
blog – Diva’s


Because I don’t have access to Appearance Mode, the blog – I really wish I did just to get my archives – I cannot be specific about dates. All I know is that in mid 2007 a wave washed over Second Life, and it was in the form of Diva’s. Machinema of course already existed, people had recorded things in world in the past, tutorials, dancing etc…but up to that time, I personally had never seen anything like it.

The style involved was reminiscent of slapstick vaudeville, the fact that Phaylen Fairchild doesn’t actually think she is funny, is what makes her so hilarious…she is our own virtual Bette Midler, just blonde.

That very night, the first ever showing of Diva’s I was lucky enough to interview the then cast of the show, and believe me, it was the most intense hour or so, Phaylen decided that she was going to stay in full Diva’s character, and you couldn’t get a straight answer out of her about anything. I was so worried at the time that people just wouldn’t “Get it” but they did, and in spades. They loved the interview. She has such Star Quality and her 7 years in Second Life is a testament to that.

Coming up this month is her 7th Year Anniversary of Second Life, and it is such an incredible milestone for her. She is an absolute pleasure to listen to, and I was privileged to be interviewed by her with Whimsy Winx a few months back…reversing the tables on me so to speak.

On Sunday just past, I also had the honor of appearing on the Tonight Live show with Paisley Beebe, and Phaylen was also a guest, and had the audience in stitches with a snippet of her upcoming One Woman Show that will be on the 13th of December, and I for one cannot wait. She shared with us little parts of her show, as well as the after party, where she let us know that the FIRST ever talking Diva’s was going to be released this week. Well I couldn’t wait, and it totally lived up to it’s predecessors.

Are we ready for a talking Diva ? I will let you be the judge, but I for one found the whole merge of Second Life’s Phaylen Fairchild into World of Warcraft, incredible, not only from a comedic standpoint…but technically as well. How she did it I do not know, but it is brilliant camera work, and since I actually play WoW now on occasion, I understand the jokes lol.

So grab some friends, sit back and watch the NEWLY Aired Diva’s where

Phaylen Seeks a World Of Warcraft Guild

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