blog – Shaken
A time for merryment and cheer, it is Christmas time after all. For some, or many that means a lot of parties, and just to help them along I decided to not just feature the Martini Glass with built in burlesque animations, but also added a little cocktail cheer for you to try out, if you are wanting some festive coloured drinks.
The glass is made by Luth Brodie of Reel Expression, honestly I don’t know why it is even called that anymore…my friends and I all call it Luth’s and she herself names her poses with Luth lol; you could totally save yourself 10 extra characters for the new year . Sillyness aside this glass is great, not only for picture taking, but for a prop for a club or even a store, for store models.
12 poses are able to be accessed by the drop down menu, also with the /1a command in chat, you can alter your rotation and placement in and on the glass, this comes in so handy as all of us are different shapes and sizes. I actually added the pathcut sphere to the inside of the glass and tinted and semi transparented it, just to have a full with cocktail look, even adding a smidge of glow. You may want to go even further with some sliced fruit or other such decorations.
Whatever you do, make it fun, it is that time of year after all. Whatever you do though, if you do make these drinks in your first life…. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE.
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Hair: Ada – Exile
Skin: Bella – Tuli
Clothes: Bodytank – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Shanti – Maitreya
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Reel Expressions Martini Glass
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Blog – In my Head
It took my breathe away. Some may think that Second Life is not real, but the experience many of us had yesterday certainly felt it. It was the kind of event that made you realise, wow we have talent here, this is not just dressing up, this is art, this is talent, and above all…this is Fashion.
“Fashion is as profound and critical a part of the social life of man as sex, and is made up of the same ambivalent mixture of irresistible urges and inevitable taboos.”
Rene KonigThe scene was ethereal, dressed as Monks the guests arrived and were seated by the lovely staff of LeLutka, I myself was seated by one of my favourites. The seats were the finest leather, the location was like a temples ruins, with the mist coming up from below. It was a place of tranquility and peace.
The ambiance was provided by the music list of Maddox Dupont, his music is legendery when it comes to Fashion Shows and Events, the audience requesting the set list throughout the performance, it was like attending an Opera or Ballet, of international acclamation.
The final guests where seated, the press were anxious, and we waited with only the highest of expectations. Knowing that full well what we were about to see would be different than anything seen before, I had spoken with Minnu a few times over the leading up weeks to the show.
This was something that they wanted to do for some time…returning them to the older MMS way of doing things, leading from the heart so to speak, where all the passion lives.
But first there was the unveiling of a New and very bright star, Anya Ohmai was about to launch her first couture collection named Silhouette.
“Silhouettes; dark shapes enwrapped in contrasting light — mysterious, alluring shape that you can’t quite make out…before that burst of light.”
Anya Ohmai
It was marvelous, she has been toying with us the last few months with her quirky fashion, and bright colours..it was all building up to this, this incredibly sleek and sophisticated collection. Stepping up a notch not only for herself, but for all of us who have been watching and admiring her work.
Then the long corridor was strutted upon by a multitude of Misses, the LeLutka models started to wow us all. The LeLutka ULTRA Fashion Experiment was the concept, an experiment by some incredibly talented creators, which made this show, and it’s collection something that will round out the season superbly.
The items had a definite leaning towards fetish wear, and as I have worn posture collars and harnesses with my LeLutka in the past anyway, wasn’t a far reach or surprise. The styles were marvelous, and I saw items that if I wasn’t at the show seeing them, I would have known from a mile away that they were created by Thora Charron, she definitely has her own style. The combination of items by Thora, Minnu and Marni were remarkable and there were definite showstopping moments, were a collective sigh could be heard from many.
Do not hesitate in travelling to LeLutka when the announcement is made of this release, from what I hear it is very soon, and the OhMai Silhouette collection will be released on the 30th just in time for New Years.
I put together a little mix of old and soon to be released LeLutka for the post, and also to show that for those of you that got the skin with the ponytail flipped forward over your face, and don’t know if you could pull it off…do what I did, turn it spin it, and stick it in your head, and you end up with an incredibly tight ponytail that works stupendously with the hairbase, I have been wearing it this way ever since it’s release and it is awesome.
Now with the collection came shoes, and boots. But tonight I am showing some NEW items, in the form of the Docs 8 Hole boots, these are created by Gospel Voom and have three different options on click, pristine, abused and loose. Also if you buy one pair, and want another colour, you can go and buy a tin of boot polish for less than half the original price, and wear and click and BAM! the new colour is incorporated into the boots, giving you the new and the original to choose from.
Click HERE to see the songlist for event, it was amazing.
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Picture 1:
Hair: Hair that comes with skin – LeLutka
Skin: Estelle Skin = LeLutka
Clothes: Cylinder Bolero (coming soon) LeLUltra by LeLutka
Cinder Dress – LeLutka (now in discount store)
Postal Shorts – (coming soon) LeLUltra by LeLutka
Hole Leggings – Kookie
Leather Gloves NEW – 5th & Oxford
Shoes/Boots: Docs 8 Hole – Docs by Gospel Voom
Accessories: Horns by LeLUltra coming soon
UGERY Bag – t y  z v e z d a
Sophisticated long necklace – Twosome
Black Mask from Silent Heart set – BareRose
Voyage Glasses – Kalnins
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Dare
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Warm, Warmer, Warmest
Yesterday was like a relay race, but we were all running together. From one location to another, on the backs of each spot, it was really remarkable how much ground we covered from logging in, to passing out. Along the way I picked up Whimsy and Gary, and then Justice and Fiachra even joined us for a sizzling hour or so.
I am honestly exhausted again just thinking about it. But it was awesome fun, and we do most things in conference IM calls, so it’s constant nattering and oooing and ahhing, and some yelling on occasion, that part is usually me getting all bent out of shape about something stupid.
Fiachra got to use the old expression “can’t see the forest for the trees” which had us all groaning, even Gary did some damage shopping up a storm, it was a great day, and totally seasonal mania. We definitely found new to us stores though, and even though it is sweltering down here, I came out all snuggly.
The dresses I am wearing all come from M*Motion, a little Japanese store. They have some lovely items, and the prices are really budget friendly. The first dress actually had more pieces, but even if not it was the belt that grabbed my attention anyway.
Extras can be so much fun, and in this case it was the belt. With the boots I am wearing, it is all the extra leggings that just fill you with delight. Machang of Aoharu/Anexx has included not just the normal aran style knit in her knit legwarmers/boots set, but also a nordic version to match the recent nordic knit sweater jackets she released, and not only do you get those two options, but also knitted leggings in a whole range of winter delight colours.
I am actually wearing some of the leggings in the first and second picture. You can of course also see that the boots come in two varieties, heels or flats, seperate but totally perfect for those that don’t do heels or ever wear flats. The second outfit, was kind of a grab it anyway purchase, it does have text sort of transparent stamped into the cleavage area, it is subtle but if not your thing, then not for you…I just liked the fun steampunky look of it.
Both looks also allowed me some hat/hair loving. I adore hat/hair, have always done, and I have said so more than ten times in the past…well today the release of the New Fri.day styles didn’t let me down in that department. A whole lot of hair to love, and many of them with hats, or scarfs etc. But for those that aren’t about the hat/hair love, the styles have been repeated without.
Fri.day has such beautiful textures also, so mixing it up a bit was definitely putting me in a lighter and brighter mood, mind you the names of their colours could have you seeking therapy lol.The hats/scarves are all texture change on click, so you can co-ordinate with your favourite knits. The beany style also even has some striped combos that are a lot more urban in my opinion, and great for mixing with mens sweaters and argyle styles.
The last dress is my favourite, I grabbed that in all colours, and it is not only warm, but hell sexy. Scooped neck, but not too low, just low enough, to not only show off Jewelry , but also killer cleavage in the form o f the Bella skin by Tuli. A nice split up the thigh, and a gorgeous knit weave that has it definitely a more luxurious look overall. The dress also comes with its own open toed stirrup style socks, that do have a smidge of residue at the tops, but overall YUM.
I couldn’t help wanting to add to the glam with the stunning Fur Coat from Aoharu, shown in the past in white, the black is just sleek and all about the glamour. Worn long or short, with this sweater dress the combo is divine.
Tuli has recently released new make ups in the Bella range, with a different twist, either being all about the lips, or all about the eyes. Today I am showing ones that are all about the lips, giving rich deep shades, with a perfect overall effect. Bella has been a huge hit with many, so adding to the make ups is a wonderful idea, allowing for a long love for those that have bought it to be their full time skin.
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Picture 1:
Hair: Yelena – Fri.Day
Skin: Bella FYLO Copper – Tuli
Clothes: White Knit Op – M*Motion
leggings from Knit Legwarmers and Heels – Anexx
Shoes/Boots: Knit Legwarmers and Heels – Anexx
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Voga
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 2:
Hair: Jennifer – Fri.Day
Skin: Bella FYLO Taupe – Tuli
Clothes: Knit O TP Coffee – M*Motion
leggings from Knit Legwarmers flats – Anexx
Shoes/Boots: Knit Legwarmers Flat – Anexx
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Street Magic
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 3:
Hair: Melanie 2 – Fri.Day
Skin: Bella FYLO Red – Tuli
Clothes: Grey Knit Dress – M*Motion
Fur Coat – Aoharu
Shoes/Boots: Knit Legwarmers and Heels – Anexx
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Street Magic
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Blog – Dressed for Success
Yesterday the three of us, Ashia and Whimsy and I, were discussing the sexyness of a wrap dress. I got a tad too graphic I am sure, but then Whimsy mentioned easy access; so I was off the too much info hook. So today when I saw this dress it was an instant TP, as the style and fabric is identical to one I had RL a few years back.
I have since gone back twice, picking up the other colours as well as tping over Whimsy, who just as I knew she would, got all excited at how beautiful it was too. I definitely couldn’t pass up the lovely vest, that is actually worn on its own, but originally comes with a sheer black undershirt blouse style look, which today was a little bit too frou frou for me.
The other day I was all up in Sofias’ do, and told her that when she was over her new hair, she could let me know where it was from lol, we love our big hair and I loved it on her. In usual adorable Sofia fashion though, and because our group is like that, we tpd away and landed at new to me YunA’s. I love the hair there, it has such potential as a great store for interesting styles, especially if they keep on doing big hair.
Periquita always has such fun shoes, and with the new way of them all being colourchange, it allows for such easy mix and matching to your outfits. There are contrast options as well in some of the styles, allowing for even better colour combination looks…I really like the mix of the unusual with the traditional.
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Picture 1:
Hair: Ashley – Yuna’s Hair
Skin: Ania – LaQ
Clothes: Susan Shirt – Kunglers
Black Trousers – Fri.day
Shoes/Boots:Â ChickyChic Pumps – Periquita
Accessories: Sunglasses Diamonds Black – Baiastice
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture :
Hair: Ami – YunA
Skin: Ania – LaQ
Clothes: Claudia Dress – Kunglers
Shoes/Boots: Mary Squares – Periquita
Accessories: Clutch Claire – LeLutka
Little Miss Hairbow with Veil, Leather Gloves Medium – 5th & Oxford
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Voga
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Harvest
Doing a bit of a studio/location mix today, yes I do get out and about for most of the day, but I tend to save all my pic taking for at home. I wanted to go back to a brandish newish build today though, to pretty much just revisit it.
Pixel Mode just recently rebuilt the whole sim, and gone are the modern conveniences and stylish builds of before, now in its place is an incredible plantation I guess you would call it, or in fact a homestead that is a full estate lol.
I wanted to feature some of the clothing from Doppelganger, and as it is all very down to earth clothing, this was the perfect backdrop, well I kind of cheated with one pic at The Deck, but I changed shoes and felt a bit odd about taking pics for a blog post in another stores shoes; at a sim owned by a shoe store…I over think things I know, but it just felt more respectful to move.
I love overalls, they are just fun, and if you watch Ugly Betty …then last weeks episode would have had you chuckling …The Woodcutters Overalls are just fun and very comfy. I really like the style of them, not your regular bib look overalls. Teamed up with the Henley shirts also from Doppelganger, I was in business to um harvest something maybe ? Ok how about just look fabulous on a porch :P.
I finally found the hair I love that Athena wears in her ads for Miseria lol. I could have just asked her, but I actually thought I had it and/or that I knew where it was from. I just kept forgetting to look. So today I stumbled into it with Sofia and Whimsy and snapped it up. I love the stores at that sim so much, which is funny because I have been there about five times in the past month, and never went downstairs.
Wearing with it a lovely long dress, I love this style, in RL it was a big fad for a while to unbutton the dress from the bottom and wear lots of layered cheesecloth style skirts underneath, or pants…tieing a knot in both sides to keep it open…very Tree of Life circa 93′.
The last dress is a pretty day dress, more of a frock really for sure. Sculpted skirt parts make it a bit fiddly depending on your AO, but such a pretty dress that it is worth investing in some stands that limit hip movement…and always good to have anyway.
The Skin I am wearing is from Glance, it is part of their 2010 secret sale, many stores are involved in that, you will see signs at the stores with info…an item or two or three at each store is marked down to 50L you just need to find it, and I just let you know part of it at least, but there is another, so look for two. It is really pretty, and the make up is great for this time of year. I love the full glossy lips and expressive eyes. The body is also YUM, so check them out… you may have noticed that Dango Jewell did their art posters recently and WOW they are incredible.
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Picture 1:
Hair: The Angel 1 – Armidi
Skin: Adriana – Glance
Clothes: Woodcutters Overalls, Henley Shirt – Doppelganger Inc
Shoes/Boots: Freya Flats – Pixel Mode
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Body Behavior
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 2:
Hair: 18 – BarberYumYum @ DP YumYum
Skin: Adriana – Glance
Clothes: Messina Dress Notte – Doppelganger
Shoes/Boots: Tassel Wedges – J’s
Accessories: Hair Rose – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Oracul, Body Behavior
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 3:
Hair: Heart 7 – *KUROTSUBAKI*
Skin: Adriana – Glance
Clothes: Sweetheart Floral Dress – Doppelganger
Shoes/Boots: Freya Flats – Pixel Mode
Accessories: Rattan Bag – Mirone
Cue Set – Miel
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Persona, Oracul
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Poses Sale
Poses are always great to find, new or old a new to you pose can inspire pictures, or blog posts. We often go shopping just for poses, and can be so completely uplifted by finding a new pose store. Behavior Body is not a new store, to me or many…but they have a whole wall of posestands that have been drastically reduced. Each individual pose is reduced to 5L but the pack behind it is only 10L.
Definitely worth grabbing if you are into poses like we are…have a great night.
Body Behavior
SL Daily Deals
The ShopaholicFeed.com Team is proud to announce a new addition to the network, SL Daily Deals
SL Daily Deals is a unique way for a designer to showcase a single product for a day. Inspired by woot.com, the ShopaholicFeed Team aims to create a similar experience useful for residents of Second Life.
Every day, a new product will be showcased on the homepage, with a slurl to an inworld location. The featured product will be available through a special vendor at a discount for a limited number of purchases. Once the product of limited number is sold out, the vendor disables itself.
To be the first to know about that day’s product, follow us on:
Sign up for emailsDesigners, reserve your day today Click HERE
Any questions, please IM Luna Jubilee
blog – Panda Love
Yesterday was one of those days, you know when exploring can take hours upon hours. Yesterday Fiachra and I went to check out a store or two, and it always delights me, that when we are together, it doesn’t matter what is actually on show, we find so much more in the smallest of things.
It was exactly like that, from store to store, taking delight in the creativity of others, and not your usual items, just silly things really. We hopped a few sims, and I swear we were gone for hours, it was awesome. One or two things I had to pick up along the way, and just wanted to share one with you , as I tend to put these sorts of things in my ‘to blog’ folders, and then step over them for months and months, because I push other things to the front, well this time this is going up first.
I actually almost walked out of the store and missed it entirely, funny thing is that no matter how often I have told Fia he secretly wants to be a panda – he is a giant dragon – it is usually me that ends up one. This Panda Hoodie set, is like so much fun, it made me feel like I had spent the day at the zoo with a great friend or family member by the time I got back to The Deck, the only thing missing was the belly ache lol.
Not only is the sporty hoodie nicely made, but the hood up with panda ears and all is so cute, and down with the mini panda poking out is adorable, and not only do you get the lovely chewing bamboo leaves , but also two panda dolls to hug, or share as they are transfer, but the clothing pieces aren’t…mixed perms on this one.
The Tush jeans from Stellar were the perfect accompaniment to this look, a heart on one cheek shows the love for pandas all should have lol. They are great three quarter pants, in soft worn denim, and a variety of colours. Great for days spent with bestest friends .
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Picture 1:
Hair: Enrica – Zero Style
Skin: 8am Justice – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Panda Hoodie – Last Ride
Tush Pants – Stellar
Shoes/Boots: PE Runners – J’s
Accessories: came with hoodie
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Persona
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Elvish has left the building
If you had to travel around the whole world in a night, you would need some motivation to get yourself home fast. Now there has always been talk of a Mrs Claus, but who is to say that she wasn’t some sexy elf to begin with, and I tell you what, if she looks as good as the New Elf skins, then no wonder he is Jolly.
Such beautiful changes to the NEW Gala skins, the nose is pert and mischievous, the mouth is definitely bow shaped and kissable…and the eyebrows are a lighter more refined shape. The overall body, and the way the skins are packaged is as usual, beautiful make ups in two variations to choose from, with dark and light options, and freckles.
I know I am a bit early, and definitely so for us down here, stifling hot as it is. But I just couldn’t resist showing off my new boots, I already have these in the regular version, and have blogged them in the past. But seeing these as almost lick worthy Christmas themed boots, I just had to have them, and they are an awesome price on xstreet too.
I always knew I was going to have a need for the Elf hair, and today was totally that day. Another perfect time for the gorgeous velvet dress by Fishy Strawberry, I love this dress…in all the colours it comes in it is fabulous, but most definitely the red will see you through this coming festive season.
While I was on my VR Professional Stand, which is often the case…a notice came down from FAKE and WOWZA what a skirt…I tpd over and had to grab the lime and black option, it is seriously a skirt MUST HAVE. The styling and use of sculpties and prims is genius, the effect of the back is like wearing tuxedo tails, it is just divine.
Equally divine are the newest Kalnins release, the Orchid shoes are as usual perfectly fun to coordinate to your look via the hud, the tinting of skins is easyish, sometimes depending on the skin it is killer easy, sometimes a little harder, but all the more reason to buy lots of skins in lots of tones, so you can match the skin to your feet, instead of vice versa lol.
Ashia and Sofia decided that I needed to look more relaxed in the eyes department (stoned) being as I had always had my eyes, and such catering to work rather than play or whatever, I didn’t really mind, more closed only no changes to actual size. I am not sure how I will do with it though , doesn’t feel like me yet, I kind of liked having my eyes open rather than squinting. Seeing as I am usually online in the early hours of the am, so I tended to convince myself I was more awake than I was lol.
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Picture 1:
Skin: Elf Skin – Gala @ Curio
Clothes: Velvet Touch MiniDress – Fishy Strawberry
Shoes/Boots: Christmas Boots – Utopia Designs
Accessories: Mistletoe – Elate
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 2:
Hair: Baby’s On Fire – Lamb
Skin: Elf Skin – Gala @ Curio
Clothes: Ruffle Skirt – FAKE
Black Licorice Corset – Jetdoll
Shoes/Boots: Orchid – Kalnins
Accessories: volume necklace – Atelier
Green Hair Rose – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Persona
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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blog – Justice for all
Nothing is more enjoyable than being able to really prepare yourself for your day or night. The great thing that comes from the wonderful abundance of skins we have now, is that the choices on make ups is plentiful.
Now one of the sometimes complicated things is choosing what make ups best suit your Second Life, and the way you live it. So when a skin creator takes into account, your world, your imagination, it is perfect.
Day, Night and the early hours of the morning. Those are the themes of the new skin line by Idiosyncrasy. 8am, 6pm and 2am. Each timeframe has 8 make ups, and the difference though subtle really works well.
I am actually wearing them middle to back, starting with the 6pm skins. Different looks for each one, slight variations, with some pieces crossing over, just like in RL. These days dressing for work can be as stylish and important, as dressing for early evening, nights out. Adding a deeper shade of lippy and tousling out your hair lol.
In Second Life though it can be even trickier, as often who you are talking to, dealing with business wise, or socially, can be looking at you through different eyes entirely based on their own timezone. When you first come to Second Life it can get really tricky seeing people in full formal gowns and suits at 9am lol.
It seems to always be someones morning, evening or late night. But as confusing as that all is, now with the help of these skins, you are covered. Ashia has in my opinion definitely leveled up with the Justice skins, named after the incredibly talented herself Justice Infinity.
All the skins come with dark and lighter brows, as well as cleavage enhancement, so thats four skins per make up. These are just beautiful, you really need to try them asap.
The other featured item today for the most part, is the Beebee boots by SLink, these ankle boots are just adorable and incredibly crafted, in perfect leather, and divine shape…the attention to detail in these boots is amazing, even the zippers on the side have chomp worthy teeth.
Also featuring a lot of Cynful in this post, her latest releases just had me all excited. The idea of denim corsets with the snap buttons, are just gorgeous, they really do have you tightly encased and perfectly moulded. Denim is a perfect texture for this style, as when made in such a way the strength of the weave is totally suitable.
You get three looks in each colour, so they are a steal as well value wise. and whether adding your own cute and sexy, or tailored and professional for the workplace, they all work. Anyway I am rambling and you need to go shopping :P.
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Picture 1:
Hair: Alex – Maitreya
Skin: Justice 6pm 1 – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Seduction Top, Orange Bottom Jeans – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: BeeBee Boots – SLink
Accessories: Hoopty Hoops of Love bangle – Ticky Tacky
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Maitreya
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 1:
Hair: Jaiden – Maitreya
Skin: Justice 6pm 3 – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Jeans Corset , Orange Bottom Jeans – Cynful
Ruffly Corset Dress – Cupcakes
Shoes/Boots: Beebee Boots – SLink
Accessories: Armwarmers – Maitreya
Callas Necklace – DeLa
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Maitreya
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 3:
Hair: Malou – Maitreya
Skin: Justice 8am 2 – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Vivian Blouse – DeLa
Jeans Corset. Orange Bottom Jeans – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Beebee Boots – SLink
Accessories: Callas Bangles – DeLa
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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shown. or HERE to return to Sasypants.com.
Picture 4:
Hair: Kate – Fri.Day
Skin: Justice 8am 5 – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Ballet Sweater – Fri.Day
Orange Bottom Jeans Striped – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Beebee Boots – SLink
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 5:
Hair: Jasmine 2 – Fri.Day
Skin: Justice 2am 5 – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Felice Slip Dress – Blowpop
Shoes/Boots: Formenteranight – YS & YS
Accessories: Leather Gloves long – 5th & Oxford
Clockwork Spider choker – LPP
Geisha Rose Hair Sticks – Essentia
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Poses/Animations: Long Awkward Pose
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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Picture 6:
Hair: Ghost – Lamb
Skin: Justice 2am – Idiosyncrasy
Clothes: Mode Dress – CKS Designs
Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots – Bax Coen
Eyes: Thaw – Fusemelon
Lashes usually worn : Volumen by LeLutka
Equipment: VR Professional Posestand and HUD – VR Foundry
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