• Stylish

    Danger Days filled with Fun

    Whimsy & Sasy

    It has been a while since Whimsy and I stood side by side this closely, usually it is at a 19m distance – Whimsy likes being within chat distance, which I always laugh at because we are usually in skype on voice the whole time online anyway. The danger day jeans are part of the Miseria release for My Attic @ The Deck, which only has about 19 hours left until it closes for this session. The jeans come in two colours, with two poses included. We didn’t use the poses, but we just both really loved the jeans. My favourite part I realised is actually not shown, and that is that they have cute little splits up the side at the bottom, just to give realism to the fact that they are true skinny jeans.

    They are system layer, and were created a while ago and never released, but after their stint at My Attic will be released in more colours at full price, so take advantage while you can, of the saving. I wore mine with the lovely Xue top by House of Fox that is at Collabor88 this month still, and I just love the mullet style of this shirt. One thing I noticed was that because I was wearing system layer pants, the alpha cut out a chunk of my bottom, that with some poses was visible through the legs.  Due to the forsight of House of Fox creator Fashionboi Lander though, the alpha textures are included with the item, and so just to check first, I removed the alpha I had on and looked to see if my bottom would poke through, it did not, so then I used his texture for upper only, and made a new one, and VOILA fixed to perfection in 2.3 seconds.

    I knew as soon as I put on the mustard yellow, that I needed boots to go with, and remembering the fabulous colour assortments with the Treads Charlie boots, I was in them very fast also. I added some great jewellery recently released by Gossamer, and when I put it on the blue beads that are the default looks great, but I decided to look a little deeper, and went with the red, coming up with a Mediterranean vibe.

    It went well I thought, especially with the lovely browns and blacks of Whimsy’s look. She is of course wearing the stunning dress by Cynful that is also a My Attic release. The dress works well over the jeans as well, the strappy shoes just adding flavour. It looks like the perfect night out for dinner and dancing combination, where there may be some coolness in the air, but there is fire in her heart – I am thinking of a career in cheesey romance novels, what do you think ?

    Whimsy loves to accessorise, so the haihai lovers rings by Epoque for her where a must, some bangles, and the great animal print scarf all just helped in her layering looks. She definitely knows how to turn heads does our Whimsy Winx. You need to go and see the post she did for our looks as well as all her other great looks at Virtually Dressed.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Luria – Glam Affair – The Arcade/March


    Rene – PloomMy Attic @ The Deck 


    Danger Days Jeans – Miseria – My Attic @ The Deck

    Xue top – House of Fox – Collabor88/Feb


    Charlie – Treads 


    Sedona Valley Necklace & Bracelet – Gossamer Jewellery

    Mesh Hands – SLink

    Hair: Esk-Imo – Britney – Blonde 03 {MESH} NEW! (Currently available at My Attic – Feb 2013/Pop Music Theme)
    Eyes: Amacci – Gaze Eyes – Navy Blue
    Lashes: LeLutka  – 2011/Curl
    Skin: Tuli  – Helena – Powder – 06 Dimples
    MakeUp: Tuli – Helena – Powder – Lips – Intense Red (gloss)
    Hands: SLink  – Mesh Rigged Hands – Casual {MESH}
    Scarf: Fanatik – Fringed Scarf – Safari Nights {MESH}
    Bangle: Amorous – Gaudy – Zebra
    Ring: Epoque – HaiHai Lovers Ring – ChouChou {{MESH} NEW! (Currently available at My Attic – Feb 2013/Pop Music Theme)
    Dress/Top: Cynful – Kamalin Dress – Suede {MESH} NEW! (Currently available at My Attic – Feb 2013/Pop Music Theme)
    Pants: Miseria – Danger Days – Dusty NEW! (Currently available at My Attic – Feb 2013/Pop Music Theme)
    Feet: SLink  – Womens Medium Height Barefeet {MESH}
    Shoes: SLink  – Fabric Platforms – Black {MESH}}NEW!
    Poses: Ploom
    Posestand/Studio: VR Studio by VR Foundry

  • Stylish

    Dark brows for Gorgeous sake


    Luria @ The Arcade

    Crazy is the name of the jeans I am wearing, and you will be if you don’t go and grab them from this session of  My Attic @ The Deck. I love the stripes on them, especially the narrow pink one at the hips that looks as though a skinny belt has been added to the jeans. They are also fabulous colours wise, and I could not resist pairing them up with this new silk tank by Goucci. Not only is it silky and a less traditional tank style, more of a sleeveless blouse than anything, but that it is slightly narrower than normal, helps it give incredible side boob…so if your man is a fan of yours, then entice and tease him with this. The blouse comes in an array of lovely colours, and it is beautifully made and makes styling with it easy.

    I have some more sneak peaks today, in the form of the beautiful necklace I am wearing which will be the Glam Affair release for FaMESHed‘s March cycle. This also has many colours to purchase, and is a really stunning piece. Another Glam Affair item, and part of their Gatcha release for The Arcade, that is set to start on March 1st. The Luria skin is available in 15 make ups, some of those will be rares of course, and Luria is very youthful in appearance, on my shape at least. So for those looking for a younger and more innocent look, this might be the one to go for for sure.

    Baiastice is also at The Arcade, and the Candy Shades are part of their release. I edited them to wear on top of the head as well, and they come with a transparent lens or a full perve dark lens look, so you can watch sexy people without them knowing it. The website for The Arcade is jam packed full of useful information, as well as a countdown meter, so you can work out easily what time in your timezone it will be opening. The poses I am using are also part of The Arcade, they are by Adorkable Poses who also sponsor the photo contest that is usually run during the event, so look for info on that on the website too.

    Now go visit Whimsy’s blog because she is wearing the other pants that Tutti Frutti released at My Attic, and she is RAWR as usual .

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses – The Arcade/March (COMING SOON)


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Luria – Glam Affair  – The Arcade/March (COMING SOON)


    Natalia – LaViere 


    Silk Tank – Goucci 

    Crazy Jeans – Tutti Frutti – My Attic @ The Deck/Feb


    Shiki – Maitreya Gold 


    Candy Shades – Baiastice  The Arcade/March (COMING SOON)

    Isys Statement Necklace – Glam Affair – FaMESHed/March

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish

    A dress for JJ

    Devant Dolce

    I have been sitting on this dress for a few weeks now, so excited I was when it was in the process of being made, as I had only ever seen a Tstrap dress like this in RL many years ago and it was instant love. Wow actually so many years ago now at least 20…it is bizarre sometimes to even think of having memories of adulthood that far back, and for the record I am only 40.

    I love the Tstrap as mentioned, but I really also like the folds of the skirt portion of the dress, as it just moves so well when you walk, or pose with a hip jut. Very sexy indeed. The dress comes in two types of colour palettes, a strong classics set, which I am wearing the chocolate version of now…then there is the brights set, which the lovely Willow Zander showed in full on her blog HERE. The Devant dresses are part of this session of My Attic @ The Deck, so do not miss out on the opportunity of great savings.

    On a side note, if you were stuck in a well or a man hole, you would want a recording device, because you would be able to conserve energy while calling for help.

    The hair I have on is just as sexy and full of attitude as the dress, it is Dolce the newest style from LeLutka, and wowza it looks great in all the colours, especially the Harvard Red. I did wear it with the LeLutka hairbase you buy separately. I love the fullness of this style, big hair is awesome, and it always reminds me of the movie ” This Thing Called Love” with the song Samantha Mathis sung about Big Bar Hair. If you have no idea what I am talking about, I finally found a version of it online HERE. If you haven’t seen that movie though, it is a must must do.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses 


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Isla – League 


    Dolce , Hairbase tattoo layer – LeLutka 


    Devant Dress – SySy’s – My Attic @ The Deck/February


    Amae Heels – Celoe 


    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish

    All Laced Up

    Leather 1

    Leather 2

    Leather 3

    Lace 1

    Dayglo 1

    Loft 1

    Loft 2

    Loft 3

    Loft 4

    Loft 5

    Leather HUD

    Lace HUD

    DayGlo Fatpack HUD

    Sneak peaks are funna. This is the soon to be released for League item, that will be a feature at Whore Couture Fair that is about to begin in a few days. The list of designers is huge, you can see it HERE. One thing I always love is a great corset, and these new ones by League are greater than great, they are divine. Not only are they beautiful and unique in style, but they also have options that give you many ways to wear them, and definitely make them a must have item. You will be able to wear them casually as I did in the firts pics, more adventurous, girly like, or with a club vibe…whatever takes your fancy, they will work.

    I have taken pics of the HUDs as well, as the three styles have different options. First off the leather, they come with the straps down, one up one down, or sleeveless. Then you have all the studs options metal wise, as well as off. LOVE THAT !  Then there is the Lace version, which only comes in three colours at the moment, but I am sure there will be bigger releases on those and the dayglo after the event. The Lace version is more detailed than the leather. The options with the sleeves is the same, but with the added bonus of black trim, or brown trim, or no trim. Then there is the different boning options in both trim colours, or no boning at all. Then also the studs or no studs etc.

    Then you have the Dayglo, which is also only three colours so far, but the bonus if you buy the three in one pack, is that the sleeves will change to the other colours, so that is even more options wise…these are gorgeous, and in all three variations, I adore the uneven bottom, and the straps are just gorgeous and alluring. The other item being released is the ADD-ON skirt. This beautiful silky skirt comes in many colours, and fits perfectly under the corset, to make either a contrast look, or an all in one dress. There is also a hud for the skirts that lets you change them from clean to dirty, which is really like an ombre look at the bottom. You will be able to see all that in the demos I would expect, but definitely mark your calendars for the day the fair opens, because it is going to be HUGE.

    Also part of the post, is the new furniture set by The Loft. I love the pieces in this set, the natural colours, and the woods. They worked so well with the brick of the Lofty Skybox I have featured in the past by Elate. The Dunham Living Room Set comes with so many pieces, and you can purchase them all independently  the Ottomans are gorgeous and the animations in them are just fabulous. The Loft has been creating such beautiful work for many many years now, and being able to see this evolve into mesh items has been a treat. I cannot wait for more, and even if you buy it a piece at a time, or mix it into sets you already have, it is always superb quality.

    Even though all my pics were taken over the whole night at various hours, and make no sense with each other, I loved getting more and more excited about the different looks I could achieve with the corsets. The great hairstyles by Exile didn’t hurt either. The first style is their My Attic release called Love Shack, and it is such a beautiful updo, kind of a hybrid hive with a twist – sounds like a cocktail.

    The other item that made me feel all saloon girl of the past dressed in the present, was the new Precious Bow choker by BOOM. I also love and applaud Aranel for calling the non scripted versions CHOKERS because seriously, still to this day the stupidest thing ever to come out of someones mouth to me in SL was ‘ You can’t wear a choker in SL Sasy because it will look like you are a collared slave ” that still makes me mad and laugh at the same time. I love chokers, always have, so yay on this one being named properly. It also comes in a billion colours as usual for BOOM.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses 

    W. Winx & Flair 

    Props :

    MPOP WinxBox – W. Winx & Flair – My Attic @ The Deck/February

    Furniture :

    Dunham Living Room – The Loft 

    Building :

    The Lofty Skybox – Elate


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Isla – League 


    Love Shack – Exile – My Attic @ The Deck/February

    Crazy In Love, American Woman – Exile 


    Nyx Corset Leather, Nyx Corset DayGlo, Nyx Corset Lace, Nyx Corset Skirt Add On – League – Whore Couture Fair COMING SOON 

    Flare Jeans, Leather Skinny Pants, Couture Leggings – Maitreya 


    Allure – Maitreya Gold


    Precious Bow Choker – BOOM 

    Teardrop Gemstone Set Onyx – Yummy

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish



    I had a great morning playing Tera with Mel and Whimsy this morning, we also met this guy there who had never heard of Second Life. So while riding along I was filling him in on all the wonderful charitable things that the Second Life community does, and a little bit of info about what Second Life is. One of the things that has a huge wow factor, especially with the charity aspect is not the total amount at the end of an event, but how that total is achieved. We all know how currency works in second life, but when something is only a percentage of the total, and the total price on an item is sometimes not even to the value of a full US dollar, it is absolutely amazing. I remember when we did the first ever Another Fundraiser, raising thousands of dollar with the money come in at 50L at a time, that was a huge eye opener into how many people are involved in the process…the customers, the creators, and the organisers, all doing their utmost to do good, it really is something that needs to be discussed more often out in the real world.

    Mind you after hours running around Tera in the hot desert sand, in a red bikini –  oh yes, that is how I fight monsters, can you tell Mel got a little excited by the buyable costumes in the game…he even got Whimsy a full leopard print catsuit, because she loves leopard print – I was relieved to come back into SL and get some work done. More often than not though, I am in a bikini in SL too, as it is my in-between wear. So I wanted to acknowledge that today, as credit is definitely deserved, my go to bikini and 99% of the time worn, is the Ellio bikini by BOOM. Ok so what was I saying ? because honestly my train of thought these days is more loco than locomotive.

    Oh yeah, so I got back in world to do some work, and then once done, jumped on the VR Studio and took some pics. I have been wanting to wear the Gwen skirt since I saw it downstairs at My Attic. The skirt just looked so cute, and it looked in the great ad that Lexi did, like it would be kind of flicked up or something I decided in my head. So once on I saw that yay, it was really girly and reminds me of the cheerleaders uniforms and how Faith from Buffy flitted around in hers in Bring it On – yes I do know her actual name, but she will always be Faith. I matched it up with the great leather shirt from ISON for Collabor88 this month, and the two together are just brill to me.

    Then from there I got all carried away with myself, and added the Britney hair, which is by Esk-imo and has these really cute streaks that you can texture change with the hud that comes with. Once I had the colour picked, I had to add even more, so on came the rings, and this time I wanted the Hai Hai lovers rings by Epoque to have a real date, so I paired them up, but I was naughty and I think I paired up two that aren’t paired up in the packs. So you will just have to either get them all, or choose which lovers you love best, they are so damn adorable though I think all is a good idea.

    Now we are starting to Rock Out, and with that thought in mind I reached for the new Memory necklace from EMO-tions. The necklace I remembered was lots   of chains and skulls and stuff so that worked. I love how long it is too, kind of over the top, but in that great way.

    A new store opened up the other day called Goucci, yes the name made me smile too. I think if you are going to name your store after a real life brand, even if spelled differently, you have to either go the complete opposite and be all ironical, or make sure that your items are in keeping with the idea. From what I have seen so far from a new mesh brand, they aren’t being ironic, and their items are really lovely. I am wearing the leather tote, and it even has a hud for the front panel that can change to either soft pink, this silver or black…so that worked out perfectly for my look. It also has a forearm hold in the bag, I do wish however it had a second no pose option, so that if you want to move it around and carry it in your hand or on the other arm it would still work. Maybe that is something they will consider in the future.

    Lastly the skin I am wearing is another of those great Laurel skins by Glam Affair at C88 that I mentioned the other day. This one has the more dramatic eyeshadow, but again, perfect for the look, and definitely something to add to your skin collection.

    Make sure you get over to My Attic @ The Deck as soon as you can, as it ends on Thursday night, C88 still has another week after that, so go back and check things out again, you don’t want to miss the savings.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses 


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Laurel 03 – Glam Affair @ Collabor88/Feb


    Britney – Esk-imo at My Attic @ The Deck/Feb


    Gwen Skirt (part of set) – Stellar at My Attic @ The Deck/Feb

    Detzel Shirt – ISON @ Collabor88/Feb

    Ellio Bikini – BOOM


    Allure w/Socks – Maitreya Gold 


    HaiHai Rings Che & Lico – Epoque at My Attic @ The Deck/Feb

    Leather Tote – Goucci 

    Memory Necklace – EMO-tions

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish

    Shine On Me


    Shine On

    New Hair just released at LeLutka always makes me happy. This Vibrato style is a long back from the shoulders style that just makes you want to find divine  accessories to show off with it. I didn’t have to look further than my own flickr, as EMO-tions just recently released this stunning set called Vari that comprises of necklace and earrings, and is definitely a show stopper.

    I get into gowns rarely these days, as there is not the same kind of social scene for me in Second Life that there was years ago, when Gowns were a once a week at least wearable. But that does not stop me from seeing the beauty still in such stunning creations, like the Mana gown by Baiastice. With mesh gown wear became something stunning again, with the mesh moving with the body, instead of parts going in a different direction when you danced, or sat. Not that that means non mesh gowns are not still beautiful, but I do prefer the mesh versions we have been seeing of late.

    Between the detailing of the jewellery, the gown looking like a beautiful night sky, and the stunning new hair that comes in the fades options…the perfect backdrop was also only a short click away. I went to the Second Life Stock images Flickr Pool and grabbed a lovely shot by Cajsa Lilliehook. I played around with it a little bit, and I do hope you enjoy.

    The second combo with the so so sexy Canto hair – also by LeLutka – is an edgier look. The waves and layered style of Canto, just makes it so easy to wear, and that it comes in the fades packs makes it even hotter. The dress I am wearing is Emery’s release for My Attic @ The Deck, the event is still going strong, I had to actually leave the sim earlier there were so many people that I couldn’t attach my hair.

    I did get the chance to use not only the gorgeous leather dress, with great shoulder studs you of course can’t see in this pic, but I also got to use one of the poses by Ploom from the event. I added the microphone that came included in the DCNY Pop Princess outfit I showed the other day. All in all it was a fun filled day.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses 

    Ploom Poses at My Attic @ The Deck/February

    Stock Image Background :

    by Cajsa Lilliehook  from Second Life Stock Images Pool


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Zoe POP – Tuli – My Attic @ The Deck/February

    Saga Brows Tattoo tone 1.0 – LAQ 

    Sadie Amber (Mesh Head and Skin) – LOGO


    Vibrato – LeLutka 


    Mana Gown – Baiastice 

    Embellished Ehrmantraut  Dress – Emery at My Attic @ The Deck/February


    Petal Sandals. Amae Sandals – Celoe 


    Vari Set – EMO-tions

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish

    Big City


    A few weeks ago I joined Kavar on a little shopping trip. He Tp’d me over to Grasp, and while he was deciding on which jacket colours to buy, I was falling in love with these incredible cargo with suspenders shorts in mesh. Years ago I had some similar long shorts that used the skirt system layer in a genius way to make the straps…but these definitely surpass those. They are a tad large for me, because there are only three sizes, but the style allows for the size, and there is a demo, so be sure to try them…you will fall for them too.

    Then when I was sure I had found my happy for the night, I found this amazing jacket, that not only has a HUD for changing the shirt colours, but also has a shirt off option, so you can still wear system shirts OR nothing underneath it…HOT HOT HOT. The jacket also has an optional fur trim for the hood, I really like that it is optional.

    The hair I am wearing is the Spice hair, that Mina hair released for My Attic @ The Deck for the Pop Music theme. There is a fabulous disco pack option, which Whimsy did a post on here with all the colours. I decided to show that the style is fabulous even if worn in more natural colours. I took the pic in the WinxBox called Bright Lights BC, that is also a My Attic item until the 28th when it all goes up to full price, so do not miss out, as all items are only 95L during the event.

    The Winxbox has colour change walls, music notes, and 6 poses as part of the set, so you can do all sorts of things with it, and the chrome option tints really well on the walls.

    The skin I am wearing is from Glam Affair, and is their latest Collabor88 item. The skin comes in four different make ups, and I love the smokeyness of the coloured shadows (not shown) but this red lips and natural looking eyes version is a MUST HAVE. This will definitely be the perfect skin for pin up like shots, as well as probably becoming a full time skin for many. So don’t miss out on that either.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses & Prop by:

    WinxBox – Bright Lights BC – W. Winx & Flair at My Attic @ The Deck/February


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Laurel – Glam Affair @ Collabor88/Feb


    Spice – Mina Hair at My Attic @ The Deck/February


    Fur Hooded Military Jacket, Cargo Sarrouel Shorts – Grasp 


    Studded Long Boots – J’s 


    HaiHai Lovers Ring Strawb – Epoque at My Attic @ The Deck/February

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish

    Haru Up

    Pop Star

    My Attic @ The Deck opened with the them Pop Music on thursday. It has been a roller-coaster of adorable, and fun moments over the past few days, and I got to meet some great people along the way. We have even inspired some people to create their own Pop Music video, like this adorable one HERE. One of the great items at My Attic, is the Pop Princess Collection by DCNY. Now this looks like a dress in the ad, but once you get it you realise it is a great high waisted skirt and a crop top that can be worn on their own, so that is definitely a must have for versatility.

    I decided to combine the skirt with the ruffle blouse that DCNY released a few months ago, because it was just a must to see the skirt portion, it will have you wanting to scoop them all up in every colour. That of  course lead to the ruffle socks from G*field that lead to the Alex shoes – these shoes are also a must, as they have strap options and great colours, and are often a go to shoe. Another item from the event, is this stunner of a headband, called the Pop Pop headband by Pididdle.  The headband comes in great colours, and you get three metal options included in the pack.

    The skin and make layers are all part of a fantastic pack that is also at My Attic. It is by Cupcakes and called Haru. The set comes with different skins with different eyebrow colours including two pinks and a blue, I could not resist wearing the dark pink brows, and the other make up layers, such as blush and lipstick and eyeshadows, so much fun to mix and match, so make sure you demo demo demo.

    The pose I am using is one of the great Pop Star poses by Adorkable for the event, but the handbag by Tee*fy – isn’t it just so adorable – has a holding pose that did make the pose change a bit…so you will have to go to My Attic and check out the poses for yourself. The other fun thing is that the pose pack comes with a microphone, and so do the dresses, so either way you can also be a Pop Star.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses – My Attic @ The Deck/Feb


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Haru Light ( with add on face tattoo layers all part of set ) – Cupcakes – My Attic @ The Deck/Feb


    Blake – LeLutka 


    Ruffle Top – DCNY

    Pop Princess Collection Baby (skirt portion only) – DCNY My Attic @ The Deck/Feb


    Alex – G*field


    Pop Pop Headband – Pididdle My Attic @ The Deck/Feb

    Toy Cam-Mera Bag – Tee*fy

    HaiHai Lovers Ring Strawb – Epoque  My Attic @ The Deck/Feb

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish





    I have been very busy lately, with My Attic about to start its next session on the 21st February at The Deck, and lots of other preparations going on. So blogging has been a distant second, third or fourth to all of that, but I do plan to get back into it once I get my sleeping pattern back to normal as well.

    I couldn’t delay today though, because Ploom has released NEW Skins. There has been a lot of waiting, and a lot of nagging for these to come out, as it has been far too long between skin releases from Ploom. The Gia skin comes with so many great options as well, with brows, two make ups per pack, lipsticks in a great range of rich beautiful colours – I only showed one in the pics – as well as cleavage options, nail covers and as a separate purchase you can even get tango and lush appliers to match your skins.

    As I said it has been such a long time between Ploom skins, that I had to show a body shot as well, because the body of Gia is fabulous. Make sure you get yourself over there and try Gia out for yourself. While there try out some of the latest poses released in the poses section of the store, there are two new packs this week, I am actually using previous release poses in this post, but trying them all for yourself is half the fun of it. Take some friends, Whimsy and I always stand on stands next to each other and that way we can view two at once,lots of fun.

    Other NEWness is the gorgeous new hair by Exile, this is Crazy in Love, and for lovers of big hair, this is an ‘At first sight’ moment. This hair can make you feel all girly girly pretty, and the new sweaters by The Secret Store help with that too. They are 3D Rose sweaters, and the roses are actually modelled mesh, so they have such an incredibly realistic look to them, and are so lovely.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Gia – Ploom 


    Crazy in Love – Exile 


    Ellio Bikini – BOOM

    Stella Skirt – Tee*fy @ Collabor88/Feb

    3D Rose Sweater – The Secret Store 


    Shiki Platforms (Feet Only) – Maitreya Gold 


    Variant Cuff, Alimony Clutch – Epoque 

    Mesh Hands – SLink

  • Stylish

    There are no Jones’s only you


    Sadie Expressions

    Sadie Default Options

    Sadie Add On Lipstick Packs

    Sadie Add On Eye Packs

    Sadie Add On Blush Packs

    It is New Head time, with the about to be released Sadie by LOGO  – be sure to join their subscriber so you can be first to know of the release time. Not only is there a new face, but so many new features this time around. First off the big excitement is the NEW Expressions. That is right, not only do you have the ones from last time, but a few others have been added, as well as a very incredible ability to use the upper and lower of each expression separately. So if you like the eyes from one, but the mouth of another, you can click those areas on the hud, and they will change for you….BRILLIANT!

    I did a pic of all expressions as they come, as well as my favourite upper and lower combination on the larger pic in the mix. When I was little I thought that Hope from Days of Our Lives was so beautiful, and still do, but she had this awesome skill of raising one eyebrow at things she was suspicious of, or when Beau was being naughty. I used to try so hard to do that in RL, and now I can do it in SL.

    The HUD is now much larger, because it also has the hair bases, and everything else going lengthwise along the hud. When it is minimised it is on the far left of your screen. Now please note, if you wear any other HUDs on that side of your screen, the invisible size of the LOGO Hud may be sitting over the top of your existing ones, so even though you cannot see it overlapping, your other huds may appear not to work, just go into edit and move them out of the way, or of course detach.

    The other thing I love about the HUD is that it is MOD, which means you can make it larger if you need to, as it makes it easier to read/see. The reason that it is MOD, is the other great thing, this time around, instead of buying add ons and having to wear additional HUDS for make ups, you actually buy the add ons and you will get scripts. Then you rez the HUD to the ground and add the scripts to the HUD. Make sure when adding ones that have tones included, that you only add the tone you wear, otherwise you will have issues with matching to the skin on the face.

    Another new feature, is that there are separate ears for this head, meaning that if you don’t want them sticking through some close to the head hairstyles, you can just not wear them, and no one is the wiser. Or if you wear something like the mesh ears by Mandala, you can wear them no problem as well. The airs are rigged, so you won’t be able to modify them, but you do get three different options included.

    Now aside from the technical aspects, Sadie is just lovely, her mouth is gorgeous, and overall she has enough vava voom to really make her a must have. So if you were holding out when Chloe came about, now is the time to go and try both faces and see which one you prefer.

    The stunningly beautiful hair I am wearing , is Josephine, the new hair by LeLutka inspired by the 1920’s. I love the fashion and just the overall attitude of women of the 1920’s. Well the images that are of course portrayed through movies, and articles etc. It just seemed a real time of strength and conviction, but all the while keeping that feminine allure. This style while mesh is not rigged, so it can be resized if needed, and will just look adorable with hats and fascinators I am sure.

    Even though inspired by the 20’s I decided to go all sexy rawr with the clothing. Starting off of course with these hotter than hot leather skinny pants by Maitreya. I got at least 3 IM’s about these pants after the recent Night Life release, IMs of love and adoration for them, and no wonder. The pants are stunners, the style accentuates the curves of the hips and bum so well. The leather is top notch as always with Maitreya, and the zipper detailing is superb.

    Also worn with the Shiki platforms that I did a post on earlier than release HERE. I love that these shoes are not rigged, because when wearing pants with tight cuffs, you need sometimes to be able to move the shoe around, and with the help of height offset, it doesn’t effect how you stand.

    The tops I am wearing are from DCNY and Tee*fy at Collabor88. The DCNY off the shoulder top, is part of a dress set, you get the dress and the top included, which is awesome. I like the turtleneck aspect of the style, with bare shoulders and cropped length it is a great contrast. The dress and top also come with tango breast appliers, so rawr for that.

    The Polly tucked blouse is part of this months Collabor88 by Tee*fy, and is such a pretty blouse that has optional peter pan collars. It is designed to fit well with high waisted items, such as the high waisted short skirt also at C88, but I think that it looks equally gorgeous with these pants.

    Lastly the new Variant cuffs by Epoque. These are beautiful cuff style bracelets that come on left and right wrists, and include a HUD, so that depending on what metal you purchase, you still get a contrast option with the other metals, so YAY on that as an option. This also allows you to wear both at once, and contrast one, and leave the other all gold as I did.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:


    Skin Worn:

    Sadie full mesh head system & skin – LOGO 


    Josephine – LeLutka 


    Leather skinny pants – Maitreya 

    Open Shoulder top – DCNY 

    Polly Tucked Blouse – Tee*fy @ Collabor88/February


    Shiki – Maitreya Gold 


    Variant Cuff – Epoque 

    Mesh Hands – SLink