Modavia Fashion Week DAY ONE
This morning I was fortunate to be able to attend the Modavia Fashion Week Press Event. Now after the event I actually did stay for four more shows after that one, because not only was the event incredibly well produced…but after the teasers from the press show I had to see more. Whimsy and I sat in awe, watching the new seasons fashion sashay past us, incredible items of not only clothing, but brilliant accessories as well.
The colours were another huge influence in the lines, not much grayscale at all, just vivid colours and splashes of print and amazing displays of wool tweed looks. I tend to talk a lot at Fashion Shows, I am not sorry I do though. I think that it must be so incredibly stressful to be putting your work out there in public LIVE, and there not be any reaction to it at all, other than the occasional copy paste *claps*.
The Press event as stated was a teaser, a little bit of everything that is going to be featured over the next week. Believe me, if you are in any way shape or form not doing anything in the five or so hours every day this event is taking place, make the effort and attend at least one. The stores are great, the items are wow, and after each show the creations seen will be set out for sale in the Modavia Courtyard. So if your excuse – and seeing as I was there at 3am this morning onwards – is timezones, then you can at least check out the goodies at your leasure.
The Sneak Peak Pics:
The other really attention grabbing thing, was that there was a lovely assortment of Mens fashion. Each mens release I saw was well crafted, and definitely a great mix of style and classic pieces, mixed with some more urban looks.
La Gyo Pics:
La Gyo had us all oooing and aaaaing. For a start it must be nerve wrecking to be the first show off the runway. But they definitely lead us off to a fabulous start. The colours are divine, I was even loving purples in there. The combination of La Gyo Accessories with LG Concept clothing as just remarkable. The capelets and full on little hood looks, so divine. Blouses and system skirt overload, a true collection for the ever so elegant fashionista. Not to mention HATS, oh the hat love, I cannot wait to pair them all up with other things.
Chantkare Pics:
The moment the Chantkare release hit the floor I was thinking Madonna. Remembering when she married Guy and all the world was a twitter about her taking on Hunting and all the English nobility type la di da. So when you mix all the wool and tweed, with plaid and PONY Rings, and accessories, it is not such a leap to think of her taking it all to the runway…or some intensely awesome video clip. More beautiful hats, and that skirt and coat from the Modavia poster are just divine. Again just so you do not forget…PONY RINGS!
Gizza pics:
Gizza clothing with Vanity Hair is an incredible combination. First off though the mens fashion from Gizza was unsettling, and by unsettling I mean ‘Oh my goodness that man looks pretty”. Â Gizza actually managed to put a man in a fur jacket, and have him NOT look like a pimp. One of my favourites sets of the Gizza collection didn’t fully rez, so no pic. The rest of the show made up for it though, bold colour combos, and that animal print swing coat is a must.
The gowns were show stoppers, and the oooo’s went up a notch when the second ivory colour came out. The detailing on the blouses are just lovely, and would look great with other items.
Bliss Couture Pics :
A timetraveling adventure with the Bliss releases. Bring back the 60’s with these incredible retro pieces. Fake fur and hipster bellbottoms, you do move into the 70’s but it is a definite combination with all fashion that is decade inspired. The high waisted lace panties with stunning  jacket got a lot of attention. For me though it was all that fur, and the incredible leather coat with fur you see in green in the sneak peak pics. The best thing I think about all these items, from all of the collections, is that with the use of your own imagination, they are going to blend so well with one another, it will be an amazing shopping spree.
Don’t forget you can find them all available after each show at the Modavia Fashion Week location, but you still have days left to experience the fun of the shows.
Modavia Fashion Week starts tomorrow
It’s that time of the year again, I will be there and hope to see many of you.
From the official note card:
*** Modavia Productions welcomes you to Fashion Week 2011 ***
Modavia Fashion Week (September 8-15, 2011) opens at 11am SLT on September 8th with a show featuring the highlights of the week ahead for invited press and bloggers. Fifty of the best couture designers in SL will present their new autumn collections over the next 8 days, kicking off with the LaGyo/LG Concept partnership and culminating in a showcase of emerging talent and the much-awaited preview of new fall designs from Paper Couture on September 15 at 5pm SLT. All shows will take place on the MODAVIA sims which will also host an exclusive on-site boutique selling all the FW looks seen on the runway.
Thanks to our sponsors at KMADD Enterprises, Euphoria and Secondnights for their support.
To follow our blog which will carry exclusive coverage of the event please visit http://www.modaviafashionmarketing.com/2611-2/
The Modavia FW Team
Sling back cha cha cha
The shoes pic is supposed to be a GIF, so if you do not see it, please go HERE . These shoes are a great foot in shoe, the join is almost seamless – no one is looking that close except when they are at eye level like now – it is really handy when the shoe maker, is also a skin maker…yay for preset huds.
I especially like the textures that YS & YS has released in these gorgeous slingbacks, the shine and detailing is great. I especially love the newsprint, and the python textures. I am wearing the python in the main pic with the new Baiastice MESH dress. Now I won’t lie, the size of this doesn’t really work on me, and I was not really in a tweaking frame of mind, but I do think for the style it should be, that the sizing is a little larger than expected in the waist and skirt area. Fuller figured girls are going to love it. The style is very 80’s with the frilled waist and short leather skirt. I also really like the shadow work done under the ruffles for authenticity. Though not as figure hugging as I would like, give the dress a go, because it might just wow you.
Sissy is really new to the rigging and Mesh combination, so I look forward to seeing how she expands and grows, especially with her taste in style, some amazing items are sure to follow.
Another of the newer styles from LeLutka is the Expert, stunning waves resting at a sideswept shoulder. Those curls are like amazing, and there is so much room for hairwear, that is my new word for hair accessories I have decided. A little pillbox hat, or flower, something fabulous this way comes…
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Desiree – YS & YSÂ
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
1st Me:
Expert – LeLutkaÂ
Minix Dress – MESH – BaiasticeÂ
Milano Slingbacks – YS & YSÂ
Houndstooth Bag – MESH – BitchÂ
Team Player
Feeling very sporty, these latest Varsity items from Miel are just the coolest thing. Not only do they fill my ever wanting urge for a jacket of this style growing up, but also they are HUD aliscous. Not only can you change the colours of the shoes or jacket, but you can actually also change the lettering. I went with SP as Sasypants initials, but then hit a wall with the four four four config for the back of the jacket. Then eureka Sasy @ The Deck totally worked, feeling a bit like Jenny from the Block but whatevs.
New hair New Hair, the gorgeous OSCAR style from LeLutka is all win, especially for those that have been pining away for more of the crimp frizz do looks already released. This one is a tad shorter and does come with an extra attachment of a braid, but I left it off, and am just in love with all the individual static hair pieces. They would have taken so long to place, amazing work.
With the sporty look I am again wearing the new Zaara shorts this time with the actual cuffs. The cuffs are very cool as you get 7 options of print with them, as though the inside of your pants are actually lined with different fabric, yum. Wrapping it up, using the new poses from Ploom, even since yesterday there are new ones again…that collection is going to get huge before we know it.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Natasha – LeLutkaÂ
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
1st Me:
Oscar – LeLutkaÂ
Varsity Jacket Natural – MielÂ
Cropped Tank – Mon TissuÂ
Knee length Denim Shorts – ZaaraÂ
Varsity Kicks – Miel
A little bit ranty, a little bit stripper pole
First off it is ranty time again. Since Mesh has been enabled there has been many reasons for ranting it seems, but this one is pointed at the people that make Third Party Viewers * pokes screen and wags finger *. First off thank you for all of the hard work you do, which is free to use, and you do not actually get paid for, I understand that everything you all do is to help make Second Life more rewarding for its residents, and as a person that is wooohooo about community, again a big huge skyrocketing THANK YOU!
BUT… I think that some of you are dropping the ball when it comes to keeping your users informed. Mesh just hit the grid last week or the week before, and yet every day I see and hear people that only use your viewers completely misunderstanding what is actually going on. Either they don’t even know what Mesh is, or they are adamant that they will stick to the viewer they are using no matter what until you provide them the Mesh version…or they actually think Mesh is a bug and that their latest viewer version is broken and don’t have any clue what to do.
Every single time a user logs into whichever mesh, there is a window -literally- of opportunity to keep the residents informed about the latest and greatest developments to the grid. Just because YOUR viewer is not up to the same release type as the latest SL one, or other third party viewer, does not mean you should keep your users in the dark. What is more acceptable, letting them know and they then choose to see blocks around people, or they go upload a Mesh enabled viewer waiting until you update yours, or they get so frantic that something is wrong, have no clue who or where to ask and end up leaving your viewer for another that works, still not actually knowing what was going on, because in the new one they are using they see no blocks.
That is the thing about Mesh, as it looks so similar for the most part, unless you are looking at perfectly rigged items, it all looks the same as a regular sculpt. So why would you assume anything was wrong other than yet another bug.
Explain it, work out a way to grab their attention on sign in, a wire frame glass with GOT MESH? might work – yes I was going to do that – an image of with and without mesh enabled so they know what is going on when they see it, with a link to a blog post explaining…is all this too hard? I understand you might not want to loose your numbers of users to a mesh enabled client, but how long do they have to wait? is yours going to update next week? a month? never? all the waiting that might go on forever is really going to hurt that user, they may actually even believe their computer is no longer compatible with SL and just leave.
If your users are faithful and seriously they are, they will come back to you, or switch between the two depending on what they need them for. So do them and everyone a favor and inform your users what it is that is changing in their world…give them a chance to update and be knowledgeable, and also don’t hinder their possible creativity, because those people using non mesh viewers right now, could be future Mesh creators that really add to the grid, so don’t keep them from doing so.
Now on with the fashion…Slink one of those Mesh creators, has wowed the grid today with the release of her Tall leather thigh boots. These are a fantastic use of Mesh seeing as with rigging to the body you get bends in the ankles and the knees, unlike boots of the past that used to split at the knee and sometimes to ankle to move with the body. In the past taking pics of boots such as these would have taken a lot longer, the pose would have had to be just right, and then possibly some fixing in PS or Gimp to make it not appear as different pieces. Now though it’s any pose and snap away. Even though they do have a stretchy shiny leather, looking for a pole look to them, I wanted to show that that is not only the case. Three different looks, for three different types of events, and the boots in my opinion rock them all. Be sure to try the demos of the boots, there are four sizes and I am wearing the average, I had to take down my leg muscle by about 6 I think, but I made a copy of the shape for that folder. If you find none of them fit and you are aching for them, then talk to Siddean as she does offer custom fitting to your shape , but it will cost you extra.
I found this store CoG earlier today. Snapping up the liquid looking silver latex, to go with the silver boots was an easy choice. Some silver accessories and it is time for either some dancing, clubbing or a Barbarella kind of RP scene, it all works. Next the look was a little cool out, a nice sweater – this is actually the no skirted version of the sweater dress from Maitreya, an oldie but a goody. The new Zaara knee length denim shorts. Because they are a clothing layer they slip right under the mesh layers and in this case, and any leggings or socks, this is going to be very useful.
I am nagging Siddean of SLink all the damn time for bag and stuff, reason mainly being that if you do shoes, and you do them in particular types of leathers/fabrics, well you owe it to your fashionista customers to follow with some matching accessories. Lucky for me Fri.day had a bag and belt that was close enough, actually the belt I had to tint – YAY For MODIFY – all up the look is great for work, lunch dates or an afternoon shopping. Â Lastly the gorgeous shirt from La Viere is just perfect. I especially love the mandarin style collar, and you have two options, one is with collar and sculpted lower to the shirt, or just the collar, which for this look was great. Overlaying with the use of (add) Â I then went with the Niti skirt from Zaara. This look is great for a dinner date, night on the town with friends or just kicking bum and taking names.
All of the looks I went with the same lovely hair from Ploom, the hair is Valyra and I am wearing the streaked option. So many streaks to choose from, and the choice of warm or cooler colours really worked with the looks I was going with, so definitely play around with that. Also from Ploom we have new poses some were used in the pics, some are just Ploom in general, but I really do love the poses coming from Ploom so be sure to check out the poses when grabbing the hair.
Skin wise it has been a while since we have seen a release from YS & YS and Desiree is the one I have on today. Comes with so many brow and hairbase options, as well as cleavage and tan lines, lashes and lipsticks. You can even buy the lipsticks for each skin separately if you like one over another. So be sure to DEMO DEMO DEMO.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Desiree – YS & YSÂ
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Valyra – Ploom
Crushed Sweater Dress – MaitreyaÂ
Knee Shorts – Zaara
Tall Leather Thigh Boots - SLink  MESHÂ
Dream Catcher Bag, Lucid Belt (tinted) Â – Fri.dayÂ
Medium Nails – MandalaÂ
Fallen Tears Ensemble – MOODÂ
Hair:Valyra – PloomÂ
Chinese Fusion Shirt – La ViereÂ
Niti Skirt – ZaaraÂ
Tall Leather Thigh Boots - SLink  MESH
Wide Waist Belt – Fri.dayÂ
Medium Nails -Â MandalaÂ
Fallen Tears Ensemble -Â MOODÂ
Mia Ring – MielÂ
Valyra – PloomÂ
Latex Body – CoGÂ
Tall Leather Thigh Boots – SLink  MESH
Medium Nails – MandalaÂ
Hydra Necklace – Rozoregalia
Going to the Chapel
Such a vision of a gown, whether it be for a formal affair, a night out on the town, or that very special day. This new MESH release is going to have you gaga over it. The lean lines, the accentuation of the bum and curves of the waist, it is like capturing the essence of what it is to be female. I also especially adore the mermaid tail look, even though not trully a fanned out effect, the way the mesh sweeps the floor is just enough to be drool worthy.
These are the kinds of remarkable clothing we can expect to see more of now that mesh is here, and dancing in this would be heavenly. No flipping around flexi prims or overly stretched out texturing, just smooth and hugging. On that special day too, you don’t have to worry about all of the things that can go wrong with your dress, just simply enjoy the moment.
This Rebel Hope gown Fabria also has matching accessories in the form of beautiful platinum jewelry, and the lovely collar on the dress is a separate attachment, which I found to be really a nice option. I see more sensational gowns and clothing coming from Rebel in the future, because how could you stop there. Go and try Fabria on for yourself, it truly is an inspiring gown.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by : Geez
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Jewel – Curio
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Last Stand hat/hair – The Strand
Cassandra – Enigma
Fabria Gown – Rebel Hope
Foxy – Maitreya Gold
Fabria Necklace, Earrings, Bracelet in Platinum – Rebel Hope
Medium Nails – Mandala
Cascading Bouquet – Essentia
Warning May contain Mesh
At the moment, with the new and oh so delightful Mesh hitting the grid, there really needs to be more customer awareness happening. Read up on it, there is much on the wiki, check out blogs by people that provide info on the subject…and read information provided by the creators when supplied. Have an up to date viewer for one thing, and especially do not try and express your distaste for it, by using other viewers as the reason. Did you know that legally not one store has to provide customer service to you at all if you use a Third Party Viewer? Linden Labs themselves wont, so it is pretty much the kindness of creators that they have been so willing to do so in the past.
The worst part is that there are thousands out there that WANT to use the latest Mesh viewers and just can’t, so being rude and making big dramatic stances based on your inability to accept change is kind of sucky. My reason for this mini rant, is that I have seen some insane customer comments come up in the past week that have been a bit crazy. They are pure and simply people thinking they know better, and demanding more. I am so grateful I can use a Mesh Viewer, I am also grateful that stores do provide customer service for TPV’s because the LL viewer doesn’t stabilise for me right now. Yes it is going to be awful if not using one to see people running around with big blocks on instead of perfectly shaped creations. But I also remember when Sculpts came it was big spheres unrezzing for thousands too. I remember not being able to look at girls wearing sculpted hair because it looked like their brains were seeping out their eye sockets.
I still for the life of me cannot understand peoples dislike for V2 which is now V3. Yes it is different, a few buttons look different, but it is mostly the same, and nearly all the viewer creators have made such headway in trying to make it as similar to the old as they can. About the only thing that is still for many a major hassle is how notices come, and how items and IMs are shown. But that is more to do with retraining yourself to look down to the right not up to the right than anything else. You also need to train yourself to look down there more often…it is not so obvious when you get an IM, but it does still make a noise and there is an icon there with a balloon on it if there is an unread IM. Anyway, try it for more than five minutes…nearly everyone I ever hear that says they wont, has never used it since it was released, and/or wont give it more than five minutes. The benefits to your SL far outweigh the negatives, and if you CAN use it,  then you kind of owe it to those that can’t to stop being sucky lol.
Now about these boots. Yes they are the NEW MESH boots from LeLutka, and they are magnificent. For one thing, the detailing is fantastic, and all the added features make them such an incredible bargain. Not only do you get the boot in whichever colour or colours you choose, but also the HUD that allows for changes to the laces, rivets and soles. With some of the colours the change in accents is incredible. The boots are three prims, they are not rigged to the skeleton so they can be resized using the HUD also. It is only rigged items in Mesh that are unable to be resized, because they are technically locked to the joints. So the work that is able to be achieved on them is awesome, and in many cases you are going to see work you wouldn’t have ever seen if we only had sculpts, because the creator either wouldn’t do that kind of intense detailing, or it just was not within the realms of prim limits etc. Also texturing on Mesh is so much easier than Sculpts so the newness is going to keep on getting even better.
The Ren boots have a mix of looks. First off I looked at them as Victorian riding boots, then they had a real combat kind of thing going on – I LOVE THE OLIVE – all in all they are so versatile to wear. First off I had to go with that first thought, the Victorian look, so I pulled apart a gown from LeLutka – I rezzed the skirt then in edit mode I checked Edit Linked Parts and clicked all the pieces at the front. Once they were all selected I went to build menu and unlinked. Then once unlinked I selected them again and deleted. Taking the skirt back I wear it and voila a short fronted gown. The bolero is from Verve which is previously Swansong, so any type of shrug/bolero could look very cool. Then to finish it all off I wore the collar that you didn’t get a proper look at the other day from Royal Blue.
The second look combines one of the very cool Zaara denim skirts, with the linen shirt from COCO, this shirt comes in other colours, but I loved the white and very crinkly look of it. The combat look didn’t get as military as I would have liked, but combining the RB Tank from Maitreya and the delish leather cap with the SoHo shorts and Ren boots was enough for me to want to stay that way for the day.
I am wearing the NEW Curio skin Jewel. Looks like Curio has added new tones to her selection. I am wearing the honey tone, which comes in the gold tones collection. The other tones are rose tones, so make sure you try all the new tones available. The make ups as usual are just beautiful and as usual come in the two of each make up choice we are used to.
All poses used in this post are from Geez, you can buy Geez poses singularly, so check them out today. All created by Grazia Horwitz.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Jewel in Honey – Gala @ Curio
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
1st Me:
Brigitte – LeLutka
Oman Gown ( Modified to remove front panels) – LeLutka
Vamp Doll ( Bolero only from part of set ) – Swansong now called Verve
Stockings – Izzies
Ren Boots ( MESH ) Â – LeLutka
Bow Faced Collar – Royal Blue
Medium Nails – Mandala
2nd Me:
Lara II – Maitreya
Linen Shirt – CoCo
Denim Skirt – Zaara
Nylon Socks ( comes with the allure shoes )Â – Maitreya Gold
Ren Boots ( MESH ) – LeLutka
Medium Nails – Mandala
Cafetero Bag – LeLutka
3rd Me:
RiverII – Maitreya
RB Tank – Maitreya
SoHo Shorts – LeLutka
Ren Boots ( MESH) – LeLutka
Nails Medium – Mandala
Leather Cap – Maitreya
Love Junky Bag – LeLutka
I find you Fascinating
Last night Whimsy and I went to Hogwarts, actually we went all over the place, but decided to stop in on the marketplace that has all of SL a quiver. Anya OhMai has the most adorable Pygmy Puff collectible Gacha items there, I didn’t include mine in the pic, because I am scared they are like gremlins and I haven’t read the rules yet.
While we were there, we ran into a few people, one of which was Mystic, who also has a blog in which you can read more about joining the school if that is your thing. She was really lovely to talk to *waves* and to her friend with the evil like Whimsy red hair lol.If you do go visit prepare to have all your maternal instincts punch you repeatedly while you are there, seriously children overload and sooooo adorable in their little uniforms and stuff. I don’t know enough about the books to RP properly and I would want to be a teacher or something, but I would be so hopeless and feed them all candy all day. Before that or after that, I think before, we went to see Maxwell Grafs new retail adventure called Bitch. His release of 4 Mesh Handbags shown larger than life in the showroom. You may know his work from Rustica, well he has expanded his range  to smaller items such as  accessories and clothing, and the bags are lovely. I just had to have the houndstooth print.
I love that Marni is back to creating for Royal Blue, she is able to add just the right amount of quirky to a look. The outfit pieces I am wearing today are from her, some new, some old and some I have been waiting for for over two years to be finally finished. The waiting was for the stockings. Originally they didn’t come with the boyshorties, but now that they do they are even more to love. So all one piece, and there are the polka dot ones or plain…so sexy. The new is not visible, but if you go to her store you will find these nifty shirt collars with ribbon bows to wear as an accessory, also very ooh la la.
The whole look is perfect for the Project Themeory item from MOOD of the Duchess Fascinator. Now these things are hard to find in SL, Newdoll and I went searching weeks ago. Not just that they aren’t easy to find, but good ones are rare and this one is a GREAT one. MOOD has been pushing herself lately, and it really has shown the public what she can do, and how her skills have grown. Jewelry not being the only Mood MOOD can be in. So once Royal Blue unpacks hers and MOOD has hers, we will be off to the races in style. Melbourne Cup is only weeks away people.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Hadley – LeLutka
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Drucilla – Exile
Yo Bra , Knitted Suspender Socks with Panties – Royal Blue
GTFO boots – GOS
Bow Faced Collar – Royal Blue
Duchess Fascinator – MOOD
Medium Nails – Mandala
Houndstooth Bag – Bitch
Alpha Tutorial – Bake on Mesh options
Edit: I will add to this soon but this will work for Bake on Mesh now that it is live in SL
Hi, Tutorial time here, and even though I did this once a long time ago now for a magazine; I realised it never actually made it to my blog. Now with Mesh being a huge addition to the grid, one thing that is going to come into play a lot more often are alpha layers. I have already noticed that some are not exactly fitted to the exact shape of the mesh, which is not really surprising. So I have taken the time to show you how you can make your own, and then possibly open up the possibilities of more clothing for yourself… because you will know that if a demo doesn’t fit exactly, but you can make your own alpha, you can whip one up first, try the demo again and VOILA a 10L upload could make you incredibly happy.
First thing to do is to get the avatar templates that are used for the real avatar body. They are located HERE , the better option are the Chip Midnight ones as they have clearer detail.
The first thing you do is open up the upper and lower body templates in your PS or Gimp program. Then save the upper and lower as as jpeg,png or targa, it doesn’t matter which, and it will not change the template.
Once you have done that bring both into SL.Once you have them uploaded make a new folder in your clothing or body parts folder. Name it Template Layers. Then right click inside of it and choose New Clothes > New Shirt , then New Clothes > New Pants and then wear them so you look like you are wearing a white catsuit.
Go into edit on the pants layer, and drag the template texture you uploaded to the texture panel on the pants, and save. Then do the same to the shirt layer. Once you have saved both you will see that every designer you have ever bought an item from deserves a round of applause, because this thing is seriously insane to work on.
Now if you put back on the alpha layer that you got with your demo you can see exactly where on the template it goes.
Then once that rezzes, you can wear the mesh and see where the alpha needs to be for you.
Now go back to your PS or Gimp and get the upper clothing layer template. You can turn off every layer that you don’t need, and leave the one that makes the most sense to you. Then the rest of this is going to make more sense to you by how you feel the most comfortable with your tools. Some can use eraser, some just outline and delete, some will be all fancy, but the overall idea is, what you want to be alpha on your body, needs to be alpha on the template. Make sure you also check the back of your body, to see if the mesh is higher or lower than you need.
I used the lasso tool to draw a little bit inside of the line I need, and then cut out the entire portion of the shirt I want alpha, then once I have done front and back I filled the rest with black. Saved as a png and uploaded into SL .
Then in the same folder I made a new alpha mask layer, named it tube top, then wear it, and you will see that you are popping right out of your mesh. Go into edit on the alpha layer and add your new alpha texture.
Now I am not a professional at this, I will admit it took me three times to get it spot on, the front was too high at first, then the back had to be lowered also. But if this was a gown or something with some serious money behind it, or I just really loved it so much as a top…well 30L to get it to fit is much better than walking away, or worse, spending however many L’s on it and not being able to wear it without changing my shape.
Now the other big advantage to learning this is your older shoes, as well as layer limits that those that refuse to use V2 encounter. If a shoe/boot has an invisi prim attached to the shoe/boot then this wont work, but some shoes/boots had them as separate attachments, so this will. Do not wait around for stores to update, they haven’t up until now, so pretty much given that they are not going to. If you have a pair of boots you love and want to wear with alpha instead of invisiprims then follow the same steps on the legs potion of the templates. Boots are actually much easier as they tend to be really easy to work out where they end. Shoes are harder, as the heel style and other things come into play, but again, if you don’t want to see it, you make it alpha. So it is worth a try.
Another thing is that if you have layer limits, now with mesh, or just because other things you wear use alpha, you can make your own alpha mixes. Some stores are kind enough to include the alpha texture with the purchase, so you can do this, but consider combining boots with corset, or boots with tube top, and voila, only using one layer instead of two.
I hope this helped, and I hope that it saves you some concerns you may have about only being able to change shape with Mesh.
In the pics I am using the Full Perms Tube top by Random Crap by Damien Fate/Washu Zebrastrip, you can find so many full perms Mesh items there or on their marketplace page. Demo hoodie available. The secret passage is in the corner of the station between the wall and the train, just walk through the wall and you will find the mesh items, or IM Washu Zebrastripe for help.
Decent Hair – LeLutka
Hadley Skin – LeLutka
OMG The Sitting
Honestly since I have been lucky enough to have some sneak peaks at Mesh prior to today, the one thing that stood out the most was the bending knees, and the dresses that fold with your body. Since 2007 and sculpts being used more and more, as much as they have always been awesome, one thing started changing, we stopped sitting and everyone was always standing.
When it was just prim skirts with flexi they created the easy sitting scripts, that were more work than helpful to be honest, but you could never really get those things to do much for sculpts. When pants legs were made more and more by full sculpts also, you would sit and your lower portion would go one way, and your upper would stick out making it look like you had broken yourself in someway.Mesh has changed all that again, and now without even having to round out any edges I give you SITTING! Also my bottom isn’t all askew and my girly parts aren’t broken either. To really understand how much love you will have for mesh, go try the new Group Gift from SLink – Jeans worn – and see how your legs don’t break from your AO and other such things.
You must have a Mesh Enabled Viewer, and you must be on a Mesh sim – SLink is a mesh sim so try the jeans on there, but be sure to take them off again when TPing away, as all sims will not be full mesh until tomorrow. You need to join the Slink group to get the jeans, but they are a great way to see what all the fuss is about.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Poses by :
SLC Body Language RagDoll AO
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Hadley – LeLutka
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
Decent – LeLutka
RG tank – Maitreya
Bootleg Jeans MESH MESH MESH – Slink (group gift )