
Skin Fair – Not Soon Enough

Skin Fair - Not Soon Enough

So this post was a hoot to bring about, I honestly had the skeleton needing skin idea a few days ago, finally got in to make it happen, felt lonely clones myself and then ended up looking like an Album Cover. Have to love how SL Blogging can grow from a kernel of an idea into a complete tree.

So the thing of it is this, SKIN FAIR IS COMING! and I like the majority of the grid am super excited. It is an annual event spanning two sims, and has mesh bodyparts, skins, makeups, shapes and tattoos, everything you can wish for at a Skin Fair as big as this.

The event has been running for many years now, and always has such a great mix of looks and varieties of items to cater to many needs by many people, even if on a budget you are sure to find either an item to buy there and then, or to make note to put on your personal wish list for a future purchase. Like any annual fair it also enriches your knowledge of creators out there, that you may not normally be exposed to. So whether on the look out for a new skin, or any of the other options available, visit anyway, take some friends and explore all the options. Demos will be sent out in their group, so to keep up to date with all things Skin Fair and Pale Girl Productions, visit their website HERE.

PaleGirlProductions Presents Skin Fair 2018

The Backdrop I am using is this incredible pipes set by Paparazzi that is at this round of Shiny Shabby, we went nuts when we saw it, and the texture work is incredible for many pictures in various angles etc, I thought it was perfect for my pic, as it looks like I was part of some kind of toxic waste accident.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build

BACKDROP – Pipes Walkway – Paparazzi @ Shiny Shabby


Poses by

Le Poppycock

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