts, a local Second Life DJ who decided he didn’t want to just sit back and let others do, but to do himself in the best way he knew how.
    It actually started as a Joke, you know a whole lot of bragging DJ’s about how long they can go for, well their ‘record’ at Velvet – the location for this event – was actually still less than Maht usually did for fun.

    So he gave himself a challenge, that one day, when it was the right time, he would pull and all dayer… but it had to be for charity, or why bother.

    I asked him why he was interested in the particular Charity this event is raising funds for, and his response was ” I was looking for something international and a friend suggested it. I was sold by the idea that the people who get, say, a cow, will later give a cow to someone else from the offspring.”

    A real paying it forward kind of approach that is not only happening in Uganda, but is happening right here in Second Life, if you visit this event today, not only will you be helping a Charitable cause, but you will also be showing many residents that have supported Maht and his endeavour how incredibly united as a community we can be, by just being here, stopping by and saying hi, even if you just drop in 1L it is something that will go towards something wonderful.

    If you cannot make the event, you can IM Maht Wuyts directly , and let him know you are donating, and then pay his profile.
    The Target is 100K at the moment of writing this they are at 72K that is fantastic, and you can help them top it off.

    The Fund a Heifer Project information can be found HERE .

    TP TO VELVET and Maht Wuyts HERE .

  • AOHARU,  BOOM,  Clawtooth,  Gala,  Sand Shack Surk,  VR Foundry

    blog – Windy Days

    Rainy Day
    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    I love those days, when you start the day off just like any normal day, but then it takes so many dips and turns and becomes a day of blessings and pure joy. I am a hair addict, I am…truly. There are days when I could just sit in a corner and cry because I don’t get a good enough fix. No matter how many hairstyles I buy, there can be times none of them quench that burning desire for ‘The One” and believe me, I am not that picky, so I have had thousands of ‘Ones” in my time in Second Life.

    Hell the first time I ever went to Magika, I walked out a few hours later with 19 ‘The Ones”. Those are the fun days, the days when you can hit the motherload, and every style you put on is just scrumptious, you think you will never ever take it off, until the next ‘the one’ that is two vendors over on the right lol.

    Todays though was in the form of the 50L Friday style, I have to admit that I had looked at this style in the past and it hadn’t really hit home for me, but I had never actually demo’d it, don’t know why though as I did think I had tried all of them in the store. Today though I considered my 50L purchase my demo, and WOW I couldn’t love it more, at least every 30 mins for a few hours I mentioned how much I loved it, how much I needed it in other colours, and wondered if it was just that texture combo I loved and would it carry over if I got greedy.

    Well I did get greedy, and it did carry over, aren’t you as relieved as I am . Always a hat/hair addict as well, this style is just fantabulous. Everything about Clawtooth by Clawtooth hair has that effect on me though, it is Lady hair. If you are one, or aspire to being one, Bubbles can make you feel like a true woman of a time when Men were Men and Women were Ladies. When the way you turned your head and exposed a sliver of neck could send a man wild. A time when the only make up decisions you needed to make, were which red your lipstick would be that day, and how many coats of mascara was enough.

    Ok I am not that old, but I can dream. I grew up in the 70’s so all of our saturday movies were Doris Day, Dean Martin and Rock Hudson type films, Marilyn Monroe and James Dean…what a time to live. It is those times when getting ready to go out could take the better part of a full day, because primping and pampering your self was well deserved…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Did I mention I LOVE HAIR.

    Moving on to other loves, snuggly loves that is. The First pic – technically the second – is featuring a few items of snugglyness. First The Cashmere sweaters that come on every layer possible, and are fantastic for layered looks. The turtleneck style is lovely, and so graceful with the pants that are just newly released today.

    I cheated a bit with the two tone sweater look you see under the jacket, that is actually a nipply crop top, layered over The Cashmere sweater, see how fun layers make life. The Nordic Knit Coat is so many degrees of snuggly. This knit in itself is a MUST HAVE, it is so traditional for this time of year, and stands out as something that those of us that don’t get the weather for them, pine for. I love that you can wear it as a cropped jacket, or it’s full length, and the swing design of it, allows for all sorts of sizes within it’s snuggly folds.

