• Stylish

    Flicky Flicky La La


    Bring on the Mod Squad, seriously that is how I felt as soon as I layed eyes on this beauty.

    The latest Belle dress from Elate is just marvelous darlings, and what better way to show off your sexy legs, than with knee high boots, an expanse of skin and this beautiful retro fashion. The fun thing about the dress is it’s ability to look both casual and fun, or sleek and dressy, it will all depend on the accessories, boots/shoes and how you flick your hair.

    Speaking of flicks – see how I lead you right there – the new styles from Exile are scrumptious. The Nyx hair is amazing and Lake I really would love to have in a hat hair combo. Kavar as I have said before, really levels up each and every time he releases.

    I could see wearing any of the colours of this dress, to christmas parties and the festive activites bound to occur over the coming weeks, the colours and style are perfect for it.

    I made another backdrop background in PS for this post, and am adding it to the Flickr Group Second Life Stock Images, so I hope someone finds good use for it :).

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Nyx, Lake, Rina, Azalea – Exile

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Belle – Elate

    Thigh Highs – The Strand

    Leather Gloves – 5th & Oxford

    Warm Shoulders – BOOM

    Shoes/Boots: Prestige Boots – Bax

    Marina Boots – Slink

    Long Boots Round – J’s

    Big Sur Boots – YS & YS


    Hair Rose – Essentia

    Clutch Bag – Adam n Eve

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    SL Stock Images Group on Flickr

    Matriarch_003 SL Stock Images Group



    A long while ago I was inspired by Cajsa Lilliehook of It’s Only Fashion, to make a Flickr Group. So what is so different about this Flickr Group than others you may ask? Well it is called SL Stock Images, which might actually give you a clue of its purpose. The reason it was inspired by Cajsa, is that she is one of those bloggers that can find the most amazing of locations to shoot her images, and actually compiles a notecard, which she updates often, and sends out to the other blogger groups. But when “I” – this is one of those moments you want to make the word I bigger than it is – try and shoot on location, I can never find the right looking sim, or get my lighting sorted, or not crash a million times, or just everything works against me, that hours go by and I just end up tping back to my VR Studio and taking all my pics there and working on them in PS.

    But when I am NOT looking to shoot something, I find awesome locations, or get inspired by just the way a planter pot is leaning against a wall of some delapitated shed somewhere. Somewhat like the things you see when you actually google stock images, that you may want to use for post processing, and often the ones that would be perfect are not free to use, so you end up back where you started.

    So I made the group, and then Hair Fair and other things distracted me, and with Cajsa being not so well lately, I felt it was time to actually do something with the group. So today I went to a location that I knew was kind of interesting, and took some pictures, with various lighting and shadows…and uploaded them to the group. Once the pictures are put in the group they are for anyone to use, in Second Life ads, photography, blog pics and so on, they are not to be used commercialy or given away, and to submit pictures in the group means that you took them yourself, or made the backdrops in PS/Gimp yourself.

    I could have take a picture in this wonderful location while I was there, dressed as I am, but decided to instead do my own merging using the stock image. So you can see the blending of the image above with the pic of me in the VR Studio, and then the after work and final image. I hope many contribute to the group, and find some inspiration to use the stock images for their own work…if you are a location photographer blogger, consider every time you shoot a scene doing one or more pics without you in them, and adding them to the group. They could even come in handy for you yourself to use again in the future, or even if something goes wrong, you can use them to mend your other work.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Rhoda – Amacci

    Skin: Claire – Tuli

    Clothes: Trenching Through Colour Coat – Royal Blue

    Wool Sock Thigh Highs – The Strand

    Shoes/Boots: Tall Round Boots – J’s 


    DeNile Earrings – Flair – free gift for members of fashion emergency at The Deck this weekend only

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish




    A little something something, with the With Love Hunt still going on full tilt. The starting point is at Le Circue, and it is well worth the time, as the items are just wonderful, and of a really good quality.

    Just one of the outfits today, but with hair and accessories also hunt items. The Bliss Couture hair is not your every day do, by no means, but I do love these styles for evening wear, and also they shoot so well, as they usually contain minimal if no alpha, so very little work has to be done on the pics. The accessories are very cool bangle stacks, but with the added rings and lace gloves, that is an awesome addition to this look, as it’s an option not a must, so you can play around with the look… very Madonna 1984.

    The Nemesis outfit is all win also, what with the bustier being so nice on its own, and the skirt having two options, with or without chain, there is also an oversized chain collar, that is all win, but I decided that the Bow from Royal Blue was a must as I have been playing around with it on and off for a few weeks now – mind you I did lose them for a few weeks in between lol.

    The skin I am wearing is another newish from YS & YS , I told you they came back with a bang, only showing off some of the make ups in this set, as usual though they are wonderful. Also some new eyes from Adam n Eve that just got released today. Such nice speckled colours and funnily enough they seemed to match the make ups in order lol.

    Have an awesome time hunting for the other goodies, and get ready for the next instalment of the hunt that starts on the 10th.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair:  Yumiko Hair – Bliss Couture ( with love hunt )

    Skin: Marika Skin – YS & YS

    Clothes: In Love Outfit – Nemesis ( with love hunt )

    Shoes/Boots: Hana – Maitreya Gold 


    Just You with Love -  Bijoux Jewelry ( with love hunt )

    Bow Good Times – Royal Blue

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Adam n Eve

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Gingerbread Kisses and Candy Cane licks


    New New Newness. New shoes are always fabulous, and even better when it is new boots.

    I was so excited to find out that J’s has released a brand new boot style, very nordic with the fabulous knit socks, but it is the clog style boots that are just divine. Perfect leather, and wonderful leather colours as usual. there is a non knit option in the scripted menu, which means if the nordic socks aren’t your thing, then you can wear your own, or without.

    Still doing that mix of looks, what with it being hot down here, and all the clothing being released is for colder weather, but luckily there are still adorable little skirts that have been created in heavier fabrics, but short in length enough to still show off the gams. I love these porcelain skirts, so sexy and cute, yay fishy strawberry. I am wearing the Jane aviator jacket again, but this time without the lower sculpted portion, because the finish to this jacket is superb, like woah, so it is totally a jacket on its own. The L’opera bodysuit is a must have item, also from Fishy Strawberry, plunging back, high front with shoulder pads to boot.

    I am wearing another of the latest YS & YS Skins, this time Regina, and I opted for a freckles tattoo from one of the other skins, that actually works so well no matter the tone. Great idea to copy and paste all your tattoo layers that come with other skins, and bundle them all into one, spend some time playing around with them and see if they are interchangable and then folder them into ones that are, and ones that aren’t. Much easier than having to find them when you think of them.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Honey – Lamb

    Skin: Regina – YS & YS + Tat freckles

    Clothes: Porcelain Ruffled Skirt, L’Opera Bodysuit – Fishy Strawberry

    Capped Sleeve Tshirt – Stellar

    Gartered Socks – League

    Aviator Jacket – JANE

    Travelers Tank – Fri.day

    Shoes/Boots: Sabo Boots – J’s 


    Earmuffs – Artilleri

    Sheepskin Gloves – League

    Pratha Silver Cuffs – Zaara

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    This waif shit has to go…Quote by Whimsy Winx

    WInter Poca

    What is the reason for the name of the post you ask, well it was kind of a discussion about the shapes that some designers choose to use as their own. Then building their items on their shapes, and if the items are no mod, then resizing scripts make the item bigger all over, when sometimes it is only a small stretch in one direction that is needed, thus ruining the aesthetic of the whole outfit. Many designers do take that into account by providing more than one size, but in reality it would be nice if the designers considered more the shapes of the people, and had a builders shape so to speak, much like hair makers have always kind of adhered to the one size concept, and shoe makers as well. But then again, we would prefer mod, not scripted in the first place.

    It is kind of funny, because with the teen grid merger only a month away, the sizes of residents are going to apparently drastically change. I remember talking to Asuka Martin, the owner of Dernier Cri about that once a long time ago, and she said that one of the first things she noticed was the insane heights of us over here on the adult grid. I for one am tall RL, so have argued to keep my height as it is, because I am not amazon in stature. But I have definitely noticed that many are shrinking down over the past 12 months, which kind of makes me wonder where that will leave the tinies and kids…do they even have kids and tinies in the teen grid? It is going to be an amazing transformation grid wise, and I for one cannot wait…I only have one wish and it might seem silly to most, but I kind of wish that kids couldn’t talk in IM. I wish that was a safety measure that LL would put in place, I know that keeping them to PG and all that are good steps, but they are pretty much only saving them from visual adult content. Anyway, this post wasn’t supposed to go off on some rant from sizes to mergers, I think it was the redbull.

    I love that with the help of layering, and of course all the fabulous extra layer options we have now, that you can still make fabulous use of dresses that may have been designed with warmer climates in mind, but add some wool tights and an incredible faux fur coat, and you are in winter wonderland. I am feeling so much love for cowboy boots lately, and tonights episode of Hellcats didn’t help. The fringing on the ones from J’s is a nice soft touch. The jacket is from Aoharu, and you can wear it long or short, I opted for short so you could see more of the great Hush dress from SySy’s.

    Yes as corny as I am, even I didn’t realise until after the pics were done, that my skin is from YS&YS, and my dress is from SySy’s. The skin is Sierra and as usual, all the great options and incredible make ups, they really have come back with a bang, and hopefully a much needed break.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: I want to be well – Tiny Bird

    Skin: Sierra – YS & YS

    Clothes: Hush Dress – SySy’s

    Fur Coat – Aoharu

    Leggings – The Secret Store

    Shoes/Boots: Fringe Western Boots – J’s


    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Marukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Marni’s Eggs are brown


    Years ago I did a post that contained a skirt. Not an ordinary skirt, and not even a girls skirt, but none the less an amazing piece that many I know ran out and purchased…it was squee worthy.
    Today again this skirt has those same qualities, it is designed for men, it is an amazing structure of prims and mesh, and if I could have it in more colours, I would probably wear it all the time. The little shirt jackety blousey thing is so cute too, and thank you to Lexi from Stellar for coming through with a nice tshirt for under so that I could bare a little tummy.

    The Yum skin from Gala @ Curio was a perfect choice for the look and wonderful hairstyle from Maitreya, and with the Moxie shoes having the built in socks, it had that western/eastern meeting thing of socks with geta. I am so loving this look…so don’t be surprised if you see me in it at some stage over the next 24 hours. Unless of course I get motivated to do more blogging.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Uma – Maitreya

    Skin: Yum – Gala @ Curio

    Clothes: Capless Sleeve Tshirt – Stellar

    Mens Skirt , Shirt white body – Fore

    Shoes/Boots: Moxie – Maitreya Gold 


    Glitz Bangle – Armidi

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Merukin

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Riddle me this


    I once was watching Donahue – no I am not old old, but I used to love his show when I was a kid – and I remember and episode about sexy people. The guest, who I do not at this time remember at all, claimed that the sexiest people had a gap between their two front teeth. This of course caused Donahue to grin big, of course flashing his own gapped tooth smile.

    So it was with great joy that  once I found out about the Slink teeth being all seperate teeth, that I was able to do the same gap. I have since seen a few variations along the same lines, and my own pal Newdoll went in that direction too, she is so hot. I also was lucky to see a SLink customer with an overabundance of teeth modding going on, to look just a little more ‘out there’.

    I love that so many can take something so simple, and give it their own individual charm. Taking it perhaps even further than the creator intended. The possibilities are endless as well, with them being copy, you could make your very own toothless gummy grin, or add a little bling or perhaps metal to the mix. I am surprised that SLink didn’t hud up for this release, as the vamps must be pining for some pointed tooth love.

    The dresses I am wearing today are new items from Riddle. I haven’t seen a Riddle release for some time now, she tends to get busy through the year I think, because the last big release I can think of was last year around this same time. But either way, this wintery goodness is just yum. I really like the sculpted volume of the babydoll style, but the added pleated skirt underneath adds a little swayward charm.

    The bow around the empire line reminded me of my hairbow I modified from an old 69 Hairstyle, this bow has been around and worn many many times, but any hairbow would look as good. I am being naughty and you can see just a smidge of bra strap in the pics, it is because the cutieh undies are so cute from Luck Inc, I just keep putting them on and not taking them off, Which is almost true, as with the viewer I can just keep adding lol.

    The Moxie shoes by Maitreya Gold I showed yesterday in the patents, today I am showing in the basic leathers, with the same incredible sock options. Lucky me there were enough colours to choose from to go with whatever dress colour choice I made, and there are many more colours available than just these, so if these ones don’t grab you, maybe the rest will.

    All layered above the beautiful Natasha Skin by LeLutka, which I am enamored with. A quick mention of bag love, the one I am carrying is very naughty and will not be out yet…but a little birdy told me that Royal Blue is going to be in the second portion of the with love hunt that starts soon, and some GORGEOUS clutch bags will be their hunt item, and so cute, so don’t miss out.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Salla – Zero Style

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Birds of a Feather – Riddle

    Cutieh Undie Bra – Luck Inc

    Shoes/Boots: Moxie – Maitreya Gold 


    Real Teeth – SLink

    Watching You Tote Doll Face – Royal Blue COMING SOON

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Long Awkward Pose

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Moxie Ladies

    Moxie Ladies2

    Good news from Cajsa yesterday, she rang me on Skype and her, Whimsy and I nattered for a while. We also got to say hi to her nurse who must have thought we were crazy. I am so glad she is better, and on the road to recovery, she is an amazing woman.

    It can be great fun using group poses as one person, with the right tools such as my VR Studio HUD, I am able to lock position and go for it with ease. Then of course there is the work afterwards, that can sometimes be tricky -  reminds self to do a tutorial on that one day.

    Todays poseset is from JE Republic who is actually having a huge sale at the moment, and I picked up their two posesets like this one for a crazy low price. There are also hunt items laying about the store, for 0 and 1L if you are looking for something to do. The poseset worked out wonderfully well for the much anticipated release of Moxie.

    These are the latest Maitreya Gold shoes, just released in the last few hours, and they are stunners. Platform wedges with socks, either scrunched or thigh highs, you get both options with the shoes, in either basic leathers or patents. I am showing the patents today and they are LUSH. The colours are just divine, and the yellow is OMG YUM. You can wear them demurely or go all out with the loud colour contrasts, I love that option.

    The clothing I am wearing is mainly from Luck Inc, some more of the underwear and corsets, so much fun, I have been traveling all over the place in my undies this week, and with items this glorious, don’t be surprised if you see me still in them. I was feeling some Lamb love hair wise today, so that is all the styles shown. It was fun revisiting older styles, and reminding Whimsy of one of her past favs.

    The skin is of course Natasha, that also got released today, the skin by LeLutka is just beautiful and as stated before comes in 4 tones with blonde hair base, cleavage option and 8 make ups total, which includes the base skin. Make sure you try on the demo, because this is such a beautiful and softer than usual skin from LeLutka, it is sure to turn your head.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Bang Bang Bob , Say , Honey, Ghost – Lamb

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Petite Dress, Lust Corset, Cutie Undies – Luck Inc

    Hermana – Surf Co.

    Micro Skirt – My Pinky Skull

    Shoes/Boots: Moxie – Maitreya Gold


    Wide Waist Belt – Fri.day

    Armwarmers – Maitreya

    Mouse Helmet – Aglaia ( With Love Hunt Item )

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : JE Republic

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Stylish

    Black Friday Skin Addiction


    Wow I am busy today.

    Ok so there is a skin group called Skin Addiction, owned by the Skin addict herself Voshie Paine. Today and for the weekend there is a skin SALE, with Skin creators from the group offering a skin or skins for a reduced price to their Skin Group addicts. This is how it will work.

    1. You MUST join the Skin Addiction group – there are join posters at the stores

    2. You MUST activate the group, making sure that the title above your head says Skin Addict

    3. You then buy the skin at full price and within moments the discount will be refunded to you. The reductions vary store to store, but so far I  have heard 50% off the skin at Idiosyncrasy, and 75% off the one at Style by Kira, 50% off Fashionably Dead and so on, as you can see from the list there are a great range of skinners involved.

    So free up some group space and have a blast, and it might be a great time to fix up some of those alts that you may have made with the new name changes.

  • Stylish

    Natasha – LeLutka


    Natasha p2

    Natasha p1

    Those of you that believe that names have meanings, will know that this skins release could not come at a better time of the year.

    Natasha means Festive Season,or Christmas child. It is russian in origan and if you call a Natasha Nat not Tash, you might end up with a black eye – that is my experience anyway. This is the new face of LeLutka skins, and will be released this weekend…I for one am so excited about this skin because it seems so much softer and I just love the lips and nose and softness about the whole skin. The body is also fantastic, and Whimsy even exclaimed that I have anklebones, which I don’t know that I didn’t in past skins, I looked at the last and they are there also, but apart from looking at all the skins I own, I am not sure that that isn’t common or not lol.

    Natasha comes with only blonde hair base and brows, going towards a more nordic look as Minnu puts it, but the beautful red and brown brows and hair base from Milla release fit perfectly as they are the same tones base. But with Natasha there are only four tones. There are 8 skins in the fatpack, one of which is a base skin no make up, but there are such wonderful choices to wear.

    At the moment there are still no hair attachments to go with the new bases, but I found that the Amacci Ponytail attachments in Vanilla Blonde get very close to matching as you can see in the pics. I am also wearing the new Luck Inc corsets with the luck inc undies set I wore the other day, I will do more pics of those in posts to come. The corsets are stunners, and so definitely outerwear options.

    The gorgeous pose I am using in this post is from Long Awkward Pose, and is a hunt item from the With Love Hunt that started tonight, so make sure you get all the info on that and don’t miss out. The starting point is at Swansong

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Tasha – Amacci

    Skin: Natasha – LeLutka

    Clothes: Cutieh Undies, Corset – Luck Inc



    Jaydie Set – Texture change – Essentia

    Diva Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : LAP

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck