Poncing About
It is rare that I do location pictures, but this beautiful Maxi dress by SySy’s – for the ongoing Birthday Celebration at FaMESHed – needed to be seen as it would be worn. I love the long flow of the dress, and the soft gradual dye look in the colours, both soft and dark colour packs available. What is really great is the hand drawn flower that SySy hand drew herself, making this not just a beautiful dress, but wearable art. The style is very giving size wise also, even though standard sizes, I was actually able to go down a size, as I usually wear Small up top, but this time XS was wearable and well too.
The jewellery I am wearing with the dress is also from FaMESHed and is the release by Maxi Gossamer, of Gossamer Jewellery who it seems has also gone into clothing creation now, which is exciting news. So check those out. The Jewellery comes with silver or gold options as well as colour choices via clickable menu for the gems.
The hair I am wearing is the most recent release by LeLutka, one of three glorious styles. This one actually comes with the flowers as a separate attachment, and they are fastened with a braided band…I actually made the band transparent, by editing and selecting the face of that, and making it transparent by 100. I do like the band, but in this case I wanted it to look more like the flowers were pinned by hand into the hair. The style is non rigged mesh, so it is easily editable for size.
The skin I am wearing is the latest by Deetalez, and Deetalez has also done SLink Avatar Enhanced ( purchasable separately) Appliers for Hands and Feet which is exciting. Their textures are great, and the skin comes with 4 lipsticks and two eyeshadow types per lipstick, bare and smokey. So you can go from day to night. The face is adorable, with pouty lips and a great nose. I especially love the freckles placed strategically around the face. There are also Lolas Tango appliers you can buy, and the skins come with all the extras of freckles, cleavage, system nail covers for other nails you may have, and there are three different brow options ON the skin.
Showing off the Chelle Slink Avatar Enhanced Nail HUDs with this look, you can get them at the Chelle with the other styles they recently released, such pretty girly colours in the pack, and because they have a pointed theme look, they look great with the pointed nail option that the nails have….and thanks to the NEW Status poses “Nailed It” by Gidge Uriza, I was able to show them off even better.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Oracul Animations
Status Poses ( On Marketplace )
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Kat – Deetalez
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Deetalez
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Pointed Set – Chelle
Adile – LeLutka
Ponceau – SySy’s @ FaMESHed/May
Ilena Sandals (add on shoes for rigged mesh bare feet) – SLink
Raisa Earrings and Necklace – Gossamer Jewellery @ FaMESHed/May
Happy Birthday FaMESHed and a Tinting Lesson
Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , Happy Birrrthday Dear FaMESSSSSHHHHHHHHEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, Haaaaaapppyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy To Yoooooooooooooou. Ok seriously I really did sing it, to make sure I knew where to elongate and stuff. It has definitely been a year to celebrate, as FaMESHed has grown into one of the biggest monthly event on the grid, and congratulations to Cracked Mirror, all that have been part of it, from the beginning and to the current organisers and everyone else involved.
Before I go on about the delights that are part of the FaMESHed celebrations, lets talk shoes for a moment. Mon Tissu has released the NEW Daley T-Strap Heels, and they are a cute mix of in the now fashion wise, with a definite retro influence. They come in some solid and a great selection of two tone colours, which mean you will have lots of fun creating looks to go with them. These are their first feet in shoes style, and I wanted to do this tinting guideline a month ago, but then things got way busy so it was put off, but timing has its moments, and this works out well.
Tinting feet/hands/boobs, that have a join that is not covered with a strap, or some other kind of styling item, often come with BLENDER SOCKS or BLENDER GLOVES….now these items are ever so useful, because the idea is that you match them to your mesh/sculpt items and they transtion into the skin. Now the thing is that often people try to match their attachments first, and then tint the layers to match, that works too, but I find it much easier the opposite way, and you may too.
* Wear Blender sock or glove closest to your tone, or lighter than ( they are usually numbered or named to correspond with preset tones on the HUDs of that item)
* Go into edit clothing on the item, you can right click in your inventory and choose edit that way.
* Open the tint option and click on the colour editing rainbow with your mouse…rule of thumb is that most skin tones live on the left side, so there is no reason to go anywhere else unless wearing a fantasy skin.
* Keep trying to find the tone and use the darker and lighter slider if you need to, until your BLENDER layer blends with your skin.
* Once you have the match, look at either the RGB numbers on the HSL numbers on the left side of the tinting pop up, and copy them down, either on a piece of paper :O or type them down.
* SAVE by Clicking OK and then Save to get out of editing mode on your layers.
* One your HUD you will see either RGB or HSL buttons, or depending on your HUD type, it might have a chat command. In the case of these shoes it has both HSL and RGB. You can toggle between.
* Make sure you click on the same preset as the colour of BLENDER you used.
* Then using the numbers you wrote/typed down, input those using buttons or chat.
Voila, you should be matched (this will always depend on what kind of windlight you are using, and also can depend on having atmospheric shaders turned on for the best results. But this is how you use the blender socks/gloves to your advantage )
Ok so now on to the rest of the great items. This hair by Exile for one is all sorts of divine, it is bombshell hair a modern take on Elvira if you will, and I do, I most definitely do. I love the height of the style, and if you didn’t read my post the other day, I mentioned that there are new HUD options for the Exile hairs, they now also have extra streaks options as well, so much fun.
The Dress I am wearing is from Tee*fy, also a FaMESHed release, and super adorable. The style has girly girlness that you just cannot fault, and the colours available are spot on for the season. I also love the floral otions, and some have stripes and so on…so have fun choosing which one or all you want.
I liked the contrast belts, and being able to use these really cute button wrist cuffs from Inside Lab. They come in three colours, and they just add some punch to the look. I did have to edit them to fit my wrists, but they are mesh and totally mod, so have fun with those.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Gia – Ploom
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Ploom
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair
Fire To The Rain – Exile @ Fameshed/May 1st Birthday
Odette Dress – Tee*fy @ Fameshed/May 1st Birthday
Daley T-Strap Heels – Mon Tissu
Buttoned Arm Cuff – Inside Lab
Living on the Edge
I was really excited to hear that Ploom has finished their hands and feet appliers for the Slink Avatar Enhanced system. So excited I pretty much steamrolled right over Helyanwe to get my hands on them…and then on my hands. They will be released in the store tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait, because she did a great job on them, and I really like her latest Gia skin a lot.
For those who use search in inventory to find things, you will know that searching RING is a pain in the bum, because you get a billion listings for earrings. I decided to test out a few options tonight and I found that in firestorm ( so not really sure if this works in others ) that if you type + Ring you get ONLY rings…this has made me all sorts of happy, so I really hope that helps others too.
The ring I chose to wear was this great starla ring from LaGyo, the LaGyo releases are always so quirky and fun, as well as being eccentric enough to be high fashion, that is what one aims for. Other creators of really stunning high end fashion accessories is HandVerk and these pauldrons they just released pulled this whole look together. When I was younger I used to have a hair clip that was just like these shoulders, and I loved slicking my hair back and wearing it. I knew I wanted a style of hair that was fierce but also back from the face, and Vesna by Exxess was the perfect style.
The great pose from Adorkable also allowed me to show off not only my hands, but also my nails, this is a set I did for Flair this week that is fast becoming a favourite for me, I love the plaid style, so it was just great fun to do, even if each colour was 15 layers. Further down, you will find that I am wearing the new boots by Erratic, their first foray into footwear and a hit I must say.
The boots are really well textured with rich leather looks, and a great option of colours and sizes in both rigged and unrigged versions. You also get a hud that allows for changing the texture of the metal on the zip, and a resize option for the unrigged pair. I thought that the also went so well with the striped stockings a previous erratic release and the great switch mini by SySy’s. The top is the lovely Mignon top by Maitreya. Recently when they did a new necklace-less version of the dress, they surprised us with the top as well, and the shape is perfect for fitting over other clothing, but I will admit, I was tempted to wear it with panties only earlier lol, sometimes you just have to beeehave though.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Gia – Ploom
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Ploom
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair (set 37)
Vesna – Exxess
Switch Mini Skirt – SySy’s
Mignon Top – Maitreya
Patterned Stockings – Erratic
Emily Leather Boots – Erratic
Starla Ring – LaGyo
Scale Pauldron set – HandVerk
Chev not Chav
This session of My Attic at The Deck is closing at midnight tonight. So this is your last chance to get all these great items at the 95L price range. The theme was Change, and this Chevron dress with its great shape and lovely texturing, brings thoughts of change with the motion of the great chevron print. I love chevron and with it being an inserted panel style, it really pops. The dress also has appliers options, which is a hard task with upper mesh items, but DCNY has pulled it off incredibly well. The dress comes with and without belt options, and the belts are black or brown…very cool.
