
Fur later on

Fur Later On

Digging this fur vest so much and totally squealed with delight at finding out that even though it comes with a dress, it is also a separate object. Mixing together a look like this because the designer has given you the option of pieces to wear in mix and matching stylish way, is what it is all about. I get so excited when I see ensembles in stores, because I instantly dissect them in my head into ways to wear them with other things.

Unfortunately a lot of the time, to save on higher mesh load, creators opt to combine them as a one piece wearable. This is fine of course, as I said it does help with mesh loading, and also those that just want to attach and fly out the door…but being able to create a look from pieces especially that had one look when released, into another completely different matching, is so much fun, and one of my favourite things to do.

So a little please to all designers that do combine, consider giving us pieces as well…maybe not all , as I know that would also involve building more of the item, but step back a bit from a look and imagine how cool your top or pants or shirts or jacket, would look with something older you created, or something you love from another store yourself…think of how a person could take that item and turn it into so many looks that it becomes their go to item. Making an all in one ensemble kind of has less chance of repeated wear, thus not being seen by as many people who may see it with jeans on someone and know it would look great with their skirt :).

While I am asking, I need more appliers options like these please…the midriff option of this turtleneck is wonderful for sure, but also full length would be nice. Appliers clothing such as this, with the conservative look of real basics, help a lot with layering styles together.

The vest and turtleneck look fabulous with the new biker jeans by Maitreya that come in Lara and standard sizing fits. The zippers look is great and if you get the fatpack you get a nifty texture change hud, so you lessen your inventory load. Maitreya has always done marvelous denim work, and these will be a firm favourite for sure.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build –

Classic Brownstone – Barnesworth Anubis @ C88

Location –

Poses by –

Cry if I want to pose (unpacked from lounge) – Nantra  @ My Attic


Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Beatrix skin applier (LeLutka Head) – YS&YS @ My Attic

Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka

Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Original Physique Body – Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers tone 03 : YS&YS

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 58 – Flair


Honeydew – Oleander 


Fur Vest (part of outfit Mini Dress with Fur Vest ) – Kaithleens @ My Attic

Biker Jeans – Maitreya 

Emily Ribbed Turtleneck – Slink Appliers – Sn@tch

Shoes :

Dakota Wedges – Slink high feet – Breathe

Accessories :

Partytime Earrings – Elysium @ My Attic

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