• LeLutka,  SLink,  Stylish,  Tuli

    Feeling like death



    There is a project going on at the moment, a collaberation between a dozen or so different designers, all at Potters Field. Now the idea of the theme, and location is although morbid, quite dynamic all at the same time. I got these great clothes that can be used as seperates… and what is not to love with that hat.

    The skin is the new Audrey skin by Tuli, a beautiful faced skin, that comes with many different options, but be very very aware, the options will not do you any good if you don’t use a viewer with tattoo layers. The lipsticks are all on tatttoo, so without tat options you will have bare lips on all skins, which is not that big a deal if you are not overly fond of lippy. The cleavage this time around is also on layers, so if you use a viewer that only allows for one tattoo, you are going to have to choose as well. This could be very unfortunate for those that have their own tattoo layers occupied with something like tattoos.

    It is a shame that many residents that refuse to use the viewer 2 and 2.1 options, or those that will not use 3rd party viewers that have them, will miss out on the options of this skin, but then it might just be what motivates them enough to give it another try.

    Very old and new hair from LeLutka, the old being Aradia, a wonderful straight style that so suited the looks, and Sugar and Deja Vu again, so soft, and fluffy. I am also wearing SLinks Charity shoes from Shoe Fair, these come with the option of colour or cork wedge, the colour option being the colour the shoe is. So sleek and shiny the leather is, and so versatile, them being perfect for this dark and sombre look, but fun and funky for another time.

    The shoes have the sculpted foot part built in, so instead of tinting to match my skin on the second, I went and tinted to match my socks, so funna with the ability to do that.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Aradia, Sugar , Deja Vu Again – Lelutka

    Skin: Audrey – Tuli

    Clothes: Veuve Ponsardin , Miss Mourn – Glam affair @ Potters Field

    Mourning Corset – Callie Cline @ Potters Field

    Shoes/Boots: Luicille – SLink Charity Shoes at Shoe Fair 


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Socks – DeLa

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Miseria

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • BOOM,  Cobrahive,  DeLa,  Fri.Day,  LeLutka,  SLink,  VR Foundry

    Ain’t no Shoe Pony


    So last night Whimsy and I were out and about doing our thing, when we decided that we were going to pick one store, and use the same item in a post. We got so excited that we even went to the store and ran around falling in love with everything all over again. Whimsy fell in love with the displays in the store, and they were/are adorable, but I was so overly impressed by the whole new and improved build – as I had not yet seen it, and it is lovely.

    So we ran home and jumped on our VR Studios and decided on the Mete as our shared item from Nyte n Day, I have shown it before as it’s own set, but today decided to take the main piece which is the beautiful tube top and work it in with some other Nyte n Day as well as designs from others. Nyte n Day has an incredible assortment of versatile separates, as well as complete sets, all at incredibly affordable prices. So mixing and matching is a breeze. Now during all of this of course Whimsy crashed hard core, and so much so that she didn’t return, I stood and waited, posing with the DARE poses of awesome but no Whimsy *pouts.

    Finally she came back today, and of course while I was head down bum up in Group invites for Hair Fair, she took her pics, and now we are writing at the same time. I am yet to see hers, but know it will be full of win as usual. You can see her post, if you haven’t already, over at Virtually Dressed. The hair I am wearing is Hepburn a new style by LeLutka, how cute is it, such an adorable little ponytail, almost Gidget like as well, the ribbon tie is colour change on click, and a lovely natural look.

    The Shoe Fair is still going strong, and another fabulous release at the fair are the Mieke boots by SLink. These riding boots are amazing, the leather work and just overall style is perfect for those that love equestrian pursuits. I know that Justice a good friend has been looking for a true riding boot for a long time, so she will be stoked I am sure. Make sure you gallop on over to shoe fair 🙂

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Hepburn Hair – LeLutka

    Skin: Lola – LeLutka

    Clothes: Mete Top, Lift Pants. Lift Skirt – Nyte n Day

    Neato Sweatshirt – Tres Blah

    Cashmere Sweater – BOOM

    Shoes/Boots: Mieke Riding Boots – Slink


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Dream Catcher Bag, Wide Waist Belt, Lucid Belt – Fri.day

    The Cozy Scarf – Cobrahive

    DuDu Clutch – DeLa

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : DARE

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • AOHARU,  Armidi,  HOC,  Kin,  Maitreya,  Sand Shack Surf Co.,  ShinyThings,  The Body Politik,  VR Foundry

    There be Dragons


    2010 Shoe Fair Poster

    I was having a ball running around the grid today with Mel and Whimsy. Mel decided to embarass me in open chat because he kind of forgot that there were people under us, lol. Now I am standing in a cave with two fabulous women as they discuss the new breedable Dragons that just opened Beta at Precious Dragons – I wonder if they eat bunnies?

    So I went running around Shoe Fair again today, and could not resist the new Shiny Things shoes….especially in the black and white. I wanted to show that they are so versatile, not only in a funky and fun look on the left, but also the more sedate look on the right.

    Another place I had to drag Whimsy to today, was The Body Politik as it is soon closing down for an exciting new rebrand, but with that going on, all of the items are on sale at fabulous prices. One of the awesome items I got last week when I was there is this incredible oversized hat, the suede hat is a must have, and fit beautifully over my new hair by KIN which is next door. If you go to TBP sim you need to check out all of the little stores of the build, because there are different departments all over the place.

    Don’t forget that many of the items for sale at Shoe Fair are donating proceeds to Charity, so well worth a visit for that reason alone.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Margaret – Kin

    Skin: Taylor – League

    Clothes: Front Tie Shirt – Niniko

    Highrise Tank – OhMai

    Jean Shorts – Maitreya

    Argyle Socks – Aoharu

    High Skirt – Maitreya

    Hermana Tank – Surf Co.

    Shoes/Boots: Zimmy Flats – Shiny Things 


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Glitz Bangle 17 – Armidi

    Rectangle Framed Glasses – HOC

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Olive Juice

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • 5th&Oxford,  aDORKable Poses,  BOOM,  Essentia,  Kalnins,  LeLutka,  Luck Inc,  VR Foundry

    Enjoy the strut

    Today 2
    Today 3

    2010 Shoe Fair Poster

    Holy Toledo – wonders if Toledo is more Holy than the rest of the U.S? anywho, so new hair is coming, and I have been chomping at the bit about it for weeks now. I wonder if you can guess who’s hair it is just by looking? and OMG Shoe Fair is just around the corner and right now I should be over there drooling, but I spent so long taking all these pics today, I totally lost track of the time. So much so that I got the dates wrong in my head.

    Some not all the shoes in todays post are new, newish and older. First two are newish with the Wonder Shoes by Kalnins, again with  just the colours I needed for my post. These give the oppurtunity for all one colour straps or two tone, which works really well. Also included is black, which if memory serves me well I have never used on Kalnins in the past.

    I would have to bet that many would agree,that Roslin teaching herself to make clothes in the past year was a much needed thing for our inventories. Especially as she has such a girly girl creative flow, it really does up the prettyness all over. The use of vintagey prints and soft fabrics, her dresses and swimsuits which I really really wish she would turn into a micro mini, are just beautiful, the swimsuit to me would also serve really well as a brushed velvet bodysuit, depending on what you did with it.

    Are you in lust with the hair yet? the first three styles are Amanda 1, 2 and 3. If you haven’t guessed already, all of the hair today is LeLutka and about to be released shortly, hopefully tomorrow so you don’t kill me. Thora has been doing a reworking of how she does hair lately and the work has paid off, the styles are soft when needed and perfect for picture taking when the style is created for effect more than motion. That is what has always been so stand out about LeLutka hair, the tendency to lean both ways, working not only for the photographers hiding in us all, but also for those that just want wearable beautiful hair.

    At last years Shoe Fair the very first store off the TP point for me was Ana Mations, and the items that jumped right out and grabbed me were the rollerskates. I remember a few familiar faces all piled into the store that night, and I spent the rest of my time rollerskating around.

    Now even though Anamations is an animations store, the skates do have their own tricks etc, but I went with the poses from aDORKable, who also have some great poses available at the fair this year. The chance to have such fun again came about because of the recent release of the roller rompers by BOOM. How fantastically 70’s are they, with of course a more modern twist, that being less fabric across the bum lol. Also from BOOM are the very cool tube socks and the rasta coloured sweat bands, to make it even more realistic I should have worn the sweat from Luck Inc, but I am saving that for another time.

    This project theomary about to take place is Beach Bash, and BOOM has released the pretty bikini set for the event, not only do you get the string versions but also the halter and fuller bottoms….but wait there is more, you also get all of them available on Tattoo layers. Talk about above and beyond layering wise, and with the new added layers options that is just tooo cool.

    If I was playing Family Feud and the question was ‘things you do in a sexy bikini’ I am so sure Hula Hooping would come up. So on that note the recent Hula Hooping Poses by !Bang worked out just right. For this set you get the pose and the prop – hoop – that has a texture change script built in, so that was handy to match up to my kini. Also matchy matchy due to the fabulous minds and scripterroos of SL, the latest Espadrilles by GOS are awesome. I really am happy that not only can you change the colours of the shoes with the menus once you add the new texture pack thing, but you can also change in parts, so rather than go all teal or all sand, I was able to mix and match. Of course espadrilles are a must have for summer, and these ones are fab.

    Lastly a little bit mixy matchy with the Luck Inc and BOOM. The bags are great, fantastic texture options, with scripts to change the handles and my favourite part is scripted to change size, now I prefer mod, but if no mod then this is wonderful for bags, because sometimes you want a huge oversized, and other times maybe just a carryon. The hair in this pic is Lake, gorgeous do, and so incredibly spot on if you know the inspriation. A lot of the new LeLutka hairstyles have been inspired by amazing women of the silver screen. Veronica Lake is of course the inspiration for this one, and I think personally Thora nailed it.

    The Enya boots by Kookie are the latest release at Shoe Fair, and they are wicked clompy. I almost went stormtrooper with them. But decided to keep going where I was headed as they worked that way too. Next time I will have to kick some bum with them on.

    The skin I am wearing is from Sn@tch and for the next few days they are having a huge sale, which includes the gorgeous skins. I had to get the pack of these, and the make ups are just stunning. As you will notice on the right I am a different tone, that is due to Luck Inc’s skin burner. I thought I had seen it all when it came to enhancements but this one takes the cake. Only 1L in the Main store, this is a tattoo layer only and you wear it over your skin and voila new tone. For those that love a darker tone, this is a major bonus, and will probably save people a fortune.

    Have a great weekend everyone, and do not forget Shoe Fair starts tomorrow.

    Picture :1

    Hair: Amanda 3 – LeLutka

    Skin: Plush – Sn@tch

    Clothes: Rosalie Babydoll – 5th & Oxford

    Shoes/Boots: Wonder – Kalnins


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Hair Rose – Essentia

    My Tote Bag (tinted) – Milk Motion -  50L Friday item of past weeks

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Reel Expression

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :2

    Hair: Amanda – LeLutka

    Skin: Plush – Sn@tch

    Clothes: Narita Swimsuit – 5th & Oxford

    Sculpted Sarong – Fishing prize – Exodi

    Shoes/Boots: Wonder – Kalnins


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Hair Rose – Essentia

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : Reel Expression

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Picture :3

    Hair: Amanda 2 – LeLutka

    Skin: Plush – Sn@tch

    Clothes: Roller Romper , Tube Socks, Rainbow Sweatbands – BOOM

    Shoes/Boots: Lo Top Rollerskates – AnaMations


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Armwarmers – Maitreya

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Picture :4

    Hair: Deja Vu – LeLutka

    Skin: Plush – Sn@tch

    Clothes: Project Themeory Beach Bash – BOOM

    Shoes/Boots: Espadrilles – GOS


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : !Bang

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Picture :5

    Hair: Lake – LeLutka

    Skin: Plush – Sn@tch

    Clothes: Bodacious Top – BOOM

    Petite Black, Ibiza Bikini, Sweaterdress, Slutty Skirt – Luck Inc

    Shoes/Boots: Enya Boots – Kookie


    Take it easy Tote – BOOM

    Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : aDORKable

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Essentia,  SySy,  Tuli,  VR Foundry

    It isn’t beans on toast but equally yummy


    I saw the release notice and squeeled, then later that night when I was able to off I went dragging Newdoll along with me.While we were there trying on demos, we were nattering away about different things, Hair Fair and upcoming events, such as Shoe Fair. It is an incredible amount of charity work that is done by Second Life residents each year, truly amazing, and yet we never seem to get the press for it ? why is that I wonder? not sensational enough maybe?

    Then we tpd back to The Deck, and I gave Newdolly a crash course in Kirstens Viewer, it is a bit less daunting than the regular 2.1 in so much as you are able to get rid of that sidebar if you wish, or only open your inventory as usual. I prefer it because it gives shadows of perfection, due to Kirsten taking the time to develop for ATI cards. The most recent upgrade has also included the amazing new layer options. Which I was meant to go into the other night, and truly forgot to explain that was what I was using to allow me to have two tattoo’s on at the same time, which until 2.1 regular and Kirstens you could not do.

    But it doesn’t stop with tattoo’s, you are able to now add up to 5 different options on the same layer. Now it is getting tricky, and you have to unlearn everything you have trained in wearing clothes up until now lol. With the new system it is a return to dressing as we do in RL not SL. Think in terms of layering RL, you cannot put on layers that go under, after the fact. Also there are two dressing options, wear or add. Wear is as usual the one that just replaces what you already have on, with new.

    So lets work on an example. You have a shirt you like to wear untucked, that is made on either the jacket layer, or extended using the pants layer. You would love to wear it with your favourite pants but they only come on the pants layer, and you really want to wear a jacket as well. So the way the older viewers work you couldn’t. Now though, you would wear the favourite pants first, then ADD the pants layer extender of the shirt, then the top of the shirt on the shirt layer, and lastly put on a jacket.

    I hope that makes sense. Anyway just remember if you want to wear another item of the same layer type use the add option not wear, and do them in the order from inside out.

    Now back to the squeeling, the hairbase tattoos and hairknot buns I have on are all from Amacci and my goodness they are fabulous. These do not include the brows, but with over 40 colours to choose from, or like me grab the whole pack – the price is awesome – you will be set for hairbases for life. The buns are elegeant and full, and the hair line is just gorgeous and will go with so many other stores hair textures too

    As soon as I put on the white one, I knew what skin I wanted to feature with it, the perfect ivory tone and lighter than light brows in the Hope skin by Tuli. The blue make up too was just perfect to show the first of the lovely Joelle dresses, I knew what kind of style I wanted to wear for the look, and knew just were to go to get it. SySy Designs has such a lovely collection of dresses from casual/dressy daywear like this one, to high voltage evening wear. I think though that for a while at least, the Joelle will be one of my favourite SySy designs.

    I continued with other skins by Tuli, just for the range in tones and looks, all complimenting the gorgeous hairbases. I would love if Carina would do a fantasy coloured pack in the bases too, because I really really wanted to see them in other colours lol.

    Have an awesome day/night…

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Hair Knot & Base Tattoo – Amacci

    Skin: Hope, Sayuri, Eva, Faith – Tuli

    Clothes:  Joelle Dress – SySy Designs


    Espadrilles – GOS


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Casablanca Set Silver – Essentia

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : SLC Body Language

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • AOHARU,  LAQ,  VR Foundry

    On my shoulder







    First off Happy Rezday Cajsa Lilliehook of It’s Only Fashion.

