
  • Stylish

    She’s been living in her white bread world

    Today my background is again from the Second Life Stock Images Group on Flickr. I love that group, not only because I started it, but because it has become such an incredibly useful tool for pics, but also I adore seeing the photos from it used in peoples blog posts, adverts for vendors and so on. It makes me happy, and I love all the submissions to the group, it is a great way to see things you haven’t and even if you have been to the same locations, you get to see the place through another persons eyes.

    I also get to see what Whimsy does when I am not online, this is again one of her pics, which I resized, then de-saturated and added a bit of texture effect to in PS.

    I have been looking for a reason to wear the Editorial 2 Hair from Lelutka for a while now, and with the beautiful umbrella as part of  The Sea Holes collabor88 items, this was just the perfect time. The colours and prints in the umbrella are a delight, as are the rest of the items, which I will show at another time. The leather pants and stunning cardigan with fur collar, are items recently released from Fishy Strawberry. The texture work is delightful, and the collar is a great attachment you could use on other coats or cardigans. The belt also comes with, and was an easy fit, by using edit linked parts.

    I went to EY-NO yesterday, as soon as I saw their info on What’s New SL’s Flickr Group for their latest group gift. I went straight over and grabbed also these fantastic french manicure nails with bows, there are options of with bows, without, or bows only, a MUST HAVE. The group gift is this insanely adorable Vintage Goat toy pendant, it is Mesh, and is just the cutest thing.

    The skins I am wearing are the latest Uptown Skins from Curio by Gala Phoenix, they come with brows options and I went with the ginger as it is a great colour for redheads. The make up is as usual well done, and you still get the dark and light versions of each tone, as well as freckles options. The mouth is smaller than I am used to, but I really like it overall, and the more I was looking at it, the more it reminded me of Drew Barrymore. So if a fan of hers, and who isn’t then you should definitely DEMO DEMO DEMO.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Uptown Girl w/ ginger brows add on layer – Curio by Gala Phoenix


    QCX, Editorial 2 – LeLutka


    Fur neck Cardigan, Moto Leather Pants – Fishy Strawberry


    Esprit XTD, Billow Boots – Maitreya 


    French Leo Nails, Vintage Goat (Group Gift) – EY-NO

  • Stylish

    Play Day




    Is it just me, or has time slowed right down the last few days? Seriously I have had such incredibly full mornings, from my midnight onwards, and then when I think it should be lunchtime at least it is only 7am or so…but yay on getting lots and lots done.

    Whimsy and I have been building, we built an item that will be part of next weeks Moody Mondays, which I am excited about, so stay tuned. Other than that though, blogging pics, and I did grab the new version of FRAPS, I went to use my older one the other day and it was crazy broken. If you have ever thought of doing Machinima FRAPS is an excellent deal, and updates forever, which is way cool at the price. I bought mine so long ago though, I had to log into an email addy I haven’t used in 5 years to find the password to their site lol.

    Anyway, hoping to try and do some more tutorials eventually, I did one or two way way back a million years ago, so it will be interesting to see if I can still manage it, and you may get to hear me talk in my Aussieness and all.

    Some more Collabor88 items for today, the clothing is all Tres Blah, the shorts of course not at Collabor88 but in their mainstore. But the dress and another one of those great long tshirts are at this months Culture Fusion theme. The colours of these items are just so beautiful, and the dress is sexy as all get out. The hair I am wearing is by Clawtooth by Clawtooth – say that ten times fast, and is also really seductive looking, or can of course be more girl next door, depending on your mood.

    The skin is Illusory’s addition to the theme, and is really sweet and playful in a minxish way, to be honest the whole collection is all sultry and yummy, so best be getting over there asap.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Olive Juice @ Collabor88

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Paige_Honey – Culture – Illusory @ Collabor88


    Dear Love – Clawtooth by Clawtooth @ Collabor88


    C88 Graphic Tee – Feathers 4 – Tres Blah @ Collabor88

    Denim Cutoff shorts – Tres Blah


    Alexa Boots – Maitreya MESH


    The Blame Game Ring Set – DDL 


    2nd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Paige_Honey – Culture - Illusory @ Collabor88


    Dear Heart - Clawtooth by Clawtooth @ Collabor88


    C88 Corset Dress Floral - Tres Blah @ Collabor88


    Alexa Boots - Maitreya MESH


    The Blame Game Ring Set - DDL 

  • Stylish

    Grin and Bare it






    I have a request of every single person, to not only do this, but also to encourage everyone they know to do it too. The reason for the request is that the other day a drop down appeared on my screen, with a message from the people that run the event nights over at Bare Rose. The notecard was letting the customers know that due to finances no longer being the same at Bare Rose, that the prize money they usually provide at events was going to be lowered. I found that interesting, and totally so like June to still give as much as she could, and not have her customers miss out. Then I heard that it is a bit worse than that, sales have declined a lot over there, and I got to thinking more.

    We have so many events, day sales, and the what not, that are great for people on a budget, but stores that always catered to that have obviously suffered in some way. I mean the product at Bare Rose is still incredible, and how much you get for your 170L or 140L or whatever is always amazing. But obviously many that used to shop there for a deal, now do not feel the need to. Well I really hope that many of you will reconsider that, and take your friends over and buy up lots and lots, because having a store like Bare Rose suffer is just like the end of the world for many. June is incredible, and so talented, and her items are beautiful. So even if you just go and buy one thing each, it could really show her that her hard work is cared about…and also you may have friends who are new enough to have never been EEEEEEKS at the very thought of it.

    The fun overalls set I am wearing is from there, I picked it up earlier today, its tight in the right places, and baggy where it needs to be, I could totally take on someone in a dance off in this outfit – I so love those movies, don’t you?.

    The hairs I am wearing are from LoQ, I am seriously in lust with the Champagne bow one, it looks so hot when you zoom in on your face, I kind of want the same style with a turban back to it with the same big bow, so yummy.

    The skins I am wearing are the new Harper from Adam n Eve, this skin is truly beautiful, and possibly one of my new faves to date for Adam n Eve. The face really gives definition that is much needed under the cheeks area, to highlight the cheekbones themselves. The make ups are wonderful, and I am so happy that Sachi has truly embraced the nude lips, more natural make up looks, so that now a fat pack really encompasses all that is needed in a skin that you will want to wear full time. The skins come with hair bases and brows tattoos with blonde, red, black and brown options, as well as manicure and pedicure on tats and gloves and socks. Each skin also has a cleavage enhanced option, so you can save layers that way, by wearing the regular or enhanced. DEMO DEMO DEMO it will be worth it, because it is really awesome. There are 12 make ups in all, but one pic broke on me, so you only get 11 pics :P.


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Glitterat

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Harper – Adam n Eve 


    Champagne, Pudding – LoQ Hairs


    Kh B.H.S. – Bare Rose 


    OZStarz Chucks – Bedlam 



  • Stylish

    Leaving on a jet plane


    Happy 5th Rezday to Whimsy Winx 

    Vivid colours and bold prints, that is the beauty that beckons at this months Collabor88 for sure. The items are truly inspired, and todays post mixes a couple of things, with other older pieces from my inventory. If you haven’t been yet, do know that you have a whole month, as it is all up until the 7th at least, and the build has changed, so it is bigger and less confining when packed, as it generally is.

    Fashionably Dead had a large influence on the feel of todays post, the theme of course being in my head. I felt very touristy with the great countries that inspired her release of hairs and Make up layers. Sweden, Mexico, France, Japan and Russia, I could not resist buying them all, and I too, like Mavi Beck who I ran into there, had thought that it was only the make ups that were on offer, so with a delightful squeel I beamed at all the hair as well. In the first pic I actually tinted the hair to that deep red, and really like how it and the make up made light of such an incredibly intense coat by SLink.

    The Marigold Winter Coat is Mesh, and has such a from Russia with love kind of feel to it. With the actual theme of the event being Culture Fusion, it was no wonder such looks were so easy to incorporate, but in such a beautiful way that you didn’t feel all costumey as such. I really love the asymetrical collar, and the cinched waist belt on the coat. It being the perfect length too, to still see something as fun as the Facil micro mini skirt that I still can’t wait for more colours in from Elymode. I actually wore this combo out last night, as myself and Whimsy went to Rouge to wish Codie a Happy 5th rezday…yay Codie.

    The socks and shoes are both items from G*field, and if you didn’t alread have the Alex shoes in all the colours already, you need to go and get them and the new metallic pack. I love these, style wise they are marvelous, but also the fact that you get different strap options in the menu, is all win. There is the Tstrap, double strap, single strap, cross strap and no strap, fantastic value. The bags I have on today are both from LaGyo, part of their fashion week collection of a few months back, great accessories to be had from that whole collection for sure, but also the clothing was awesome.

    In the next pic I have one of the skivvys from that collection, in ivory, a really nice design as it isn’t just a plain sweater pattern. I am wearing it under the beautiful Sari Kimono from Nylon Outfitters also @ Collabor88. There are three kimonos in all in great colour combos, and even though I am a huge fan of system skirts, I decided to use the top as a top, with the wonderful Flowy shorts from Fashionably Dead. When these shorts were released at one of Tableaus roadside stall events, I think they were my go to pants for weeks, I love them dearly, especially how they are V cut at the front, so it lends an even nicer illusion to the Kimono Obi.

    The next combo look is a mix of Jeans from Callie Cline who is in this months Collabor88 and you will giggle when you see her KittyCats placed about her display, I know I did. The jeans are very cool with embellishments that are definitely a mix of both Mexican and retro 70’s fashion, such a great blend and a lovely fit. I have always hailed Callie when it comes to her pants. The elongated tshirt is a Tres Blah item at Collabor88, as usual they have not only clothes but also the two skins I am wearing, which I just love. If you have been going since the start, you like myself will have a great collection of Tres Blah skins by now. I adore the leopard cross on the tshirt, and there is a love potion number 9 one also in the same pack, so a steal for sure. Finishing off the look I went with the denim jacket from Mon Tissu, very close in denim to the jeans, so it totally works, and definitely a travellers must have, when there is jean jacket love, it is all consuming. I once spent weeks searching with a friend for a replacement for hers that she had literally worn to death, and you can’t just go grab the first one you see, it has to be special, and these definitely are.

    Poses by Marukin are also at the event, so grab them too.

    So make sure you get over to Collabor88 as soon as you can, no shots needed, and the gates are open to all passports.


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Marukin @ Collabor88

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    {Tan} C88 Chic Skin – Dark Brows – Tres Blah @ Collabor88

    Russia Tattoo (Tintable) - Fashionably Dead @ Collabor88


    Mary’s Magic Hat – Japan – Fashionably Dead @ Collabor88


    Facil skirt – (part mesh) – Elymode 

    Marigold Winter Coat – SLink @ Collabor88 (MESH)

    Ruffle Socks – G*Field


    Alex Shoes with Strap Options – G*Field


    Lora purse Jet – LaGyo


    2nd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    {Tan} C88 Fusion Skin – Light Brows – Tres Blah @ Collabor88

    Japan Tattoo  - Fashionably Dead @ Collabor88


    Lopsided Lilly – Sweden – Fashionably Dead @ Collabor88


    Sari-Kimono Dress – Blue ( top only) – Nylon Outfitters @ Collabor88

    High Waisted Flowy Shorts – Fashionably Dead 

    Zoya turtleneck-Ivory  – LaGyo LGFemme 


    Alex Shoes with Strap Options - G*Field


    3rd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    {Tan} C88 Fusion Skin – Light Brows – Tres Blah @ Collabor88


    Michelle Tea – Mexico – Fashionably Dead @ Collabor88


    Graphic Tee – Leopard Cross 2 – Tres Blah @ Collabor88 

    Culture Fusion Dark Wash – Callie Cline @ Collabor88

    Porter Jean Jacket  – Mon Tissu 


    Alex Shoes with Strap Options - G*Field


    Nika bag Ivory  – LaGyo 


  • Stylish

    It’s a Micro Revolution it is





    Lately Whimsy and Ashia and I have been getting out more, which is a good thing, as often we tend to spend way too much time in the sky working. I know it is that way for many in Second Life, which often doesn’t make sense, when you consider that usually people join such a place to meet and spend time being a lot more social. IMs are great, and so are Social Networks etc, but nothing beats face time, even if it is pixels. So make sure to put in face time once in a while with people you usually only IM, it is good for you both.

    Last night Whimsy and I were at The Dressing Room Blue, making sure to grab the latest Exile hair which not shown in this post, but is FABULOUS. Anyways while there Whimsy saw a really cute girl wearing a skirt she liked the look of, so asked me to quickly inspect as she was lagging, and as often is the case, the girl may have tpd away. So I grabbed the info, mind you usually I do IM people to ask, as I think it is nice to compliment people in that way, but this was an emergency inspect lol. We went to the store in question after, it was Wildo, a store we hadn’t been to in at least a year, the last time was for a wheely suitcasey thing Whimsy wanted…she really likes that store lol. Alas they are actually closing down at the end of the month, but until then everything is only 39L so you need to go, because the hair, the floral hair accessory and so many other accessories for the hair are there to get, and they are all really good work too.

    After that we went around the sim the store was on, again having not been there in yonks, and tada waved at a poster of Sofia Gray in the Aoharu satellite store there, she looked so pretty 🙂 . I found these really pretty blouses in the M+M store just up the road, and the pack was really well priced, so got both the white and the black, with two versions of the shirt in each…bargain.

    All the looks today are featuring the Facil skirt by Elymode. This skirt comprises of not only all layers, but a very cool blend of both MESH and regular prim skirt attachment, or the non mesh version if you must. But once you try on the mix, you will be sold, because it is tres magnifique. I have seen long pencil skirts using the clothing layers and mesh insert mix, Mon Tissu did that first and then they also did a regular mini , but Elymode nailed the Micro Mini which will have girls clamoring for more as it really is hell sexy. It needs to be made in a billionty colours, and not just millions of purples – Elysium has a penchant for the purple she does, and I am terrible for teasing her about it. For those that know about rigging and how intensely difficult it can be, you need to applaud her for managing to do so to a piece of mesh this small. The skirt design itself is so cute, and as it does come on all layers, you can do the leggings thing like I have, or bare skin works wonders too.

    The other day, again Whimsy dragged me off my posestand and we visited two stores by the same creator. May’s Soul and Tentacio are both stores owned by May Tolsen. We both grabbed lots of things, but my favourite of all was these awesome snowshoes with the old fashioned raquets on the bottom…so cute and texture change colour wise for the legwarmer portion. Not sure if you can see though, one boot also has a little bird sitting on the front, sooooo cute. The punk boots are also from there, and the socks colour change also. This was very handy, as I needed them to work with the gorgeous blue puffler also in MESH by BOOM, and the armwarmers – again MESH – which are a great fit size wise. I love that BOOM is slowly adding MESH to it’s store, cannot wait to see more.

    The red and black combo needed something a little lighter, and well naughtier, so I went with the latest release from Whippet & Buck, this is their Etheria release, which is a collaboration effort putting clothing designers together with Jewelers. Mouse Mimistrobell is the brains behind this event, and you should definitely look into it, as the theme is Painted Ladies, and that just  means awesomeness for sure, and don’t delay because the event ends tomorrow.

    Lastly I am wearing three skins by YS & YS, the Virginia, Claire and Sahara skins are three tones of the same skin, and each tone just adds something to the overall look. It was instant love when I put on the paler of the three which is Virginia but definitely still love the face on all three. The make up is also lovely and you get so many options with YS & YS skins, brows, lashes, cleavage and lipsticks with and without teeth all come on tattoo layers. You don’t get all lippies on the tat layers, but enough of a range to really extend the overall package. I actually put on the nude lips with teeth on the 2nd pic, to make the make up a tad more subtle overall.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Frooti

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Virginia – YS & YS 


    M2/01 Hair – Wildo


    Facil Skirt Part Mesh Option – Elymode

    frill Stand-up-collar blouse long sleeve – M+M

    Favourite Wool tights – Mon Tissu 


    Millside Flats – Elikatira


    Flower garden head dress/black – Wildo 

    Observation Earrings – Yummy
    2nd Me:

    Skin Worn:

    Claire – YS & YS 

    Claire Eyebrows Light, Clair Lipstick Nude/teeth – YS & YS (part of skin pack)


    M2/08 – Wildo 


    Facil Skirt Part Mesh Option - Elymode

    Austen Pullover – Mon Tissu MESH


    Velvet Boots w/raquet – May’s Soul 


    Puffler Icicle – BOOM – MESH (also comes with sculpted version)

    3rd Me:

    Skin Worn: 

    Sahara – YS & YS 


    M/06 (tinted)  – Wildo 


    Facil Skirt Part Mesh Option - Elymode

    Barr None Lingerie Bra – Whippet & Buck 


    Punk Boots w/socks – Tentacio 


    Armwarmers MESH – BOOM 

    Nails – Sensations 


  • Stylish




    Why I love all layer options in clothing, this post is the perfect example. I am actually wearing the socks portion of the leggings as well, and because it means that the fabric extends all the way down to the join of the feet, I didn’t have to over exert myself matching them lol. I am so loving this little cheat right now lol. Anyway, the feet are definitely the focus of the post, not just because they are so pretty, but also because they are now available in MESH.

    Yes that means no matter what kind of quirky pose you do, your feet will also bend with realism, and there is no need to have a lock holding them in place at the ankle. This is definitely all win, and for those that were already lovers of the SLink bare feet in sculpties, you will want these definitely, it was a giggle reading a review on them on Marketplace and having someone say they tossed their old ones in the bin, once they tried the Mesh… so go get your demo on.

    A snuggly look with a chunky sweater from NERD, and the leggings I love are from t*eefy, these were the last flf items, so I am sure many of you got them, but if not make sure you check if they are still available, and if not in the store, IM and beg lots for them to be put out at whatever price they will be now, so worth it, so lovely.

    I am still loving the new autumn texture from Exile, and so that there is consistency the hair in the store has all been updated, so yay for Kavar.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    LeLutka – Natasha


    Nia – Exile


    Big Turtle Neck – NERD 

    Vintage Floral Leggings – T*eefy


    Bare Feet MESH – SLink



  • Stylish

    Mala Bala Mo Mala


    Party 1
    Party 2
    Party 3


    What a day today was, so much disappointment due to mishandling of Charity raised funds, and a whole lot of incredible content creators finding out that what they had worked very hard to be part of was not what they thought it was. I really do wish that Linden Labs would work out a way to process all money raised at such events, providing an avatar that donations are directed to, with explicit instructions from the organisers of what Charity the funds are to be donated to at the end. I have understood in the past that it would mean having to pay someone to do all of that, but I thought about it, and decided that is not necessarily the case. If hundreds of SL Residents are willing to donate their time and content to a cause, I cannot see why there wouldn’t be like minded Linden Lab employees willing to donate a few hours a week to help with these things.

    I also know that as much as we do a lot of fundraising in Second Life, it is rare that events are stacked on top of each other in such a way that it would be lots of work all the time. The Lindens would notify the organiser in advance of which account to script the donations to, and once the event is over the total is declared and the amount is sent to the correct charity, with it being a donation from Second Life Residents. Then LL could forward a receipt or the organisers could have the charity clued in that when they do recieve from LL they know to forward the receipt to the organisers as well. I know I myself as one of the organisers of Hair Fair, would have no issues with them also keeping the fee that would be charged to a residents account to cash out.

    Anyway, the matter was somewhat sorted earlier today, and now Evelyn Hartshon is taking care of matters, and assures everyone that the donations made so far and any additional ones will go to the correct place as promised. Also last I heard SeraphimSL was letting all the participants instead set up their vendors at their sim, so check with them for more info on that.

    Onto the fashion. I am wearing these great skully emblazoned long tanks from Acid & Mala, I really like that store, and especially their penchant for great shorty dresses. Lately I have been loving their lipsticks and teeth, they do great packs with different transparencies of each colour, and with or without teeth, I am wearing the teeth only in the middle pic, but you will see more of them later I promise. Also as promised I finally took the make up shots of the Party Girl skins, wearing them in a few posts was just slack of me. The make ups are great in variety, from soft to bold, and of course the much adored pures. Really lovely dark brows on these, and of course that killer body. So be sure to demo demo demo if you haven’t already.

    All of the hair I have on is from Wasabi Pills, the two longer styles are MESH and a delight to wear. It is so nice taking pics with mesh hair, as it doesn’t stick through the body, but I do love hair, so all hair is most excellent. The styles are really nice, and pretty, I think that Wasabi Pills really does do pretty hair, and the texture names make me giggle.

    The Slink thigh highs had to make a cameo appearance today, because they were just perfect for this dress, and also because they rock the kasbah. If you do not own these boots yet, you really need to embrace the mesh, if you didn’t use mesh yet when they were released it is time to go back and try them now, because they are so sexy, but also the way boots should want to be when they grow up.

    The items I have on over the dresses are from SHI, these are pieces from sets, and are nice as mix and match items, so check those out. I do hope that SHI plans on doing seperates next season though, these full sets can be limiting for some, but definitely vision inspired.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Behavior Body

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Party Girl – Curio

    Nature Teeth Tattoo layer – Acid & Mala 


    Clementine, Amandine, Taleen – Wasabi Pills 


    Skull Tattoo Long Tank – Acid & Mala 

    Black Leather Jacket, White Shirt, Harness (parts of sets) – Shi 


    Tall Leather Thigh High Boots MESH – SLink


    Nails – Mandala 

    Bravo Diamond Cuff, Earrings – MOOD


  • Stylish

    We will, we will, Rock You!

    W&S 1

    W&S 2

    W&S 3

    I was about to rock in my VR Studio, when Whimsy logged back on…so I made her change and join me for a bit of shadow play. We often have the same items, so this was a fun way to get more bum for our buck so to speak.

    The jeans we are both wearing are from Deetalez, they are the tasty butt jeans, I am wearing pearl, and Whimsy is wearing black. The styles just perfect, hip slung but not too low as to not be ladylike. I especially like the pearl detailing across the upper leg. Some of the other items I am so late with, so late in fact that the Four Corners event they were from is over now, so I am hoping they are instead at least in the stores of the creators.

    The Beetlebones Mesh Biker Jacket is studded bliss, this jacket is not only great because it is MESH and therefore moves with your arms etc, but also because the style, length and stud detailing is fabulously spot on. I am really enjoying the MESH releases from Beetlebones, as Sue just keeps getting better and better with every release, and her style has always been marvelous.

    Earlier I showed the Amellie skin from Glam Affair that is at The Dressing Room, well this Linn Party skin is the other item available now, so do not miss out on these great skin releases at such an insanely low price. The make up on the skin itself is wild and fun, and an additional set of lipsticks is included. One of my favourite buys from Four Corners was this delicate necklace from Undefined Lillies, that is a store that has grown in leaps and bounds, creating such incredible pieces that are very beautiful and usually very delicate in design. This is no exception, and the overall look reminds me so much of glomesh, that it is 70’s love all over the place.

    Rocking out in her animal print, is Whimsy with her top from Aoharu. If something has animal print and is pretty, she will own it eventually. The animal print look works so well with the leather clad rockgirl look, and adds a nice contrast print wise to the overall dynamic.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Poseur 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Skin Worn: 

    Linn Party – Glam Affair @ The Dressing Room 


    Flowers – Fashionably Dead 


    Applebutt Jeans Pearl – Deetalez

    Short Tank Top – League 

    Studded Biker Jacket – Beetlebones MESH


    Live Boots – Elikatira 


    Dainty Rain – Undefined Lillies

    Adnata Wrist Cuff ( Comes with boots) – Addictia 

     Whimsy is Wearing :

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka 

    Eyes – Gaze – Amacci 

    Lashes 13 – Chaisuki 


    Posh – Exile 


    Applebutt Jeans Black – Deetalez

    OffShoulder Baggy tshirt – Aoharu 


    Saffron – LeLutka 


    Sylph Doorknocker Earrings – Indyra Originals 

    Naive Nails – Je Suis 


  • Stylish

    I see you shiver with anticipation


    The other day there was a lot of discussion about events, and ways in which people could know in advance when something was scheduled. Sanura Snowpaw decided to take matters into her own hands, and created the new Second Life Events Calendar. Now this is a great project, and will of course mean that Sanura is ours forever now, as she will have to manually add the events as they are submitted. The events that this covers are the annual and often quarterly events, as well as events that are more than a week and involve lots of people. This is not for people to promote their one day or hourly events, that is what the events category on the Second Life website is for.

    Events such as Hair Fair – already locked in for 14th July to 29th, and things like skin fair, shoe fair, and so on. To submit an event you can go HERE , and just in case you get lost, or forget, I have added an advertisement to the side of this blog in case it is needed in the future. I hope you check it regularly, as it is a great tool not only for event organisers and bloggers, but also for those of you wanting to explore such events as often as they occur, as it is sometimes difficult to get the word out to everyone.

    Now regarding the other types of events, such as The Dressing Room…I popped over there with Whimsy and Ashia today, and grabbed this wonderful skin by Glam Affair. There are two skins available, but this one is just divine, with its super pale complexion and slight make up. The ring I have one is a divine skull embedded in a flower in a great looking gold by R.icielli as part of a super pack of incredible items. I loved the vampyness of the skin, so I couldn’t resist wearing the Andrej hair from Exile, this hair is beautiful, and the new textures just keep dazzling me. I grabbed this dress a few weeks ago at League, it’s a great mini black dress for a night out clubbing, I especially love the way the top portion is slightly wrapped looking, and I think it would look great as a top with pants. The sleeves are sculpted and sit very well. I did play around a bit with this pic, but it is not too different from the skin tone, as it definitely has that recently dead look about it as Ashia put it.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Body Language SLC 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Amelie – Contessa – Glam Affair @ The Dressing Room 


    Andrej – Exile


    Suede Wrap Dress – League 


    Zoe Pumps – Celoe MESH


    Iris Skull Ring – R.icielli @ The Dressing Room 


  • Stylish

    The spy’s who shop

    Cos Sasy and Whimsy

    Cos Whimsy 2

    Cos Sasy

    Cos Whimsy 1

    Whimsy and I went shopping the last FLF yesterday, and while we were all dressed up and looking fine, some pics needed to be taken. Firstly though I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year, as it is already 2012 down here, and what a sound the fireworks over Sydney Harbour made tonight. I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years eve celebration, and if not celebrating as such, at least take the time to reflect on all the great things you and yours have done in the past 12 months, and hope to achieve in the next.

    Anyway, as I was saying, Whimsy and I went to Venexia which is an RP sim that is really wonderful on the ground floor, the landing point lands you at a mall though, but definitely worth getting down to the water and incredible builds. It was perfect for Whimsy’s very Russian Spy look today. I totally represented with the fur trim from the Celoe Rossi coat, and even though the hat and coat from LeLutka are much older items, they are definitely gorgeous.

    Get your spy look on today, and have a rager….


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Luth  &  C’est La Vie  (on location using VR HUD Library ) 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Sasy: Ellis – LeLutka

    Whimsy: Amacci – Gaze Eyes – Steel


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Sasy: Party Girl – Curio by Gala Phoenix 

    Whimsy:  League – Amber BR Suntan – BurgundyWine


    Sasy: Joy II – Maitreya 

    Whimsy: LeLutka – Victoria Hair


    Sasy:  Rossi Jacket (MESH) – Celoe @ LeLutka Sim

    Leather Leggings – Maitreya (MESH)

    Whimsy: MichaMi – Leather Dress – Black

    Osakki – Assassin Leggings – Black

    LeLutka – Sierra Coat – Dim Grey


    Sasy: Treaders – Maitreya 

    Whimsy: Radical Boots – Maitreya  (MESH)


    Whimsy: SHI – Lure gloves {MESH}

    Bukka – Sunglasses – Glossy

    LeLutka – Anzhelina Hat – Dark