
  • Stylish

    Have you ever looked Dandier


    [e] The Big Sale Sign 2012

    SALE time at Elikatira right now, with 70% off all hairstyles, it is definitely time to be sorting the old to make way for the new. Also a lovely new french braid style hair was just released at the announcement of the SALE, so be sure to give that a look see, if you already have everything else.

    One of the items at this months collabor88/september left me floored with its beauty, The Casati dress – I am guessing was named after Luisa Casati who was a fashion icon and inspiration to many. The style of dress is so sweet with it being constructed to look as though cut on a bias that allows for the dress to stay slim looking, accentuating curves before narrowing at the ends but structured to move with the legs and not restrict movement.

    The length is great, the straps are divine, and the fabric choice exquisite. This is the every first date dress you want, the cocktail dress you need to have, and just an item that is too beautiful not to own. So definitely make the most of the collabor88 event and grab it in all colours.

    The detailing is mainly metalic in tones, from silver to gold, and with the Aletta earrings from the set, that are also Collabor88 items by Maxi’s I was covered with both options available, the necklaces not shown for this set are really pretty and I can’t wait to wear them with something soon.

    Make the most of the beautiful day…have a great one ♥


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Ploom Poses

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Isla – League 


    Away, Vivid, Wherever – Elikatira


    Casati Dress – Schadenfreude 


    Aequus  – Maitreya Gold 


    Aletta Earrings – Maxi’s @ Collabor88/September

    Beaded Flapper bag – MS by Bubbles Roxan

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Bedazzling Rocker Style


    Studded Booties

    It seems to be that studs are the new black, or the new accent to the new black, and even on black but also other colours so there is that too. I like studs, it is very 80’s, we had all the belts and jeans and all sorts of stuff had studs attached, it was the punk rock form of bedazzling. That moved on to safety pins for a while, we put those on everything too, crazy decade fashion wise, and it has returned in the last few years but with a definite leaning towards better taste, as the good parts came forward, the crazy stuff stayed where it should.

    These new Slink mesh heels are studded all over, with an incredibly high heel and a bootie style leaving the rest of the leg free. I like this concept, especially with jeans or pants, and the longer I wear them, the more they fascinate me. I knew instantly I wanted to wear them with the mini skirts in leather by Fanatik. I have been meaning to wear these for weeks now, but I am glad I saved them now. They are a little high around the waist, so depending on your sizing, you may have to size up, as I did, because my upper is bigger than my lower, which makes no sense shape wise, but that has nothing to do with clothing and standard sizing.

    The leather in these skirts is great, and the colour choices are fabulous too, lots to choose from, and if short skirts aren’t your thing, then check out their longer leather ones they have also. What I especially loved is that the tops I chose to wear with, all fit really well, the cardigan I did have to go up a size on though, as the bottom clipped a little with the skirt, but no bother to do so with having the sizing options available.

    Other things that really tied the looks together where the accessories, especially in the close up, the glasses and bracelet are Dumani, and so cool, and the necklace is a recent release of Maxi’s and honestly I love the long and the short version of this necklace so much, it is just gorgeous in both silver and the gold.

    Lastly and so sexy is the new Exile hair called Uninvited, don’t wait for an invitation, just go get this hair, this and the other two styles that were released this past few days, because all three are hot as.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Ploom

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Isla – League 

    Dimples (tattoo layer) – Launa Fauna


    Uninvited – Exile 


    Mini Skirt – Fanatik 

    Silk Neck Tie Blouse – Maitreya

    Lyn Cardigan – Celoe 

    Tucked Tee – Tres Blah


    Studded Booties –  SLink 


    Cat-Eye Occhiali, Eilyk Bracelet – Dumani 

    Katerina Necklace – Maxi’s 

    Shield Ring -LaGyo

    Sack Bag – Celoe 

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Bedding down for the day

    Morning Light 1

    Morning Light 2

    Morning Light 3

    Events abound, and this time it is FAIR that is getting my airtime, or possibly bedtime. The event has been organised by Keira Seerose, and is a monthly event that is based on the concept of fair pricing. The idea being that while it does bring talent from all over under the one roof, the prices aren’t discounted, it is more of a showcase event. Which is a great way to sample lots of great items with an easy reach and purchase, lean and purchase, stretch and purchase.

    Mixing up a few items from the event, and one which I actually pulled apart and used its contents. Got to love pose props for that. I always gut them so that I can put the poses in my VR Studio Posestand as well as keeping them in prop form, that way I can use the poses for other things. Such is the case with the Bathtime bathtub by HiS Poses. I will eventually use the bathtub in full form, but the poses themselves were perfect for the two sits on the bed. A little adjusting using the VR Studio adjustment options for rotation and position and I was perfectly lined up with the cushions.

    The fantastic Morning Light Cupboard bed is by Trompe Loeil and is also at Fair, this structure is all mesh, and is just divine, especially for skybox living, myself I wanted to actually add some oars and float it in the water, but that would probably scare the visitors to The Deck me being down there sleeping all day. The bed has beautiful woodwork, the finish to the bedding is lovely and there are colours to choose from as well as PG or Adult Options for the couples poses. I also couldn’t resist using the shelving to display some of my Gacha winnings from The Arcade event that is still going on until mid October. One such item is the awesome fox stole, that is of course a wearable, but  because of the shape, it fits so cute on the edge of the bed, or a shelf so that when you aren’t wearing it, you can decorate with it, and its only like 1 prim land impact, PERFECT!  Don’t forget to enter the Adorkable Poses Photo Contest that is part of The Arcade event.

    Back to Fair, I am wearing the slip set by Paper Doll, and it is really sweet, but the mesh has been made using an alpha channel fabric, which is because they have made it appear shorter than the original mesh piece was intended. So if you are wearing long mesh hair, it will do the cut out thing that I mentioned in my previous post about mesh and alpha issues, so an updo like I have on, which is a great new style by Ploom would be the easy way around that, and as it is sleep wear, or just hang out at home wear, I don’t really see it as too much of an issue, unless you never wear your hair up.

    The skin I am wearing is also by Ploom and is part of the Zodiac/Libra event that just started yesterday I believe. So another great collection of items to be purchased from over at the Mint Tulip sim. The make up is really pretty and if you have purchased Lea skins in the past this is just another one to add to the collection as a must have.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses and Furniture by : 

    Morning Light Cupboard Bed PG White Peony – Trompe Loeil @ Fair/September

    Sit Poses used from BathTime – HiS Poses @ Fair/September

    Notes Chandelier – Kyoot Home 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Lea Libra – Ploom @ Zodiac/Libra


    Long Day – Ploom


    Cotton Slip Set – PaperDoll @ Fair/September


    Barefeet Mesh Rigged – SLink


    Silver Foxy Stole – Schadenfreude @ The Arcade

    Plushie Pals – Intrigue & Co @ The Arcade

    Space Gun – Balaclava @ The Arcade

    Doll Head Vases – Nylon Outfitters @ The Arcade

    Vintage Ring – ShakeUp @ The Arcade 

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Dreams an event not to miss

    Dreams by Photos Nikolaidis


    Today I went with Mel to an exhibit called Dreams. It is by Photos Nikolaidis and is truly something to experience for yourself. Each image has a dream of the subject on the side, the pictures are anonymous and moved me to tears. There is so much about this exhibit that is powerful, from the idea itself, to the trust and honesty of the people that contributed to it, sharing their innermost thoughts and deepest feelings with those of us lucky to go there.

    I wanted to hug them all, sit them down and spend time with every single person. Some of them were my own dreams, which I knew I was not alone in, but one specific one was actually my funny genie lamp wish. You know how you all come up with things that would be your wishes if you ever did get that opportunity with magic. I would love to see this become an interactive exhibit, possibly on flickr or a website, somewhere we could respond, somewhere I could empty the thoughts in my head that I found myself wanting to yell out into the air at the event, just in case one of the people in the pictures could hear me. I had a deep reaction to every single one, more in some cases than others, and I cannot imagine anyone that visits not feeling that way.

    I was considering responding to them all here, on my blog, writing what I would say to each in order, but I realised that that would ruin the experience for others, but the one thing that I do have to say, and that is because it is appropriate for all, is…

    Thank you for what you have shared with me and others, what you have done is making a difference, it does reach the world, and it will make a difference to not only one person but I am sure many. You all show incredible strength, passion and love, you may not have everything you wish you did right now, but you deserve to, and that in itself is something to be proud of. 

    This is why I love Second Life so much, why this world we have all had a part in creating, whether with actual content, or just sharing our hopes, dreams and compassion is something truly amazing. Thank you Photos for sharing your friends and their dreams with everyone. I hope everyone will take the time to visit, I am not sure how long it will be up for, but take everyone you know, and go more than once, it is definitely something not to miss.

    I was planning on doing a bigger post on the fashion, but changed my mind after Dreams. The dress I am wearing though is a new item from L’APH and so beautiful in the detail and overall design, the collar and cuffs really make it a stand out creation, and the cleavage attention is not bad either, standard sizing and beautiful colours.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Ploom Poses

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Betty – Belleza 


    Belle, Bonjour, Cachet – LeLutka 


    Eva Dress – L’APH


    Petal Sandals – Celoe 


    Pearl Earrings – Yummy @ Collabor88/September

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    I gacha Covered


    I had a break for a few days, watched some korean dramas – thanks to Whimsy for getting us all hooked on those – and just zoned out for a bit. Now back and catching up on as many things as possible, so this post/pic is a mix of many things from some of the events going on right now.

    As mentioned in a past post The Arcade is on now, and running until mid October, so you have plenty of time to fall in love with everything. The items are darling, and it is a Gacha machine event, so for those that love taking a risk, this event is going to get your blood pumping. Take special care to read the permissions on each vendor before purchase though, as not all items are transfer, the clothing items created in mesh in some cases are no transfer as all standard sizes are provided, so be careful but definitely give them a whirl at least once.

    The cute little collar I am wearing in the pic on the far left is by Pididdle for this event. I am wearing the noir lace one, and honestly these are must haves, especially in the black, because they can really make a change to a look. The little pet arm skunk I have on, is by D-Lab for the event, and so cute, with different attachment points and so on, just one is a definite must.

    These kitten heel bow shoes called Ariane are by Ingenue, and they have the sweetest look to them, and come in a great range of colours, so for you sweet and adorable shoe lovers, grab them all. Both bags, the small purse and the big clutch are from the event too, the purse actually looks like one I have in RL, and compartment wise is awesome, not so handy in SL of course, but the look is very stylish, as is this oversized studded clutch, you actually get two versions of that, so its a win win. When it comes to kitschy faux looking watches, then look no further than this one that katatonik did for the event…I used to have a flip one similar to this and my friends hated it – they were just jealous I had all the cool toys.

    Lastly at The Arcade the Roza skin by Glam Affair is just awesome, so many great fantasy based colours, but these three are my favourite with the pale to doll white looks, so perfect for the upcoming dress up month, but also just so pretty you wont be able to resist. I do wish though that Glam Affair would do nail covers with their skins – to wear with prim nails, because it is so time consuming editing existing ones…but also so it would be a smoother more perfect look if it was created by them.

    The next event to mention is FaMeshed, where this fantastic leather tee by Ison is featured at this months session. The idea of a leather tee is just cool, and the texturing is marvelous, so definitely give them a looky look while visiting and trying on everything else in sight.

    Another Ison item and not in any event now – it was previously Vintage Fair, but should be in the store – is the printed shift dress. I have blogged it before, but as soon as I saw the pink cheeks of this skin, and how cute the pink hair looked with it was a natural choice. Another item not in any event is the NEW pinstripe mini in mesh by Stellar. I bought the duo pack of this today, as it comes in single navy or black but you get to save by buying both at once, and it is so nice and I love me some pinstripe, and mesh makes it possible now so much better than previously able to do.

    Collabor88/September is mid session also, with so many wonderful items to see and buy buy buy. The adorable dress by U.F.O is just beautiful, the collar, the colours and the length make it perfect, especially for wearing with a great pair of wool tights like these from Mon Tissu. The other item is the beautiful bow that is colour scripted by LaGyo, so you need to grab that if bows are your thing and options make it even funna. Speaking of Funna, I love that the new location for Collabor88 is at the 8 8 sim at 88/188/888 which is something you will never need to ask for a LM for or slurl, those co-ords will stick I think.

    Lastly the hair, this is another of the recent releases by Exile, inspired by the great Bettie Page, and Kavar got it so right, the bangs are perfect and the waves are so sexy, this is a must must must have.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Marukin @ Collabor88/September

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Roza 06 07 08 – Glam Affair @ The Arcade/September


    Turn the Page – Exile 


    Leather Blocking Tee – Ison @ FaMESHed/September

    Pinstripe Mini Skirt – Stellar 

    Ella Stockings – League 

    Printed Shift Dress – Ison

    you and me dress – U.F.O @ Collabor88/September (ur favourite one)

    Favourite Wool tights – Mon Tissu


    Ariane Kitten Heels  – Ingenue @ The Arcade/September


    Studded Clutch – Milk Motion @ The Arcade/September

    Decor Collar -Noir Lace – Pididdle @ The Arcade/September

    Color Me Continental Wallet – House of Fox @ The Arcade/September

    Nada Watch – Katatonik @ The Arcade/September

    Skunk Arm – D-Lab @ The Arcade/September

    A Girls Bow – LaGyo @ Collabor88/September

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Belt Up – New Skins New Hair


    Usually I post the faces of new skins, the make ups and so on, well with Izzies skins that is all tattoo’s so the mixing and matching to find the looks you love is half the fun of trying the skins. This time however, I decided to do shots of the tones, I have not done that in a long time actually and need to more often, because tones like these ones need to be seen in their glory.

    The darker tones especially. These are rich and soft and just delightful, so if you are looking for a black skin definitely give Izzies your attention. There are also additional lipglosses that come in great colours and are really glossy looking and could really liven up a look.

    The skin shots gave me a chance to finally wear the Chanchal Lingerie from Zaara. First off though, this was funny, as I took all the pics of the tones out of order, so then went back and forth through the colours of the lingerie, when I was done and in PS lining up the skins in shades order, the reds all ended up together, to me that was more funny than Doh! – speaking of Doh! a big Bon Voyage to Elysium Eilde as she leaves for vacation (she likes the Simpsons, a lot ) The fantastic hair by Exile is what prompted the Lingerie actually, as it has very fine lace detailing and exposes more than I usually show on my blog, so this hair fits over that area so well, I was covered in all the ways.

    The name of the hair is Release Me, and this is just one of the three new styles from Exile for this week, amazing styles, and must haves, especially the Bettie Paige inspired one. So make sure you get on over there and demo demo demo.

    Now the dresses I am wearing are the latest release from MichaMi and they are delightful dresses, with great texturing and such a cute shape. I wanted them to look a little different than just straight out of the box, so I went with the Lucid Belts from Fri.Day. These belts are fab, and resized well over the dress. People making mesh need to make more attachment type accessories that can be worn over the top of things like this, to give a touch more flair and styling ability.

    The bag I am holding was actually the inspiration for the red/black looks. It is a tote by Somnia they are upstairs in her store and you can Gacha them or buy them all, and so adorable, there are even ones with fish and dolphins and seahorses and other great little characters on them. It is a shoulder bag, but I was able to move it easily to the hand, as it was just cuter and easier to see it is full of things one needs to get work done.

    Somnia SPF and Love

    I love the extra attention to detailing that Sanura did for this bag, showing her own special charm and beautiful character in the sunscreen.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Adorkable Poses

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Faith Skin – Izzies 


    Release Me – Exile 


    Senja Dress (M) – MichaMi 

    Chanchal Lingerie – Zaara 


    Shanti – Maitreya Gold 


    Coastal Tote – Somnia 

    Lucid Belt – Fri.Day

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Pleats are Neat


    Pleated skirts are those things that you love for their cuteness, and hate for their maintenance. In Second Life, the only maintenance you have now is sorting them into an area of your inventory that makes sense, as a go to area for all things wonderful.

    This pleated skirt is the right length, a great fabric choice, and comes in lovely colours for bringing out the fun ways of wear. I mixed it up with three different tops, so that you could see how much fun you can have with it. The first midriff sweater, is an older item from Nyte n Day, which looks great layered over longer shirts and tops, but I went with a bare mid section so you could see the great finish to the skirt.

    The second top is the other Dumani item – the skirt is also Dumani – that I have already shown in a previous post, but I like it more every time I wear it, the loose neck sleeveless top is stylish and really well textured, easy to throw on in a rush and out the door. The third blouse is actually part of a full set, but the top part with the kitten bow and adorable sleeves was just too cute to not wear with the black version of the skirt. Maybe a touch too shiny as a pairing, but it is more to show what can work as an idea of a look than ‘ you must wear exactly like me’.

    The shoes I am wearing are also older items from G*field but these strap shoes Alex are just like must haves all year long. The straps change to single, double, tstrap and cross over as well as no strap options, that is an amazing array of shoe choices in the one pair, and get them in many colours and you are good to go.

    FaMESHed is nearing the halfway mark for the month, so if you haven’t been over yet and grabbed all the goodies you need to make a trip. The hair I am wearing is from Wasabi Pills for the event, and this style is gorgeous and so reminds me of the girl in Baby Daddy Chelsea Kane, when she wears clips in her great short style.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Adorkable Poses 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Isla – League 


    Noriko – Wasabi Pills @ FaMESHed/September


    Lively Pleated Skirt, Gradient Satin Blouse – Dumani 

    Lola Blouse (part of set) – Vita Bella 

    Division Sweater – Nyte n Day 

    Nishar Socks – Zaara 


    Strap Shoes Alex (click to change straps options) – G*field


    Milano Sunglasses – Maxi’s

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Moody Me – New Hair Fantasy Fun




    Sapphire Fantasy1

    Sapphire Fantasy2

    Sapphire Fantasy3

    Sapphire Fantasy4

    Fantasy skins can be so beautiful to wear, especially the greyish tone based ones, they just really bring out such beautiful structure in peoples faces, and the ones like this one by leafy, that have such beautiful shimmery make ups, well that is just a beautiful bonus to the whole fantasy option. Not only beautiful make ups, but also so many options, cleavage, brow colours as well as no brows options, that way you can wear your own coloured brow or leave them as none, which would look amazing in a true RP look.

    Fun New Hairstyles from Ploom in this post are the three I am wearing, the pigtails style is just delightful and has colour change hairbands in the hud also.I especially like the bangs in the smash style, but my favourite of the three, probably because it reminds me so much of a previous Deviant Kitty style Scene Queen.

    The clothing I am wearing is a mix of new and older mesh items. The first outfit is from Emery, another of their newer releases. the skinny jeans are very tight and come in a range of colours. The Kafka shirt is a great slim button down shirt with contrast edging detailing options available. I like it in both the solid and contrast options, the all black making a great backdrop for the new Marrakech Heart necklace by Maxi’s which is their Collabor88/September item for this month and comes in three lengths and silver or gold.

    The skirts I am wearing in two of the pics are from Evolve, and the long boho style one is so pretty and easy to wear, a great go to item for your inventory. The mini frill skirt so cute and flirty, especially over the leggings from Mon Tissu. With the last look being so adorable, it was a given that I would wear the Box Brownie Camera by Tee*fy that is going to be one of the Gacha items at The Arcade, an event that is starting on the 15th and from what I have seen so far, is going to be a must event for the whole grid. So many wonderful creators with wonderful items that will be in Gacha machines created by Anya OhMai for this event. The pictures I have seen so far are great, so be sure to mark your calendars for it. Also be sure to take lots of pictures, because Adorkable Poses will be sponsoring a photography contest during the event.

    The Arcade:  Photography Contest

    You can see a sneak peak of the items HERE on their Flickr

    The poses I am using for this post, just like the hair, are from Ploom, so you can do pose and hair shopping at the same time. Enjoy your week, and have fun doing so.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Ploom Poses 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Sapphire – Fantasy – Leafy 


    Majiya, Smash, Yuri – Ploom 


    Mesh Mid Rise Skinny Jeans, Kafka Shirt – Emery 

    Pacific Camisole – Miseria 

    Olio Skirt, Pink Love Skirt – Evolve

    Favourite Wool Tights – Mon Tissu


    Favourite Leather Flats, Sloane Heels – Mon Tissu 


    Vintage Brownie Camera – Tee*fy @ Arcade Event from 15th September

    Marrakech Heart Necklaces – Maxi’s @ Collabor88/September

    Giuse Bag – Dumani 

    Classic Nails – Izzies

  • Stylish

    Mesh and Alpha Issues – A guide/what to look for

    Edit: Please read comments by Mel Vanbeeck and Siddean Munro for other important points.

    Ok before I start I must point out, this post is in no way a criticism of the hair shown in the post. I have the permission of Kavar Cleanslate of Exile hair to use his hair as an example to show what many of you may have experienced with glitches with alpha sorting with mesh items, whether both items are mesh or only one of the items is mesh.

    I used a mesh avatar upper body for this post so that no ones clothing was used, this is not a finger wag at anyone, this is to help those that do not realise what is causing issues, and maybe to help some that did not know, realise that they can fix it.

    Many years ago LL introduced PNG uploads,and there was a huge sigh of relief around the grid, because it meant that when making clothing layer clothing, you could forget about doing all the complicated alpha channel work, and just save as an alpha in one step, anything not painted on would save with alpha, and you were done. Many got so used to using/uploading png’s that it became a habit to save them for everything, especially as if there was no ‘visible’ alpha, it was just solid and looked good.

    This is not the case, as PNG’s are sneaky, and they are always alpha in the default save settings in Photoshop.

    Now with Mesh alpha which is most often used in hair textures, if you wear mesh hair, and you have on clothing that is mesh and has alpha components, then you get this cutout like effect and suddenly you cannot wear one or the other. In some cases there have been customers that have taken this matter up with the hair creator, but there is nothing that the hair creators can actually do because they need alpha in their hair because of wisps and bangs etc.

    But if your clothing does not actually need alpha – and really none of it should unless you are trying to alter a model, or trying for a sheer effect – then you need to make sure you are saving your textures in the correct format. The goal is that everyone is able to wear your clothing/Accessories at all times, not have to rethink their other items for it to be wearable.

    I took some pictures with not only the different textures on the mesh top, but also showed the textures open so you can see how it is. I also wanted to point out a few things about the mesh UV map surrounding areas.

    Because I am using the default avatar in mesh form, I was able to use the default avatar clothing layers. You used to be able to find these on the Second Life website, but now they are located at the Second Life Wiki HERE .

    First Pic : No Alpha 24 bit TGA

    Sasypants - 1st Pic

    This first pic is a complete fill of the actual intended print of the item, as well as a pure black fill – on clothing layers the black would have had to have been alpha, but with mesh anything in that area does not show at all. This layer has been saved as a 24 bit Targa, when you chose to save as targa, you get a pop up that has options of 16 bit 24 bit and 32 bit. The 24 bit option is for no alpha channels at all.

    Second Pic : No Alpha 24 bit TGA

    Sasypants - 2nd Pic

    Proving that whatever is in the surrounding space doesn’t show, by filling that area with Pizza and showing the other side of the mesh top and the seams areas. This layer has been saved as a 24 bit Targa, when you chose to save as targa, you get a pop up that has options of 16 bit 24 bit and 32 bit. The 24 bit option is for no alpha channels at all.

    Third Pic : Alpha 32 bit TGA

    Sasypants - 3rd Pic

    This picture is showing that the texture was saved as a 32 bit Alpha layer, and that once put on the top as its texture, you can now see the instant alpha sorting glitch, where the hair alpha looks to have cut out the part of the top it lays across. I chose the one sided tail style hair, so that you could see it that it effects only the side the hair is on.

    Fourth Pic : Alpha PNG 

    Sasypants - 4th Pic

    This picture shows the texture was saved as a PNG and has alpha properties that are visual, so the texture would have been saved as a PNG because the creator wanted those parts to be alpha – which would have been the case for clothing layer clothing, or things such as plants, or cut outs etc.

    Fifth Pic : Filled PNG 

    Sasypants - 5th Pic

    This is where the mistakes may be occurring, with the texture looking as though it is 100% solid, no cut outs, no visible alpha areas on the texture, the texture seems like a regular image. Though once applied to the top you can see that it still causes the part covered with hair to vanish. This will happen to the back of the top too if the hair is long and has alpha wisps etc – again this is not the fault of the hair, this is a mesh alpha issue.

    Sixth and Seventh Pics : PNGs side by Side 

    Sasypants - 6th Pic
    Sasypants - 7th Pic

    This picture shows the both PNG textures on boxes side by side, as well as on the top worn. Then using CTRL ALT and T to highlight transparent in world, you can see that the red that indicates there is alpha, shows up on all three items. This is a good way to check your store vendors and see if you have at any time uploaded PNG’s for full filled images. As you can see, if someone is wearing mesh hair and standing around where there are PNG textured Vendors, signs and so on, they will also end up with this effect, which does not make things pleasant, and again could cause the wearer to believe there is an error with the hair.

     Eighth and Ninth Pic : TGA 24 bit Hot Pink Fill 

    Sasypants - 8th Pic

    Sasypants - 9th Pic

    This picture shows you how mesh appears unrezzed, or not fully rezzed. You may have experienced faint black lines on things you wear, sometimes they look odd because they are not straight lines but more like map trails. These are those fill areas showing through before the seams fully as the texture finishes rezzing. UV maps sometimes are a complex unwrapping process, so wherever the item has been cut open and splayed out so to speak, is where you will see those markings.

    This is why I am assuming that some may be using alpha in those fill areas, so that there is no appearance of bleeding while rezzing. The better option, and I have tested this, is to actually use either the colour of the item you are saving the texture as if its a blue top then fill it with the same blue and so one while you save each colour. This way, even though the item may not be fully rezzed there will not be an appearance of weird lines due to the fill being a different colour.

    So if you do come across clothing that does this when you wear mesh hair, or other mesh alpha necessary items, then check first to see if there are any sheer attributes to the item, or cut out areas of the design, that may just be done with texture not actual modeling the cut outs. If there appears to be no reason for alpha to be part of the item, contact the creator and let them know that their items are having this issue. They may not know about the alpha sorting, and they may not realise that PNG uploads even if solid contain alpha. I myself have made that mistake in the past, and even mistakenly uploaded a whole store full of vendor ads in 32 bit Targa because I kept hearing my boss saying she had to save targas as 32 bit and i was so new to PS that I thought that was a must for everything.

    Also please note, this will not happen with non mesh hair, so if you do own an item of clothing that has this issue, and you just love it to bits, then just wear hair that is either up and out of the way of your clothing, or non mesh while you have it on. But again I suggest letting the creator know in a notecard, as they may be able to fix it.

    I hope this helps and thank you to Kavar again for letting me show his hair for this post.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Shyla – Belleza 


    Bring it On, Catwalk – Exile

    Clothes Worn :

    Sitari Shorts (part of skirt)- Elymode @ Zodiac/September

  • Stylish

    Ride Along – Collabor88 Zodiac New Hair and Leather



    Shorty Short Shorts



    Kate Flats

    It certainly is a big one, it comes with 6 pictures, 14 crashes and a partridge in a pear tree. But for me it was worth every minute. Today the word was spread around that it was Gyorgyna Larnia’s Birthday, but that is not the only creator having a Birthday today, it is Minnu Palen’s Birthday as well, and her and Thora are partying it up rl right now, and I send all my love their way. So Happy Birthday to both Minnu and Gyorgyna and everyone celebrating a special day today.

    Many of the accessories in this post are from LaGyo to help celebrate, and one of my favourite items is the shield rings, these rings were the first oversized rings I ever really coveted in Second Life, as soon as I saw them I was smitten, the size, the texture and the fact that there were two styles in the set. Lagyo and Gyorgynas style and creativity has just blossomed so much over the years, and I cannot wait to see what she does with the remainder of the year, as this year was a very important one for her RL wise, and she dedicated much of her focus to that, and now, she can get into mesh and wow us all. Such as she has done with the beautiful Mothers Pearls necklace, earrings and big ring for Collabor88/September, so pretty and colour change options that worked so well with the Sitari colours.

    Another creator that has been a great creator to watch for fun styles and great blend-able fashion, is Emery designer Sunami Beck. This latest mesh release is really beautiful, the bags are stunning, and the leggings and other items are great for mixing and matching. These contrast leather leggings have a great shape, beautiful colours, and have a lovely insert of black leather that gives them a jodhpur influence that is way cool.

    The tied front top I am wearing is from Monso, and that is mesh but not rigged so it is resizable in edit..the top does not come with an alpha layer, so you will have to definitely decide when trying the demo if it is going to work for your shape or not. It is a really cute top and goes great with the leggings.

    That lead me to the Sitari set, wearing the top with the leggings and then moving onto all the pieces that are currently available at this months Zodiac event ‘Virgo’. You must make the effort to stock up on your Elymode now while you can, as Elysium is going away soon, so we may not have any new newness for a few months, so buy everything and pace yourself until she returns. The set has a wheat influence print on the socks – as an option – but I went without seeing as I was wearing boots too high to see them really anyway. The top comes with two lengths, and the micro skirt with mesh insert is as usual sexy as. The cinch is from a much older release, and brings the top and the skirt into another look. The Sitari set also has shorty shorts – if you don’t wear the mesh insert, as well as underpants/boyshort style – as an option of wear, which is great. Her colours are magnificent and really pop as always.

    Collabor88/September just started, and if you hadn’t heard it now has its own sim called 8 8 (make sure you include the space) The highwaist shorts are by Ingenue for the event, and wowza. The style of them are so very Ingenue, and the colours are great for mixing and matching with so many items, but I went with some old items from Whippet & Buck, as they complimented the looks so well. I especially love the bow waist belted look to these shorts, and I hope there are plans for different colours and varieties in the future, a pair with that double front buttoned vintage look would be outstanding.

    The kate flats are the latest release in mesh by Elate, and look so cute with the shorts and a few other bits and pieces, such as skinny jeans and well just about anything really. They come in 18 different colours and have the solid or striped leather options, I am torn as to which one I like better, the stripe are so cute, but solids do work better with everything.

    Lastly the hair, another fantastic release from Exile, these styles and the colours are just great. I was having to stop a few times today to let people know where it was from, which is always a good thing. When Whimsy and I go shopping she calls us 3D bloggers, because then people can see in person what things are, but with mesh not being inspectable it does mean having to IM people, so if you do ever see us around and you are curious, do not even give it a second thought, IM away… and regardless who it is, never be too shy or hesitant to IM someone and ask, to me it is a compliment of their style, and if they don’t wish to share the information, then take their pic and ask in Fashion Emergency group lol that’s what so many do anyway.

    Have a wonderful weekend ♥

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : Diesel Works, oOo Poses 

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Shyla – Belleza 


    Already Gone (M), Fade Into You (M), Believe Again (M)- Exile


    Mesh Leggings Contrast Leather – Emery

    Hetty highwaist Shorts (M) – Ingenue @ Collabor88/September

    Sitari Skirt, top, socks(@ Zodiac/Virgo), Ava Cinch top – Elymode 

    Tied Top (M) – Monso 

    Kate Blouse, Liliana Cap Sleeve top, Lambda Bikini – Whippet & Buck


    Kate Flats (M) – Elate 

    Fringe Cowgirl boots, Studded Long Boots (M)  – J’s 

    Provence Riding Boots – Mon Tissu


    Mothers Pearls Necklace & Big Ring (@ Collabor88/September), Pan Collar, Shield Ring, Floral Blind Mask, Adriel Necklace & Earrings – LaGyo 

    Sihone Mesh Bag, Lenore Mesh Clutch – Emery 

    Love Rocker Necklace (M) – Maxi’s

    Classic Nails – Izzies