Yabba Dabba Yum Yum
Yonks ago I did a post about Pebbles of the Now, fashion wise what I think she would wear. Todays dress and look is totally going that route again. I have always been a Flintstones fan, and wanted to be Pebbles when I was little. I should have done this post with all red hair, but who knows, maybe she dyed it when she got older lol.
The Posh dress is a release by DCNY, the dress comes with the stunning lace under or over shirt, with many clothing layers to style how you want to. The tigerstripes on a pastel background are yum, and the lace top is going to be an absolute staple for so many looks. I even threw on a belt to make the dress bottom look like a skirt, just to have even more versatility.
I am of course wearing the bra top by Maitreya underneath, but you can opt for no bra or different styled one. The possibilities are endless.
The shoes I am wearing are the latest from Kalnins, they are the Yolande and every time I blog Kalnins for some reason even though the colour options vary so much from style to style, they always work with what I plan to blog, bloggers fate for sure. The style are great for dressy or casual, and the zip front make them realistic to slip into. You as usual also get different options for colouring due to the individual areas all having their own options.
The poses I am using are all Glitterati, they extended their poses SALE, and until the 21st most of the store has been reduced to 100L a set, so make sure not to miss out on that…also if you have any store cards, use them now as they wont be accepted after that.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Brande 2 – Fri.day
Skin: Lola – LeLutka
Clothes: Posh Dress – DCNY
Allure Bra top – Maitreya
Shoes/Boots: Yolande – Kalnins
Lashes – LeLutka
Hair Roses, Tortoiseshell Bangles – Essentia
Jolie Pied Nails – SLink
Belt – Veschi
Eyes by :
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Living Dead Doll
I was so distracted today, one of my favourite ways to get sidetracked is to look through the flickr group Second Life Bloggers of Fashion. I love that group, not just because I made it lol, but because there are so many bloggers that I did not know about before joining all the time. I am glad they find it, because often I get shy about inviting to add pics which is totally bizarre for me – if it wasn’t my group I would have no issue with it lol.Fia is trying to distract me now with talk of cinnamon buns, meany. But that is ok, I had rice pudding with cinnamon tonight, so I am fully satisfied. Americans have this crazy thing for cinnamon, I have never seen so many cinnamon things ever. I like it, don’t get me wrong, but seriously, tic tacs and mentos, and I even have cinnamon toothpaste I brought back to prove to friends I wasn’t making it up, because NO ONE would have believed me. I remember when red gum came to australia in the 70’s it was like chilli gum it was so firey, and I just don’t really understand the altoids obsession, are they mints ? and if so, why do you have cinnamon ones? someone needs to explain this to me.
I love trucker cap hair, so when Scribble recently released these ones I was right on them. They and other items have been sitting down the bottom of my inventory waiting for some attention. It is funny that ~ takes you to the bottom, and what is it with all the __()**||@#!#$%%^&*(( stuff before store names now? It is really really annoying going through the alphabet a dozen times to find things you are looking for. I know where things are in my inventory, but every few days or so my newness fills up, and if I have been too busy to put away, it ends up so insane.
Anyways back to Scribble. Trucker caps and hair built in, all the better, and you also get the up or down version for each, as well as the hat only…BARGAIN! I was running around all day yesterday in my Elsa boots by Sand Shack Surf. I love these boots, not just for the fantastic legwarmer style uppers, with their texture change options that just go on and on, but also because the style of the foot and heel of the actual boot are just perfect.
I am wearing the Candy Skin from PXL again today, more make ups to show, but also because it is a marvelous skin. Fun make ups too, with freckles and all sorts of things going on, I totally messed up the other day, so a fair warning…the cleavage enhancer is only on tattoo or undershirt layers, and it is not just shading on the area enhanced but a total upper cut out, so I forgot I was wearing it, and stood there waiting to rez another for ages before I remembered I had that on lol.
Proof I know where everything is, as soon as I had my make up and clothing sorted, I went straight for the coffin bag I won a billion years ago from a lucky chair, knowing it would fit the bill. I almost bought one of these in RL once, we had the most awesome Goth Store near my old work…the only thing stopping me was the severed head on the bag, all the cutesy ones were sold out.
The lodge sweater dress comes with the ruffle skirt or an extended sweater prim option, so more bang for your buck, the sweater dress even has modesty panties included, but like real white cotton ones, so cute. Mel was discussing that the other day, why designers use the same fabric in the undies area as a skirt etc, instead of creating a panties look for more realistic attire. Probably more work – the first time, at least.
AlaMood Boutique recently released some delicate and beautiful necklaces, diamond encrusted and just so incredibly pretty. It always amazes me these jewelers in SL that work so well with small prims, it is hard enough modifying large items sometimes, never mind moving prims around the size of an eyelash.
The other day I mentioned a SALE on at Exposeur, the poses I am using today are all from there, so be sure to check them out if you can.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Truckin Bob Black Skull – Scribble
Skin: Candy – PXL
Clothes: Iris Blouse (from highwaist skirt set), Bloomers – Scribble
Shoes/Boots: Elsa Boots – Sand Shack Surf
Lashes – LeLutka
kanoke bagg G&L – Nonko
Big Waist Belt – Cobrahive
Poses by : Exposeur
Eyes by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Truckin Bob Blue star – Scribble
Skin: Candy – PXL
Clothes: Lodge Sweater – Scribble
Shoes/Boots: Elsa Boots – Sand Shack Surf
Lashes – LeLutka
Infinity Diamond Dual – AlaMood Boutique
Poses by : Exposeur
Eyes by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
SALE – In Need
Sometimes a SALE is a little more than just a SALE. Often life throws not just lemons, but the whole damn tree uproots itself and smacks you in the back of the head. In Second Life we have the chance to help those that we may never meet, and often don’t even know. At the moment one of our residents is having some difficulties and needs a little help, this help would be in the form of shopping at her store. Exposeur is having a SALE and at the moment all pose packs are drastically reduced.
If you cannot make it to the store, then you can also get the same bargains online at her Xstreet page, so dig deep and do what you can to help.
Candy Candy Candy I can’t let you go
I remember when I was a teen flapping at an all floral outfit my mum was about to wear out. Mind you when I was that age I only ever wore black. But the flapping was more to do with the fact that the outfit was neck to wrist, and then to ankle floral. It was so bad, there were all sorts of whiney noises made about it, so she did end up changing. It wasn’t the print that was the problem, it was HOW MUCH print. It was also a full skirt, so yeah way too much. I convinced her to do a full skirt in solid and then the top, or vice versa, but not both together, and that is how she ended up working that outfit from then on.
The funniest part of that memory is that my fashion sense comes from her, but that day I think she lost her marbles…that and the fact that it was the 80’s and fashion for the 40 somethings then, was a little hit and miss. This floral print if that large and long would need to be broken up as well, but as it is a mini, the bright colours and fun style, make it perfect for summer lunches and fun days in the sun.
I got to have fun with this floral mini by DeLa because it is mod, and had enough attachments to make it really workable with other things. The top pic, plus the sleeves of the second pic are the total outfit. But shown three different ways in the pics, and the last I took an undershirt layer and shortened the top enough to make a bustier type top with just one of the attachments. As the top comes on all layers, and is copy, this was a breeze and doesn’t effect the overall outfit at all. It is great to get so many options out of one outfit, and as the colours available are so flexible, you are not starved for choice.
Also new by DeLa is the beautiful folded leather DuDu clutch. This clutch is totally the type of purse/wallet that I would use all year round, the multiple zips on the outside just make it so realistic looking, and the purse comes with attachments for either hand. I did move that to forearm so that I could still wear my nails by Page 3. Addictia to my delight released more of the Tropica Flip Flops (THONGS) in neutral colours that make them easier to mix and match with other clothing. The HUD is so easy to use, and colour matching to skin is a breeze. I love how you can also wear them only as feet with or without the anklets, all in one is a definite win with these.
The hair I am featuring in all the pics today is from Exile, recently I was lucky to spend some one on one time with Kavar interviewing him for TOO Sexy magazine. The styles he has been producing lately are just getting harder and harder to take off, the three today are just gorgeous and April the last one is still on my head because it is HOT HOT HOT.
PXL just released the latest skin Candy, it comes in 5 different tones, only one shown here today – more to come – there are 3 brow options and a great range of lips and eye shadows, all with freckles and cleavage on clothing or tattoo layers. I am so glad also that PXL eventually went shaved, as that skirt in the 3rd pic is so low at the front it would be a huge Fashion Don’t otherwise lol. DEMO DEMO DEMO Candy, she is a lovely skin.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Alessa – Exile
Skin: Candy – PXL
Clothes: Floral Mini Dress – DeLa
Shoes/Boots: Tropica Flip Flops – Addictia
Lashes – LeLutka
Hair Rose – Dawn – Essentia
Pretty Hands Long – Page 3
Mushroom Basket – MCH ( no longer available in world/store with other content on Xstreet )
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :2
Hair: Deanna 2 – Exile
Skin: Candy – PXL
Clothes: Floral Mini Dress – DeLa
Rolled up Skinny Jeans 02 – Maitreya
Shoes/Boots: Tropica Flip Flops – Addictia
Lashes – LeLutka
Hair Rose – White/Blue – Essentia
Pretty Hands Long – Page 3
Vanisri wrapped Necklace and Bracelet – Zaara
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Picture :3
Hair: April – Exile
Skin: Candy – PXL
Clothes: Floral Mini Dress – DeLa ( Modified Undershirt layer)
Fluffyness Skirt – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Tropica Flip Flops – Addictia
Lashes – LeLutka
Tigerseye Necklace – Essentia
Pretty Hands Long – Page 3
DuDu Clutch – DeLa
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Some things are worth staying up for…
Some things are worth staying awake for 😉
A long time ago, it seems like a thousand years, SLink released some incredible latex. So inspired by it, and my new sinewave dance pole (that’s how long ago it was, that thing was new lol ) I even made a movie featuring it. I have been begging, pleading, and chucking a tanty in Siddeans IM box ever since for more latex. She even teased me once with some pants, that were “yet to be finished”.
Finally all the waiting and mewing noises has paid off, because Vixen is here, the latest latex delights from SLink. I wanted to try out different shots for this release, as well as play with new and not so new hair. Hair Fair preps take me all over, and I end up shopping. Today I ended up at BC322 and got these wicked dreads which come in three versions, so fun. The second is a new release from Exile called deanna, and the Third not new style was recently in this colour a pack item from BooN at the dressing room. What I love about this hair – I have shown it before in another colour – is that with the hair base on the Caroline Tan skin by YS & YS it actually looks like a wig, which with it’s blue black colouring is way too cool an effect.
The almost Geisha style is from The Obscene, which made me giggle. Mel and I were watching some awful movie called Robo Geisha the other night, and this hair is so pretty that it reminded me that the only good thing in that whole film was the hair lol. The last hair is a stumblebum hair from Clawtooth, it says with bangs so maybe the without bangs is available all the time, either way it is so pretty.
The shine on this latex is incredible, you really need to appreciate how hard it is to get good latex in SL to understand this is SUPERB Latex. Now not only is their latex in the Vixen Latex but the catsuit comes with built in boots and/or feet. That means that via hud you can wear them as incredibly high heels, with a fabulous heel, or you can click the hud to remove shoe and the sculpted latex covered foot is left behind, which even though on pointe is a wonderful option.
The skin I have on is Caroline, the latest by YS & YS , blonde or brunette brow and hair base options, with breast enhancements. The skin comes with a huge amount of make up choices and is a great blend of casual to dressy, with a soft demure look when needed, or a sultry and sexy look. DEMO DEMO DEMO all skins always.
All the poses used are actually animations from IMagz previously of rQ. Using the slow animations feature in advanced> character> Slow animations, it makes it easier to capture the essence inside of an animation. The first one of course was perfect for wings so I went with some delightful mini angel wings from Material Squirrel, which has fantastic wings.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Toys Dread – BC322
Deanna – Exile
JPN670 hair – BooN
Mana – The Obscene
The Morning After (w/bangs) – Clawtooth by Clawtooth
Skin: Caroline Tan – YS & YS
Clothes: Vixen Catsuit – SLink
Shoes/Boots: Vixen Catsuit – SLink
Lashes – LeLutka
Ezriel Mini Angel Wings – Material Squirrel
Poses by : IMagz
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
- AOHARU, Cobrahive, Cynful, Exile, Fri.Day, LeLutka, Maitreya, Royal Blue, Tesla, VR Foundry, Woo's, YS & YS
Got nothing on us
I went to a party to wrap up the Summer Festival at Tableau with Whimsy tonight. The whole Tableau team were there, giggling up a storm on voice. The winner of their store for 30days contest was Radio Signals who is an incredible content creator as well as RL artist. So I am so glad she won. I recently bought some of her art work to hang at home, and it looks fab. If you haven’t been by her gallery next door to Scribble, you should definitely check it out.
I was feeling so festive after the do, that I just felt all bubbly and coloured hair worthy. It is funny how for granted we take the coloured hair packs being available in some stores, what if one day they weren’t there? I know that tips come and go, but sometimes and more often than would be considered normal, you just need coloured hair. Exile has such lovely candy floss like colours, that I decided to go with both in the Candace style. Also to add a bit of flavor to the Jeans and tank from Indyra Originals. These jeans are standout fab with the detailing on the waistband.
The next two pics feature dresses by Vesna, the first one has that large scoop and as soon as I put it on I wanted to fill it, and knew exactly how. Thanks to incredible options, and both items having all layers available, I was able to wear the shirt and tie only from a dress from Fri.day, and create a new look. A mini mobstress look, what with the Fedora hat/hair also from Fri.day. The burnt orange just got some killer bling from Royal Blue and I am ready for a night of dancing. But as I already did that tonight, on with the next one lol.
The new hairstyles from Amacci are incredibly soft and fluttery, framing the face beautifully. How Carina made these styles is just incredible, as most of the hair is a small group of strands all placed strategically to form a style. Lots of prim work in these styles so don’t be wearing them to any high lag events, but don’t hesitate in buying them all because they are just gorgeous. The last two looks had me a bit rock and roll tonight, which is a total contrast to earlier this evening when I was all frocked up.
The skin I am wearing is another New skin from YS & YS and will be released at Fashion Fest. Marilu comes in a neutral tone like the one I am wearing in these pics, as well as a pale I will show at a later date. There are a lovely range of make ups, as well as numerous options. Two hair bases, and cleavage options as well. So each one has 8 options as well as a bun hair attachment if you want to go with the hair base extra tight look, and it is so much fun to cruise around that way sometimes.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Candace – Exile
Skin: Marilu – YS & YS
Clothes: J’aime Jeans , J’aime tank – Indyra Originals
Front Knot Shirt – Aoharu
Shoes/Boots: POW Shoes– LeLutka
Lashes – LeLutka
Chain Knuckle Ring – Addict
Poses by :
Olive Juice
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Victoria, Neva 2 – Fri.day
Marilu – YS & YS
Clothes: Reverie Dress Shirt Collar and Tie – Fri.day
Kate Dress – Vesna
Shoes/Boots: Shanti – Maitreya Gold
Lashes – LeLutka
Love Stone Pendant – Royal Blue
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Carla, Carletta – Amacci
Marilu – YS & YS
Clothes: Krushka Dress – Vesna
Shoes/Boots: Angelina Boots, Vixen II Classic – Tesla
Lashes – LeLutka
Bratty Beads – Woo’s
Twin Skinny Belt – Aoharu
Takara Nails – Mandala
Eyewrap – Cobrahive
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
One night in Bangkok
Ok so remember when you were new? when outfits were worn straight out of the box – and yes that still does happen, and I as much as the next person do it, but shhh I am telling a story :P.                                                                                                                                                             But then we grow and adapt, and we start to see things for their pieces as much as the whole story created by the designer. Or even if we don’t break down the pieces, we see more than one or two possibilities emerge. Often that is what blogging is for, to share an idea, to show the possibilities. Even if a design has appeared before your eyes in the past, someone may just captivate you with their way.
That is why many of us blog, I know it is why I do, and I know it is why my friends do. Often time restraints and backed up inventory cause us to show as is, add some accessories and done. It may be more about the skin, or hair, or shoes. So many things can come up, and there are often not enough hours in the day…but try as we may, we want you to see what we see. That spark of interest that made us want to jump up on a pose stand and take numerous shots, crop, splice and dice and then present them however we can, so that you may just be excited with us.
I love those days, the days when an item just sings for attention and is well deserved of it. I love when a release makes me be a better blogger, and want to excel in presentation, there are releases where I know myself I have leveled up as we say, because I have just been so enthusiastic by the items.
I personally think that every single blogger out there does an incredible job, if their motivation is to share, to develop and to enhance not only your inventory lol, but their skillset, then we are lucky and blessed to share their journey. Whether they talk lots like me, or only link and credit…whether they add lyrics or poetry, or each pic has a short summary. All in all we are lucky to have a glimpse into their creative mind, and I treasure that as much as the next person.
