
Catch me I’m Falling

Roller Sasy

Holly Lips

Holly Eyes

Ok, first off I am going to have a rant…not a usual SL type rant, but a RL rant if you will. I just started watching Vampire Diaries, and do not panic, I am not about to do a spoilers thing, but I have watched the whole first season, and I am hooked now, even though I have tried to watch the series 4 different times and never, until now, got past the first episode. It got me to thinking though, I do love me some Vampires type shows/movies, and I am like many waiting on the next True Blood to come on…then of course Twilight finished incredibly well I must say, and no I am not obsessive, I just liked it.

But the original and still favourite has to be Buffy and Angel, that was a love story and a half, and I miss the shows a lot. But my rant is, what is with all this rule changing crap. What is with Vampires having reflections, and being able to be out in the sun, and eating garlic, and not needing to sleep all day… I know there were times when Angel could do certain things, but sheeesh I am getting really annoyed and think I got ripped off, and I want to throw down my soapbox and demand a redo, I think that all the originals should have to come back and the whole Buffy and Angel and Spike and whatever should all get to come back with the ‘New Rules” – end rant.

So now that that is out of the way, and expunged from my system. On to the Bee’s, well a mix really. Bee’s through the Seasons event is nearing its end, and there are so many wonderful items to get there, as well as experience the great themed event layout itself. The top I am wearing is actually a dress that I am wearing part of by OkBye. The little spring dress is a micro mini with mesh insert and the colour worked really well with the adorable palms irie skirt by Emery that is at this session of My Attic @ The Deck.

The skirt reminded me so much of being little in the 70’s and that instantly brought thoughts of days spent rollerskating, and falling down, and getting back up again, then falling down. You get the point, so the falling poses from Adorkable came in really handy lol. As did the wonderful mesh rollerskates by The Secret Store, that were a recent The Arcade item, which you may still be able to get at the store, I really do hope so, because they are fabulous. The ones I had in real life had red waves on the side of white boots, but the all white ones are so cool and are like my iceskates were.

Over the top of the outfit, I am wearing the necklace that is by Elate, that comes with her fabulous dress also available at Bees through the Seasons, and the style – not shown – is just a wonderful vintage look, that you need to go and grab in lots of colours, the necklace is included with, and I am hoping that she considers doing it in more colours separately one day also, as its a fine piece of jewellery.

The skin I am wearing is Holly by Izzies. Izzies of course has also done skin appliers for the Slink Avatar Enhanced Feet and Hands, so that was a breeze to get dressed with. The make ups are just lovely the teal eyeshadow being my favourite, followed by the silver and silver and pink. The face is lovely and youthful and I didn’t do too much damage to it falling on my bum.

The fun hair is by Vanity Hair, and its so cute and silly, just the way you want to wear your hair out of your face when its too short for much else, and you need to be able to see clearly ahead of you, so you too don’t fall on your bum.

Bees through the Seasons 

My Attic @ The Deck 


Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

Props, Furniture, Build :

Poses by:

Adorkable Poses 


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

Skin Worn:

Holly – Izzies 

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Izzies 

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : Flair 


Marshmallow – Vanity Hair 


Little Spring Dress (top only) – OkBye @ Bees through the Seasons/April

Palm Irie Skirt – Emery @ My Attic/April


Vintage Rollerskates – The Secret Store 


Ivy Necklace (part of outfit) – Elate @ Bees through the Seasons/April

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