• Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – Vanity Hair & Love Donna Flora ( we do )

    Hair Fair 2013 - Sonata

    Hair Fair 2013 - Fantastic GIrls

    Hair Fair 2013 - Boys will be Boys

    Boudoir Heels - LDF

    Flair - set 110

    On the 25th of July, a HUGE event is about to start. This is one of those times when I love being a Second Life resident, more so than the usual love I have daily already. Squinternet Larnia the Designer behind the brand Donna Flora is sick, terminally sick…and her good friend Cajsa Lilliehook got in touch with her and wanted to be able to do a fundraiser to help her with the medical expenses and what not building up at this horrible time.

    Within days over a 100 people put up their hands to help with the effort and on the 25th an absolutely stunning sim (Created by Felicity Blumenthall) will open its doors to the public, where all items have a donation script inside them. Most of the items will be donating 100% and the items I have seen so far are just wonderful. Whimsy and I also did something for the event, I did a set of nails from Flair and then W.Winx and Flair did a Nautical Version of the recent Tropical Escape set, as we had wanted to do one from the start, and decided we would love to make it for this event, and both items are donating 100% so I hope you stop by and grab them. You can get up to the moment information on the Love Donna Flora Event Blog HERE.

    Items that I am wearing today also come from that event. The stunning gown is by Baiastice, and it is just gorgeous. The thing that I love about a lot of Baiastice items, is that she has such a way of doing fabric, that even fully clothed as I am in this dress, I feel almost naked. They all have a fabulous sensuality that just heightens the feeling of joy in wearing them. Much like jewellery by Donna Flora, which I am wearing in each picture as well. One of my favourite sets is the Blue Onyx that is a fantastic choker that runs down the spine and is just so sexy to wear.

    The other items from the event are the delightful boudoir add on shoes for the SLink medium feet that will be available in 3 colours – which are very Italian colours in honor of Squinternet. They are so lovely, and they really bring home the whole idea of slipping a shoe on over a foot. The fabric and colours are perfect for the gowns, as well as many others that I am sure will come out later in a full release.

    The skin I have on today is COMING SOON to Glance, this is Sigrid and she is STUNNING! I love this skin, I have been wearing it on and off for a few weeks now, off and on because I was beta testing it for a bit and am so excited about it as its the first caucasian skin to be released under the new tones method of the months naming. So Sigrid comes in tones from January to June. The other exciting thing with this release is that there will also be appliers for the slink system released at the same time…so those of you who have been anxiously waiting, get excited. The make ups are divine, my favourite eye make up is 3 which is a red liner look that I love, and the lips come in matte or glossy. I think Sigrid is more of a matte look in my opinion, but that is just how I love her, you will love her your way.

    Lastly the beautiful hairstyles by Vanity Hair that are at Hair Fair 2013. The three styles are just fabulous, and they have a really cool 60’s vibe to them, would totally see them in the next Austin Powers movie. I really love the height in them as well, they really give my long neck attention. Make sure you visit the Vanity booth when at the event, as her hair just really does look fabulous, and inspires great shots and looks.

    Hair Fair Info 

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Sigrid – Glance Skins COMING SOON 

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet  – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glance Skins 

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 110 – Flair  


    Boys with be Boys, Sonata, Fantastic Girl – Vanity Hair @ Hair Fair 2013


    Giulia dress – Baiastice @ Love Donna Flora Event (starts 25th July)


    Boudoir Slippers (add ons for Slink Medium Feet) – SLink  @ Love Donna Flora Event (starts 25th July)


    Tosca Earrings, Blue Onyx Set , Mari Earrings – Donna Flora 

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair – Exile

    Hair Fair 2013 - Piece of my heart

    Hair Fair 2013 - Glamorous

    Hair Fair 2013 - Counting Stars

    Hair Fair 2013 - Time and Sound

    Flair nails 97

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

    I am loving having the time to wear my Hair Fair hairstyles, honestly with all the build up to the event, I rarely get to see anything until the doors are already open to the public. That seems strange as I am there from the beginning, but I check every single vendor and so on, but I tend to not look up at the images, not wanting to be distracted. These styles would have definitely stopped me in my tracks. It was fun enough just hanging out the front of the Exile booth days before with Kavar and Kere and comparing logos.

    The styles are just wonderful, my favourite has to be hands down the fantastic rope bound one. I actually thought it was a fabric headband, sort of McEnroe style, but I was really excited to see it is rope and so great especially in the white. I am teaming all the looks up with the great top by The Secret Store that is at this months Collabor88. Collabor88 is about to celebrate their second birthday soon, which has gone by so fast, so stay tuned for news on that. The shorts I am wearing with the looks are all by One Bad Pixel, and just a delight to wear, and perfectly made.

    Whimsy and I are in the process of getting our item really for the big Love Donna Flora event that starts on the 25th , you can find all the information on that HERE. You can find out all the information on why this event is taking place, and see some incredible blog posts done, from people that have wonderful tales and experiences with their Donna Flora items.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable Poses 


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Chloe (mesh head included) – LOGO

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : LOGO

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 97 – Flair 


    Counting Stars, Piece of my heart, Time & Sound, Glamorous – Exile


    Elsa Ruffle Shirt – The Secret Store @ Collabor88

    Cuffed Denim Shorts – One Bad Pixel 


    Strand Bracelet – HandVerk

    Byzantine Cross Choker – Essentia 

    Antique Bee Ring – OhMai 

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – Kik

    Hair Fair 2013 - Donna Katie

    Flair set 47

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

    The head is back, the Logo head that is. With the recent release of the LOGO appliers for Slink hands and feet, it was time to bring Chloe back out of hiding, and it was love at first sight all over again. Not to mention the fact that the hair by Kik at Hair Fair 2013 is just adorable too.

    The two styles featured are left Katie, and right Donna, and both actually come with an optional headband, but without I just found new ways to love the hair, every time I looked at it. Donna especially is my favourite, it reminds me of Sophia Loren, and has that vavavoom quality about it. Great pinup styles both of them, so definitely worth a spin through if you didn’t visit Kik your first time around Hair Fair.

    The dresses I am wearing are by lacuna and just released the last few days, and I just love the knit used in these, its a great rib knit and they come in a great range of colours. It has a racerback style too it, and is all sorts of sexy, and still light enough even though knit, for sexy summer nights.

    I am using some Adorkable Poses in this post, even though they have closed up shop (for now – fingers crossed) they are still on Marketplace and *sniffles* I just miss them so much.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Adorkable (on Marketplace) sniffles because I miss them


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Chloe (mesh head and skin) – LOGO

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : LOGO

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 47 – Flair 


    Donna – KiK


    Racer Rib Tank Dress – Lacuna 



    Sugar Candy Bangles – Gossamer Jewellery

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – LeLutka

    Hair Fair 2013 - Lorella

    Hair Fair 2013 - Dulcina

    Hair Fair 2013 - Alvina

    Hair Fair always allows people the chance to explore their inner fantasy life. Whether it be just trying on hairstyles you would never normally wear, or going through to purchasing extravagant looks and styles that can create a mood and atmosphere. With these three new Fae inspired styles from LeLutka, you can have your fantasy ideal moment, and mainstream too. Each style has an attachment whether floral or celestial, that just gives it a little more dazzle, but even worn without, the styles give you many options of looks and wear. From boardroom to mushroom and everywhere in between.

    I love the waves, the fullness,and the femininity of all three of them, and so I just had to go to my Kyoot folder and find the pretty white dress that may be an older flexi style, but is still just gorgeous. All of the kyoot items are listen on Marketplace still and they are at insanely low prices, so make sure you get this dress, just to have it.

    The necklace is an item recently released by Tableu Vivant called Mina, and the pearls and metals change colour via hud, but the true white pearls just ended up perfection for this style. While you cannot see a clear look at my earrings, in this picture, I will wear them again. They are incredible fish encrusted with jewels earrings that made me literally swoon on site, part of a set, I do hope you can get them separately, they are by Fulo, and the jewellery pouring out of there lately is just spectacular.

    The background I used is courtesy of Sheila Yoshikawa and is a Second Life Stock Images Pool item, so make sure you check that group out for next time you are in need of adding a little something to your images.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Lana – Glance Skins 


    Alvina, Dulcina, Lorella – LeLutka @ Hair Fair 2013


    Pretty White Dress – Kyoot (available on Marketplace)


    Mina necklace – Tableau Vivant

    Sashimi Earrings (sea)  – Fulo

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – Tableau Vivant

    Hair Fair 2013 - Scarborough

    Hair Fair 2013 - Boccaccio

    Hair Fair 2013 - Teichmann

    Flair - set 56

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

    For all the Scarboroughs out there, I am joyful about this great NEW Hair Fair hair from Tableau Vivant. I love my last name, and sure everyone has a thing or two to say about the resident last name, and I do wish that they did give residents the chance to take on a last name, even if a month in, seeing as LL decided it was too hard for them on start up o.O. But it is things like this, where even though last names are used, you know who the honor is given to.

    The style itself is glorious and the other two worn, are just as equally delightful. I did not show all the styles on offer, because you definitely need to get in there yourself and choose, because they are wonderful, and watching Tableau Vivant take on their first ever Hair Fair has been a great site to see. They are relatively new in the overall hair making scene, but have grown in leaps and bounds, and only have more to offer, so start collecting now.

    Tabloid is newish also, in the fact that the clothes and creation of said clothes is new, but Dahlia certainly isn’t as if you have ever been lucky enough to attend a Modavia show, she would be there stage right, and fabulous. That fashion sense has now projected itself into a great new line of clothing, and while the vest is not new, the dress certainly is, and adorable. The vest though has a few different options, tucked and long, as well as two metal colours for the sleeves, but honestly, it gives great side view, so you need to get on that.

    Speaking of on that, I am wearing some of the Glossy Pout lipsticks over my Harley skin from Pink Fuel, and they are succulent and exactly as the name suggests. I did however add the teeth tat from Amacci, because it is truly a great teeth tattoo layer, and sometimes you just have to bare them, right?

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    Ma Vie


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Harley – Pink Fuel 

    Glossy Pout Lipstick – Pink Fuel 

    Teeth Tattoo 1 – Amacci 

    Green Eyeshadow – MOCK Cosmetics

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Pink Fuel

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 56 – Flair 


    Scarborough, Boccaccio,Teichmann – Tableau Vivant @ Hair Fair 2013


    Ambra Vest, Nantes Dress – Tabloid 


    St Tropez Hammered Discs – Gossamer Jewellery @ Collabor88

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – Faenzo and Happy Birthday Sachi Vixen

    Hair Fair 2013 - Shelter

    Hair Fair 2013 - ONE

    Hair Fair 2013 - Oblivion

    Flair - 81

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

    Hair Fair 2013 has a great mix of older and newer Hair creators, and one of the newer stores is Faenzo. Faenzo is one of those all round brands, creating clothing, accessories, footwear and hair so far. They released a new style just in time to be able to apply for Hair Fair, and they really came good with great styles at the event. These dead straight looks are fab, but I do suggest making sure you try the demos, as the seem to go with a larger size than most are used to, and with them being rigged you cannot resize.

    Oblivion is my favourite of the three, but I can totally see wearing these with accessories, and maybe even hats, if the fit works…I cannot wait to see. I also cannot wait to see what other hair they come up with in the future. The outfit I am wearing is a mix of tops from Maitreya, and this fabulous criss cross skirt from Nyu. The skirt actually comes with a top that is a very traditional looking asian style, but seriously this as a skirt you can mix and match is just awesome. I love mesh for longer items, because it just gives you that movement we have always craved in those styles.

    The Maitreya sale ends tomorrow, so don’t miss out on all the savings. I love how the savoir sweater and especially the mirli still hold up, the Mirli sweater is still one of my most favourite sweater tops.

    The skin I am wearing is the NEW skin by Adam n Eve called Marnie, the face is just lovely and comes with all the wonderful options that Adam n Eve does. Also as she does appliers for the slink systems, it is one click and you are ready for action for hands and feet, and a big shout out to Sachi Vixen as it is her Birthday today.

    Hair Fair 2013

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Marnie – Adam n Eve 

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 81 – Flair 


    Shelter, One, Oblivion – Faenzo @ Hair Fair 2013


    Cross Strap Skirt – NYU 

    Bodysuit, Mirli Sweater, Savoir Sweater – Maitreya 


    Ilena Sandals (ADD ONS)  – SLink


    Bamboo & Red Jade Jewellery Set – Essentia 

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – Red Mint

    RedMint 1 - Hair Fair 2013

    RedMint 15 - Hair Fair 2013

    RedMint 14 - Hair Fair 2013

    RedMint 13 - Hair Fair 2013

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

    As I mentioned yesterday, the booths at Hair Fair this year have been decorated beautifully. One of my favourites in the past two years is the Red Mint booth. Their hairstyles this year also are just fabulous and fun. Adding to that the adorable fairy wearable from MishMish at Collabor88 and you have a whimsical look that is just wonderful.

    I decided to sit in the dreamers tree by Fri.day, that is part of this months C88. The tree has a fortstyle bed setting, with fairy lights and a long ladder up to that level. It comes with animations included, and it makes for a really lovely tranquil environment. I really like the fact that it has with and without lights options, but more so that it has no leaves. The bare branches mean that it can fit snuggly amongst other trees, or just have this great bare look.

    The hair by redmint is just lovely, and the swirling wind effected look was so much to shoot and then pretend the fairies did it. My favourite though is the long loose braid down the back, such a lovely long style back from the shoulders. I am also wearing the lovely Lacuna items, this tank is so lovely to wear, and I especially love the racerback style. I also had the chance to finally show off those great shoes I mentioned yesterday that are at C88 and are add on shoes for the slink feet.

    Another new item, and really lovely is the Katya skin by Glam Affair, this is at this months TLC. It comes in different make ups, but this one with the very beautiful reddened lips is just a delight. So demo demo demo

    Hair Fair 2013



    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Dreamer’s.Tree (with lights) – Fri.Day @ Collabor88

    Poses by:

    LAP – Retired


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Katya – Glam Affair @ TLC

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair 

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 111 – Flair 


    Hair 13,14,15 – Red Mint @ Hair Fair 2013


    Ribbed Racer Tank, Secret Garden Jeans – Lacuna 


    Locale Add on Shoes – BOOM @ Collabor88


    Lil Fairy Amoriata Pink – MishMish @ Collabor88

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2013 – Baiastice

    Hair Fair 2013 - Stefani

    Hair Fair 2013 - Nicole

    Hair Fair 2013 - Emma

    Hair Fair 2013 - Charlotte

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

    Hair Fair started with an almost bang on Saturday morning at 1am. It was a great start to the event, and has been wonderfully packed every since. Hair Fair 2013 is an event that covers 4 sims, and each year collects donations for Wigs for Kids. One of the most wonderful Community spirit events of the year – not just in my opinion, though I am a tad biased.

    Hair Fair started in 2006, and I have been lucky to be part of the Committee since 2007. It started as an idea a few Hair Creators back then had, of showcasing as many hair stores as possible, and then while doing so, raising money to help children who have suffered hair loss due to illness. The original creators were Six Kennedy and Elikapeka Tiramisu.

    The first 4 years the event collected for Locks of Love, but we found it very difficult to communicate with them, and they seemed to not really understand what Second Life was about, and how this really was such a innovative thing. Then we found out that they charged the families on a sliding scale, and that Wigs for Kids didn’t, so we approached them, and not only have they supported us in this event, but have created avatars, and often come in during Hair Fair and visit.

    The first year was on the Panache sim, and it was tall columns of hair vendors all in one space on the sim. I cannot even imagine how incredible that would have been. I unfortunately missed that one, due to rezzing just after, but then once I heard of the next one in 2007 I contacted Six with the idea of Bandana Day.

    One of the best things about that first year for me, was the learning experience of it all, and how that first year created a lot of the things that we do today. With the bandanas I stayed on the then two sims, for as many hours a day as I could, and people kept trying to give me money instead of buying, that was why the next year we put in Kiosks to make straight donations.

    When we couldn’t get into the sims, we all sat on boxes on the sidelines waiting and being social, and that is how the red boxes came about, this year of course they are building bricks, and thanks to the scripting efforts of Mel Vanbeeck, we have them auto delete and rezzable at the bus stations we have around the sims.

    The night before we opened to the public, they had a pyjama party for the designers, and they had invited three bloggers who were friends from 2 different blogs, big blogs at the time. They were there just as friends, but the next year I took care of having an actual Bloggers Day the day before hair fair.

    Originally the Bloggers were hand picked, invited to come along and join us, but that was in the days when there were only a few dozen bloggers, now with hundreds that had to change to an application process, and limiting the numbers due to sim limits. But we appreciate all blogging done by everyone all over the community, as whether they get early access or not, this event is a great one, and sharing it with readers is important.

    The party was really awkward for me, as I did not know a lot of the people there, but Six let me bring Fiachra to the party as he had helped me make the original bandana, so again, that was why in the years in the future, we let the designers invite a friend so that they had someone they knew to enjoy the experience with, and those guests shop their hearts out, and always give huge.

    Another thing I love about Hair Fair is the traditions, not just the ones mentioned already, and how they have formed, but from that very first year I was part of it, the tradition has always been to re-invite past participants. I love this, because no matter how the year goes for some creators, whether they close their stores, retire from creating, or just go into other avenues of design, they get to return to their roots – pun pun pun. While some people think it is strange to see some people in the event, it is because they have always in some way been part of the Hair Fair story, and always will be, as long as they want to.

    Then there is the tradition of NEW Designers, launching at Hair Fair, that started with Armidi doing that first year I was involved, with their NEW brand, they had previously been Elephant Outfitters. This caused so much interest that we made it a tradition to accept new to hair creation people each year, but only on committee approval, and not just someone thinking it up at the last minute – we are not silly – but we really love helping inspire new creators into the hair field. Those people are generally kept a secret, as it gives them a chance to really shine during the event.

    Lastly I love that while everyone in the community shops so much during this event, and gives as much as they can to make it a great big donation to Wigs for kids, it is actually the stores themselves donating. Every single sale of an item in their booth gives a donation – that is something that has changed over the years too, the first year it was a pack, then we made it a whole style, then since then it has become a percentage of all, to get rid of any guilt associated with just buying what you like.

    I have seen people give from 15% to 100%, I have seen donations made on the side via kiosks from Designers. I have heard stories over the years from the designers about how this is their way to give back to the world. Not just the second life community, but by creating hair, and selling it to raise money for charity, they can give more than they could ever take out of their RL incomes to give in person. I have had designers tell me that hair fair is why they started making hair in the first place, and I have been told how one mothers child calls her a SuperHero for helping children his age, when she explained what the event was for.

    I love helping plan the event with Mel, Whimsy and Fiachra, it is and always will be one of the things I am most proud of as a Second Life Resident. I have gotten to be part of something that people love, that they enjoy, and that even though they sometimes may complain about lag, or the hairstyles not being their taste…let me assure you that EVERYONE involved in Hair Fair is incredible, and gives so generously every single year, and that they get to do so in such a creative and innovative way, is just amazing.

    We usually keep the theme a secret, the build is a surprise to the designers right up until they have to set up, it is nerve wrecking for us, whether they will like it or not, and in the last three years, we have been overjoyed at the response to the builds. I am again biased as Mel and Whimsy have created the builds. How the designers then take that time they have and really have fun setting up their booth, often making their own little paradises in such space – we do tend to have big booths at hair fair though, I cannot stand small spaces.

    Over the years we have had many other great people on the committee, and they have all worked wonders leading up to and during the event. Hair Fair is a big thing, and we have loved being fortunate to be part of that effort. There is more I could say, but lets get on to some hair shall we 🙂

    The first store I am featuring from the event is Baiastice. Baiastice is returning after a one year break, as last year RL got in the way. In the past she has done hairbase styled hair, and this year went all out with mesh. A mix of short and long styles, with an adorable short bob look. I love the complete range, and the booth she has set up for the event is just gorgeous.

    I am also wearing some Collabor88 items from this round. The dress I am wearing is from Tres Blah and is a beautiful frilly dress in some beautiful colours, as well as prints. The colours are really rich and vibrant, and come with a contrast bowtied belt.  The jewellery pieces are by Yummy, also at the event, and so beautiful in the colours they have been created in.

    I also have new Add On shoes from BOOM, but you can’t see them, so just believe me, they are fabulous and fit effortlessly over your Slink feet. All of the skins I am wearing are by Glam Affair and also at Collabor88. It is the Lulu skin, and I really like that one of the make ups is very dressy, while the other is more natural, which means that with the dress and the right hair, you can create many moods and looks.

    You can find a full list of Slurls to the stores at Hair Fair 2013 HERE 


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Poses by:

    LAP – Retired 


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Lulu – Glam Affair @ Collabor88 

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 87 – Flair 


    Charlotte, Stefani, Nicole, Emma – Baiastice @ Hair Fair 2013 

    HairBase2 – Exile 


    Frilly dress – Tres Blah @ Collabor88


    Locale (add on shoes for Slink feet) – BOOM @ Collabor88


    Midsummer Blossom Jewellery – Yummy @ Collabor88

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair Demo Group

    Hair Fair 2013 Demo Group

    Click to Join Hair Fair Demo Group

    Hair Fair 2013 is almost here (July 13th – 28th), and we encourage everyone to use theHair Fair DEMO Group!  Designers will be sending demos out via group, so you can try out all the latest styles, and pre-shop! This is a great lag free way to peruse the offerings at the fair!  Grab some friends and host a demo party at your home!

    There are several easy ways to join!

    Inworld:  Search > Groups > Hair Fair DEMO Group >  Join!

    Inworld: There will be group joiners set in various stores, or go HERE  which also has the Hair Fair Subscribomatic which keeps you up to date on Hair Fair News

    Inworld: Copy and paste this into local chat and click the link it makes to open the group and join:  secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about

    We cannot wait to see you at this years Hair Fair to help raise money for Wigs for Kids.

    Hair Fair 2013 Join Us banner

  • Stylish

    My Verona

    Verona The Loft

    Water Baby 1

    Water Baby 2

    Water Baby 3

    Water Baby 4

    Today has been a Musicals/Dance Movies day for me, started off with Mama Mia, and now I have moved on to Footloose, the new one not the original. I was very against the remake at first, because they changed all the begining and it kind of lacked a little fire, the original cast were a lot more intense. If this wasn’t a remake though, it would still be an ok movie. I just don’t see it being iconic like the first one is.

    Anyway, so due to two monitors, this always gives me the chance to watch and take pics, and get some blogging done. Today is the second last day of My Attic, but today is more about other new and exciting items that have been released this past week or so. First off the wonderful Verona items from The Loft that are featured at The Liaison Collaborative. The pool has been sunken into the actual SL water for my shots, because I was intending to get some reflections happening, but ended up just enjoying what I got. The best thing about being able to sink into SL water though, is that you get to actually swim with your own AO if need be, so definitely use that opportunity if you have the chance.

    The pool and decking is just lovely, the tiling is beautiful and it will certainly add to any home. The pool comes with a hot tub as well, which means if Whimsy lays her eyes on it, it won’t be empty for long, she has been trying to get a hot tub at The Deck for so long, one day she even built one at the landing point to the sim lol. The area with the fireplace is also very nice, a great area to just settle in for the afternoon, early evening. I also have the Verona furniture pieces set out, the armchairs have texture change options of white or oatmeal, as well as cushion colours to choose from. Then you have the loungers, that rez different cushions depending on what pose/animation you are using, and they are full of different sits.

    The diving board is also full of animations, so you can just sit and enjoy the rays, or be all ‘look at me’ fabulous, in you new swimwear. The new swimwear I speak of is by Zaara, and not only is it mesh and beautiful in all its sequined glory, but there are some amazing cover ups you can purchase in a lovely sheer fabric that are wearable over the top of swimwear, or perhaps even a resort combination of clothing. Now because the coverup is sheer, you will need to keep your mesh hair short, or you will have some issues with alpha, but hair up is the look of the day with the great Beth hair from LeLutka.

    The Beth hair comes with a great bandana tied vintage look, and the colours of bandanas change with a texture menu drop down. So if you want to get your hair up and out of the way, or just have your rocker vintage look going on, then this hair is definitely a must have. The pose I am using when standing, is one of the Pretense poses from My Attic. This set also comes with a bag you can use so that you really do look like you are taking time out, and on the move.

    Have a delightful weekend ♥ Happy Shopping !

    My Attic 

    The Liaison Collaborative 

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Verona Pool, Teak Loungers, Armchairs – The Loft @ The Liaison Collaborative 

    Tropical Escape Towel & Sunscreen – W.Winx @ Flair @ My Attic

    Poses by:

    Escape – Pretense @ My Attic 


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Isla – League 

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands &  Feet – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League 

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 101 – Flair @ My Attic


    Beth – LeLutka 


    Naisha Bikini, Ria Coverup – Zaara 