Now about my pic, because honestly I didn’t even intend that to go where it went ramble wise, but am glad it did.
The skin actually started it all, it is a newish release by YS & YS and even though I covered up much of the face on the left, it does feature both red or blonde brows and hairbases. The skin is also beautifully freckle adorned, but in a true fair skinned way that is just lovely. The make up on the skins is a feature more of the lips and eye make up, so the skin having freckles is not a hindrance in anyway in that area. The brows are fantastic in the red and blonde, but I am totally boning on the red.
The dress I am wearing is a knockout, not only are the colours and fabric divine, but you actually get both with purchase. The dress comes with bra and panties, and it is an incredibly sexy look, straight out of the box. It does also come with its own pair of fishnets, but I opted for the Allure girdle and stockings from Maitreya, wearing one of the natural pairs rather than true black, to give a softer effect. This is totally the kind of look you can imagine on a working girl in either a smoke filled tavern in france, or some back street opium den in asia. The outfit actually reminded me a lot of the old show China Beach, and Marg Helgenberger, mind you it was the Dana chick every guy I know was totally in lust with.
For the hair I went with a style from I love Olive, for both in fact, and actually had originally planned to wear the one on the right in red for the pic on the left…but then tp’d over and grabbed this Sophie style that totally rocked it. The dress reminded me of a wrap dress, so going with a more mature and dignified look I added some trousers – I love that fri.day calls them trousers – and the cashmere turtleneck from Boom. It brings so many women to mind this look, from the North-shore to Soho and beyond.
Either way you wear it, or whatever spin you put on the dresses or dresses like it yourself, make it the most fun and something that may just inspire you to jump on a pose-stand of your own and take pics – don’t forget to share them though :).
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Bella Hair , Sophie Hair – I love Olive
Skin: Evelin – YS & YS
Clothes: 2 Dress – Ruxy
Allure Girdle/Stockings – Maitreya
Trousers – Fri.day
The Cashmere – BOOM
POW Shoes – LeLutka
Lashes – LeLutka
Where are my glasses – Sissi
Pretty Hands Long – Page 3
Nite Pearl set – YS & YS
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Fan Flair
Usually I end with the bikini’s, don’t know how I ended up in reverse order this time, but seems to be the route I have been taking all week. Maybe I needed a tan first, who knows.
The kini from Cynful, as are all the clothing pieces today, actually gives two bottoms options. The string bikini or boyshorts look. Now while the boyshorts would be more preferable for those not wanting to reveal too much, we are talking Cynful here, so of course they have as much on display as they could lol. Luckily the Jade skin by TULI has the perfect derriere for such a display. The hair I am wearing is from Magika, and the style with the over the shoulder look, is perfect for swimwear, neat and pulled back, and then out of the way so you can get that all over back tan.
While I really like the pulled back and behind the ear look of the first one, the rockabilly sprayed with more product than should ever be allowed upswept bangs look of the next one is all love. The overalls all in one look on the left is great, easy to wear, add some jewelry, in this case from Ala Mood and you are off for a night out. Cynful does a lot of great denim, and these capris are fun too. Totally giving me the chance to show off my new thongs, these are from Addictia. They call them flip flops, I call them thongs. They are an all in one fake feet system. As you can see from the top pic you can choose to wear with the thongs or without, then also with beads and flowers or without.
Now these come in only three colour choices, pink, blue, or purple. Personally I would love to see white available, as it would go with more, as well as the ability to chose with or without the flower, because sometimes you just want beads. Maybe one day those options will come, there are also plug ins available for nail polishes and tattoos you can buy separate, for me it was all about the all in one. The other thing is that the big toe is big, and for me, I have a size ten foot RL, so delicate feet are more alien to me, so it was not a deal breaker, but there are demos, so be sure you look at them closely, so that you know you can live with it.
The other Jewelry I am wearing in the second pic, is also from AlaMood Boutique, it also matched perfectly to the dottsie top I am wearing, so cute and fun to wear. Lastly in Exile hair this time, these fab pigtail do’s are so fun, the pixie bangs on the left are still a fast favourite, I cannot get enough of the styles being created with those. The soft curls of the second look make you just crave to see it down. Very very short is the theme for the skirts in this pic, I am torn between the highwaist and the mini, as both have their pluses. The tops are a new sculpted fit top, easy enough to resize if needed, and a easy throw on wear.
The jewelry in this pic is from Gangked, incredibly over the top pieces that are fun to wear, and have very telling names, the one on the right had me awwwing and sad at the thought of it. Mercy heels by Orange Creations come in so many fab colours, that it was easy to match a pair to each look, and the skin tinting is a breeze with so many presets to choose from.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Sarah – Magika
Skin: Jade – TULI
Clothes: Kini Plain and Patterned – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Tropica Flip Flops – ADDiCTIA
Lashes – LeLutka
Poses by : Body Language SLC
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :2
Hair: Katie – Magika
Skin: Jade – Tuli
Clothes: Corset Overall , Orange Button Capri, Dotsie Top – Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Mercy – Orange Creations
Tropica Flip Flops – ADDiCTIA
Lashes – LeLutka
Daring Armwrap/Fingerwrap, Mirage Set – AlaMood Boutique
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :3
Hair: Pipa, Kinsey – Exile
Skin: Jade – TULI
Clothes: ChrizzpyMini, Beertilicious, ChrizzpyMini Highwaist– Cynful
Shoes/Boots: Mercy – Orange Creations
Lashes – LeLutka
Florida Set , He used to Love me set– Ganked
Poses by : Body Language SLC
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
It is in the Melody
I love being able to modify stuff, especially when an idea you have works out. That was the case with todays look.
With the release of the halter tops by Fri.day had me wanting to stretch and try my hand at modifying one into more of a babydoll dress. Because of the flared out style of the sculptie, it was easy to do so, able to cover the hips and bottom with ease. Not wanting to go too long, because that would have changed the way it would have moved. This length allows it to not move around too much and take away from the look.
The only thing left to do is make sure that I was covered underneath, so I used the bodysuit from a previous release as a modesty layer. The hairstyles I am wearing are both from Hair Solutions, lately Kia has been releasing new hair at a much faster pace than the past, which is always great to see. The boots are the latest from Adam n Eve, booty bay boots, if you WoW you snickered like me I am sure. The boots come in either plaid or plain as a choice, and with much surprise they are mod, so even though red on the right, they were a little brighter than the rest of the red worn, so a quick change to the luminosity in edit tint, and voila, more matchy matchy.
Showing more of the beautiful Jade makes ups by TULI, this skin is so soft and pretty, but as usual Tuli has made sure that many different styles are catered to with the make ups, from soft and delicate to hard core rock girl, you have it covered. It is always great to have as many options as possible, without having too many of a particular style.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Erin, Kaylee – Hair Solutions
Skin: Jade – Tuli
Clothes: Melody Halter Black (MODIFIED) , Melody Halter Red – Fri.day
Allure Stockings, Allure Girdle – Maitreya
Amelia Leggings – LeLutka
Booty Bay Boots – Adam n Eve
Ashes Necklace – Ganked
Lashes – LeLutka
Long Pearls Nite – YS & YS
Poses by :
Body Language SLC
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Market Day
So I was all ready to do a mammoth post, you know those days when you want to crunch as much out as you can. But then I got an IM for a link to You-tube, and it was very interesting. I then got distracted by other clips by the same creator, one thing lead to a bucket of tears and that was me done.
I have only seen the trailer, but I did watch an interview with the producer of the documentary, and that had me so moved all on it’s own. It was actually an interview done by an SL Resident, and it was his IM that lead me to it in the first place. I would love to be able to see The way we get by. It looks to be such an emotional film, but I would have to see it at home because the blubbering would be too much for the public.
The vintage looking blazer was a find at beetlebones and is a freebie no less, it was the perfect choice to wear over the beautiful dress from SALT, as I knew as soon as I saw it how I wanted to wear it, other than out of the box which is just lovely as is. The bag is another freebie from Berries Inc, seems the b’s are coming up with all the goods this week. The bag comes with three different versions, and is the perfect strolling market day bag, or off to the beach/pool for a swim and sun-bake. It has all the necessities built in.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Sunday Shoelace – Fashionably Dead
Skin: Jade – Tuli
Clothes: Summer Romance Dress – SALT
Freebie Blazer – BeetleBones
Shoes/Boots: Armarda Boots – Kookie
Lashes – LeLutka
Abalone Necklace – Dark Mouse
Summer Bag – Berries Inc
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck