• Stylish

    Vacation time

    Ok not for me, but so many are going on them lately- wants postcards.

    DP Serendipity has released the Vacation sets to make “what to wear” easy.

    Two sets one is Brown and Green the other is the Red are just lovely and light, exactly what you need when unwinding on vacation.

    Appropriate for anything that might spring up, or just lazing away on your favourite recliner reading your favourite book – I just finished Hollywood Wives I think for the tenth time in my life lol.

    Wanting to make sure you dont get too much sun , the Lorie Style from Diversity Hair is a good choice, as it comes with the sunhat as part of the Hat/hair style, and gives wonderful coverage. Make Up free I went with the Celeste Natural Skin from Adam n Eve and to make sure that my toes are suitably loved and shown off , the Gyala Shoes from Enkythings were a wonderful choice to compliment the whole look.

    I love that this set has two top options of the sweet sweater look , they are sheer but if you wear both together you get a bit more coverage if sheer isn’t your thing, and the bra/kini top that comes with is wonderful -wishes there was bottoms to match.

    Adorable polka dot ended Capris with that sailor look double button top are just yummy too , and will look good with lots of light tanks and summery tops you may have in your suitcase.

    Enjoy your Vacation real or imagined :o)

    DP Serendipity
    Diversity Hair
    Adam n Eve

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses
    Naughty Neko Designs

  • Stylish

    Celeste on Faux Thursday

    As it isn’t Thursday today, that makes it Faux, right ? – lol. I have been wearing this hat/hair for almost three days off and on , more on than off, and I am in loves with it.

    I think that Mel may have been poked in the eye a few times, but he is used to getting a mouthful of Hair Roses, so he will survive, and if not kissing it all better will be fun ♥.

    Recently Adam n Eve released Celeste, and somehow I was unaware of this beautiful skin release * wags finger at Sachi * . The face on this skin is wonderful, she has incorporated in my opinion all the wonderful characteristics of Pandora and Catherine, and then added even more beauty to it.

    I wanted to dress around my Thursday Hat/Hair from Gritty Kitty and the Faux coat also from Adam n Eve was a perfect match, especially seeing as the hat is fully scripted to change textures on hat, band and feathers. The coat is short and swingy, and Faux what more could you want in a coat.

    I was going to do pants , but decided I wanted to let the coat be the other main feature, seeing the Hat was already in the lead lol. I opted for the skirt portion of the 1.0 Dress from Popfuzz underneath , showing a splash of thigh before adding the wonderful Skelly Socks from Celestial Studios – I have these in every single pack that was released – they come on underpants and socks layers depending on what your needs are.

    Also in the face pics wearing Alyssa Hair by ETD – I always seem to wear this when showing skins lol I feel like im putting on make up at home in it making sure my hair doesn’t get in the way .

    Finishing off the look with the fabulous Goth Buckle Boots from J’s I was ready for my Faux Thursday * Grins* seeing as its Faux it wont last long lol I have sooo much to catch up on , so stay tuned .

    Gritty Kitty
    Adam n Eve
    Celestial Studios

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses
    Naughty Neko Designs

  • Tips


    Ok I had a mini rant, now I’m doing a plea/rant/thingy majooga :P.

    When I was typing my mini rant, I was trying not to get all ranty, as it was a post on wonderful things and didnt really want to change that fact, but Efe commented in IM and in the post about the individual prim issue, I forgot about that.

    The resizer script does allow for individual prims to be shrunk or bigguned – dont care if thats not a real word :p – but some dont allow for you to actualy move those devil prims that stick out in odd places. I remembered and told her why that was and realised that its something that has to be thrown out there.

    Now working closely with a hair creator, Aleri I am about to tell the world you have big ears SORRY :P, you see even though Aleri and many hair creators include their head size in a notecard for that ‘perfect fit ‘ it always seems that its not so perfect,and try and you might you cant work out how thats possible if you do follow their guidelines.

    I never followed them, but I do know my hair , and my head as you all do I am sure, and I always know that with HCT Hair I wear small and have to raise it a smidge coz Boo is a shorty puff. ETD I have to move back a smidge, Gurl 6 I fluctuate between medium and small depending on the style and so on.

    But Diversity I rarely had to ever move, until all of a sudden last year I was having ear prims issues, it boggled my mind as I hadnt changed head size and chucked a big wobbly at Aleri accusing her of changing hers lol, she hadn’t, but still sceptical I used to watch her as she built her hair with narrow slit eyes and then one day it hit me – or maybe she did , I cant remember :p .

