• Exile,  Fri.Day,  Miel,  VR Foundry,  YS & YS

    Fake Bottom FTW


    So I have this dream this morning, that if I broke it down, I could attribute to the whole week in Second Life. The main theme was that I was late for a wedding, in which I was in the wedding party – seeing as I did a post wearing a wedding gown, it is lucky I didn’t dream I was the bride. So anywho, we were in the car on the way finally, with only 15 mins to get there, and I realised while putting on my shoes – yes everything that could go wrong did go wrong – that the shoes I grabbed were brown suede, actual shoes I have RL in storage as a matter of fact, so that was funny.

    So there is me screeching to the driver, a good friend not a chauffer , that we had to go back …she did a uturn and we ended up about a block from my house – house I haven’t lived in since 1993-  and she pulled over to answer her cell phone “damn you cougar town ‘ so I jumped out and ran blah blah blah …so anyways I woke up and thought, if SL was RL I could have contacted creator from the car, and had them send me a pair in black and paid them by however I was contacting them in the first place lol. Then as I was really waking up and getting out of bed with that thought, I mumbled and told myself ‘with your luck in that dream, you wouldn’t have been able to rez the box at the church’.

    Ok so moving on, I have a fake bum…no lies it is true. I was out with Mel earlier today, and saw some jeans that called to my 70’s loving nature. They had a nice flare in the leg, and wings on the bum. But to my amazement, and after buying them anyway because they were a bargain, I realised they had something above and beyond.

    Go the designers that work out these neat little additions, we don’t know we want until we have them.

    Yes they have a fake bum piece, seriously it’s designed to make it smoother to sit. It also isn’t bad standing up too, and the texture and lining up was great. Depending on your size these can totally make a difference to pic taking. Even if you don’t want a fake tushy, you can wear them without, and they are really nice styled jeans. I also grabbed the fat pack of these wonderful silk tops, that have extras in the pack, or can be bought in mini packs, the colours available are gorgeous.

    Wearing the rose coloured, to go with my Pure shoes. These are the most recent of the 2Real runners. HUD controlled for maximum effect, these shoes are so cool, you can change to solid colours or prints, as well as open laces or closed. I do kind of wish you could colour the laces separate from the shoes, but all in all what they do do is enough.

    Another great texture change and all the different options love goes out to the GOS Compulsive Glasses, these are no frames style which can be very cool to wear, and you have the opaque control in the menu too.

    The other night I went with Newdoll and Whimsy on an exploring SL few hours, we ended up at one of dLabs locations and the Gatcha machines got me again, I love those so much. Remember way back when I was telling you all about the corset vendor that randomly gave a corset for a small amount of money, and the hours Newdoll and I spent there, who knew then that that was a Gatcha machine in disguise lol.

    Anyway I was able to get this nifty basket in only three tries at 30L a pop, and at 90L that is one awesome basket. Even if it does have nuclear carrots. I tried not to cheat in this post on that purple task, but I do have so much to blog and am getting way behind, so I had to go grab a purple belt to show with the fabulous rompers from Fri.day. These are such fun, but also very stylish that you could easily dress them up a little more and go out on an early evening date with one on.

    I am wearing the latest skins from YS & YS and the cleavage options and the freckles are just perfect for either looks. The variety of make ups in these skins is just right from day to night, and I love the options of freckles, hairbases and cleavage you get, in all combination’s, what a big job that must have been.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Maris – Exile

    Skin: Andrea 10 Spring – YS & YS

    Clothes: Essential Moody Blue Jeans , Silky Halter – Gryphon Wings

    Shoes/Boots: Pure – 2 Real

    Accessories: Cala Saona Bag – YS & YS

    Compulsive Glasses – GOS

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: aDORKable ….. M.fox Sewing Stool

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

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    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Tatum.2 , Victoria – Fri.day

    Skin: Barbara 01 Nude Freckles, Charlotte 06 Sweet Freckles – YS & YS

    Clothes: Paradiso – Fri.day

    Shoes/Boots: Jane Mono – Miel

    Accessories: Basket – DLab

    Compulsive Glasses – GOS

    Wide Waist Belt – Fri.day

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Essentia,  Exile,  Fishy Strawberry,  Immerschoen Girl,  Miel,  Urbanity,  VR Foundry

    Grape Jelly on your belly



    So I slept for like 16 hours, logging in at the end of everyones day is so weird, but I also guess so aussie too. I am having way too much fun with this so called punishment. I might even end up wearing purple a lot more often in posts if it comes in packs that way.

    I wonder why you have to have full bright on to get a tint to tint properly, I mean what Linden worked out that that was the only way it would work, and night time be damned. Nothing sillier I am afraid than turning night to night for a romantic dance at some beautiful location, and seeing people hair on full bright.

    Half the time it isn’t even because it is tinted, it is just because the creator thinks it looks better…no joke I had a 10×10 sign up at Aleri’s platform in the old days saying “Turn off Full Bright ” it took me over a year to convince her, and habit was habit – I miss Aleri , hopefully her new college courses will lead to bigger and better things.

    The Mel shirt was so popular at Berries Inc. that Summse decided to make it into a dress also, with a great side stud belt in light and dark. She is up to amazing things at her new location, and I have been privileged to see some really lovely hair she has been working on, and for first hair, look out she is really talented.

    The hair I am wearing now is Exile, and the hair Kavar is doing lately is killer hot, I tinted the first style purple, and it came up fabulous with his new textures…yay for Mod.

    I am all up in these wide leg shorts by Eclectic Apparel, how neato are they, the plaid the gaucho leg prims, all win. High enough fit for the conservatives, and still low enough for the not so much. Grandma’s Cardigan is also hotness, if grandma was getting around showing off that much tummy, she would be a rager…I am sure it would be worn over a blouse or something, but lucky us, we get to wear a bit raunchier.

    Running around in Natalie by Fishy Strawberry again tonight, I actually went shopping in my lingerie by Opium, yay for Alaska making stuff again. If you haven’t grabbed demos of the Natalie skin, be sure to do so and see how it works for you, as I said before, even with sad face lips, I am really loving how it works on my shape, and the body is divine.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Caterina – Exile

    Skin: Natalie – Fishy Strawberry

    Clothes: Mel Dress – Berries Inc

    Dots Net Big Stockings from dress set BD 1S- Immerschoen Girl

    Valentines Lingerie – Opium

    Shoes/Boots: Far Boots – Miel

    Accessories: Royal Hair Rose – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Diva by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

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    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 1:

    Hair: Clara – Exile  (modified)

    Skin: Natalie – Fishy Strawberry

    Clothes: Wide Leg Shorts, Grandma Cardigan, Sally Coverall – E! Eclectic Apparel

    Valentine Lingerie – Opium

    Shoes/Boots: Extreme Silver Heels V2 – Urbanity


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Diva by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • aDORKable Poses,  Sand Shack Surf Co.,  Tuli,  VR Foundry

    Surfs Up

    Surfs Up

    Last night Whimsy, Gary and me were out at the new build Nemo, if you haven’t been you need to go, it is amazing. While there we met a new resident who told us he was a photographer in RL. We got so excited that this man would go on to find out that Second Life offers so much opportunity for those with a photographic vision. The tools may be completely different, but the photography that comes out of Second Life every day in ALL of its forms, is just amazing.

    The reason that we have such an incredible talent pool though, is also a lot to do with the incredible pose makers we have…some started out just making poses that worked for their own pics, and some really wanted to add to the movement of the basic avatar, making dreams come true, and the imagination sparkle.

    With Pose Fair just around the corner, one such pose store that definitely sparkles is aDORKable, their talent and just fun personalities makes using their poses so enjoyable. Whether they be fun and themed, such as this fabu surfboard that acts like a multi poseball, or their modeling poses, which the close up of me is a sneak peak at what they are planning to release for the fair. For that pose I of course used my VR Studio a pic takers bestest friend, I love having all my poses organised so effortlessly, just drag and drop into individual libraries, no need to do anything else.

    Don’t be jealous either boys, because there is totally a male version of this, which means you and yours can paddle out and take some fab shots…I have only taken a few of the ones in the board so that I wouldn’t spoil the fun. The board is also texture change, and there is a demo at aDORKables main store.

    When surf is up, it isn’t a hard leap to Sand Shack Surf, and thankfully not only my board had a purple option – yes still on punishment week, which I am enjoying too much shhh don’t tell Ashia – the bikini had a lovely pink and purple combo, and the hair is just too adorable to not wear as much as possible.

    Featuring today also the beautiful Butterfly shades from GOS , not only does he do kick bum boots , but his sunglasses are wicked too. Not only are they so pretty on, but they are scripted to be worn up on the head also, as well as a whole lot of other features.

    Oiled up to save my beautiful skin from sharks with the LAQ light body oil, all atop the Eva skin in her base make up number one, this skin is so beautiful, if you haven’t been to get the demos yet you really need to, and to try the skin at a fraction of the price, you still have time to join TULI’s in world group and grab the generous gift she sent out in all tones.

    Don’t forget to make time for PoseFair coming soon, but until then you can grab yourself a board and more at aDORKable .

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Maranna No Bangs – Surf Co. (Sand Shack Surf )

    Skin: Eva – TULI

    Clothes: Moana Bikinis Surf Co. (Sand Shack Surf )

    Body Oil Light – LAQ


    Accessories: Custom Sunglasses v3.2 BUTTERFLY [model] – GOS

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: aDORKable

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Essentia,  Here Comes Trouble/HCT,  J's,  VR Foundry,  Your Skin,  YS & YS

    Going to the Chapel


    Due to the fact that Fia wasn’t around today, I couldn’t get myself a custom wedding set, so no purple other than the backdrop in this one..but I will make up for it in other posts. I really was in the mood to shoot this tonight though, so I went with it, I am sure that Ashia will be a sport about it :P.

    Somehow this evening, the conversation steered its way to weddings and partnering, so with that in my head, I pulled out the Waterfall Wedding Gown by Sascha Designs, also because of the fact that the beautiful new skin by YS & YS has a hair base with matching bun, that just looked such a perfect wedding bun style.

    This gown has many options of wear, but this combo was my favourite, it has a real va va voom thing going on, sort of what you would expect a hollywood starlet to wear in the roaring 20’s. This gown could also be worn to an event, because of its more silvery sheen than pure white, that would totally work.

    While at Sascha Designs I camera’d across and landed on Tally Hoo, the name alone made me smile, and I thought it would be a great accompaniment to the wedding gown. If Johnny Depp was a girl, and was getting married to another girl, this would totally be what he would wear, ok maybe not, but in my silly fantasy it would be.

    All of the wedding floral items are from Essentia, there are bouquets, bouttonnieres and corsages, all matching and demos available in the store, all prim and no alpha, so it makes taking pics a breeze.

    Speaking of pics I played around a bit with this pic in ps, so the prims laying properly along the floor as of course prims usually sink into the floor or just hang there, this gives it a bit more realism for the pic, but just so you know they will not do that in sl.

    The skin again is new by YS & YS , three tones available in 14 make ups… freckles options , hair bases and cleavage enhancements, so you have so much choice, and the skin is just beautiful. So pretty, so feminine and with a really diverse look …DEMO DEMO DEMO.

    I am using some new modeling poses from Body Language Sweet Lovely Cute, I actually would have shot so many more fun wedding shots, but again with all the alpha and prims, I wanted clean looks, so I will just have to use these fab poses in other shoots, the packs are great, so make sure you stop by and splurge.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: bun from skin – YS & YS

    Saleen Hair – HCT

    Skin: Barbara 13 Ice , Andrea 14 Smoky– YS & YS

    Clothes: Waterfall Wedding Gown , Tally Hoo Set  Black Belt- Sascha Designs

    Shoes/Boots: Nana Heels – Enkythings

    Long Boots Round – J’s

    Accessories: Casablanca Set Silver – Essentia

    Grey Tipped Black Casacading Brides Bouquet , Bouttonierre– Essentia

    Top Hat Black– Sascha Designs

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Body Language Sweet Lovely Cute

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • BOOM,  CoCo,  Crazy,  Essentia,  ETD,  Glitterati,  Magika,  Maitreya,  Miseria,  Woo's

    Purple shades of Grey


    Honestly if it wasn’t for the generosity of the designers that send fat packs to be blogged, I would have a hard time doing this so called punishment purple week.  But luckily they realise that we can go back to an item long after originally being posted, and feature a colour we may not have shown the first, second or third time, nothing like that added exposure to your brand lol.

    It is also the easiest way to send stuff ….right click take copy of the vendor and send, easy done, no need to make up folders and stuff …I don’t know how people keep all that stuff straight sometimes. It is also wicked for making back ups of your vendors as singles for customer care and sending to an alt, but me and my belief on all designers sending everything they make to alts is a whole different post.

    It is fun revisiting older items, especially as it is something I enjoy doing often, showing older things so they can become new to someone. Such is the case of the top in the first pic, and the bottoms in the second. With some newness thrown into the mix.

    The pencil skirt by CoCo is new, and wow on the fabulous shading on the system portion…system skirts aren’t easy, and we are lucky to have some incredible designers who appreciate them, so they do them well. Purple and Grey go so well together, it is actually purple that I think does such beautiful colour contrasts, think Purple and Yellow, Purple and Pinks. It also gave me a chance to wear the lovely Ganked jewelry set – see I do buy purpley things – and these very cool new Homespun glasses, very cool shape and texture change options for frames and lenses.

    Ok it’s a bit nuts, I am still awake and of course seeing everyone from your yesterday again already after they have slept, even though it is still my today, which is now your today, but was your tomorrow a few hours ago :P.

    Ok so what was I saying ? oh yeah….the second combo again using grey and purple, is actually part of a set up top, from Crazy – fun store that one – and the bottoms are from BOOM, which I so neat because I was only thinking about BOOM earlier today and up they popped when I searched purple.

    I did some tinting – YAY FOR MOD – with the beads and the armwarmers. The hair didn’t need it as the fabulously floppy bow in the Dorothy hair by Magika actually had a perfect plum in the texture change menu.

    I am wearing the new skin by LP Designs, these skins have a cleavage that is made for a much larger bust than mine, but with the right outfits you can totally work it. I really enjoyed the fun purple make ups on both of these skins. There are actually three in the release , in two tones each and a handful of lovely make ups. DEMOS DEMOS DEMOS and especially if you like a skin that enhances your bust , these ones certainly do that and more.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Green – Maitreya

    Skin: Tatyana skin purple – light – LP Design

    Clothes: Pencil Skirt – CoCo

    Pacific Camisole – Miseria

    Shoes/Boots: Neyya Toe Cap Leathers – Maitreya

    Accessories: Vanity Set – Ganked

    City Handbag – ETD

    Plum Hair Rose – Essentia

    Hornrimmed Glasses – Homespun

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Glitterati

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

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    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Dorothy – Magika

    Skin: Svetlana skin light purple – LP Designs

    Clothes: Strange Outfit (top only) – CRAZY

    Pantime Pants – Boom

    Shoes/Boots: Verve Shoes – Maitreya

    Accessories:  Arm Warmers – Berries Inc

    Bratty Beads (tinted) – Woo’s

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Glitterati

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Celestial Studios,  Enkythings,  Essentia,  Fishy Strawberry,  Fri.Day,  J's,  LeLutka,  Maitreya,  Sand Shack Surf Co.,  Tesla,  VR Foundry,  Whippet & Buck

    Grape Ape kicks Barneys bum




    Ok so I am in the sin bin for a week. The punishment is that I have to wear something purple in every single post. Now purple lovers don’t get all persnickety, I have an issue with one particular purple, not all…it’s just become such a thing for me, that I tend to shy away from most automatically now. I had a purple coloured room, and my best friend growing up loved it, it was such an 80’s teen girl thing for sure.

    So I never had a problem with it, I also love plums and the shades that vary throughout the purple spectrum, but I hate one particular purple and it is because it has a violent memory spark attached to it for me. So when I say I don’t like it, don’t misunderstand me, it isn’t a hate for the colour, it is really a hate for the memory. So Ashia 😛 this isn’t really a punishment *grins*.

    Featuring lots from Whippet & Buck today. The Lesley set is a delightfully fun romper, that is made a little old school in the trimmed edges and terry cloth like look. I was trying to think of times a romper would be totally perfect for the occasion and I realised what better place than a mosh pit. Ok seriously my brain went there, and wasn’t going to come back until I put together a look that had me jumping off stage into a group of sweaty headbangers.

    My combo has its practical points too, such as Posture collar by Plastic, when flying around in the air into a tight knit group, you never know how you may land, and this thing could totally double as a brace if injured. Then you have the fingerless leather gloves, putting a nice little germ barrier between you and the masses.

    Studs often are an essential, kind of like porcupine spikes… they are great for warding off other dancers from getting in your way, you may need to head butt someone , so headbands with studs totally rock, then shoving people out of the way with swift hip movements makes the belt a plus.

    Don’t even bother wearing socks or tights that are in one piece, sheesh are you kidding. Torn is the only way to go , and these sex appeal socks are perfect, not only pre torn but the arrows show off your kick butt boots to the enemy, in case they have any ideas about taking your space.

    While all of this is going on you are perfectly covered up with your romper, keeping all your bits protected and yet staying cool at the same time, wooot terry cloth. But if mosh diving isn’t your things, well then you can always just go out for the day in yours, the style is adaptable for all needs.

    I am sure I mentioned the show Greek the other day, and the sexy in a mans shirt episode, well in following along that train of thought, the Shay contrast shirts are perfect. They are of course from the Whippet & Buck mens section, but honestly I love that side as much as the girls side. MORE PANTS PLEASE !

    I could totally see walking around the house with one of those on over my lovely Agnes Lingerie, also from W&B – see that I got lazy there. The Agnes set comprises of the pieces shown as well as garter straps on the corset, they are just for decoration though,  as there were no stockings with, but I am sure I can hunt for some that will work…sometimes a bit hard to match up garter ends to stocking tops if not same creator.

    I am wearing the corset/cincher over the top of a boater top I went and grabbed from W&B during taking pics for the post, yes it is true I needed to get more purple lol. This is actually the shade of purple I have the issues with, but I made an exception, the style of the boater top is great, and there is a huge range of colours to choose from, I have it in other colours already.

    Are you liking the skins I am showing today as much as I am ? They are the latest release from Fishy Strawberry, and you totally need to go hit her SOM today, because a group gift is going out at some stage that is just beautiful. The body of these skins is so well done, the options are of course enhanced in the cleavage area, with light and dark brows as well as hair bases. The make up on them is beautiful and even with the down turned lips they come across as really character enhancing.

    I am really liking the little bit wild side of the latest hair by Fri.day, the studded headbands are so cool, and the options for without and colourchange make them very wearable all the time.

    Now I hope I remember to do the purple thing the other days this next 6 days, I wrote myself a note RL lol. Have a fun day everyone, and don’t let bad memories influence you forever, you may miss out on some incredible things because of it.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Scarlett , Anna, Adriana – Fri.day

    Skin: Natalie – Fishy Strawberry

    Clothes: Lesley Play Suit – Whippet & Buck

    Skull Gloves – Sassy Kitty Designs

    Knitted Sex Appeal Socks – LeLutka

    Shoes/Boots: Goth Buckle Up Boots – J’s

    Chi Chi heels – Maitreya

    Accessories: Recluse Collar buckled black – Plastik

    Belt from Kate Set – Indi

    My VW Thing Glasses– Surf Co.

    Takara Nail/purple – Mandala

    Retro Montage Necklace – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: My Pink Skully

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

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    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 2:

    Hair: Adriana – Fri.day

    Skin:  Natalie – Fishy Strawberry

    Clothes: Shay Contrast Shirt, Cole Boatneck, Agnes Lingerie Set – Whippet & Buck

    Stone Cords – Celestial Studios

    Shoes/Boots: Nana Heels – Enkythings


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Glitterati

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

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    shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.

    Picture 3:

    Hair: Scarlett 2 – Fri.day

    Skin: Natalie – Fishy Strawberry

    Clothes: Iris Ribbons and Ruffles Dress, Claire Set Lingerie – Whippet & Buck

    Shoes/Boots: High Oxfords – Tesla

    Accessories: Rainbow set – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: Glitterati

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

    Click for Slurls Page

  • Bare Rose,  Epoque,  Essentia,  Gala,  GLOW Studios,  VR Foundry

    Flaming Co


    Whenever I say it will be a quickie, it ends up almost if not longer than my larger posts…so I am not even going to bother with that today. It is only one pic because I actually took it the other day, and then switched skins mid shoot and thought that was just all too aesthetically muddled.

    When I saw the notice for this skirt it was instant love, I say that a lot I know, but when I do it is true, it’s the lieing sacks of poo that think pretending they don’t you have to watch out for. You know the ones, they sit in plurk or twitter, or some random group they made to backstab those they call friends, then put down a designer because they think it is ‘cool’ but guaranteed next release of that designer that little parasite is the first to tp.

    I love those people, like ringworm. Too dramatic ? probably, but last week I decided that I was going to pull forward that age thing, you know the age you get to say whatever you want, scary for reals, because if I actually did do that, all hell would break loose lol, so don’t panic, I am just not that into you.

    What I am into, is this skirt. I love tiered skirts like this one. Incorporating the peasant girl, gypsy look in all its swooshyness. Sn@tch released these in not only one with tops in different colours, but also in a pack of just skirts, and seriously every colour, even the purple I am all for. It is great when a pack works that way, mind you I don’t think there was a singles option, but the price of all of them was in lines with what I paid for one skirt similar a few months back on it’s own, and yet have never worn it since.

    It comes with three attachment points, but honestly unless furry, you really don’t need to worry about the leg parts being taken up, unless you carry a firearm down there, and that just has to be dangerous right?

    Moving upwards we have the new OhMai tube bra, not made to be ‘pretty’ it is a basic that I have already worn upwards of three times since release, it is just a great ‘grab it and wear it’ piece. When I put the skirt on, I knew what top I wanted to wear it with first off.

    A much older item from my inventory, this bolero was released by Bare Rose yonks ago for their ten L store. Talk about love, I damn near broke something trying to get to it, couldn’t find it because I didn’t read the ten L store part…thank goodness they have such great customer service over there, they helped me find it and I bought them all, they are just beautiful at many times the price.

    Also loving the swedish nanny hair from Epoque, ok it is totally not called that, but how cool is the design, the braiding that forms a perfect bun is just beautiful, and the one click colouring hud is easy to use.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Hierarchy – Epoque

    Skin: Vixen 2 Acorn Dark – Pure 4 – Gala @ Curio

    Clothes: Nightmare Skirts – Sn@tch

    Lace Bolero – BareRose (TLS)

    Basics Tube Bra – OhMai

    Shoes/Boots: Xian Slate – Vive 9

    Accessories: Give Up Earrings, Gold Crow Ring – Glow Studio

    Grey Tipped Black Hair Rose – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

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  • Adam n Eve,  AOHARU,  J's,  LAQ,  VR Foundry

    Girly Girl


    I am a city girl, and I am staying that way. Lately I have seen a lot of very casual releases from stores, like so casual it has been stressing me out. Is it trend ? is it what is being seen in fashion mags, or T.V ? or is it just simply just that people have given up on dressing up ?

    I have literally sat on my bed RL in tears on a sunday morning around the mid 90’s , because I have realised I don’t have a damn thing to wear to a christening. All of my clothing was going out wear, or business/work attire, I just didn’t do day time – I was usually not awake – that day after sending my boyfriend (then) around the bend, had to resort to mums wardrobe for at least a dressy shirty/sweatery thing of some kind that wasn’t black.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like jeans and shirts and items of that kind in SL too, but we seem to have them coming from all directions. They are nice to throw on once in a while, but they will never be an only choice for me.

    Second Life gives us the chance to wear things we wouldn’t wear – such as fantasy or RP, or just full on high fashion pieces – everyday, but it also allows us the chance to show off our own fashion sense, and seriously the leaning towards ubercasual is starting to really concern me. I want more frou frou dresses, I want girly fabrics and trims, and things that go swoooooosh when I walk.

    I want big hats, and pretty make up…I want, I want, I want, I wannnnnnt – laughs so hard, if you have ever seen the movie Threesome you will remember that awesome break down Lara had lol.

    Anyway, rambling aside…today I wanted to dress it up, both dressy going out, and dressy day time casual. No christenings, but the second look would totally be how I would dress for a daytime activity, especially with all the upcoming summery events.

    Both looks are just beautiful to wear, a mix of older pieces and much newer… I am featuring skin by Uzuri, that has a beautiful hair base, so nice in fact that in the first pic I went with it alone. In the second I went with one of the hair base hairstyles from LAQ.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Base from Skin

    Skin: Ramla – Soft Smoky – Black (hair) – Uzuri

    Clothes: Ayo Red Solid Cocktail – NIAVI

    Shoes/Boots: Samara – Adam n Eve

    Accessories: Suri Set – Ganked

    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

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    Picture 2:

    Hair: Tasha – LAQ

    Skin: Ramla – Indigo – Peach (hair) – Uzuri

    Clothes: Front Knot Shirt Flowers – Aoharu

    Tango Summer II Capri Tan Olive Belt – DE Designs

    Shoes/Boots: Tassele Wedge Sandals – J’s


    Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon

    Poses/Animations: LAP

    Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka

    Equipment: VR Studio Posestand and HUD v3.0VR Foundry

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  • AOHARU,  Essentia,  LeLutka,  VR Foundry

    In whose mouth?

    Innsmouth 1

    I had the most amazing day yesterday. First off Happy Rezday Ashia Tomsen and Newdoll Nikolaidis, fancy that, they both joined SL the same day and didn’t meet until a year or so later – thanks 60 minutes for the cover story that brought them both here.

    So I went off to do some shopping, and came across some lovelyness, TP’d over Whimsy and before we knew it we were off and roaming the sim. Our hearts leapt inside our chests when we came across one store, and we ended up TPing Newdoll over to join us for a day of roaming the grid, dressed like we had come straight off the plantation, see us HERE .

    So in our travels we went to a fantastic sim via the search showcase,/editors picks, he/she did a good job on that selection. The sim is called Innsmouth and it is incredible, an old fishing village overrun by seamonsters, or something like that, The monsters were so not scary, that I kind of expected Scooby and Shaggy to come flying around the corner.

    The sim is not only incredibly beautiful to visit, but you can also buy the buildings and recreate your own, at such an incredible bargain price.

    I went back today, running into the talented hair creator Catty Loon, and took some more pics. This time wearing a little less fabric, but equally as pretty. The flower strapless dresses by Aoharu come with two skirt options, and are just lovely for by the waterfront strolling. Mind you the weather can turn and turn fast, lightning and torrential rain are what make this sim even scarier, I actually screamed yesterday walking back up the overturned bridge, when I heard footsteps behind me lol.

    As much screaming went on today with the falling in love with the Audrey hat, old old old LeLutka , but so darn beautiful I had to buy two , and will probably have to get more later, I am just lucky that it’s woven, so the umbrella arm slid right up in there 😛 . I have no plans to show you more of Innsmouth, but I do urge you to go visit, with friends or solo, the sim is breathtaking.

    Using the VR Studio Library HUD I was able to take pics on location with ease, the great thing about it is that no one knows what your up to as it is silent. Just link and pose, and you are good to go.

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    LeLutka – Skin – Ife Dark Tan Base

    Hair – Aradia, Lea 4 , Lea

    Shoes – Saffron Pumps

    Aoharu Flower Strapless Dresses

    Essentia Red Hair Rose