GLOW Studios

  • Avanista,  Cobrahive,  Cynful,  Dark Eden,  Dutch Touch,  Essentia,  Fashion Feed of SL,  Fashion Planet,  GLOW Studios,  INQ,  J's,  Leafy,  MV-SL-Fashion,  Refuge,  SK Designs,  VR Foundry

    Pip Pip old pal


    So today I woke up and checked my emails as I was logging in. There was an offline from a designer who’s store I featured a few years ago, letting me know he still remembered that the first time he appeared in a blog it was by me, and that now he had his own store blog.
    I thought that was so sweet, and was excited to see some items I hadn’t seen of his on the blog. Yes I did go and search out his store every few months, but nothing that I didn’t already have, until today. So as soon as I logged in and sorted through everything I had to , I was off and running.

    I also checked out another store, then came home. Trying on all my new outfits I remembered that I had meant to swing by Refuge, so off I went again, and got two more styles to show with my other Refuge hair. I really like the hair produced by Refuge, especially with the straight across rock-a-billy bangs. The first style has the most adorable bows and pins decorating the pigtails look.

    All the clothing I am wearing is from SK Designs, they have been around since 2007 and their look has changed a bit, but not too much over that time. The creator Sergio designs for both men and women, but I think from the style of clothing he does, that he probably enjoys making for women a bit more. The ensembles are sold as sets, so all you see is all you get, and sometimes more, depending on if there are other coloured tops or both long and shorter pants, etc. The prices are really reasonable and transfer, so if you are looking at buying items that you can share with your other selves, this is perfect.

    The skins I am wearing are the Cleo skins from Dutch Touch, with more leaning towards the more creative of make ups in the range, the punk and pip make ups are a fun change. The eye make ups are especially gorgeous, and I have been wearing the punk skins on and off for the last few days, I love the liner on the inner part of the eyes.

    Old boots in the form of the 3way Engineer boots from J’s, teamed up with the brand new Rea Suede plain boots by Pixel Mode, these are delightful , in a range of colours that you can co-ordinate with a vast range of seasonal choices. The style are simple but elegant, they have a semi scrunched look, and an incredibly high heel. What is very surprising and will make many happy , is that these boots are mod, so that you can size them to your needs.

    I had a wonderful time revisiting an old store, and came out with lots of newness, I hope you like.

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    Picture :

    Hair: Caroline , Zoey, Harriet,Stefan,Vicki – Refuge

    Skin: Cleo – Dutch Touch

    Clothes: Amorphix set, Hipocrisy Set, Ilshan Set, Nightfall Dress, Redneck Set, Santox Set – SK Designs

    Gloves – Cynful

    Shoes/Boots: 3way engineer boots – J’s

    Rea Suede Plain – Pixel Mode

    Accessories: Technomancer Neko Collar – Dark Eden

    Heavy Neck Chain – Cobra Hive

    Byzantine Necklace – Essentia

    Glass Earrings – GLOW Studios

    Eyes: Thaw – Fuse Melon COMING SOON

    Poses/Animations: Leafy Poses

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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  • Body Talk,  Duh,  Essentia,  GLOW Studios,  House of Heart,  House of Nyla,  Insolence,  Katat0nik,  Leezu,  Prelude,  Tuli,  VR Foundry

    Tickle my Ivory’s


    I am really delighted in the New Ivory skins, there is something incredibly beautiful about being this pale, but with such a divine porcelain like quality. The Ivory skins come with soft make up that just accentuates the concept of the skins. I have always veered back and forth into silvery hair, going white often as my choice for fantasy play.

    If you wear a lot of black hair, for the most part you will have a considerable amount of white to silvery/grey styles as well, what with it being so popular to make them a pack together in many hair stores. Todays silvery delights are both from House of Heart , they have a definite softness to the texture that really works as a bealievable mix with the brows of the Hope Ivory by Tuli.

    The first outfit I put together comprises of the Margo coat, this had myself and Newdoll zooming over to LeeZu as soon as the notice came through, I swanned around in this for a day and a half, and am so glad especially now that I opted for the silver. Everyone in the world needs ruffle panties, and my favourite are the ones Kit Maitland made years ago, that actually have ruffle prims…but a few months back when shopping for a skirt for Meko we went via Katat0nik and I just couldn’t resist these panties with the ruffle as a texture, perfect for a look like this one where you couldn’t wear prims as well.

    Yes I do realise that I am wearing panties and a jacket as an outfit, but if it can be done anywhere it is here in Second Life. The dress I am wearing in the second picture comes with that adorable pillbox hat. So perfect for the skins make up I actually modded the hair to remove the large net bow it had, Yay for select linked parts and shrinking and alpha textures….that way if you cannot rez the hair to mod you can just hide what you don’t want…don’t do so without making a back up copy first.

    The dress itself is by Prelude and is the Estelle dress, this comes in a myriad of colours, but in keeping with my theme the silver was perfect. I had the pleasure of meeting with the designer Polaire and her good friend Angelli at The Deck one day, they are such delightful ladies, it really was a great afternoon/evening chatting with them both. Angelli has her own teen themed blog which she only recently started HERE .

    This dress is so stylish and elegant with it’s vintage lines and classicly beautiful fabric. We all know I love system skirts/dresses, and this is truly a marvelous one.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Antoinette – House of Heart

    Skin: Hope Ivory – Tuli

    Clothes: Margo Jacket – LeeZu

    Skully Ruffle Panties – Kata0nik

    Army Girl Garter Socks – WorldWide Industries

    Shoes/Boots: Work Leather Boots – Duh

    Accessories: Delyn Angel Earrings – Glow Studios

    Black tipped Grey Hair Rose – Essentia

    Eyes: Thaw – Fuse Melon Coming Soon

    Poses/Animations: Body Talk

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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    Picture 2:

    Hair: Gorgeous – House of Heart

    Skin: Hope Ivory – Tuli

    Clothes: Estelle – Prelude

    Shoes/Boots: Mary Janes – Insolence

    Accessories: Black Stitch Handbag – House of Nyla

    Eyes: Thaw – Fuse Melon Coming Soon

    Poses/Animations: Body Talk

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

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  • Avanista,  Cynful,  Essentia,  Fashion Feed of SL,  Fashion Planet,  GLOW Studios,  INQ,  LAQ,  Long Awkward Pose LAP,  MV-SL-Fashion,  Nodoka,  Paradisis,  VR Foundry



    You know I have to be honest, I didn’t know who Frank Lloyd Wright was before Second Life. It’s not that we don’t have influences of his in Australia, I mean we must. But not until Second Life did I ever really consider where those influences came from, or for that matter in how high regard a man such as he was; was held.

    I am probably very underdressed for a field trip of this nature, but that is the other joy and learning experience that Second Life allows us, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, actually; just don’t judge.

    Imagine what he could have done in Second Life had he lived to see it, but he is actually not only immortalised here by the place I visited today, but because of the NEW FLW Museum I actually learned that one of our esteemed Designers names ‘Fallingwater’ of Shinythings, is the name of one of his more famous builds. I wonder if she is a fan too and that’s why the name ?, the irony is that her last name is Cellardoor and from what I read, he actually got rid of most basements and attics that were in usual American architecture, now I need to know if Fallingwater actually had a cellar …argh – someone has to let me know.

    The FLW Museum in Second Life is a beautifuly dedicated build to his memory, the large pictures of him are full of facts about the man, and his life. There is a tour of his work, and just a really nice vibe to the place. I do not know how the Museum came about, but if it is what I think , then someone who admires the man greatly has dedicated their time and energy to show and share that admiration with us..we are truly lucky that we can do that here.

    The outfit that I am wearing is a mix, the skirt – which Ashia claims is NOT a skirt – is by Paradisis, isn’t it arrest worthy..the only pout worthy thing about it is that the panties do not come seperately and they look awesome, and I want them. But aside from that it comes on a billion layer combinations.

    The incredible thing about Paradisis is that everything is sold either transfer or copy, depending on which vendor you buy from, so be aware that you do have that option, and don’t buy the incorrect one. The Skirt comes with the garters and fabulous stockings in three different colours. Incredible prices and everything , and I do mean EVERYTHING is handdrawn by the creators at Paradisis.

    The hoodie is a release shortly after the skirts, and they are equally fab, coming on numerous layers with a great range of colours. The skirt also comes in other colours, I bought them all, one is the U.S version with red and white panties, with a blue denim skirt, very cute.

    The Vogue Tank is by Cynful and comes also on a billion layers, in with or without garter straps option, I obviously didn’t wear that one with this look as I would have had way too many straps going on, but it will get a revisit soon. The tops also have a lovely lace trim as well as at the cleavage, but you can’t see it because of the layer combo I am wearing.

    Lovely Tasha, is a skin that many know and have from LAQ, recently redone in the Glow series, it deserves a revisit…or a first. Due to it being a redo , the fat pack of this skin and a few others in the Glow range are a steal, and all come with the hair base option, that looks awesome with the latest release of the hair that goes with hair base skins…so much so that I was able to convince Arabella to try on the skins when shopping for the hair, and it was a win lol.

    The nose on Tasha is adorable, and the make ups are just lovely, the lips will win your affections, as they are full and pouty and just incredibly done, they are a rich and full covering lipstick which is great for those that want to look like they are making an effort for a night out, but also giving you a day option in lighter colours.

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    Picture 1:

    Hair: Jaraha – Nodoka

    Skin: Tasha – LAQ

    Clothes: Micro Skirt Camo  & Sweeties Hoodie – Paradisis

    Vogue Tank – Cynful

    Shoes/Boots: Harvey Boots – Tesla

    Accessories: Army Hair Rose – Essentia (waves to Lolita)

    Angel Earrings – Glow Studios

    Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Poses

    Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry

    Locations : Frank Lloy Wright Museum , The Deck – Studio

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