    Another era inspired item is Hounds-tooth, the print itself is very old, and in Australia, synonymous with style and high end spending. Recently I had the pleasure of sitting in on a Fabulous Fashion taping, and the designer behind the Musashi Do brand was its guest. Shiryu explained how he always makes his own prints and textiles for his creations, and with hounds-tooth that is a very detailed task. Well he came out the other side very well, and the jacket he has created with this print is just lovely.

    The long trench coat style has a fitted flat or more flared coat bottom, a stunning contrast lapel, and cuffs that allow for cuffs to your undershirts to sit neatly under. All of the coat has been created beautifully to wear as a finished look, and it does have such a wonderful finish to it.

    The Elsa boots are another item that I instantly fell for, the style of boot is definitely something I love the looks of, the front of the boots are just that comfortable boot you hope never wear out, with the upper portion being a legwarmer type look that is texture change on click, the added peak of a banana heel has them right up there with my favourites for the Footwear Expo.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Sugar Biscuit – Clawtooth by Clawtooth

    Skin: Winter2 sniffles – Gala

    Clothes: The Cashmere , It’s Nipply, Pantime pants – BOOM

    Nordic Knit Coats – Aoharu

    Shoes/Boots: Elsa Boots – Sand Shack Surf Co (footwear Expo)

    Accessories: n/a

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Click HERE to TP to the stores


    or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Love Letters – Clawtooth by Clawtooth

    Skin: Winter2 Pure – Gala

    Clothes: December Warmth Coat – Musashi Do

    Pantime Pants, The Cashmere – BOOM

    Shoes/Boots: Elsa Boots – Sand Shack Surf Co (footwear Expo)


    Eyes: Thaw -Fusemelon


    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Celestial Studios,  DeLa,  Exile,  Fri.Day,  Here Comes Trouble/HCT,  J's,  Moonshine,  Persona,  SLink,  Uzuri,  VR Foundry

    blog- a little bit country




    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    Australians just love their sheepskin, probably not as much as the Kiwi’s do though *snickers* and then promises I am just teasing. We have always used sheepskin for clothing, it is the perfect warm in winter, cool in summer natural product. Sheepskin carseat covers are very common, and the infamous Ugg boots of course.

    It is humorous that until Pamela Anderson was parading around between takes in them, they were actually a fashion DON”T for most of us down here. But most of us have them, and generally they were used as slippers in winter, I even accidently left the house in a pair once, and when I got out of the car and realised, I freaked out so badly that I flicked my foot so hard that my boot went careening across the car park.

    Had that still been my reaction to sheepskin fashion, it would have definitely turned the moment I saw the Shearling Coats, these jackets are just fantastic, the style, fit and texture work is amazing… and so spot on to how this kind of coat would sit on the body.

    The other really versatile item in this post are the Western boots, what is there not to love. It is not easy, well hasn’t been in the past to find really well created cowboy boots, especially girly ones that don’t lean to the too girly. Beautifully crafted with all the extras as usual, the ability to wear with or without the belt strap is just one of the features I love, because it is those little things that can really change your overall appeal to something.

    A man that loves make up, is a wonderful thing. Kavar Cleanslate definitely has to be that guy, or he has a good ear for suggestions. Either way there is mucho love for the latest release by him of the Heart Shaped Box skins. Bow shaped lips, with a pouty look that usually lends itself to the most spoiled of petulant women, but with a can’t deny sultry look that could go back and forth through eras. Some of the make ups have a very vintage quality to them, and then there are some that are definitely our era so to speak. All of the names suggest a musical presence, and nothing can be more endearing than a song.

    His first foray, I do hope wont be his last. I expect to see a great range of faces come forth from Kavar, as he has always struck me as very aware of his surroundings, and the needs of the women that make up parts of those surroundings.

    Getting your western groove on is simple, and if you are feeling ” a little bit country ” like Newdoll this past week, then these looks can carry you there, without being too cheesey…not that there is anything wrong with cheese, I LOVE IT.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Deena – Fri.day

    Skin: Heart Shaped Box :Tan-DB XX Bullet with Butterfly Wings – Exile

    Clothes: Shearling Jacket – DeLa

    Black Suede Pants, Black Suede Belt – Celestial Studios

    Tank pitch sheer – Moonshine

    Shoes/Boots: Western Boots – J’s

    Accessories: Sunflower Ring (Antique), Chura Necklace – Uzuri

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores

    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Leilani – Exile

    Skin:  Heart Shaped Box – Tan-DB XX You Oughta Know – Exile

    Clothes: Shearling Jacket – DeLa

    Tshirt Stitched, Crochet stockings – Moonshine

    Lourdes Skirt – SLink

    Shoes/Boots: Western Boots – J’s


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Picture 3:

    Hair: Leilani – Exile

    Skin: Heart Shaped Box : tones -3am – Exile

    Clothes: Skully Set – HCT

    Shoes/Boots: n/a

    Accessories: n/a

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Persona

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUDVR Foundry

  • Popfuzz,  VR Foundry

    blog – let it roll baby roll

    White on Rice
    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    I am such an 80’s girl, as are most of my friends. So the first booth on landing at the Footwear Expo, for Whimsy and I was a big HoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOooooooooooOoooooooooo *CRASH*.

    Once I relogged though I was able to get my hands, or in this case feet, on the newest release from ANA-mations creator Surrealia Anatine . These rollerskates are so fun, they have a lovely glide to them as you walk and they are of course scripted well enough to work WITH your AO not against it.

    They have a fun russian style dancing crouch walk, and a lovely jump. I had fun skating around the sim, and high jumping over the stairs. No one of course was looking, had they been I am sure I would have face planted the footpath. I did try and take shots of that, but was feeling the lag.

    Wearing some old favs in the form of the Skate or Swim set from Popfuzz, this set was released a billion years ago, and still holds up so beautifully, and will be awesome for the coming ice skating months. Argyle socks, who can honestly not love them, I loved this pack so much that when I raced over to buy it, somehow it ended up drowning in my inventory for almost a year until I found it again. I am never that unorganised, just somehow as much as I knew I must have it, once I got it that was enough lol.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Cameron – Fri.Day

    Skin: Estelle – LeLutka

    Clothes: Skate or Swim – Popfuzz

    Vintages Leggings – Corduroy

    Shoes/Boots: LoTop skates – Ana- mations (footwear expo)


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Addict,  Here Comes Trouble/HCT,  Kalnins,  LeLutka,  VR Foundry,  Zaara

    blog – Ride

    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    I may not be into bobsledding in a shopping trolley, or hanging out of the back of a car by my hair – ok I possibly made that one up, as I didn’t really ever watch the show. But I do think that if Johnny Knoxville was a chick, he would be such a Disco Diva.

    This isn’t the first time I have been inspired to do the Johnny female version, and as long as people create hairstyles like this one, I will probably do more. This is a NEW NEW NEW release from HCT and I am so excited that my Boo is back making hair.

    Signing up another store for What’s New SL I couldn’t not go back as me and grab some bits and pieces, one such item was this fabulous Glitter Dress by Onyx Wear. The accessories were a no brainer, especially starting with the Love/Hate rings from Addict, Kianna does such great accessories when you want to get your Funk On, and I never have to go far as she has a store here at The Deck lol.

    If you have been looking for new sunglasses, definitely take a gander at Voyage by Kalnins, they have all the extras Kalnins are known for, different tints for the lenses, gold or silver frames, but the ability to change those in parts, if you want a bit of a mix. Some added glow and sparkle, and built in face lights, which you can thankfully turn off, it is just a shame the balls don’t go with them, because seriously rezzing (they are alpha I just mean when lagging ) with balls floating around my head is liable to get me beaten up in my group, and Mel will have a fit. We are definitely a no face lights group.

    Other than all that, I love the style, they are pure knoxville circa Elvis fabulous. Ashia and I went and hit Plus hard last night, after a crashtacular visit to Fri.day for their sale, make sure you hit that. I love all the accessories at +Plus, and really hope she keeps making more…also if you are looking for shapes, she has a shapes store next door, and her put together ‘looks’ are really great.

    I have wanted to bring out my harness for a while now, and the Zebra Slim 2.0 bodysuit was a perfect reason, SK Designs makes me happy, this combo came in different animal prints and wow the snake is hands down my fav, but snakes don’t wear harnesses that I know of :P.

    This Harness is an oldie from LeLutka, Thora wanted to get everyone into Pony Play that season I just know it. Regardless of your kinks, this thing is just fun…for some reason when you split your face into parts with leather, it takes on a whole new dimension. You should see Newdoll and I swanning around in our VR Harness Gag’s by VR Foundry sometimes, it is a site I tell you, and funny as all get out, because we so cheat on the no talking thing.

    The Envy boots by Magnifico are again featured at the Footwear Expo, and seriously if you haven’t tried the demo of these on yet, you need to get right on that. They are not only gorgeous front on, but the ruched sides are INCREDIBLE leather detailing , that must be seen…I even double taked when I saw them up close, really MUST HAVES. They do have an inbuilt clickable resize and ao function, with sounds, but all can be turned off thankfully.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Vanessa – HCT

    Skin:E/Estellesunkissed-makeup5 – LeLutka

    Clothes: Strapless Glitter Dress – Onyx Wear

    Shoes/Boots: Envy Boots – Magnifico (footwear Expo)

    Accessories: Love/Hate rings (tinted) – Addict

    Black Pearl Earrings Silver – +plus

    Vintage Pearl Necklace (tinted) – +plus

    Voyage Sunglasses – Kalnins

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Courtney – HCT

    Skin: E/Estellelight-makeup7 – LeLutka

    Clothes: Waist Scroll – CE Cubic Effect

    Slim 2.0 Zebra – SK Designs

    Shoes/Boots: Envy Boots – Magnifico (footwear Expo)

    Accessories:  Vyomi Chained Bracelet, Tarika Earrings – Zaara

    Harness – LeLutka

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Celestial Studios,  Exile,  Kyoot,  Magika,  Maiiki,  Maitreya,  P/a,  Redgrave,  Uzuri,  VR Foundry,  YS & YS,  Zaara

    blog – In the eye of the beholder


    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    It is such an odd time of year for all the SALES that are going on…for me they will not really hit until after Christmas, because right now there will usually only be the enticing, spend your Christmas money with us, not our competitors…bargains.

    One such SALE I went to the other night, had me kind of stunned at how quiet it was, but then again you can only own a whole store once, and so many have been die hard fans for so long, I was actually lucky in the fact that the items that were on sale were ones I didn’t have in all colours.

    The Celestial Studios black friday sale, is actually on until the 4th as far as I know, and everything black is only 25L , so it was a bargain to pick up a few things I didn’t already have, and especially as I didn’t have the black version of all three of my favourite pairs of pants from there.

    Anyways, moving on, I am showing mainly Beauty Avatar today, but I mixed everything up, to show the versatility of it all. I love mixing and matching, you wouldn’t know it to see me half the time, but that is rollover from constantly changing back to work clothes mid tp lol, it became a habit to not spend time to put together a proper ‘look’ to only be ripped back out of it.

    I love the style of the pieces, they do make great backdrops for whole looks, as well as worn as they come. I really like the texture work, the actual style of and in some cases sheen. It isn’t always easy to put together a great fabric with a stylish concept, and these have gone hand in hand with eachother.

    The other Beauty Avatar item I am wearing is the Daria skin, this skin is lip smackingly rawr worthy. Soft in all the right places, fit looking but without too much tone to the body shading. I really like the facial features on this skin, as well as the breathtaking lipstick and eyeshadows, but it truly is the high gloss of the lips that makes such an impression.

    All the shoes that I am wearing are available at Footwear Expo 2009, there are only a few days left of this annual event, and as a percentage of money from each and every store there goes to help kids this Christmas, it really is worth it to take a look, and maybe pic up some shoes you may have wanted in the past, or something new.

    Definitely make time to really explore Beauty Avatar, Whimsy and I helped a girl find a dress there last week or the week before, and you can really lose yourself in all the label has to offer. Take time also to check out the beautiful fountain in the courtyard between areas, it is a trunktacular creation.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.


    Hair: Akio – Exile

    Skin: DARIA – Natural Skin 06 – Beauty Avatar Couture

    Clothes: Joy Dress – Beauty Avatar

    Suede Black Pants , Patent Black Belt – Celestial Studios

    Shoes/Boots: Cala Saona 2 BlackSnake – YS & YS (Footwear Expo)

    Accessories: Hobo Bag – Celestial Studios

    Suggestive Necklace – P/a

    Dramatic Lashes lil stars – PanJen

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Voga by Ana Lutetia

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.


    Hair: Star – Magika

    Skin: DARIA – Natural Skin 09 – Beauty Avatar Couture

    Clothes: Zae Dress – Beauty Avatar

    Leggings – Maiiki

    Shoes/Boots: Stiletto Open – YS & YS (Footwear Expo)

    Accessories: Gloves Scarlet – 5th & Oxford

    Poof Gloves – Maiiki (part of a set)

    Cleopatra Lashes – Redgrave

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Street Magic

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page


    Hair: Akio – Exile

    Skin: DARIA – Natural Skin 01 – Beauty Avatar Couture

    Clothes:  A&A Greta – Beauty Avatar

    Minnu Gown Posture Collar – Kyoot

    Shoes/Boots: Big Sur Boots – YS & YS (Footwear Expo)

    Accessories: Connect Me Belly Chain – SKream

    Michelle Cuff – Old LeLutka

    Cleopatra Lashes – Redgrave

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Maitreya

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Hair: Willow – Magika

    Skin: DARIA – Natural Skin 05 – Beauty Avatar Couture

    Clothes: Tara – Beauty Avatar

    Nishar leggings full – 3/4th *plum red* – Zaara

    Three Hoop Belt – 5th & Oxford

    Shoes/Boots: Manolo Boot – Magnifico (Footwear Expo)

    Accessories: Kipepeo set – Uzuri

    Cleopatra Lashes – Redgrave

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Maitreya

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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  • Adam n Eve,  Cynful,  Dernier Cri,  Diesel Works,  Exile,  LAQ,  Royal Blue,  SLink,  VR Foundry,  Zaara

    blog – dance I said

    An5 copy

    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    An interesting thought reared it’s head earlier today. The idea of culling your inventory just to make it less of a burden on the asset servers. Now Mel and I discuss this every other day, believe me that is truly how often he picks on me about mine.

    Actually that’s not even accurate, it would be every day. Even Whimsy cops it from him, and hers and mine are almost the same in size. Whimsy scared the hell out of me last week, declaring that if it was causing a strain – Mel says that when I log back in after a crash the sim stalls – then eventually her and I wont be able to be on the same sim; at the same time.

    Ashia is more brutal with hers, she gets all powered up and starts deleting things left, right and centre, mind you though she freaks me out by not even looking at what she is deleting. Which recently meant she had to buy something she had previously owned.

    Luna mentioned in a plurk that came up about it, that she culls hers to less than 30 (I think it was) and that if she doesn’t use it in 6 months it is gone.

    I am sorry but NO WAY JOSE! I cannot go that low, never ever ever. Lately I have been going back and forth in my inventory to show older and new items together… as I always say ‘Everything Old is New to Someone”. I have gotten rid of items that are of no use to me at all, I know I have to completely strip down my furniture folder and what not…I did also get rid of over 3000 wigs recently from one designer, just because of all the colour options I wouldn’t wear…but I do have them backed up in boxes ‘just in case’.

    I know it is out of hand, and I know I am a horder lol. But my inventory is my timeline here just as much as my blogs are. I have items from every store I have managed – most of those are boxed unless needed – I cannot imagine not being able to reach into it and pull out an item I know would be perfect for a pic, or blog post regardless of its age.

    The absolute beauty of NO TRANSFER items is the ability to unpack, wear, and delete…just make very sure you kept the box. No Transfer means COPY, which means UNLIMITED amounts of said item. Example is the gown I unpacked again today to wear, the deep red one, that I modified so you could see my shoes. I have had that archived in the red for probably a year, the black is left out. Now I will delete the folder, because I know I have it safely boxed.

    There is so much of that that you can do as a consumer, and so much that can be done to ensure that is easier as a creator. You see many are against boxed items, usually because they want to see what they are getting with an item, and that is fair enough.

    But things such as fat packs etc, are better off as seperate boxes, yes you can right click take copy your single vendors and pop them into your fat pack vendor DONE, it is as simple as that. Creators please don’t make your boxes no copy though, when the items inside of it are no transfer, it is a bit dangerous to make the box they travel in different perms.

    Anywho, once you unpack and wear, you can delete, just again be sure you have a back up box that actually does contain the items ready for next time. This also applies for high price items, UNLIMITED UNPACKS, if you mod it and mess it up, unpack another one, if you cannot find all the pieces, unpack another one.

    If you spend a bit more than you are used to, and you feel that that item is something you would hate to lose, if it didn’t come in a box, then before you do anything else, make a box and drag copies of the items into it, name it exactly as it is on the item folder and save it to a different folder. I know of some people that sink valuables under the house lol.

    Anyway enough of all that.

    The shoes I have on were created just after the opening of the Footwear Expo, so they are available at the store and the fair, in different colour sets. This set is of course the darker tones that I asked Siddean to release, for those of us who love our ballet shoes with an edgier colour base.

    I was also lucky enough to choose the name of them, seeing as Ashia and I are both lovers of our ballet stuffs, I wanted them to be named after her, if Siddean liked the idea… she did, so once they were remade in the darker colours, and ready for release I bought a gift pack for Ashia, and lol she didn’t believe they were named that, she thought it was just so she could find them in her inventory that Siddean had edited the folder, and that is why she deserved them.

    My first look was inspired by the movies, you know when you see a dancing movie, there is always that teacher/instructor that was a ballerina when she was younger yadda yadda , and she just has such a lovely graceful style about her, well that’s what I was going for with this look.

    Modified the skirt on the second, so that you could see the gorgeous blood red slippers. The gown is beautiful full length, but something like this under is a perfect shoe to dance the night away. The third look could be ‘ More strippers are classically trained than you think ” look, lol but it was just something fabulous fun and silver to wear with the shoes..but if you want to call it that look go right ahead.

    The skin is NEW and beautiful, I am not only loving the usual features of Laq skins, but the make ups on the Ania are just a bit different than the usual I believe. Mallory has added an incredible gloss effect to the lips, and the colour combination’s are just perfect. I did notice more colour this time around in the eyes especially, glad to see a beautiful green shadow amongst the pack.

    Incredibly lined lids, and a really perfect under brow highlighted shadow look , that is not easy to do with the template the way it is. Mallory does her make up like someone who knows and spends time doing their own. There are such little hints at colour and shading, that can really make your eyes stand out, and it takes skill to do that.

    Ania is again a more mature version of the Glow skins, sometimes depending on shape others in the range tend to side with a more youthful exuberance, so if that has been a concern to you in the past, then you should check out Ania for sure.

    All the hair in the post, old and new is from Exile. All those lovely curls framing the face are such fun, and I really like that tousled lived in look for hair, cannot be too perfect all the time, can we.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.


    Hair: Monica – Exile

    Skin: Ania – LAQ

    Clothes: Nishar Leggings – Zaara

    Dance- a-licious – Cynful

    Shoes/Boots: Ashia Point Ballet Slippers – SLink

    Accessories: Chloe Back Knotted Pearls – Dahlinks

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Ministry of Motion

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Hair: Juliette – Exile

    Skin: Ania – LAQ

    Clothes: Carrie Gown (modified) – Adam n Eve

    Shoes/Boots: Ashia Point Ballet Slippers – SLink

    Accessories: Love Stone Pendant – Royal Blue

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Ministry of Motion

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Hair: Elise – Exile

    Skin: Ania – LAQ

    Clothes: Hotpants & Bra Top – Allesandra

    Shiny Pink Bikini – Dernier Cri

    Shoes/Boots: Ashia Point Ballet Slippers – SLink

    Accessories: n/a

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Diesel Works

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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  • Baiastice,  Essentia,  Ingenue,  LeLutka,  Vista,  VR Foundry

    blog – Tiffany isn’t just a lamp


    wp-header-exposhoe fair

    There used to be a cafe, somewhere in Australia called Freckles. Above the counter was a sign that stated “A face without freckles, is like a sky without stars”. The idea being of course, that the light natural smattering of freckles adds a beauty and charm to a face, and without them, something is amiss.

    Being one who has freckles, I kind of like that sentiment, I am however not a huge fan of make up and freckles, being that I would make sure to wear foundation to cover them, if I was in fact going all out to look all sultry and smoldering. Thank goodness in most cases we have options, to have or not to have.

    The NEW released in the past hour, Estelle skins by LeLutka are a tad different. In the fact that they do have a freckle or two or three etc, but in such a way as to define and add that lovely beauty mark look to the face…I am totally bewitched by them.

    The bodies of the skins are gorgeous, the same divine hip shading and detailing as the Eclat. But it is definitely the faces that give them so much charm. You get the light and dark hair base options, as well as light and dark brows, and because Minnu likes to think past her own self, she has given each hair colour their own uniqueness.

    Having to cater to her own group of adoring females, she has made sure that each of them, even if wearing the same skins, will in fact have that little embellishment of the brows to call their own. I love it, and for me it is definitely what makes LeLutka what it is.

    In my own group of friends we often have the same skins, same time…and with different shapes and bald bases etc, it will definitely go a little further to make us individuals. As you can see in the face shots, nothing changed accept the skin, and yet I look different, I love it.

    Moving on to the clothing, Baiastice has recently released some divine dresses. Often RL art inspires SL fashion, and in this case it is the Art Nouveau Tiffany lamp that has inspired this very retro release. The long and short versions of the Tiffany Dress are equally divine. I do wish though that the sleeves from each came in both, as I love both options, but each dress has it’s own version.

    The real attention to detail, and what made the short stand out for me, was not only the incredible flared bell sleeves, but the open front and back collar, with it’s deep dip. Not even wanting to wear hair that may take away from it, I chose to use the skin hair base option.

    Versatility is key with Baiastice, and the ability to wear the items different ways, just allows your money to go further, such as being able to wear the shorter option as a romper as well, HOT HOT HOT and very Disco Diva.

    Audrey, which of course makes us think of the must have little black dress, is the name of one of the other items in this release by Baiastice. Again the ability to wear it many ways, this dress is just beautiful, fitted in all the right places, with added flair if you so desire, or a tamer option when needed.

    Moving on with these party dresses, to the perfect Dancing Shoes. These are Zara by Kitties Lair, and are one of my MUST HAVES from the Footwear Expo 2009. Not only are they gorgeous Tfront dance style shoes, but they are a set of two that are the charity shoes for the fair. The hud was painless, I had them matched to my skin in seconds, and there are save presets to make it easier.

    I am really in awe of how far Kitties Lair has come with her shoes range, I have some fast favourites in my shoes folder from her store from way back, but these, and the other recent releases have definitely tipped the scales for me. Make sure you do not miss out on this set, there are of course other colours available, and they do have other bells and whistles like changing the heels colour etc…but the expo charity set is a MUST MUST MUST.

    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Aradia – LeLutka

    Skin: Estelle – LeLutka

    Clothes: Audrey in Frills – Baiastice

    Shoes/Boots: Zara – Kitties Lair (footwear Expo 2009)

    Accessories: Casablanca Jewelry Set silver – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Vista

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Skin Base – LeLutka

    Skin: Estelle – LeLutka

    Clothes: Tiffany Dress Short – Baiastice

    Shoes/Boots: Zara – Kitties Lair (footwear Expo 2009)

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture :

    Hair: Dafy – Mirai

    Skin: Estelle – LeLutka

    Clothes: Tiffany Long – Baiastice

    Shoes/Boots: Zara – Kitties Lair (footwear Expo 2009)

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Sweet lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.


    Hair: Sofia, Magdalena – LeLutka

    Skin: Estelle – LeLutka

    Clothes: Be Mine Lingerie – Ingenue

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Sweet lovely cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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