• Baiastice,  Essentia,  Fri.Day,  J's,  LAQ,  Stylish,  Urbanity,  VR Foundry

    Red Sole



    I totally cheated today, you may wonder how and with whom? but it was all innocent and Mel knows all about it.

    Fact is that recently Baiastice released some menswear, and while this is not all of it, it is a great taste for both sexes. The male in the pics is actually just me in Mel’s shape wearing the Daniel skin from LAQ. The hair the male me is wearing is also part of the Daniel skin pack, as well as a huge amount of facial hair options. Very rugged and chiseled features on the face, he is a looker for sure. Baiastice always provides beautiful textures and lovely quality whether mens or womens wear. It also always has that Euro influence that is probably more visible in the mens.  The first look can be regarded as an afternoon early evening, maybe into the night look.

    The second look is all evening, and scrumptious. I really love the snugglyness of the sweater, and that dress, Sissy really knows how to leather up a lady. The Kristel dress comes in many colours, but this deep red is just gorgeous, and went so well with the Mercy shoes by Orange Creations. These shoes have not only fabulous colours and straps, but the soles can be either red, black or tan which is sometimes so sexy or can really enhance a look. Easy to use HUD for skin tone matching and nails. I love a red sole and was actually reading an article about Loubouton only yesterday, one of the things that I found amazing in that article was the fact that his biggest customer with over 6000 pairs of his shoes is Danielle Steele. Imagine what she could do for the SL shoe economy if she became a resident.

    I am liking my little door for the time being, so I think that will be used a tad more, who knows though, I tend to change mid post as you have seen lol. The poses I am using today are from aDORKable who are about to celebrate ONE YEAR… I am so excited for them, as they are an amazing team, and have such passion for what they do. So Happy Happy One Year Dorks <3

    I really enjoyed doing a post with both skins from the same place, the idea of a couple having the same skin creator is kind of nifty. Daniel is definitely a looker too, he reminds me of Smith from Sex and the City. The Aline skin is so much fuller in the lips and that really works for me, it is nice to have that change without touching my shape. I also love the eyebrow gems as they fit the arch of the brow of this skin like a dream, again no changes made, I just double click wore.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Allison – fri.day

    Skin: Aline – LAQ

    Daniel – LAQ

    Clothes: Kean Highwaist Pants, Kean Shirt – Baiastice

    Male : Dots Light Shirt, Denim Pants – Baiastice

    Shoes/Boots: Mercy – Orange Creations

    Male – 3 way Engineer boots – J’s


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Leather Bands – Urbanity

    Deco Hoop Earrings – Essentia

    Poses by : Adorkable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Mana – The Obscene

    Skin: Aline – LAQ

    Daniel – LAQ

    Clothes: Kristel Dress – Baiastice

    Shoes/Boots: Mercy – Orange Creations

    3way engineer boots – J’s


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Diamond Eyebrows – Baiastice

    Pretty Hands Long – Page 3

    Poses by : Adorkable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish



    Yesterday I was able to explore the SL7B location. Every year it just gets bigger and bigger, and it is always lovely to see how many residents want to be involved. Every year I also wish there was more of a fashion presence there, and this year thanks to the Fashion Bloggers Group we have a small plot to show others what we do, which is great. I didn’t take pics, so you will have to look for it on your visit.

    There was an awesome dedication to the sculptie, May 2007 is when it first was released and I cannot believe the incredible change it made in the grid and creative content. There were displays showing how Music is a huge part of SL, the University of Western Australia had a beautiful tribute to all those involved in making their campus what it is in SL. I felt that their words were a message to all.

    There is an incredible amount of gifts, of which I left for another time, entertainment, and so many reasons to celebrate this incredible world in which we either spend most of our days, a few hours a week, or just visit when we have time. Whatever and however you are a resident, I truly think that SL7B is a place in which you can give thanks in your own special way, whether by taking it all in, or just letting others know it exists.

    Press Release Info

    Help us celebrate Second Life’s 7th Birthday!

    Spanning 21 sims with over 700 contributors, over 300 exhibits, over 300 live performers and speakers with special speeches from Philip and M Linden, SL7B is a showcase for the accomplishments and content of all SL residents, celebrating the “life” of Second Life.

    Sponsored by Linden Lab, this year’s theme is “Unexpected Collaborations,” a celebration of the unique character of our special world. With an emphasis on the social networks created through Second Life and the chances for creative and productive collaboration, the celebration will go on from June 21 through June 27

    It started the first year as a parade through mainland sims, with Philip Linden giving a speech over their newly connected media stream. Each subsequent year it has become more elaborate, more spacious, more compelling as the technology of Second Life has increased and the creativity of the residents has bloomed. Enjoy with us this year live  musicians and DJs, exhibits, media-on-prim, and machinima.

    This is the world we’ve made: let’s celebrate!

    TP to SL7B

  • Fri.Day,  LAQ,  LeLutka,  Maitreya,  Sand Shack Surf Co.,  VR Foundry

    Around my world

    Teal Sand

    Champ Travel

    Where Going

    Lots of different backgrounds today, I was a bit all over the place, and then finally of course found my fav on the last pic lol. Anyway it is good to play. I was also playing with shadows earlier as you saw, having done so a few times in the past which I think I only threw on flickr. Mel, Fia and I went out and about shadow playing on day, and it was great. But still not as good as I would have liked.

    The new Kirsten Viewer gave me more than even this mornings pics, but I still have to play with it some more. Usually as I told Elysium, I use two accounts to take shadow pics. As I have enough to load with my account as it is. So the alt is my pic taker on the shadow viewer, and that usually works well. Seeing as the alts also have the VR Studio HUD, it is not an issue for pic taking.

    The shadows in these pics though aren’t real, they are done in ps. Anyways, about the pics. First one is a mix of some newness. The other day I was at Niniko and I am a sucker for Gacha Machines, to my absolute delight the skirt I am wearing was in one, seriously even though the pack was available, I just had to Gacha lol. Cord skirts are right up there with denim skirts, when you find the right fit, you are just in love. Speaking of love, I am sure by now all of you have been to the Summer Sunrise Festival at Tableau. If not then you best hurry, as it ends on the 25th and is actually not only fun, but is raising money for a good cause. They are raising money for the Center for Biological Diversity… and have made a collab outfit with some incredible content creators.

    Also at the same time there is an incredible opportunity for one lucky person, to win 30days store space at Tableau…that is for many the prize of the century, it would make many want to start a business just for the ability to have one there. Tableau has always been that kind of sim, from way back when it was a pier style build, with cranky starfish on the ground, and all in between builds up until now. The sexy and beautiful top I have on under the jacket is one of the items available, the Sun-drop V tank comes in 4 divine colour blends, and I love them all, so much so that without even seeing them, they were the colour palettes of my four builds this past weekend…now I can match my homes lol. Emma Gilmour of Sand Shack Surf just made a commercial for her store HERE

    The other great release from Sand Shack Surf are the shoes, with cork wedge soles they are yum, even coming in navy which I am chuffed to see, even if I did end up wearing the brown lol. Another item I picked up at the festival is this stunning locket, which you can of course load your own pic into . So delicate and really beautiful to wear. I of course dragged a pic of Mel in there, but the pic that comes with is adorable too.

    If you have been under a rock lately, then you will have missed the huge accessories release from LeLutka, bags, hats and belts up the whazoo. The shapes and style are great, but the texturing of them is genius, they look as though you could smell the leather. They gave me a great opportunity to use the recent Around the World pose set from Storin. These poses come with an arty portfolio style bag for each one, but of course they work incredibly well with other bags, such as these. It also helped with the great toweling coat I got from Ruxy the other day. Such a surfy look down here to have a hoodie jacket like that, the only thing missing is some Mambo print.

    Moving on to the beautiful Short Trench coat by Maitreya. I have so many reasons to want to wear this all the time. First off it’s cold down here and hot up where you are, but this coat would bring that altogether nicely for me. Then there are the colours, it is a pretty high chance you are going to know what colours will come out in a Maitreya release, what is new and fun for me is the names Onyx gives them. The third thing I adore in this coat is the belt, the absolute realism given to it by tieing it in a knot instead of messing with those annoying pull through loop belt things… I LOVE THAT THEY DID THAT!

    I mixed some older Maitreya in there, and same with the next pic, the older Sarong top, with the new Viento skirt. The skirt comes in options, without belt, belt seperate and belt attached. The colours are light and fun, and you I like that I was able to two tone contrast with not only the skirt, but also the Aaquus Shoes. Easily tone matchable to the LAQ Aline skins.

    Next time you are on the lookout for bag poses make sure and grab these ones from Storin, they really do come in handy (pun pun punnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn)

    Click HERE to SLURL's Page. 

    Picture :1


    Regina – Hair Solutions


    Aline – LAQ


    White Cord Skirt – Gacha Machine – Niniko

    Sundrop V – Tank – Sand Shack Surf (Available at Tableau Summer Festival)

    Brown Jacket – Ruxy


    Nantucket Spectators – Sand Shack Surf (Available at Tableau Summer Festival)


    Lashes , Boel Bag , Barbro Belt – LeLutka

    Secret Garden Locket – Yummy (Available at Tableau Summer Festival)

    Oversized Shades – Epoque

    Poses by :

    Storin – Around the World

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :2


    Brande 2 – Fri.day


    Aline – LAQ


    High Skirt, Short Trench – Maitreya


    Aequus – Maitreya Gold


    Lashes, Birger Bag, Blenda Bag – LeLutka

    Poses by :

    Storin – Around the World

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :3


    Trendy Treehugger – Pritty


    Aline – LAQ


    Sarong Top, Viento Skirt – Maitreya


    Aequus – Maitreya Gold


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Poses by :

    Storin – Around the World

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • LAQ,  LeLutka,  VR Foundry

    Golden Temple


    It has gotten to that time of the year for breezing through the days, spending idle time at the beach, or just sitting curled up on your favourite deckchair reading a book.

    I love the length and peasant skirt style of this ensemble by Elymode, it comes in such a beautiful print, with an assortment of fantastic colours. The detailing and workmanship on this is fantastic, and for her first bold prints style, I am looking forward to such incredible styles from Elysium in the future.

    The look made me want to tackle shadows again, so using both snowglobe and v2 I was able to take these pics, and get the marvelous shadows created by one of the newish hats released recently by LeLutka. This wide brim straw like hat is incredible, how Thora had the patience to sit there and create each incredible strand is just amazing. The hat has a texture change of a few different coloured prints in the fabric portion, and even though the prints differ from the overall clothing, there was enough of the same colouring in the print.
    I am wearing the Aline skin by LAQ, I have been wearing it for the last few days, and love the plumpness of the lips and the brown hair base. The hair that I am wearing is also from LAQ and matches perfectly to the base. The skin comes with stunning make ups, and the usual tones, so something for everyone in there.

    I shot this using one of W.Winx’s Temple builds, they are so gorgeous and realistic looking. There is a whole series of them, even market stalls for you to set up your own business in the same theme, so you should really have a look when you have time.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: LAQ ~ HB-style #10

    Skin: LAQ ~ Aline 01 [Nougat] Glow skin

    Clothes: *elymode* Danaini



    Lashes – LeLutka

    [LeLutka]-BERTHOLD hat

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Bliensen + MaiTai,  DeLa,  LeLutka,  VR Foundry



    I got to semi explore a new sim to me today, the sim is called Waterford, and though I only know of one in Ireland that I have been to, this one advertises as being english. Whichever it is, it was really pretty, and I got to feed the swans 🙂 . It was such a fun day today, I got to work on some building with Whimsy, punked out a new do and got a lot of work done, much more to do though.

    I am being really naughty, I knew that there would be a release of these hats today, and also knew when I got these beautiful dresses that they would suit the style so well, so I have waited impatiently until today. I am a hat addict, but one of those addicts that is incredibly picky, and hasn’t actually got many of what she craves. So imagine how excited I was to know that not just one truly beautiful hat, but more would be coming.

    Now to wear the hat I have many options of hair to choose from, but went with an older gift style from LeLutka easily modified to fit under the hat. It being pulled back enough from the neckline to work as a long style with the wide brim hat, isn’t it just gorgeous? The hat is texture change for the upper part, giving four different pretty coloured prints. The other hair is Kianna, a hair made by Aradia for LeLutka which I think has a lovely loose but up look, very natural and kind of endearing for this look.

    The dress is so feminine and girly girl, I love that you can see it was hand drawn those pleats are just so flowy and beautiful. The upper portion to the dress comes in three sizes for easy fitting, as well as chest or spine attachments. So you are all sorted when wanting to wear some pretty jewelry. Wearing the dress with the new POW Shoes also by LeLutka in the neutral tones, again so happy that they also had colours that compliment the dresses and hat so perfectly.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Kianna , Magdalena (old) – LeLutka


    Lola – LeLutka


    Tiered Ruffle Dress – DeLa


    POW Shoes – LeLutka


    Lashes – LeLutka

    BORGHILD hat – LeLutka

    Art Deco Necklace MotherOfPearl – Bliensen + MaiTai

    Poses by :

    Luth Reel Expression

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Junwave,  LeLutka,  Maitreya,  VR Foundry,  Whippet & Buck

    Reach for the stars



    All week I have been awaiting notification that these were finally released, such incredibly hot maryjane styled platforms, with not only solid colours to die for, but the two tone and print are fantastic. These shoes are wonderfully tall, and the heels are so sturdy you could dance for hours in them, and then take that long walk home because all the Taxi’s are missing in action at that time of the morning.

    The colours available are a joy, and if you have a passion for brown and baby blue or baby pink you are totally going to squeel. They are out now as of a few hours ago, so grab the demos and go wild. I mixed up some clothing from both LeLutka and Maitreya, with a touch of Whippet & Buck. I layered the bustier and bratop and love that the bratop adds a little duo tone trim to the bustier, and thanks to the bustier being mod was able to tint it a little closer to the purple needed. See folks I do wear purple when it is fun :P.

    I also found some old love for the minikini dress skirt from an old LeLutka release, last summers swimwear, and I love the mix of top and skirt together, not exactly the right depth of brown, but I love it, and will wear it again as a combo for sure. I ended up finishing off in the hair and black and white combo, and took Newdolly over to Eclectic Apparel to visit with E, and she liked the Dernier Cri hair so much we ended up over there buying up a storm. The hair on the right is from Fab.Pony at The Dressing room, and the left is an older Junwave style that I couldn’t resist with that hemp hatwrap combo.

    A little birdy has told me that there will be more hats this week to come, but OMG you will die. Not telling from where though, but a hint is that they just released SHOOOOOOOOOOES lol.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Hemp Cap hair – Junwave

    Skylar – Fab.Pony

    Holly – Dernier Cri


    Lola – LeLutka


    Rachal Skirt,QUADE swimmini ( part of swimdress) , ZAREAH top, Sigrid Top – LeLutka

    Bra Top Ecru, Allure Socks, Highwaisted Pants – Maitreya

    Simple Cropped Bustier – Whippet & Buck


    POW Neutrals, POW Two Tones, POW Print– LeLutka


    Armwarmers (tinted) – Maitreya

    Lashes – LeLutka

    Basic Socks Grey (Tinted) – DeLa

    Poses by :

    Body Language SLC

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Essentia,  Fri.Day,  LeLutka,  Sand Shack Surf Co.,  VR Foundry

    Sing it Whimsy


    I was chatting with Whimsy about Aussie v’s US teen shows last night. Growing up watching as much American TV as I could, with all of the fabulous UK shows mixed in, it is so obvious that there is some kind of gloss that deservedly belongs to US TV. I was comparing teen sex for instance, in Australian shows, it is rare for a couple of teens to just have at it, usually the build up can take months of debate and drama filled angst, that parents have enough time to make sure their kids never see the result, if in fact it does even happen, and you would probably never see anything more than them fumbling around. In US Shows that are geared towards teens – and no this isn’t a bash or me saying they are all like that – there is more of a lets do it, and there they go lol.

    I remembered one such Aussie movie though that went all out, and that was the infamous Puberty Blues, so I went to Youtube in hopes of a snippet and somehow managed to watch the whole thing with Whimsy lol. Oh My Goodness what a crazy movie. Aussie’s everywhere probably just groaned remembering some of the worst scenes. Anyway, as nuts as the movie is, Whimsy was really surprised at how busy our beaches were, and what better way to celebrate that fact than to do a post on beachwear today.

    Especially with the timing of the latest releases from Sand Shack Surf. The cafe shorts with their slit and rounded sides are pure 70’s – 80’s flashback shorts, and the colour range in those is brill, I especially love the faded navy, as only lots of sun can do, that and keeping them on the clothesline longer than they should be…I ruined so much black that way as a teen lol. Feeling all girly girl, the New skirts are divine, highwaisted and so pretty, they also come in oodles of gorgeous colours, and i love how well they work with the new tanks.

    I not only love the skirts but also the highwaisted underpanty shorty thingamajiggers underneath. It looks so cool how it is finished off, and the type of fabric used, that I would totally wear them on their own with a cute belt and top as shown. So that is way more bang for your buck when buying the skirts. Another great bargain are the shoelace sandals, these come with not only sole options, but laces too with so many colours to choose, so mixing and matching with your outfits is never an issue.

    I am wearing the latest hair from Fri.day which is actually on sale until the 12th, it is so nice when people release during a big sale, so that those that already have everything still benefit from the savings. This hair is just YUM, and even though there are two, I just had to save the second for another post and get as much wear out of this one as I could.

    Mmmmmm Hairy Shoulder Pets and Pink Flamingo Balloon Sticks, bliss to be had.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Brande – Fri.day


    Lola – LeLutka


    Moana Bikini, Cafe Shorts, Summer Stripes Skirt, Hermana Tanks – Sand Shack Surf


    Shoelace Sandals – Sand Shack Surf


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Backstabber Sunglasses, Darkspring Bracelet– Shade Throne

    Brass Rings Leather Belt, VW Thing Sunglasses, Beach Pass Bracelet – Sand Shack Surf

    Hair Roses – Essentia

    Poses by :

    Body Language SLC

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • BOOM,  Epoque,  Essentia,  LeLutka,  Long Awkward Pose LAP,  VR Foundry,  Woo's,  Zero Style

    Lifts and Seperates



    Back to the 70’s is what it feels like for this post, and I LOVE THESE JEANS!

    Kianna has been a busy bee over at LeLutka, crochet and highwaisted flares, OMG the love. The Crochet bodysuit is just fabulous, whether worn casually with the new skirts also from LeLutka, or dressed up with a stunning shoulder shrug by BOOM and a long skirt, it all works. Now the other night I ran over to Le.Look to grab some info on something, and stumbled across I love Olive, new to me hair, which kind of boggles my mind a bit, but I have been way busy lately, so would have missed it had it rezzed on my head on it’s own.

    The Doris style is the perfect 1920’s do reworked into a modern look, so incredibly elegant in the right setting, or again can totally work the cute.

    Speaking of perfect, OMG THESE JEANS, the perfect high waisted yummyness ever, they accentuate and lift the bum to its absolute glory, these are the jeans your Mummy had in the 70’s or at least mine did. They elongate the legs and are just so well put together I love love love them. I got some great long straight hair from Zero Style. Showing off also the lovely new tops by LeLutka with and without the sculpted part, I love the stripes of these, and just the comfy one shoulder look, kind of like you shredded up and old fav sweatshirt.

    Also worn are the cute strapless bra’s from Epoque, part of the stumblebum release for the week, they have matching highwaist undies and are a steal, so be sure to grab those asap.

    Get thee to the Jeans!

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Doris , Valerie – I Love Olive


    Lola – LeLutka


    Mia Bikini Top, NEAUX BodySuit, Minerva Skirt – LeLutka

    Warm Shoulders – BOOM


    Saffron Pumps – LeLutka


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Deluge Earrings – Essentia

    Poses by :

    LAP – Long Awkward Pose

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Yuka Zero Style


    Lola – LeLutka


    Nora Jeans ( I LOVE THESE JEANS) , Georgia Top – LeLutka

    Strapless Bra – Epoque


    Saffron Pumps – LeLutka


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Vanisri Wrap Necklace and Bracelet – Zaara

    Classy Shades – Old Epoque

    Bratty Beads – Woo’s

    Poses by :

    LAP – Long Awkward Pose

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • 5th&Oxford,  Essentia,  Fri.Day,  LeLutka,  Maitreya,  MichaMi,  Tuli,  VR Foundry

    Print-sess Sasypants


    After the wall and window, a billboard just had to be next, right? I found it hilarious that the background sky in the stock image was so clear, devoid of any clouds, it had me wanting wind light in there, which is funny, because with my settings so that I see things the way I need to, I don’t have clouds either, pretty much other than the tone, that is exactly how I see the sky day to day.

    One of the hardest things with clothes making to work with I think, would have to be prints. The way the mesh works, and distorts, and then of course the upper and lower portion of the top half of the body. Who knew you had to make the bottom part larger to get it to match? well luckily for us, many creators do know that, and LeeZu actually did a great tutorial on just that recently on her website.

    Side seams however do not phase me, some people get all wanky about it, but when is the last time you saw print in RL match on the sides, it is just not economically viable in RL to cut fabric that way because of waste and time. Possibly if the item was screen printed after being made into clothing, then it would work, but still, I am just not that nutso about it. The difference though in seam speak is that people need to explain when they mean print meeting, and not sides joining…because they are two different things. If the front doesn’t join to the back without a big obvious flaw gap with the underarm area looking all crazy, then that is just not so cool. Worse still if it isn’t hidden under the arms at all, like socks or the tops of pants, then that should never go to the wall – by that I mean set for sale.

    Anyway I am rambling, and what I am rambling about, other than a great use of prints, has nothing to do with this post lol. Tutti Frutti is a store that boldly goes to the wall lol, the prints in her store are marvelous, and the pants are just HOT HOT HOT, recently Bela had a set of pants for a gift at The Deck and they were all I wore for a few days, so comfy and fun. These new pants just released are gorgeous, hard to choose which ones to favourite, as they all have such stand out qualities. I would have to say though I am partial to the Under Roses jeans, and the ones featured on the billboard are my ode to Newdolls Feet :P.

    With the NEW Aequus shoes by Maitreya Gold having the ability to two tone it, I found it a must to go with as much colour as possible. Toning it down with the stunning skin by Tuli that has been created for The Dressing Room – Info about that in Tuli’s Group notices – at a phenomenal discount. The Aequus shoes are a stunning pvc sheen leather with ankle wraps kept on with delicate straps and buckles, I really like the ankle wrap addition, because it gives the straps a nice background, letting them stand out more as a feature than practical workings of the shoes.

    I am wearing more Fri.day Hair, that SALE was and still is awesome, so make sure you take the time to get over there, and creators, if you often take pics because of vendor ads etc, now is the time to stock up on hair for future ads, make the most of the bargains. You will also notice when looking at the Fri.day ads that Pavarti wears a lot of Tuli in her ads, YAY Tuli.

    Go out and get your print on!

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :


    Jules, Jennifer 3 , Cameron 2– Fri.day


    Gina (Dressing Room Special) – Tuli


    Los Muertos Ultra Low Legging, Under the Roses UltraLow Jeans,Feline Ultra Low Legging – Tutti Frutti

    Mia Bikini Top – LeLutka

    Seaside Sweetie Halter – 5th & Oxford

    Carmela Bustier Top – MichaMi


    Aequus – Maitreya Gold


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Hair Rose, Tortoiseshell Bangles, Tiger’s Eye – Essentia ( SALE until 7th June)

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Essentia,  Kookie,  MichaMi,  VR Foundry

    Mi Mi Mi So La Ti Dooooooooooooooooooo



    One of my favourite things as a blogger, is when colour palettes just work. Even more exciting is when one has nothing to do with the other, and yet somehow they match.

    Such was the case with the latest releases from MichaMi and Kookie, the new City Wedge shoes have colours that work so well with the latest from Milla, it is so easy to put looks together, or just make life simpler and slip your feet into the shoes and your body into the clothes and be done with it.

    I went the simple route today, as it is my Sunday, and I have lots of work to do. The Nina pieces are a mesh lovers delight, with the tanks being ever so versatile, and the capris and crop having a sort of futuristic sporty theme going on. I guess the mesh would cool your body down much faster, so that works, mind you not sure how I would go running in those shoes, but then again all good fashionista’s can run in heels right?

    The hair I am wearing is newness from SHAG, it is actually out for one of the get it cheaper now pay more later kind of groupy things that seem to happen a lot lately. The Hawke is a male style but I couldn’t resist. Hawkes look so cool with hairbase skins, and the Lola by Lelutka works a treat.

    Underneath the Mesh tanks, I have on the Fri.day sweet.heart dress bodysuits, YAY for a SALE at Fri.day until the 12th. I was able to grab the colours I didn’t have in the dresses that have the bodysuits, such good value.In the next pic I am wearing the beautiful Kat Dresses and Samara Tops, both such easy to wear items. If you are not a fan of sculpted skirts the Kat dress has a system skirt option also, it is really awesome how much Milla does with her clothes to provide for every variation.

    Some great socks from DeLa, they come in all different lengths and colours as an all in one pack, and the City Wedges again which are so much fun.

    Have a great weekend everyone, make sure you spend some quality face time ( meaning actually leave your skyboxes and talk to your friends in front of them) with friends and colleagues.

    FYI . In the top pick I have on a Tattoo layer I threw together so it is not part of the skin.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Riot Act – SHAG

    Skin: Lola – LeLutka


    Nina Capri, Nina Crop, Nina Mesh Tank, Leggings in Beige (From Outfit) – MichaMi

    Bodysuit tops from Sweet.Heart Dress – Fri.day


    City Wedge – Kookie


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Jolie Prim Nails – SLink

    Poses by : Fri.day

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Picture :2

    Hair: Star Me Kitten – SHAG

    Skin: Lola – LeLutka


    Kat, Maisie Leggings, Samara Tee – MichaMi

    Socks – DeLa


    City Wedge – Kookie


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Jolie Prim Nails – SLink

    Moon Necklace – Essentia ( On Sale until 7th June)

    Poses by : Fri.day

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