    Nope it hit me when she was fully bald and we were doing a skins test lined up in a row all bald, and i was like WOAH her ear angle is huge – I am going to get into so much trouble I know it . But this is important because its one of those things people don’t think about with hair.

    I realised that towards the end of last year, Aleri started doing allot more close to the skull styles , uppydo’s etc , and what that meant was she was building more around her ears, with the angle being like hers are; that meant that with my ten angle the prims were embedded in my ears .

    I modded my shape to see how far I had to go out to not have to change prims, and a loud scream could be heard for miles *giggles* that so wasn’t happening, so back my shape went and I had to overcome my fear of editing lol.

    But designers of hair this is my plea, if you make hair and you do include the info of your head shape , PLEASE include ear angle , because it is important and will help allot of newer people who base their first shapes around their favourite hair designer.

    Also for the customer consider if you are having to fix that issue allot and with many designers, maybe you slid your sliders for ear angle all the way down to not have any angle at all , which would be why you are having that issue often, possibly with all styles, if your shape is mod , do a little test see how far you have to go to fix it and if you can live with that angle lol then maybe it will save you mucho stresso.

    But also consider this , my head size isnt aleris size its smaller, so that also is going to effect things and for many of you, you wont have this issue at all, and Aleris ears suit her shape, I do want to clarify that, this isnt about her ears or her product , it was one of those ‘what is causing it ‘ issues I had that I was able to understand due to watching her work, becuase of her I was able to understand why it happens for me with other creators hair, again due to the fact that ear angle isnt something anyone would necessarily think of in the bigger scheme of things.

    End of ranty thinga majooga

  • Adam n Eve,  Atomic,  Digital Dragon Designs,  Essentia,  Excess,  Junglewear,  Maitreya,  Persona,  Stylish,  VR Foundry

    DDD Stutter Rap and a little rant :P

    Ok I just couldnt think of anything to call the post other than Myyyy Persona, and I think I have been that corny already.

    I have had a hat week this week, which is unusual for me to find two excellent hats in as many days.

    The first one and the one I am wearing today is the BLD Army Brat hat from Atomic. As soon as I saw it I wanted to scream out HOGGGGAAAAANNNNNNNNN!. It’s just that kind of hat :P. This week Persona has a NEW release of the wonderful Iris Knitted Tops, and the Bonnie shorts shown on the right.

    I always think of Ladylike and truly feminine when I think of Persona, and I know allot of that has to do with Myllie Writer the Lady behind the store and the fabulous designs. The tops are wonderfully soft looking knits and I wanted to spice that softness up a bit, as well as show off my new hat lol.

    Finding the right hair for under the hat wasnt too much of a challenge when I went to my Maitreya folder and grabbed the River 2 style in the new autumn texture, so then what else could I spice up this look with ?. My favourite old shorts are the Strapped Shorts from Junglewear , using the system skirt for the straps, which is too brill.

    Then I remembered the Agression Arm Straps from Digital Dragon Designs that I got as one of the many freebies they gave out for a few weeks a few months back, which of course went with the Blade Runner Boots I got from there as well, ready to take on anyone now, I went to the Digital Dragon Designs Skin folder and chose the Drama make up of the Seductive Glow skins – anyone would think I was in a bad mood lol.

    Well if I was before playing dress ups , I’m not now. Changing from the Black Iris to the Grey – because if you put a grey in there its going to end up on me lol – I shimmied into the Bonnie Shorts also by Persona , yummy denim shorts that aren’t too short, but short enough shorts.

    Fastening the straps of my Rockstar boots from Digital Dragon Designs and grabbing the cute bowling bag look bag from Adam n Eve called Bartlett, and my Medallion set Earrings and Bracelet from Essentia and I was prepared for a day out.

    The Hakuei hair is by Excess a New to Me store that advertises themselves as androgynous wear. The hair has the resizer script in it for that easy touch editing, and is also only 129L a colour lol yes funny price, but interestingly enough when I bought two styles I ended up with five ?? as in each style had more than one version of the colour I chose , which was pretty cool.

    Now I am all for the love when it comes to the ease of this new resizing script, but one thing that is going to be an issue for some is this – IN MY OPINION ONLY , it makes the hair no mod , ok I get why some would want to do that, but what about the people that tint ?

    I don’t tint often, but I do know of many through working with hair that buy white or silver and make their own colour for every single hair style they own, because that way they do have as close to the same colour for all hair , regardless of the texture or creator, and what I have also noticed is that I havent seen it written anywhere, I wouldnt ever think to check perms on Hair , bad Sasy I know , but I just wouldnt , its been a long long time of conditioning to believe in the no transfer yes Mod yes Copy ideal of hair.

    To me this kind of New gadgetry needs a big bold sign with sharp angles lol that says RESIZER SCRIPTED/ NO MOD , because those that do tint are going to be very upset when they get stuck with white hair they cant do anything with. Also with the resizer once you have made all the size changes and you are happy – which I am coz that thing is awesome lol – you have the option then to delete scripts as it causes lag etc , ok great and it says in the notecard make a copy first , which is nice because that way you have one thats still scripted if you have a fat head moment one day 😛 .

    BUT YOU CAN’T MODIFY , so now you have two of the same hair in your inventory and you have to put one on to know its got the scripts in it still and then change to the other so you dont kill a sim , lol too funny .

    Anyway rant aside this hair is pretty yummy and the resizer for us non tinters and edit challenged people is a blessing.

    Digital Dragon Designs
    Adam n Eve

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses
    Naughty Neko Designs

  • Stylish


    Alexa Lioncourt posted this on Fashion Finds today and I for one am jumping with joy, my friends and I have always shopping in places from the least traffic and found the most incredible places that way, stores that have tiny stores and create incredible work. Now due to the traffic going that means that now TALENT will be the leading drive behind shopping , I am so excited , thank you Alexa for making my day .

    by Alexa :
    One of the things I do almost daily is check the traffic for the store I manage with my partner. Today, I did my normal search using both the ALL tab and the PLACES tab.

    With the redesign of the PLACES tab, the horribly gamed Traffic numbers are now gone! This is a huge improvement that many of us have waited for. No longer do casinos and trashy clubs out rank the legitimate businesses. Camping no longer makes any sense, since the only way you see traffic now is by literally standing on said plot and looking it up.

    Both searches now come down to keyword marketing. Yes, this has already been gamed too – look at the wide range of search words clubs use… but we all look at the names that come up in search and know which ones aren’t legit.

    I look forward to the time when this is rolled into the main viewers. I’m so happy all the designers who are not the Nordstrom shops of SL… the boutique stops that are just trying to design great products and hope to be noticed.

  • Stylish

    Jill came tumbling after

    And doesn’t she look hot tumbling, lol.

    The very talented Kuranosuke Kamachi of Dela, has released the Jill tank this past few days, and its divine.

    Not just any ordinary tank this one, nooooo. Look at the beauty of the leather strips down the front from the collar, and the belt , wow that sculpted belt is incredible, and comes in three sizes for an easy fit.

    A Beautiful design you can wear an endless amount of ways, as you can see here I went with two favourites. The Mod look had to happen as soon as I saw the white, grabbing the White Garcia boots also from Dela , and the skirt of the Heresy dress from Canimal.

    House of Heart has released some incredible Fashion Lashes as well recently and just look how wild they are. With the addition of my Zebra Stripe Earrings from Woo’s, and the Evette hair from HCT I was ready to be caged and GoGo the night away.

    Keeping on the fabulous Vivant Biba Skin from Fleur , I went with the Shelly Leggings also from Dela in the Champagne, beautiful colour and you have short and long with cuffs versions in the pack, the BitterBrown Jill top was a treat for the Garcia boots and I was feeling all Equestrian like, no horse but I do have a ridable Camel -now boxed lol .

    The NEW Yaya hair from HCT is a stunning french braid style, with the use of sculpties and prims to form this ever so thick loose braid, its gorgeous. The addition of the Vicente Gold bangle from Dela just added a nice touch of Gold and I was off and racing.

    Going with a similar but dressier uppydo look with the NEW Clipper Style from HCT , the Red Jill tank is beautiful- there are so many wonderful colours in the Jill tanks. The in black and the NEW Shelly leggingsDarena boots in Red are just fabulous in big squishy floppy bootyness.

    All shoes and boots at Dela have Demos, so does HCT Hair and of course Fleur Skins, so you can have a DEMO-Palooza today and try out your own looks.


    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses

  • Stylish

    Duckies all in a row

    Yesterday Sachi Vixen of Adam n Eve excited my buns with the NEW leather pants she has just released.

    All day I went around and around the grid, changing colours and oooing and ahhhing over the lush beauties, and the colour options are fantastic.

    Also if you join the Adam n Eve update group, and fill out the survey in history, there is a delish pair of deep Brown shown second from right, that is a gift for doing the survey – don’t know how long that offer lasts so hurry up.
    Now I started taking pics, and of course finding tops to go with all the wonderful colours, I even tp’d over to a store to make sure one top was still available, even got tpd over to a studio to see something new, so that delayed what I was doing by about a half an hour, well I never do that, I always just take my pics, but as blogger fate would have it lol , that half an hour or so was time I needed to be still in pic taking mode.

    Because Mimi Coral of ♥ Cupcakes dropped the incredible Past Time tops on me, and sure enough they look stunning with the leather pants, so I started all over again gleefully happy. The tops are a NEW item derived from the fabulous Time Past Gowns from earlier this week, these tops look incredible over pants as you can see , but also sensational over your own peasant like skirts etc.

    The hair is a NEW to me style I bought yesterday and cant take off, the texture is divine, its called Sweet Violet and is from FFS, I just love how silky it looks and the flex is superb , it moves so beautifully. The skin is also by Adam n Eve and is the Pandora skin in tone 1 make up 8 , I usually wear tone 3 but lately have been liking a bit paler than tan tan, so this worked beautifully.
    Speaking of Beautiful, omg the Duckies made by Damen Gorilla of Adam n Eve are the must have for those not wanting heels but not loving the too flat idea days.

    Stunning array of colours, I mean just look at them, they are gorgeous, and again look fab with the leather pants, but also some nice spring/summer frocks will just eat these Duckies up.

    So venture on over to Adam n Eve , when you get there to the front entrance find the TP boards on the left and choose the boutique one, and the pants are sensational, also if you go for the brat pack there are extra colours not shown seperate so its a steal. Then off to ♥ Cupcakes for those divine tops and hair is up to you, but you so need to go see Sweet Violet on your head coz its YUMMY.

    Adam n Eve

    ♥ Cupcakes

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses

  • Stylish

    I ♥ Everything and More

    Another one of those days, when I played connect the dots, one road led to another, and bliss kept pouring out at my feet, and literally.

    I was all ready to take pics, and I got an IM, in response to one I had sent earlier. Reminding me I had to get my bum over to ♥ Cupcakes ( for some reason whenever I try the arrow and the 3 it wont work for me when I go to post).

    Anyway I ended up shopping up a storm, and didn’t even get everything I wanted to, and for a second even though not shown today OMG The FREEBIES. Ok now that thats out of my system, and I probably lost you as you just went there already lol I’ll continue talking to myself.

    I went on a little mission yesterday, for some boots for Efe, and ended up so in love with them myself that I had to get *giggles* she also doesn’t know about this find yet – which may mean you never see me again, and if I do disappear let the police know to look at her place , under the floorboards .

    The boots are called the Belted Goth boots in silver, there is a gold buckled version too. One thing I have to point out,because in my excitement I didnt read the vendor properly, and this time it was a fantastic thing, you see not only do you get the belted option, but the non belted option too, as is the case with all the boots at J’s , so when they are already a steal at 300L you end up really paying 150L a pair – yeah yeah lost you again if you were still here.

    These boots as you can see – also don’t know if I say this often enough, but if you click the pics they get huuge, so you can see clearer- are incredibly shaped, the curve to the calf and the shape of the toe and heel are just like platform boots I have in RL. There are DEMOS of all the boots and latest releases, and wow the options, if you have a thing for boots this is a great store to check out.

    Because I got two boots options, I went with two looks. the first being the Casual but stylish Cowgirl in the City look. Dark Denim Jeans from Celestial Studios – love pants with underwear layers , makes boot wearing a breeze- and the Cowgirl hat/hair is also from Celestial Studios . The adorable Black Ruffly top is from ♥ Cupcakes , a really nice shape and style , with adorable ruffle at the base and the sleeves are too cute.

    The second look came about from the Goth style , but wanting to do the Girly Goth look, which I love, the Black and Pink Bow dress is also from ♥ Cupcakes and is a latest release. An adorable babydoll style in the vintage nighty look I think rocks, strapless and perfect for any occasion. My favourite Goth hair is the Nalira hair from HCT , I used to think that Elvira was so awesome, and regardless of famous for being a drug addict girls who have it now, it will always be Elvira’s hair lol.

    The skin from Rosemar is the Creampuff Skin – Almond – makeup 056 and Creampuff Skin – Almond – makeup SPECIALTY 1 , I love that this tone is called Almond, because it really does that that colour to it , the make up on this skin is Gorgeous , and the subtle pink blush just highlights that creamy complexion, the mouth is sexy, it has more of a worn lipstick effect than a freshly coated look. Remember its DEMO DEMO DEMO all the way with skins.

    The yummy Byzantine Unisex Choker that I wear a lot is from Essentia as are the Hair Rose’s but you knew that already :P.
    How I got to the boots when seeing these in the doorway I don’t know.

    They are the incredible Gladiator Sandals and when I saw them my first thought was to the ♥ Cupcakes One Shoulder Mini Dress, but then I got all distracted and thank goodness Mimi IM’d .
    But I do know when I put them back on I would have remembered.

    Classic Grecian/Roman style dress with Gladiator sandals of yummyness, I mean seriously, its a match made in ‘ my inventory’ giggles. The Gladiator sandals can be both casual or dressy in my opinion, and with the fabulous wedge heel, all the dancing you are going to be asked to do wont kill your feet. Options of straps sizes should cover everyones needs, and yes again there are full DEMOS so be sure, just in case , and if your shape isn’t mod.

    You hear me mention fate all the time in my posts, well again it did happen, the other night I was at a party, and there was a girl there wearing these shoes, but in my crazyness of filming the affair, I forgot to inspect them, and didn’t know who it was to even IM and ask lol , so to find them the following day when looking for something else was a blessing.

    The dress is just beautiful in its micro mini style and the flexi shoulder sash is yummy as you dance and walk. I am wearing the Casablanca Jewelry set from Essentia, and that stunning Tiffany ring is from FLIRT , there are other stone options , this being the Diamond one, and its scripted so that when you click on it you can resize it at the push of a button or two.

    Now for the hair, and I might get killed again for this, thank goodness Im only human and that can only happen once. Some of you may know that that incredible Blog Savoir Hair has built an in world Head Quarters , that is opening this thursday , what some of you might NOT know, is that there are walls of hair, and not just hair , but free and dollarbie hair.

    What is even better , is that some of this hair has never been available for free before, some of the designers have put out hair just for the wonderful ladies of Savoir Hair Teagan Blackthorne and Laynie Link.
    So the hair worn in this shot is two styles from there 😛 , don’t tell on meeeeeeeee but I had to show you some of what awaits you on Thursday , actually its not like there are guarddogs lol.

    The first style on the left is the wonderful Rachel style from Dernier Cri@ Savoir Hair , and yes never been a style there before as a freebie so this is a must get, it isn’t scripted as the ones in her store are, but she has included a fabulous spread of colours. The incredible Uppy Do is Serafina by Bishwear @ Savoir Hair and instant love, reminds me of Priscilla Presley.

    With this sensational dress, both styles look superb. The skin is again from Rosemar and is the delightful Creampuff Skin – Teak, wonderful smokey eyes and a more tanned tone, Rosemary has made sooo many tone options for these skins, you should have no trouble finding one to suit your needs.
    I couldn’t resist this dress at ♥ Cupcakes , and though its shown as two in the store, they are linked on purpose, as you get both looks for the one incredible price of 150L. Time Past is an incredible Gown that just makes me weep for times past – ooooo – it is dresses like this one that can make you feel so treasured and beautiful.

    The soft gold and creams, with the soft white is just inspired and so feminine, I wanted to stroll all of Phils Place in this last night , unfortunately after tp’ing to 4 different medieval themed sims and having nothing but wall to wall vendors at them I gave up :o(.

    The hair another one of my Favourites is the Juliet style by Gurl 6 , and Juliet is an appropriate name when you look this Shakespearean. No shoes because I was feeling all Mother Earth in this Gown, and the skin is again the Creampuff skin in Teak by Rosemar.

    Make sure you have a wonderful day being super feminine Goth or Girly style today.

    Don’t forget to VOTE FOR TEAGAN at Dark Eden for Girl of the Month choose number 4 for Teagan.

    ♥ Cupcakes
    Celestial Studios
    Savoir Hair Headquarters
    Gurl 6

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses