Red Qeen
- Amariah, Armidi, Avanista, Booperfunk, Deco, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, INQ, Insolence, Kakaue, MV-SL-Fashion, Nocturne, Popfuzz, Red Qeen, Vanity Hair, VR Foundry, WigWamBam, Your Skin
Funk On
I think all three looks today are more about dressing for yourself, rather than for the company you are keeping. Often we tend to wonder what will appeal to the partners we have, or the friends we socialise with, sometimes you just have to get your own funk on.
All about tude and these three dresses have lots of that, while still keeping true to the girly girl. It started being about the skins, then the clothes and then not so surprising the hair took over, and wow what hair. Yeah slowly I know I am making my way through my Hair Fair folder, but thats the fun of the whole thing, I can keep working my way slowly through it, and it makes every folder a brand new experience all over again.
It’s 11am and my day is pretty much at an end, but because of these looks I really haven’t wound down at all, in fact I want to start all over again. Ok now that I have pinched half my friends list on the bum – just because – I have a little less energy lol.
Creative hair like these styles make me so glad I get to be a resident here, diversity isn’t just about where you are from, and mixing with other nationalities, I think it’s about trying new things for yourself as well, things that may not always be available to you.
Also the hair base on these skins as an option in brown, blonde or red, definitely do give the hair a little something more. Make sure when you are demoing hair with hair bases on, you really wear a hair style that will benefit from having such a skin, it will give a little something extra to so many styles.
I took the Seductiva AO for another spin today, capturing different looks within the same animations. If you haven’t been to Red Queen to see how much fun they are, you really need to, and take your men with you, they have male AO’s that are just fabulous.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to
Picture 1:
Hair: Mademoiselle2 – Vanity Hair
Skin:Madeleine Rose – YourSkin
Clothes: Paola Sparkle Dress – Amariah
Accessories: Black Pearl Double Strand and Earrings – Deco
Eyes: Green – Popfuzz
Poses/Animations: Seductiva – Red Queen
Equipment: Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 2:
Hair: Freaky Friz- Booperfunk
Skin: Madeleine Lili – YourSkin
Clothes: Mode II – CKS Designs
Shoes/Boots: GOGO boots – Kakaue
Eyes: EyeLife – Insolence
Poses/Animations: Seductiva – Red Queen
Equipment: Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Picture 3:
Hair: RockTheDeimos – Booperfunk
Skin: Madeleine_Night – YourSkin
Clothes: Sequin Mini Dress – WigWamBam
Shoes/Boots: Vidalia Pump – Armidi Gisaci
Eyes: Eye Life – Insolence
Poses/Animations: Seductiva – Red Queen
Equipment: Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
- Adam n Eve, Avanista, Deviance, Essentia, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, INQ, MV-SL-Fashion, Nocturne, Red Qeen, Sin Skins, Utopia, VR Foundry
A few weeks back Justice of Counter Couture, Arabella or Arabella’s Amblings and I were hanging at The Deck, when I was admiring Justice’s leather pants. I don’t inspect us, I ask just because it’s not like any of us wouldn’t share the info lol.
Justice was excited to share a store she had found in her travels a few days before, and off we went. BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY, I don’t think our mouse’s could keep up. The store is more towards theme wear, than everyday fashion pieces, but this being Second Life, theme wear and costumes are pretty much the norm. Had I had the first outfit way back when best in red and black were an every few days occurance, I would be rich by now.
The prim work is fantastic, especially on that cape, and the fluidity of the flex is amazing. The leather pants that we went for in the first place actually come on both layers and three different options, plain, dragon or stars, which are just soft imprints in the leather..the prices are fabulous and the texture work is marvelous on all of it.
It is so much fun shopping in conference, especially with voice, we don’t type much at all with eachother..and on this occasion it was the three of us, on all three sides of the store going “OMG did you see this ?” , “NO, but did you get those?” and so on.
Perfect for this post is the Nosferatu AO from Red Queen [rQ] , as soon as I saw it running through its fabulous animations I thought Dracula…not knowing at all at the time what Nosferatu was, but I actually did, and ooooooo it’s scary. Nosferatu was the first Count Dracula based movie, a silent film actually that depicted what was later Count Dracula as Count Orlok that really really creepy bald vampire guy. Get more info HERE …and if you can handle it, watch it HERE.
How Magicka got the animations so right, and the fingers and hand movements so fluid is really a tribute to this original movie…so for any aspiring Vampires this is the AO for you.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to
Picture 1,2 and 3
Hair:Vanity by Red Queen [rQ]
Skin: Skin tone 5-19 by Sin Skin
Clothes: Demon Mistress by Deviance
Shoes: Samara by Adam n Eve
Accessories: Hair Rose by Essentia
Picture 4
Hair:Dreams by Red Queen [rQ]
Skin: Skin tone 5-19 by Sin Skin
Clothes:Lady Corsair by Deviance
Shoes: Delight Boots Dark by Utopia
Accessories: Hair Rose by Essentia
Picture 5
Hair:Dare by Red Queen [rQ]
Skin: Skin tone 5-19 by Sin Skin
Clothes:Leather Pants by Deviance
Kala Shirt & Bra from Kala set by BareRose
Shoes: Delight Boots Dark by Utopia
Accessories: Hair Rose by Essentia
Poses/Animations: Nosferatu AO by Red Queen [rQ]
Photography Equipment : Professional Posestand and Hud by VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
- Avanista, AVZ, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, INQ, MV-SL-Fashion, Necronom, Nocturne, Paradisis, Red Qeen, Utopia, VR Foundry
I’m a woos, no it’s true, I have blubbered so many times this week it’s just whatever. But one thing that will absolutely tip me over emotionally, is the idea of a friend being hurt. I even mean virtually, don’t ever ‘headshot’ gesture in front of me, coz I will go off my nut at you.
That’s why I am sure to get spanked for this post, especially from Newdoll who will be all indignant that I am wearing a cyber heart, as the idea of her wearing a steampunk one a few weeks ago, spun me out.
But that is the way it is, when you are constantly surrounded by people that reach out a little from the norm, we all do it in our group, and it rubs off. It’s funny because we all have such varying tastes, but end up loving such similar if not the exact same things, as you have seen recently in some of our cross over posts.
Mixing it all up, I went to [rQ] earlier today, and was playing with the hair, tails, ears and animations.
I think it makes so much sense for Hair Designers to make tails and ears, I mean you have the customers already wearing your hair, so why not give them the option of their other parts being in the same rich textures, and these Kitten tails and ears are just win win win.
One thing that I love doing is shooting animations. If you have read my posts in the past you will know this isn’t the first time I have done this, and also won’t be the last.
Red Queen has some incredible Anime AO’s , which I will be featuring over the next few posts, the pics today are taken from just one of them, and I could have taken dozens more pictures with them.
Magicka Moonites is the creator of the AO’s from Red Queen, and between her and Ruth Quan the creativity and energy is wonderful.
Tips to taking pictures of animations:
1. Unpack the AO just as though it is a box.
2. Load them into a posestand – I use the VR Professional Posestand and HUD.
3. Change animations just as though you would poses, but be patient and let them run through the whole animation before you start taking pictures.
4. If the animation has a lot of fast movement, go to Advanced > Character > Slow Motion Animations and click on it. This will slow them down so that you can shoot your pictures a little easier, do not forget to uncheck it when you are done.
Shooting animations is not only a lot of fun, but it actually extends your range of picture taking, giving more flexibility to the images, as well as actually giving you a lot more picture options in the one animation, which can actually save you money in the long run.
The other great part is that when you have animations to shoot with, things like incredibly flowing hair or tails such as the ones I have on today get captured in movement, and it really is fun to shoot that way.
Wanting to show off as much of the Red Queen skins as possible, not only do you get light and dark brows, but also a ‘Damage” look, which I thought was fun to wear after my obvious and so graceful fall.
These skins as did the first release, have such lovely toned bodies, and incredible make ups, making the eyes a definite feature to the skins make up.
I swung by Paradisis on my way home, always one for baring some skin, this store does not disapoint. I actually got much more than I shot, but you can see a bit of a mix in the items shown.
If you have been looking for more in the way of shorts with suspenders and sexy thigh high stockings, then the Hands Off set is a MUST HAVE. I am also definitely in love with the set shown in the top pictures which not only have creamy stockings but also thick rubberised and holey leggings over the tops.
The Wrapped Boots I am wearing in the top pics are boots that Ashia Tomsen of Inventory Episode keeps asking me if I have gotten them yet, I HAVE HAVE HAVE NOW. I told myself I had to wait a few weeks for those and some other items I have to go grab soon.
Boots like this are always so fun, they definitely add a spring to your step, and whether a little ball of energy like Ashia or tall like myself, they are such fun. Also fun for boots, and sexy by name and nature are the Kinky boots by Utopia, I have actually taken the shiny off these boots in edit, yes miracle of miracles they are mod, funnily enough many kinky things are :P.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to
Picture 1,2 & 3 :
Hair : rQ Red Queen – Linger
Skin: rQ Red Queen – Tan@TYPE.o2-B.o3 /w.DAMAGE and without
Clothes : Paradisis – Kaze
Accessories: rQ Red Queen – Kitten Tail, Kitten Ears
NECRONOM – CYBERHEART – cyberpunk organ
Shoes: AVZ – Wrapped Boots
Picture 4 & 5 :
Hair : rQ Red Queen – Dreams
Skin: rQ Red Queen – Tan@TYPE.o2-B.o5
Clothes : Paradisis – Hands Off Shorts, Student Top Grey
Shoes: AVZ – Wrapped Boots
Picture 6 & 7 :
Hair : rQ Red Queen – Dare
Skin :Red Queen – Tan@TYPE.o2-B.o6
Clothes : Paradisis – Hands Off Set
Shoes : Utopia- Kinky Boots
Poses/Animations : All animations in this post were the SugarnSpice AO by Red Queen
VR Foundry : Posestand Professional and Hud
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
- Avanista, Elixir, Essentia, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, INQ, MV-SL-Fashion, Nocturne, Red Qeen, Utopia
Pride – Red Queen [rQ], Elixir, Utopia,Essentia
When you have NEW Skins to show, from a store like Red Queen [rQ], you really want to try and go with that edgier more RP look if you can, even though these are so beautiful and would look great if wearing a frock with pretty flowers on it as well, I wanted to go with more of a kicking bum kind of look.
Now if I was the target of said bum kicking, and believe me lately it feels like I have been, I am prepared with the rubbery goodness of Elixir, yes two posts in a row of Elixir goodies. I am wearing the Renegade Outriders in Black, Black/White,Black/Lime and Black/Violet.
These pants are sold seperately, and come on both layers giving you a snug boot fit, I love the rubbery look, with the open sides cinched with straps and netting over layers on the legs, it’s all in keeping with that futuristic look they are going with lately. The Renegade Outrider pants also remind me of BMX or Dirt Bike riding outfits, so it’s all dependant on how you play.
The Renegade Vest/Harness also comes with colour options, and have a great blend of rubber and latex, I love also that you can wear the harness style only as shown with the shorter look. Definitely an enjoyable outfit combo to show off the Skins by Red Queen [rQ]. Showing off the bodies I am wearing the Latex Bikini also from Elixir.
These skins are shown in the Tan and Sun versions, they also come with dark and light brows, as well as tattoo’d versions, which is just a nice way to accentuate the lower back, and save a clothing layer for something else.
The Basic and Pride make ups are full of parts to love and truly admire the way that Ruth Quan of Red Queen [rQ] weaves her PS wand. Basic is the first picture of faces, Pride is the second and more dramatic, both have such beautiful features especially the inner corners of the eyes, the liner accents there are marvelous.
I also really like how the upper lip seems to curl up in a sensual pout, I hope that Ruth does a lot more make ups in this skin range, I would love to see the effects she has done with the purple shadow with deep reds and other rich colours, oooo silver would be yummy too :P.
The body is fit and lovely, and the scattered moles and freckles across the torso give it a nice natural look. DEMO DEMO DEMO you will love it. The Hair I am wearing also from Red Queen [rQ] is Dreams, a great long and piled up style.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to
Hair by: Red Queen [rQ]
Skin by: Red Queen [rQ]
Clothing by: Elixir
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia
Shoes by: Utopia
Eyes by: Popfuzz
Poses by: DeLa
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
- Avanista, Cynful, Dutch Touch, Essentia, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, Golden Delish, INQ, Luck Inc, MV-SL-Fashion, Red Qeen, Silhouette, Utopia, Uzuri, V Poses
You may be my Lucky Star – Dutch Touch, Cynful, Luck Inc, Kyoot, Uzuri, Red Queen, Essentia, Utopia, Silhouette
When you have such a curvacious looking skin, it is your duty to wear as little as possible, and if you can’t wear too little then definitely make sure what you wear shows off as much as possible. Not too hard to do if you shop at Luck Inc and Cynful, which share a sim and a definite passion for the naughty.
The Snake Pants from Cynful are as low as I have ever seen pants go, and not just the front but the back, and what better way to celebrate the fact that the NEW Star Skins by Dutch Touch come with a shaved version, than to wear these pants.
Cynful is the kind of store, that you thank goodness has only so far got a smallish range of clothing, because within moments you have pretty much bought the entire store and can’t wait for more. The Snake pants come in a few different colours, and the grey are the ones I am wearing, I thought being the grey they were a nice in between of black and light grey. Be aware though that they are very bum baring, pretty much mid way down the cheeks, so definitely not for the modest.
The Bowtiful tops by Cynful come in both sheer or solid, I bought both, these are the sheer though and done so beautifully with a bazillion options. They have the option of straps or no straps, lace or no lace and on all layers, and they are just beautiful to wear with all sorts of looks.
Another top that actually lead me over to Cynful that day, is the Crop Shop not sheer top, this top has also different versions, one being the optional top that has been created using a texture that implies shadows from the fabric being stretched across the breasts, that is then finished off with a prim. These tops are available in many colours as well as a camo print.
The other day Newdoll, Ashia and I were at a store and saw a girl wearing these Button shorts, working out they were from Luck Inc off we went. They do have a closed front version as well and come on all layers, but the open front ones are too yummy. The Suspenders are sold separately, and come in the same colours as the shorts, I highly recommend trying the suspenders as I know they are called out for often and these are great, especially in the colours they are available in , as well as on all layers.
The boots I am wearing are a MUST HAVE , they are at least 50inches high lol and are Pure Black Opaques from Utopia, I am so excited that Utopia finally has a store, I found them on Xstreet a few months ago , and have been waiting ever since for newness, and these boots are it.
Other Newness is in the Uzuri Stores Jewelry range, one so new it was only cast in the last few hours. The Anganasa Necklace is just lovely , beads of both gold and silver crafted into an elegant necklace, the Zamani Bangle in silver is a stunning piece of work, the texture of the unpolished silver is just lovely.
You may have noticed I have a thing for socks and leggings, well when I saw the Kookie Hole Leggings it was love, they come in a pack with all layers and a nice range of colours, I would love to see more of these produced soon.
The hair I am wearing in the top picute is Winter by Kyoot, an older style but one that I had been meaning to grab for so long and finally did recently, Winter is so girly; I much prefer it to summer, and have already been discussing that I will need to do some wintery posts during your summer or I will be too cranky lol.
The second style is by Red Queen and is Threats, a shorter style than normal for Red Queen hair, but just as fabulous as all if not more so, as it seems to be a little tamer. The other style I am wearing is Easy by Red Queen which I have worn in the past and brings the hair back from the face making it easier to see the stunning make ups on this New Star skin by Dutch Touch.
I am wearing the Walnut tone, which is darker than I usually wear, but oh so beautiful. Not only are there 15 stunning make ups, only 8 shown, but you also have freckles which are a smattering across the nose and cheeks, with brow options and SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVED.
I know I know, I get excited over such nonsense, but when I was discussing this need with Iki the other week and shortly after went and bought the Snake Pants, I was unable to wear them with many of my skins, I am pretty sure the shorts would probably be the same.
These skins though are just so spot on everywhere, they are incredible naked, totally made for becoming a nudist. I am really in awe of the stomach though, something about how its shaded with the belly button, pelvic bone and hips, it all has a really beautiful curvy look that is all woman.
Check out the Demos of all the Dutch Touch skins as soon as you can, the range is delightful.
The Green Mist eyes I am wearing are by Silhouette by Carissa Crimson, I don’t believe they are released as of yet, but keep your eyes open for those (pun pun punnnn) they are really beautiful and have such lovely reflections built in.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to
Hair by: Kyoot, Red Queen
Skin by: Dutch Touch
Clothing by: Cynful , Luck Inc
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia, Uzuri
Shoes by: Utopia
Eyes by: Sihouette
Poses by: GD,V Poses
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
- &Bean, Avanista, Dare, DeLa, Essentia, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, INQ, Kalnins, La Sylphide, Lamb., Loco Pocos, MV-SL-Fashion, Red Qeen, Tigerclaw, TRUTH, VR Foundry
Up the Stalk – &Bean, La Sylphide, DeLa, Red Queen, Lamb, TRUTH,Tigerclaw, Kalnins, Dare
Shhhh they are sleeping, or at least turning in for the night.
So lets start with the checking out &Bean, I have probably redirected a billion people there this week all wanting to know where the skin was from in the latest Maitreya Hair ad.
So last night I decided to go and check it all out myself, under the beautiful rainfall that fills part of the Cupcake sim I found the store, more thanks to Ashia though, who after me getting lost found me a direct tp.
I was more intrigued with the clothing I have to say, the demos of the skins are all there and fab, but when I saw this skin it was a Must Have, it is called The Pale Anger – Sale at Armidi, which I think is a hoot of a name, if they did have one, it would be that rough and tumble lol. The bruises, scratches and black eye and fat lip are incredibly detailed.
The outfit is the I Kill Her set, also by &Bean, I love the caged undergarment style of this set, perfect for recreating some Scarlett styles. The Grey and Black lace teddy is well worth grabbing it for even if the cage isn’t your thing.
The hair I am wearing is called Carissa, it is by TRUTH, and is a lovely pigtails style with a loose look thats in that thrown back and together look we often have to adapt to.
I saw these boots from Tigerclaw and I fell in love, they are the Police SWAT boots, and they also have a blue light option you can buy, I felt that the red lights would be easier to co-ordinate with, they are so much fun to stomp around in, and really well made, the textures are beautiful.
The Maps Jacket and Slick and Shiny pants are both seperates from &Bean, the jacket has with or without prims options, and a preferable way to wear either, I went totally the opposite. Under the jacket prim cuffs is actually a pink texture variation, so you do in fact get two looks for your money. Silver and shiny, too hard to resist were these leggings, they come in other colours as well, but this dark steel like silver was mine.
The perfect accompanyment to the outfit, are the New release Kalnins Fashion shoes called Coquette, now I will let you in on a little secret, these shoes are actually cheaper on Xstreet HERE , so check them out at either place – and it isn’t really a secret because Maris Kanto the owner told me himself lol.
The shoes not only have beautiful preset colour combinations, but also the ability to choose which colour where, depending on what strap or part of the shoe you choose at the time, the presets are a great guide as well, I used one of them and then just changed one strap setting to get the charcoal, so it was easy. They have sounds, shiny , colours all contained in a drop down menu, there are also feet lights which is a novel approach, but hopefully no one will use outside of a studio or photo shoot need.
The downside to these shoes is, that if you do not have a modify shape you will have your hands full trying to mod them, and I am not even sure you can to a size 0. They are designed to wear with a size 11 foot, and if you have some height to your avatar they look splendid. There are demos there to try first so you can see how you fare. The style is just stunning, and they are definitely a spring into summer sandal heel.
The hair I am wearing is too cute, it is Torn by Red Queen and I just love how the hair is wrapped around the neck as though like a scarf, those with long hair at some stage have either done that, or wanted to when it’s been freezing cold. The back of this style is just gorgeous as is all the Red Queen hair, thick and long, with playful styles and attitude.
I am wearing the New RGI Sunglasses by DeLa, there are no limits to her creativity, the sunglasses are in various colours that are rich and vibrant, with different lens colours depending on what you are wearing or in fact your mood. The shape of the glasses is vintage at its best, with the large frames covering most of the face to give off that lady of mystery look.
Behind every Lady of Mystery is a little girl, or inside at least.Back when Loco Pocos first opened it’s doors to the public I had all these exciting conversations with Damien and Washu. One such conversation was about the ability to indulge in Loco Love but stay regular sized and shaped.
Finally it is here, The Loco Poco, Poco Pals. They are just adorable, and yes they are all wearable plushie style Loco Poco characters, I was so excited to see these, and not only can you wear them but you can play dress ups with them. They have an inbuilt Menu that allows for choosing clothes, facial expressions, Name them, what colour eyes, and fur they will have and so on.
This is me putting all my Poco Pals to sleep for the night, and yes I still have my ALF Doll and my Dolph the Stuffed Dolphin and my very own Panda Bear that is 37 years old lol. So next time you are in a dither about what to get a friend for a rezday/birthday, anniversary or just to make them smile, this is the ticket.
The skirt I am wearing is the Signaling through the Flames tutu, and the tank is the beautiful Reckoner tank that comes in two options, both of these are also by &Bean and are seriously girly in an antiquey way, love them.
The hair I have on is from Lamb, the store is also at the Cupcake sim so it was easy to grab, it’s the Teased Up style that I believe is the much requested hair from the hat/hair previously released, with a tad more backcombing done, which I love doing RL too.
Not all the Katie Faces made the pic, but these are six of the eight lovely New Make Ups for the La Sylphide Katie make ups. The lips are so soft and supple, with a light coat of lippy and the soft eyeshadow under those divine and long lashes.Stephanie has done an incredible job on the lashes of these skins, I am not wearing any prims at all, and the uppers are superb. When the skin creator takes this much care in doing each lash like this, wearing prim ones is an insult. Make sure you check out the demos yourself.
A big shout out on the New poses by DARE, these are the Antoine Picard inspired poses, not only are the original artworks beautiful, but you cannot not take a look at the vendor ad by Chance Greatrex, this vendor ad to me is just so gorgeous it reminds me of 1920’s Musical Advertisements, I just love it.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown. or HERE to return to
Hair by: TRUTH, Red Queen, Lamb
Skin by: &Bean, La Sylphide
Clothing by: &Bean
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia, DeLa, Loco Pocos
Shoes by: Tigerclaw, Kalnins Fashion
Eyes by: n/a
Poses by: Dare
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
- Avanista, Dutch Touch, Fashion Feed of SL, Fashion Planet, INQ, MV-SL-Fashion, Nomine, PanJen, Red Qeen, SLink, V Poses, Vignette, VR Foundry
Corsetted – Dutch Touch, Nomine, Panjen, SLink, Canimal, V Poses
A while back I was googling steampunk stuff, and I came across a corset that was so exciting.
The other day I was lucky to have hours to go for the Nomine sale that was on, thanks to reading in time the post on Inventory Episode by Ashia Tomsen, I just made it before it was over, and you should have heard me squeeling on mic when I found the StEaMpUnKt – Cloisonne bone corset, it was just like the one I had seen on many a steampunk site, and it was must must must have.Nomine has always had such interesting clothes, and some of my favourite dresses date back to 2006 Nomine. The corset is a very cool plastic inner with a spine and ribs detailing, it looks like I’m being xrayed. Definitely needing pinstripe to pull this off, I reached into my PanJen military coat folder and pulled out these great pants, the set is a steal so you should grab it.
Also grabbing my Chunky MaryJanes by SLink and the Deadly Lullaby Necklace from Canimal, I had a real sleek goth look going on. The shoes are great for sturdy flats, and the necklace has clickable parts that you can change colours using the drop down.
The Skins I am wearing are the Newly released Moon Skins by Dutch Touch. I am so glad that Iki has had a much deserved break, it has done wonders for her creativity. The Moon Skins are very beautiful in body detail, with divine make ups.
The eyes and lipstick especially in this release has all of the depth needed for high fashion, and evening wear. The pallette is subtle but has been used to create a smoldering range of eyemake ups. Make sure you try on all the DEMOS, there are going to be many that you favour. I am also wearing the New Moon Eyes by Dutch Touch, really lovely eyes in a great range of colours, two types of greens I noticed, these ones being cats eye green.
The adorable bob style hair is the May hair from Vignette, it is going to be used for a length of time to show the newer colours in the Vignette range, and is so adorable, it was instant love when I saw it on Ashia.
To show more body I couldn’t resist sharing the mini dress Jaguar from Dutch Touch, this set is so hot. I couldn’t pass it up when I was at the store a few weeks back grabbing those adorable socks. It comes with the mini flexi skirt , long top, bikini top, bra top, panties and it’s just hella sexy.
Equally as sexy is the Red Queen Threats hair , this is a shorter style than we are used to by Red Queen, but it still has all the flair and brilliance. With the dress and underwear, it definitely has that tousled about in bed look that is a Must.
I mentioned yesterday my new love for the V Poses by Toko Voom , today I am showing more of them, take note of the first pic. I am using the GLUE set poses , that are created for box work , they are just adorable, and the rest of the poses are from there also, so make sure you check them out soon if you didn’t already yesterday.
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Hair by: Vignette, Red Queen
Skin by: Dutch Touch
Clothing by: Nomine, Panjen, Dutch Touch
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia, Canimal
Shoes by: SLink
Eyes by: Dutch Touch
Poses by: V Poses
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor: