The Girl Next Door, The Model and The Pin Up
Wowza, you know how I say when I have a huge post in store for you, well this would be one of those times. Recently SODA creator Charlotte Morellet released some NEW Skins, tieing this in with the brand new Soigne sim she shares with Second Wave Apparel designer Sioxie Legend.Because building a new sim isn’t enough of a challenge she had to do new skins as well lol.
The NEW skin line is called Persona which I have to admit got me all excited thinking there was a collab with Persona lol, but not the case, it is more to do with as I always say about Soda skins, they have character all their own, and this new line is no exception. The skins come with three styles, Girl Next Door, Model and Pin Up… with more to be added in the future.
Wanting to show the style of each skin I went a bit crazy and took as many pics as I could, of looks unique to each, and when I eventually ran out of steam I stopped lol. So here goes.
This isa Girl Next Door look wearing the Natural Gloss Make Up, the make ups and the overall face detailing is wonderful on the SODA Persona skins. The light smattering of freckles has won me over totally. The mouth is scrumptious and the eyes are just beautiful, overall body features are definitely worth getting DEMOS and getting naked for – at home :P.
I recently hit up the Ornamental Life sale, so there is going to be a lot of Ornamental Life in this post. The first item is the Proteus Machine top in forget me not blue, seriously Shir has a thing for names, you really have to read the vendors to know what I mean, nothing is just a name, it’s more of an experience.
I will have known Shir for one year exactly this coming christmas day, and what a year it has been for her. I met her at Addictive and Whimsy and her and I danced the day away to 80’s music, was a great way to spend the day – ttechnically my boxing day. She has gone from blogger to designer in leaps and bounds and I knew from the first item I got a sneak peak at, that she was going to do great things. Also being very choosey about what she wears herself she wouldn’t be happy unless items she created weren’t perfect.
The top is just great for bumming around in, I have actually worn this in the blue, and the red I also got; with these jeans probably three times already. My favoutire feature is the back ,and I only gave you a tease in this post, so you will have to go and see for yourself. The jeans are from Dutch Touch and are the low waist jeans in light denim, very nice hip huggers.
The shoes I have pulled out because they rock and because I havent worn them for an eon, they are from The HUB, and are the Venus sandals. such cute sandals and as it is my summer now perfect shoes for me. The hair you have seen before, it is Connect by Magika , so cute with the braids and the pulled back bangs, so many people are scared of no bangs hair, don’t know why , as so many of my favourite styles are that way.
Eeeks at how much I have written already, and we are only at pic one, you are so lucky I bold and colour for skimming ease :P.
Instant love, and not just for the gorgeous SODA Persona Girl Next Door-Lilac – Nude skin – how pretty is that eyeshadow. I have often mentioned my Mums wardrobe from when I was little, this dress would have so been in it, and I would still be crying that it’s all gone. This is Barefoot Asian by SN@TCH , a floor length patchwork halter, there is so much to adore in this dress, the colours the prints in the patchwork, it all works splendidly.
Keeping in theme with the patchwork I went with the Button hair from Magika, so cute with the buttons clip on the side. This is totally a Christmas time dress down here, so flowy and beautiful, perfect for any occasion that will have you spending time outdoors, just don’t forget to Slip, Slop, Slap.
Ok I am so cute today lol. I have had this set for yonks, and I don’t think I have ever shown it before, what a waste. This is the Retro set from Dernier Cri, as soon as I saw the gorgeous SODA Persona Girl Next Door Spring Petal make up I had to do a green search. This skin is delish, the eye make up just compliments those of us that wear green eyes perfectly – yes I saw wear because in RL mine are so dark brown they look black. I kid you not, I once went to a alternative expo and had one of those read your eyes things done, they couldn’t get a clear pic of mine without shining a huge light in them to take one, I couldnt see for a few minutes ABUSE I TELL YOU!.
The set consists of the really pretty top and capri pants edged in the same fabric as the shirt, I got this set back when Dernier Cri was brand spanking new, so no layers on this one, but that may have been changed since. The hair also from Dernier Cri is Clipper , again another pulled back style in one of the wonderful blondes that they have there.
Recently Opium Everyday released some new items as a fundraiser for SHINE. I ran over twice, the first time because I didn’t read the post properly and was early lol, and the second time to grab everything in site. This is the Pax dress in red, there is also blue and white. Beautiful Paisley print on this tube dress with belt. So very late 70’s early 80’s another style thats wonderful for our summer and any occasion that might change from indoors to out and back again.
The Sultry Red Girl Next Door make up is again a great mate for this look, and looky at the beauty mark just under the eye mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyummy. With the Delilah hair from Wonderhair, such a sweet and innocent looking style this one.
Ryker Beck another blogger turned creative genius, has recently released some beautiful jewelry for her Genesis line, this is the Sprig of Joy necklace and its just lovely. It would make a lovely gift and it’s just that right mix of delicate and pretty to be an every day wear.
Now as I started taking pics at 11pm and its now 5am it did get a bit chilly here, so this is my Girl Next door winter snuggles look. Always looking after me, Dela clothing designer Kuranosuke Kamachi has put together a wool lovers dream with the Katherine Coat and matching Katherine cropped pants – there is also a skirt you can wear.
This set with the wool alone would make me deliriously happy, but the addition of the plaid and that it comes in such a wonderful grey just makes me want to tra la la la la through the streets, mind you if I did that in my neighbourhood I would probably get arrested for drunk and disorderly. The Katherine combo could take you from a casual shopping day to a business meeting easily.
The hair is the Jade style from Maitreya , I did have to tint the hat – where is my grey Miss Onyx ? HUH HUH HUH. I have mentioned this to other hair makers in the past too actually , please when you do texture change parts on your hair, if it is mod please include a white for tinting PLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEEEEE. I should have gone a bit darker on this one as it was cream and not exactly the right kind of grey now Im looking at the pic.
The skin for this pic is the Soda:: Persona Skins – Girl Next Door – Smokey Lite – Nude, I mean really, could the range be more wonderful?.
Oooooooo it’s Model time hee hee .
LOL I totally didn’t do this on purpose, I didn’t take the pics in this sequence so it’s funny how it worked out that this one was next on my tab to copy paste. I didn’t even realise I matched up Dela and Maitreya together twice.
The SODA Persona Model Skins are a bit more pouty and definitely more dramatic. The smokey and sophisticated look of the lips and eyes are just riveting, you can see why they are named Model, as for pic taking and overall striking looks, these are that.
The coat again by Dela is the Emma coat, more recent in the release and this time more exposure in the open coat look. I admit to wanting to wear nothing underneath lol, who wouldn’t when the skin is so divine to look at, but I went with the Tshirt Tank from LaLa FooFoo in ash – a fancy name for grey 😛 – just to mix it up a bit.
Hopping over to Cachet to get some new pants, I arrived bald – I truly start out not caring about that when in the middle of a shoot lol, but then I chicken out when I see dots everywhere -, the pants are also a lovely wool blend and are the new Wool Pants in grey , I am very glad these come in an underpants layer, my Wednesday pants don’t which is why I am not wearing them in this pic lol.
They fit snug and tight inside the NEW Nomad boots from TRUTH , these boots are wonderful, they have the look of being much higher and then rolled over, with fantastic button detailing on them, wear them with dress pants like this or your favourite jeans, a must have for whatever season it is.
The hair I am wearing is Aimee from Maitreya, at one stage this was a freebie style, well I should say it became one lol, but I am not sure if it still is, so if you don’t have it already well worth going to find out.
Most models always have big bags, and I don’t think they get much bigger than this one. This is the Love Junky bag Earth also from Cachet, as soon as I saw it I had to have it. on a previous visit, it comes with two in the folder, one with an AO for holding and one without, in the pic Im not using the AO version.
Going with the earth theme I opted for the Soda:: Persona Skins – The Model – Sand – Intense – Aurora that is one long name, but such pretty make up, a really nice terracotta look in the eyes and soft pinkish lips. The hair is Milla from Novocaine and is the exclusive style only sold at LE.LOOK ‘s new sim, I swear if you are on a budget right now only open one eye at that sim, Newdoll and I shopped up a storm the other night.
Ok bloggers fate kicked in on this one , because I paid no attention at all to the name of the hair when wearing it with this outfit and the fact that Milla Michinaga is the designer of the Pippa set is pure fate, people don’t believe me when I tell them of bloggers fate but its a real thing, I promise.
Milla’s Blogger Fate was to become a designer, wow we are full of talented ex-bloggers today, see that wasnt even planned either lol. Pippa was as are all of my MichaMi sets one of those dropdowns I get when I am supposed to be doing something else, and I can’t help but run over.
You can always tell a blogger/designer by how many layers are in a set, I swear they come up with combo’s no one has heard of. Between Shir and Milla I think my inventory went up by 10K and thats just two outfits lmao just kidding, I love it especially when certain people wear the folder in public, and end up with everything on the top and nothing on the bottom *giggles coz she knows who she is.
Pippa is a wonderful mix and match set, and Milla has done all the mixing and matching for you, if you haven’t got any MichaMi sets yet , go forth and conquer.
Models never know exactly what they are shooting from day to day, it can be so many different looks and genres, so I decided to spice it up when I put on the Vamp make up in The Model Persona Skin by SODA. I won a prize at the recent Bare Rose appreciation party hosted by Winter Jefferson, it was a trivia question and I can’t remember what it was now 🙁 . But anyway I decided to purchase with my prize money and cammed to the left into the store and came across the Doctress set , one I hadn’t seen before.
Instant drooling and it was mine, don’t you just love cam controls. This set is all sorts of sexy and sort of scary at the same time with those tools of the trade attached to the belt. Mind you I would be more worried about someone using the scissors and scalpel to slice the straps holding the whole thing together than anything else. Latex and PVC this set has it all, and incredibly done as usual.
The set does have its own hat but it was time to show the hair that caused me to scream at Ashia Tomsen like a banshee in Red Queen earlier this week. When I blogged that I had no Q hair , Winter sent me a LM to this store, it took a while for me to get there, but I dragged Newdoll over and we both had a hairgasm. Technically its R hair but seeing as I didn’t know of it before then I don’t care, it has amazing styles and this is Fire with hat, very Domme looking and sooo delish. Only to find out Ashia already knew of and had blogged the store when I was unable to load browser a few weeks back, she had tried to tell me but only told me that after I screeched in open chat voice for ten minutes lol.
Lastly in The Model skins pics – and no I have not shown all the make ups of each there are so many more. Soda:: Persona Skins – The Model – Sand – Smokey – Red is a stunning make up and equally stunning is the Carmela set from MichaMi, very refined and stylish is this set, it comes with two completely different colour combos but I went with the all black this time round.
Showing that you can wear the cardi with or without for the bustier look, I have adorned myself with the Casablanca set from Essentia in silver, made for me because I was sad this set always makes me happy ♥. Another thing that makes me happy is the NEW Courtisane Store, a collab between Leezu Baxter and my much loved Enktan Gully of Enkythings, I am so overjoyed about this collab.
The Courtisane range is just beautiful and as soon as I saw the Hors d’haleine I was in love. Open toed ankle boots are too many degrees of awesome. The ruched leather with the eyelets and the ankle gathered and buckled attachment makes these just sexy as all get out.
Quick tip : if you want to show boots that have two attachments and you dont want your own feet or legs in the pic, go Invisi Prim, there might be one in library inventory or just ask someone for one, and make it big enough to cover your body and wear it, then anything texture based on your person will vanish and you will get a great shot of your shoes, or jewelry or whatever lol.
Another must have is the NEW Grazia style from Philotic Energy , I have cheated you all by not showing this style properly, you really need to see it on, the style is Grace Kelly regal, it’s superb.
Ok time for The Pinup.
I had to get the fat pack of this lingerie set, again from Ornamental Life the Remember Chloe set is just gorgeous. Stunning Corsetry in beautiful and rich colours. and believe me LAYERS up the whazoo. I will totally be wearing these corsets as outerwear when I get the oppurtunity, they are too beautiful to keep hidden. Mind you if you get dressed in front of your special someone in this set , you might never get out of the house.
I am wearing two of The Pin Up make ups in this pic the first is Soda:: Persona Skins – The Pinup – Grey – Pomegranate and the second I don’t know because I got so excited to put the next one on, I forgot to copy paste the first 🙁 sorry. When thinking Pin Up it was a no brainer with the hair , this first style is Lamour from Ingenue , a beautiful vintage style.
Pin Ups also wore swimwea, so the Kiwi Kawa swimsuit from Ornamental Life is the next fantastic creation from Shir Dryke. It’s a vintagey looking full piece that pretends its a two piece, or is that the other way around ?. Regardless if you were trying to negotiate being allowed to wear a kini with someone insisting you could only wear a one piece this is the way to do it lol.
A great blend of retro swirls in this look, and the non thong but barely covering my bum bottoms is too cute. I am wearing the V Pin Curls style hair from Old Gravy, a really old style this one it even comes in two parts for extra hair extensions.
Soda:: Persona Skins – The Pinup – Grey – Gloss is sultry and a tease of more to come, with the overly made up non make up look being done to perfection. These were the days when women seemed to wake up with perfect make up done, or so their husbands thought lol.
Ooo la la , again with the vintage look in this bra and panties combo also from Ornamental Life. Lyre And The Muse – Sound Of Winter see that Shir cant just call something plum, I love it, and any designer will tell you naming things is hard work. The panties in this set are so feminine with the lace panel with the sheer sides, the more time I spend in these sets the more I want to run around in my undies forever. Sends a HUALUAKU to Mel ♥.
This skin is the ::Soda:: Persona Skins – The Pinup – Smokey Light – Petal, such soft make up but with such an impact. Also full of impact and my first Old Gravy purchase is the DarkChyld hair, back in the day when Old Gravy didnt do demos – yes its true – this was my first buy and once I had it on the rest were all bought within seconds as it fit so well lol.
Lastly and yes I know I ramble, but one more had to be shown. This is the Speak To Me Of Summer – Thief Of Your Heart set, by Ornamental Life, this is one hell of a bikini, the full panties look again at the front with the right amount of non covering to show off the fantastic bum shading of the SODA Persona – The Pinup – Smokey – Red skin. This swimsuit is pure Pin UP, not for swimming but for walking up and down the side of some ritzy hotel pool in your vintage mule heels, oh rats I so should have worn the Nana Heels from Enkythings for this shot.
The fabric pattern is wonderful and the work done to get that netted look on the top and bottom would have taken hours to achieve. Again I could totally see myself wearing that top as a top. The hair is dayna v1 by Artilleri another fabulous vintage hair style and so many wonderful styles to choose from at Artilleri.
Ok so you know what to do now, enjoy your day and I hope you love everything I have shown as much as I did showing it, now go get thee to the shopping.
Hair by: Magika, Maitreya, Red Queen, Artilleri, Old Gravy, Dernier Cri, Wonderhair, Novocaine, Ingenue,Philotic Energy
Skin by: SODA
Clothing by: Ornamental Life, MichaMi, Cachet, SN@TCH, Dutch Touch, Dela, Dernier Cri, Opium Everyday, Bare Rose
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia, Genesis, Cachet
Shoes by: The HUB, TRUTH, Courtisane
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose, Reel Expressions
Posestand and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package ..HERE, HERE, HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor: