
  • Adam n Eve,  Atomic,  Digital Dragon Designs,  Essentia,  Excess,  Junglewear,  Maitreya,  Persona,  Stylish,  VR Foundry

    DDD Stutter Rap and a little rant :P

    Ok I just couldnt think of anything to call the post other than Myyyy Persona, and I think I have been that corny already.

    I have had a hat week this week, which is unusual for me to find two excellent hats in as many days.

    The first one and the one I am wearing today is the BLD Army Brat hat from Atomic. As soon as I saw it I wanted to scream out HOGGGGAAAAANNNNNNNNN!. It’s just that kind of hat :P. This week Persona has a NEW release of the wonderful Iris Knitted Tops, and the Bonnie shorts shown on the right.

    I always think of Ladylike and truly feminine when I think of Persona, and I know allot of that has to do with Myllie Writer the Lady behind the store and the fabulous designs. The tops are wonderfully soft looking knits and I wanted to spice that softness up a bit, as well as show off my new hat lol.

    Finding the right hair for under the hat wasnt too much of a challenge when I went to my Maitreya folder and grabbed the River 2 style in the new autumn texture, so then what else could I spice up this look with ?. My favourite old shorts are the Strapped Shorts from Junglewear , using the system skirt for the straps, which is too brill.

    Then I remembered the Agression Arm Straps from Digital Dragon Designs that I got as one of the many freebies they gave out for a few weeks a few months back, which of course went with the Blade Runner Boots I got from there as well, ready to take on anyone now, I went to the Digital Dragon Designs Skin folder and chose the Drama make up of the Seductive Glow skins – anyone would think I was in a bad mood lol.

    Well if I was before playing dress ups , I’m not now. Changing from the Black Iris to the Grey – because if you put a grey in there its going to end up on me lol – I shimmied into the Bonnie Shorts also by Persona , yummy denim shorts that aren’t too short, but short enough shorts.

    Fastening the straps of my Rockstar boots from Digital Dragon Designs and grabbing the cute bowling bag look bag from Adam n Eve called Bartlett, and my Medallion set Earrings and Bracelet from Essentia and I was prepared for a day out.

    The Hakuei hair is by Excess a New to Me store that advertises themselves as androgynous wear. The hair has the resizer script in it for that easy touch editing, and is also only 129L a colour lol yes funny price, but interestingly enough when I bought two styles I ended up with five ?? as in each style had more than one version of the colour I chose , which was pretty cool.

    Now I am all for the love when it comes to the ease of this new resizing script, but one thing that is going to be an issue for some is this – IN MY OPINION ONLY , it makes the hair no mod , ok I get why some would want to do that, but what about the people that tint ?

    I don’t tint often, but I do know of many through working with hair that buy white or silver and make their own colour for every single hair style they own, because that way they do have as close to the same colour for all hair , regardless of the texture or creator, and what I have also noticed is that I havent seen it written anywhere, I wouldnt ever think to check perms on Hair , bad Sasy I know , but I just wouldnt , its been a long long time of conditioning to believe in the no transfer yes Mod yes Copy ideal of hair.

    To me this kind of New gadgetry needs a big bold sign with sharp angles lol that says RESIZER SCRIPTED/ NO MOD , because those that do tint are going to be very upset when they get stuck with white hair they cant do anything with. Also with the resizer once you have made all the size changes and you are happy – which I am coz that thing is awesome lol – you have the option then to delete scripts as it causes lag etc , ok great and it says in the notecard make a copy first , which is nice because that way you have one thats still scripted if you have a fat head moment one day 😛 .

    BUT YOU CAN’T MODIFY , so now you have two of the same hair in your inventory and you have to put one on to know its got the scripts in it still and then change to the other so you dont kill a sim , lol too funny .

    Anyway rant aside this hair is pretty yummy and the resizer for us non tinters and edit challenged people is a blessing.

    Digital Dragon Designs
    Adam n Eve

    Always thankful for:

    Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

    Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

    My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

    My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.

    Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
    Digital Dragon Designs
    Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
    Happy Dispatch
    [LAP] Long Akward Pose
    Ana Lu Fresh Poses
    Naughty Neko Designs