The NEW hair I am wearing is from Exile, and it is super beautiful, but not only that it has a NEW HUD system in place. Now each style comes with the hud of the colour pack you purchase, and not only can you change your hair colour with a click, but each colour has 8 NEW Streaks options, one of which I am wearing in the close up pic, and I have to say YUM!
I was shopping at MiaSnow on marketplace last night, and found these bizarre under eye circle things, that really just look kind of ugly on the dude pics, but at the silly low price, I just had to get them and I am a little in love with the effect they have on my skin. It’s like a reverse smokey, and they are tintable, so much fun could be had I am sure.
My Attic @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Isla – League
Eye Circles Tattoo – MiaSnow
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair
Desperately Wanting – Exile
Belted Chevron Dress – DCNY @ My Attic/April
Lulu Heels (add ons for mesh rigged feet) – SLink
Aviva Ring – Maubray
An Aria
League has been working on this NEW skin for the past few months. I did get a sneak peak a month or so ago and have been waiting excitedly for its release ever since. The full release is not going to be this week, but a partial “Special Edition” preview will be, and the skin is just marvelous. There is often a collective sigh when it comes to good black skins being more available on the grid, and there are mixed reactions when they are made available, it is a hard thing to get right, so many steer clear of them. Thankfully League hasn’t. Aria comes in three tones, and has the cleavage layers, nail covers, hairbases, including an afro version base – shown in the first pic. I can see this skin not only being great for girls that have been looking for a good black skin, as well as designers who want to add a little diversity to their vendor ads. There is an Aria shape, but I went with mine, so that you can see how it works on features you are familiar with…definitely take her for a spin yourself, because she is beautiful. The new tones will also have appliers available to purchase for SLink hands and feet, as well as lolas, so look for those in the appliers section when the release is announced.
I decided to shoot the skins in the Winxbox Change/Funk, that is at this session of My Attic – My Attic ends at midnight the night of the 30th so don’t miss out. The Winxbox comes with 8 texture change walls, and 6 poses, its all mesh and low land impact. You can of course mod it as well as use your own poses inside of it, so it is really fun to play with. The funk one has a pin up kind of feel, so I knew I wanted to shoot lingerie in it, so went with the Ooh La La items. I love Ooh La La’s lingerie, there needs to be more of it.
The betty set in nude, allowed me to show off the beautiful strand jewellery by HandVerk. This set is just beautiful, the strands of satin like cord, with the large stone setting at the front, the bracelet is definitely an all time wearable, and the colour options available to purchase are just a great mix of fun and classic blends.
I am also wearing the avatar enhanced feet and hands with the looks, and slipped over the feet are the NEW classic pointed pumps by Slink that were released last week. Now unfortunately there have been some RL things going on in Siddeans life, and she has to go back overseas with her husband in the next few weeks. Because of that she is having a 30% OFF SALE until the 5th of May, it will start at midnight 30th SLT and you can get all the info HERE on her website. The feet and hands are not included in the sale, but if you join her group (free) and wear your tag while shopping, 10% store credit will be given on each purchase, so by the time you are done buying everything in sight, you can probable use the credit towards something like that anyway.
My Attic @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
WinxBox Change/Funk – W.Winx & Flair @ My Attic/April
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Aria – League COMING SOON
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair
Effect – LeLutka
Nadja – Maitreya
Betty Bodysuit, Lacey Slip, Kitty Set – Ooh La La
Classic Pointed Pumps (add on shoes for rigged mesh feet) – SLink
Strand Bracelet & Necklace – HandVerk
Catch me I’m Falling
Ok, first off I am going to have a rant…not a usual SL type rant, but a RL rant if you will. I just started watching Vampire Diaries, and do not panic, I am not about to do a spoilers thing, but I have watched the whole first season, and I am hooked now, even though I have tried to watch the series 4 different times and never, until now, got past the first episode. It got me to thinking though, I do love me some Vampires type shows/movies, and I am like many waiting on the next True Blood to come on…then of course Twilight finished incredibly well I must say, and no I am not obsessive, I just liked it.
But the original and still favourite has to be Buffy and Angel, that was a love story and a half, and I miss the shows a lot. But my rant is, what is with all this rule changing crap. What is with Vampires having reflections, and being able to be out in the sun, and eating garlic, and not needing to sleep all day… I know there were times when Angel could do certain things, but sheeesh I am getting really annoyed and think I got ripped off, and I want to throw down my soapbox and demand a redo, I think that all the originals should have to come back and the whole Buffy and Angel and Spike and whatever should all get to come back with the ‘New Rules” – end rant.
So now that that is out of the way, and expunged from my system. On to the Bee’s, well a mix really. Bee’s through the Seasons event is nearing its end, and there are so many wonderful items to get there, as well as experience the great themed event layout itself. The top I am wearing is actually a dress that I am wearing part of by OkBye. The little spring dress is a micro mini with mesh insert and the colour worked really well with the adorable palms irie skirt by Emery that is at this session of My Attic @ The Deck.
The skirt reminded me so much of being little in the 70’s and that instantly brought thoughts of days spent rollerskating, and falling down, and getting back up again, then falling down. You get the point, so the falling poses from Adorkable came in really handy lol. As did the wonderful mesh rollerskates by The Secret Store, that were a recent The Arcade item, which you may still be able to get at the store, I really do hope so, because they are fabulous. The ones I had in real life had red waves on the side of white boots, but the all white ones are so cool and are like my iceskates were.
Over the top of the outfit, I am wearing the necklace that is by Elate, that comes with her fabulous dress also available at Bees through the Seasons, and the style – not shown – is just a wonderful vintage look, that you need to go and grab in lots of colours, the necklace is included with, and I am hoping that she considers doing it in more colours separately one day also, as its a fine piece of jewellery.
The skin I am wearing is Holly by Izzies. Izzies of course has also done skin appliers for the Slink Avatar Enhanced Feet and Hands, so that was a breeze to get dressed with. The make ups are just lovely the teal eyeshadow being my favourite, followed by the silver and silver and pink. The face is lovely and youthful and I didn’t do too much damage to it falling on my bum.
The fun hair is by Vanity Hair, and its so cute and silly, just the way you want to wear your hair out of your face when its too short for much else, and you need to be able to see clearly ahead of you, so you too don’t fall on your bum.
Bees through the Seasons
My Attic @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Holly – Izzies
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Izzies
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair
Marshmallow – Vanity Hair
Little Spring Dress (top only) – OkBye @ Bees through the Seasons/April
Palm Irie Skirt – Emery @ My Attic/April
Vintage Rollerskates – The Secret Store
Ivy Necklace (part of outfit) – Elate @ Bees through the Seasons/April
Haus Proud
Lacuna is a new store, and their second release is part of this session of My Attic @ The Deck. The Diametric skirts are pure bliss, not only to wear, but to look at, they elongate the body, and the texturing and colours used are superb. The bandeau tops that are included as a special My Attic option, come in the two colours used in the skirt, so its an incredible Must Have item. The changing of tops can completely change the mood of each look, and I love the resort wear simplicity of the whole look. It also gave me a chance to show off the new skin Nina by LoOmi, not exactly new new this week, but one of the latest releases by the brand, and I not only love the body, and sexy as tummy…but the face is a joy.
There are five beautiful make up options one is bare of make up, then you have brow options, the base skin is a redhead, and then cleavage enhancers, that really did make a great option for this look especially. I really like the handdrawn character of the face, so make sure you demo demo demo, and check it out on your own face.
The hair is also from My Attic, and it is Lislie, an awesome new style by Ploom, as soon as I put it on it reminded me of seaweed, which as a pisces is an awesome thing. Some might say vines or something like that, but definitely the way the curls fall so beautifully it really is a joy to put on. I have been raving on about the Avatar Enhanced feet and hands by Slink that everyone is making fantastic appliers for, and the appliers today are part of My Attic, and are stunner metalic nails by Izzies.
Not only now do you have the feet and hands options though, because now if you run on over to Slink because you don’t “do’ hands, you can get NAILS ONLY versions for your SL hands, and they have different lengths options just like the hands do, as well as work with all the appliers that are out there so far, so I wore no hands for the first time in MONTHS today to show you , you too can have your appliers addiction like everyone else now too :P.
Finishing off the look, a lovely set of jewellery by HandVerk, the Bauhaus face set, comes with earrings and necklace, and has these very vintage looking art deco type faces that encircle the neck but do not join as a regular necklace does, so its more of a choker/collar style, so cool and the work that went into it is a great use of mesh.
My Attic @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Nina – LoOmi
Avatar Enhanced Nails Only – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Izzies Metalic @ My Attic/April
Lislie – Ploom @ My Attic/April
Bandeau Top, Diametric Skirt – Lacuna @ My Attic/April
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Feet Flat Rigged – Slink
Bauhaus Face Set Earrings and Necklace, Wassily Ring – HandVerk
Girly Gotcha
SySy’s has been creating some lovely items of late, and this great Switch skirt is just another must have item. The switch skirt is at My Attic, and you get both lengths included, the pencil and the mini, which is a great idea and so versatile. With the beautiful colours of leathers, it is a wonderful mix and match item. I teamed it up with an array of tops, and because of its low slung waist, it fits under everything I have tried and more.
The first top is the collared shirt that was a recent release from Mon Tissu, that comes in plains and prints and is a great style with lovely rolled back sleeves. The second Mon Tissu top is the oversized one, and I love the casual elegance of it, again coming in a mix of prints or plains. Then lastly I have the Tee*fy top from C88 this month that is so pretty with the delicate floral print, but also comes in plains and other varieties, so be sure to grab that while you are getting the ruffle skirt from yesterdays post.
The hairstyles I am wearing are fun, and two of them are at My Attic as well. On the left is the Epoque recent release, and this high bun is just glorious, I love the softness of the hair and the fullness of the bun, so love it when Vintage makes hair, he needs to do more of it. Then you have Gaia, the first mesh style from Mina hair, that is at My Attic, and she has done a great style and I am looking forward to watching her just make mesh her ______. Then we have the transition scripted hair from EMO-tions, also at My Attic. The transtion means that you get two styles in one, and the hair makes the most awesome animation as your hands come up and ruffle your hair into another style. So cool.
The shoes I am wearing are a recent release from Baiastice, the Jean pumps with socks come in two different colour packs, patent and snake, and the colours are a mix of brights and classics. The socks come in various colours and prints, some are even polka dot, so cute. They come rigged and unrigged and are just great fun to wear.
The clutches I am wearing are from Epoque, the white one with the intricate emblem on the front, and then the lovely leather clutch from handverk in a perfect yellow leather to accompany the looks. Make sure you have fun with colour in the upcoming months, because they definitely lift the spirits.
My Attic @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
Adorkable Poses @ My Attic/April
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Isla – League
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair
Gaia – Mina @ My Attic/April
Tied Up – Epoque
Changes – EMO-tions @ My Attic/April
Switch Pencil & Mini – SySy’s @ My Attic/April
Collared Shirt, Oversized Sweater – Mon Tissu
Rachel Ruffle Sweater – Tee*fy @ Collabor88/April
Jean Pumps with Socks – Baiastice
Mortier Clutch – Epoque
Scale Clutch – Handverk
Briar Bow Headband (tinted) – Remarkable Oblivion
MInty Fresh
Mixing it up with minty freshness. The swimsuit is all perfectly glittery in a lovely shade of mint, which is part of the Sprint into Summer set by Stellar at My Attic. The set also comes with a long skirt in a beachy look, but I went with this flirty ruffled number by Tee*fy that is part of this months Collabor88. The swimsuit and skirt (not shown) are one part of the set, and the sunglasses and eyeshadow worn, are part of the accessories add on pack by Stellar.
The combination is adorable, and coming from the age group of bodysuits being our go to in the late 80’s and early 90’s, I felt right at ease. Then again also coming from the land of swimsuits being our go to lol, that works too. The hair is also available at My Attic, and the Lindsay style is the third style ever created from the new Faenzo team, they are part of the Goucci brand, and doing some great mesh items.
Also from My Attic, the lovely Bethany skin by Adam n Eve, this skin has two types, one will leaves on the face like cool freckles, and the other is the one I am wearing. They both are available to purchase in all tones, and you can get your avatar enhanced appliers in their mainstore, so if you have never worn an Adam n Eve skin before, or you are already a big fan like we are, then this is the perfect time to get one at an awesome price.
The adorable sheepie purse is by Adore & Abhor, who are also guests this round, and you have not accessorised until you have accessorised with a sheep and a hippo, such as the case with the Wanda necklace from LaGyo. Such cute styles, with colour options on the necklaces hud, and lots of great bright colours to choose from for the bags.
All the poses used are by MaVie, they come with adorable butterfly props you wear, but as you can see, they are totally perfect for everyday use as well.
My Attic @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots–VR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck
Props, Furniture, Build :
Poses by:
MaVie @ My Attic @ The Deck
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Skin Worn:
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair
Spring into Summer Eyeshadow (part of set) – Stellar @ My Attic/April 2013
Lindsay – Faenzo @ My Attic/April 2013
Spring into Summer Swimsuit (part of set) – Stellar @ My Attic/April 2013
Louisa Ruffle skirt – Tee*fy @ Collabor88/April
Rigged mesh feet – Slink
Aussie Thongs (add ons for mesh feet) – Slink
Spring into Summer Sunglasses (part of set) – Stellar @ My Attic/April 2013
Wanda Necklace – LaGyo @ Collabor88/April
Sheepie Purses – Adore & Abhor @ My Attic/April 2013
From the rooftops for Gidge Uriza
Sometimes, things just need to be shared as instantly as possible. They can be because they really resonate with you, and you want to scream from the rooftops about them….or just because you know as a member of a community there are things that will help that community and you again want to just shout from the rooftops. Well this blog has always been my rooftop if you will, and this was just one of those days of wanting to holler loudly and proudly.
Gidge Uriza wants to start a Plurk Clique, a Clique is a bit different from a friends list, in that you can select a clique to be the ones that share certain things…such as if you were a group that loved baking, or raided together in an MMO…that kind of thing. But this Clique is geared towards something very important, and an incredibly moving idea.
This is the plurk that Gidge put out on her timeline today, and many have responded and commented, and also replurked. My thought was that this needs to be something bigger than a Clique, something that includes an SL Group to connect people, and GoGo suggested a forum. I think that connecting through Plurk and Second Life, and then helping each other in a Forum setting would be wonderful, and so helpful. This is what Gidge wrote in part….
Gidge Uriza : I feel like there are lot of us who are impacted by autism as parents, or have it in their family, or are on the spectrum yourself. I thought maybe since it seems so hard to connect with people who live this kind of crazy alternate existence, maybe those of us on plurk might like to make a clique where we can share stuff.
You can read the rest of it HERE on her plurk, and if any of you know anyone that needs this kind of support, or can help in anyway, or if you just have suggestions for how to go about setting up a forum, or know of any other in world groups that already do this, I think that Gidge and everyone else that responded would appreciate knowing.
I adore Gidge and her husband Silo, they are both such strong people, and they always have something fun to say, or a way of just making you chuckle. Gidge often just logs in takes pics for her blog she shares with Cajsa Lilliehook and then logs out again, getting so much done in such a little amount of time, that it is astounding that she can get as much as she does in a day.
I hope that Gidge, and all the people that do go through this every day know that their friends love and support them, but I do know that there’s a difference, there is an understanding that those going through this can relate to better, and I hope that through this idea they are able to release some feelings that they feel they could never do with their friends, in fear they just wouldn’t understand.