    What a week, it has been ages since I did a post. This week I moved, not far. Then I got cable installed, yay for more power, but that came at a price because the day after my pc went kaputski. You have never seen anyone move as fast as me in this situation, I was on the phone to Mel asking him to log onto Officeworks lol, and tell me what PC I needed for all the things I do. Then in a cab and back home all in just over an hour. With a brand new pc lol. It is so delish, but it is kind of freaking me out too, it makes way more noises than my old one, not the machine, but like when I click on things, or go to do something. It has windows 7 and that just makes everything seem shinier.

    I am totally focusing on the plus side though, like seriously I have lost 3 years of work on my old one, everything from PS in layers, all my logos, HF work for all three years. All my textures for The Deck for the builds and so on… serves me right for thinking I could make stuff, even all my new house textures and sculpties are gone. So today, to cheer myself up I bought a kit off Xstreet, and then changed it so much that I don’t even remember what it looked like to begin with lol. For some reason I work better that way, I can’t start from scratch in most things, but I can mod until it’s own mummy wouldn’t recognise it.

    Even funnier still, to me. I made lipsticks for todays skins and it ended up costing me a million lindens – exagerating – and then I realised that they will only ever suit this skin, so I will have to make new ones all over again for others. It’s all learning, so no harm no foul. I have actually put them at Flair @ The Deck for free for a while, on the walkway in a blue box, so stop by and pick them up if you have the same skin. Remember though they are tattoo’s so will only work with viewers that let you wear them.

    Anyway moving on, so I am wearing the Mima skin by LAQ and she is an asian beauty for sure. I was so excited to be able to also get my hands on the latest hairbase and eyebrow tattoos you can buy seperately from LAQ and I just had to, had to get the red and the blonde. I have been loving the red hair base and brows the most with Mima, the blend of eurasian – on my shape – and red hair is just awesome. It also gave me an excuse to buy some more hairbase styled hairs.

    The two pic pics are me in 2 of the lipsticks I made today, so you have to look at the montage pics to see the real make ups as they are, and truly they do not need lipstick to enhance them, they are just divine. All of the Jewelry I am wearing today is from Puarangi by Hibiscus Flossberg, the first set is so neat, not only is it really pretty, but you get to choose the gemstones you want, and there is a great selection to choose from. I couldn’t resist showing that sometimes I can really rock the purple, plus the other day Whimsy tried to demand another purple week from me, so this is what she gets :P.

    The ruffle rompers are from Aoharu, as are the fantastic western boots and fringe sandals, incredibly crafted, with resizer scripts. After you get them to fit you though, be sure to delete the scripts, because with that many prims they wont let you tp too easily. The rompers are so frilly and pretty, in long or short options and the tops are so easy to wear with many other items of clothing. Not only are there fabulous solids like these ones, but also some amazing prints. I was wearing the fish ones all week and of course lost those pics on the other pc.

    All of the poses used in todays pics are by SLC Body Language, they have a great new AO and poseset released this week, and as usual they are all fabulous to use. So make sure you check them out in the display stands in the store.

    I have a new friend, he is in beta at the moment, and is about to come with me to Cajsa’s Rezday Party. His name is Chip, and he is a Jester Bot by Jester Jyraffe. Jester J’s store is full of the most fun toys and items to wear and decorate with. You will find his store at the Deck so make sure you visit for the fun stuff, and look out for the robot, he is way too funna.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: HB 09, Tasha Hair – LAQ

    Skin: Mima – LAQ  

    Hair Base and Eyebrows Tattoo V2 Options Only layers – LAQ

    Lipstick tattoo Layer V2 Only  – Flair by Sasy Scarborough

    Clothes: Ruffle Romper – Aoharu

    Shoes/Boots: Fringe Western Boots, Fringe Morocco Sandal – Anexx


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Tango Set, Rumba Earrings – Puarangi

    Jolie Nails – SLink

    Jester J’s RobotJester J’s

    Eyes by : Fusemelon

    Poses by : SLC Body Language

    Equipment Used: VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Adam n Eve,  Armidi,  Essentia,  Magika,  Maitreya,  Stylish

    O to the B to the Noxious



    Ever since I saw a sneak peak at this skin in an ad for another item, I was smitten. I have been waiting impatiently, and finally today it was released.

    This is Bianca, the latest release from Adam n Eve, a pouty and sexy skin, with 12 make ups and four beautiful tones. There are two skins in the pack, one with and one without cleavage enhancement, as well as a whole lot of hair base and down there options on tattoo layers. The manicure and pedicure sets also come with as usual, so you get lots and lots of bang for your buck.

    The make ups are fabulous, and Sachi said that in the future she plans on doing more make ups as separate layers, so yay for that to look forward to. I noticed a subtle difference in the tummy area, so make sure you DEMO DEMO DEMO these skins because they are lush.

    The Edge dress is also by Adam n Eve and its a great Micro mini, but also has a flexi fuller mini skirt option, if the micro isn’t how you roll.

    New skin deserves delish new hair, and the three newest styles from Magika are todays treat. The one on the right is such pirate hair, I can just see guys that RP giving that one a run. Texture change bands too, so lots of fun to mix with your wardrobe, and I couldn’t resist wearing the booty bay boots with it .lol.

    I got new nails this week, aren’t they Speshul. As obnoxious as all get out, that is why I loves them. Blinged up and fabulously long…I got them in hot pink as well :P, you know you want some too lol.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Clair , Gwen, Tammy, Katie- Magika

    Skin: Bianca – Adam n Eve

    Clothes: Edge Dress – Adam n Eve

    Charcoal Pinstripe Blazer – Armidi

    Sculpted Socks – Maitreya

    Shoes/Boots: Samara – Adam n Eve

    MMMBoots – Maison Broceliande


    Hair Rose , Cathedral Necklace Essentia

    Lashes – LeLutka

    Gypsy Nails – MonS

    Knit Stole – SDB

    Eyes by :


    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Essentia,  LeLutka,  Sand Shack Surf Co.,  Tuli,  Urbanity,  VR Foundry

    Urban Tan


    Summer lovin Urban style, with new hair and new and improved jewelry I am stylin all the way to the surf.

    I am so excited that Essentia has recently updated one of my fav sets, Jaydie was created as originally a tigers eye set for Jaydie a long time friend of ours, who one day pined over the lack at the time of tigers eye jewelry. So Fia made this set for her and it was a hit, recently he has updated it so that now it not only comes in all his hand made gemstones textures but also silver or gold options at a click menu. So while wearing all these beautiful summer colours I was able to change my jewelry to match, WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

    The bikinis and cute little sporty skirts are new releases by Urbanity, such fun for either strolling down to the beach, or playing your favourite summertime sport. Which can be either volleyball or watching the gender of your choice get their own sun and fun lol. The ruffles are so cute on these skirts and without the prim attachment, you can actually wear them as sporty little shorties too.

    LeLutka is warming up for Hair Fair, with the release of 4 new stunner styles. Five were actually released but the hat hair is more of a unisexy suity style than swimsuity style. Feeling all tropicana, I went with the Tuli The Deck Exclusive skin, she created it to only be sold at her The Deck store – yay us – and with the beachy like theme of the sim, she wanted to have something that worked with that. I think it rocks, but not just for summery colours, but also as a definite out there make up.

    All the poses I am using are from Glitterati and don’t forget they are still having their SALE until the 21st , bargains to be found.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Luisa, Olja, Becks, Gwyn – LeLutka

    Skin: The Deck Exclusive – Tuli ( Tuli @ The Deck )

    Clothes: Summertime Bikini’s, Ruffled Sport Skirts – Urbanity

    Shoes/Boots: Desert Flats – Sand Shack Surf


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Jaydie Set – Essentia (now texture change)

    Eyes by :


    Poses by : Glitterati

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Miel

    It was a Blur


    One of those catch up days today. Have you been to It was a Blur yet? The mirror sim is hosting an interactive art exhibit featuring some of our incredibly talented designer/creators.

    You will find items (free and for sale) scattered around the floor about the sculptures. These are items created by our artists to help you blur with the environment. As a viewer of the art you are a participant of the art. You are the art itself. There are also poses, animations, sounds, and machinima to aid in your participation and full realization of the works. This is not a static artwork but rather a 4 week experience, after which it will only have been a blur.

    The exhibition is amazing, and does not take a lot of time to explore. You can take it all in in an instant, or spend a long leisurely amount of time immersing yourself in the content. It has something for all, as well as buyable art and items of clothing, skins and accessories, as well as some gifts.

    I purchased the skin by Tres Blah, such a lovely skin and *blinks* it has no down there, so not only is it perfect for all clothing lol, but for those that definitely don’t partake in extra nakey activities, or those wanting a great child or doll skin, this would be something to check out. The dress is Miel’s contribution to the exhibition, this dress is so pretty with its waffle like texture and frilly parts, definitely all girly girl.

    The event will run for a month, so be sure to grab some friends, or fly solo, up to you, but don’t miss out on It was a Blur.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: EliN – The Strand

    Skin: Harsh Blur – Tres Blah @ It was a Blur

    Clothes: Blur Dress – Miel



    Lashes – LeLutka

    Eyes by :


    Poses by : Part of It was a Blur

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

  • Ordinary,  Tuli,  Urbanity,  VR Foundry



    Sometimes you just have to go back through all your old LBD’s and find new and fun uses for them. Todays LBD though new to me, is definitely the style of dress one would have purchased for an event or dressy occasion, and now it might be sitting in your virtual closet waiting for the next time someone shouts “Cocktails”.

    By why limit yourself, and your wardrobe, there are so many rules now broken since now blue and green can be seen, and who the hell doesn’t wear white after labour day? for me it’s summer after labour day so why wouldn’t we wear white ? ( and yes before you explain to me it is an American thing, I know, I am just playin).

    Last week Whimsy and I Crashed the Albero Gatcha festival, well Whimsy crashed – a lot – and I met a lovely lady who ended up being the owner/creator of Modern Gypsy. So once Whimsy finally righted herself we went over there and shopped more. The bags are so funna, and I was so torn, but finally settled on this one, so cute and whats not to want from a pvc studded bag, I mean HELLO.

    The texturing on this bag is fab, and I just love pvc bags, they are ” so plasticcccy ” *lolz – I am so sure I have told that story in the past but if not long story short, Mum used one of my pvc handbags to go out with to dinner to a up itself restaurant with visiting from overseas friends, and the waiter found her bag on the other side of the room (revolving LMAO ) and asked her if the ‘very plasticy ‘ bag was hers. Seriously it is my biggest giggle of the 90’s.

    Anywho, bag = great fun, and the dress also being from there was a musty, it was funny because straight away I knew I wouldn’t wear it with heels and pearls, even though it is totally screaming that… it has a definite recycled vintage charm that I wanted to give a new life. With the help of one of the recently released Chokers by Urbanity, this style is called Owned.

    Curling my hair, and lashes, applying some fab plum make up – Tuli’s The Dressing Room skin this week – and wearing the hightops I have not put on in ages, I was off and running. To shop more of course.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Picture :

    Hair: Jacqie – The Strand

    Skin: The Dressing Room Gina 04 – Tuli (limited time only)

    Clothes: Urban Chic Dress – Modern Gypsy

    Shoes/Boots: Margay Boots – The Ordinary


    Lashes – LeLutka

    Spiked Patent Leather Purse – Modern Gypsy

    Owned Chocker – Urbanity

    Knee Band Pirate – My Pinkie Skull

    Eyes by :


    Poses by :

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck