
Male presenting chest you say!


In Second Life there are a lot of things that people do, there are parts of Second Life that I have never seen, and often wish that I had more hours in the day. I do not actually mean locations, even though there are so many of them I wish to frequent, but more to do with the communities that have evolved over the years into some of the biggest opportunities for growth than most of us know. One such community is the dancing community, there are so many groups of people that put on live performances in Second Life, that there is even a full blown Calendar of events that I saw once thanks to Crap Mariner and it blew my mind. How is this something going on potentially right now, that I was not aware of before. I mean I knew that people made poses, and I know there are outfits, and clubs exist for dancing, but I am talking about groups of people rehearsing and spending potentially months preparing for a show that will then have a run until the next show is started on. It is really amazing.

I will go more into things like that another time, but when I saw the NEW Slink Physique Homme Chest Augment that is releasing at Skin Fair 2020 that was ONE of the first things that came to mind, the idea that with the addition of this Augment to the FEMALE bodies, you could essentially turn your female person into a male person, without the extra package. There are so many ideas that I myself have come up with for this add on that I can only imagine how many more there are, and how far people will be able to take it. The great thing is that there are also two variations included, one is Male skin such as worn in my picture, and the other is Female with a very dehanced skin that is – I played around with things that I had and they need to be skins that have no shading underneath the bust. While some will wonder what this really does that makes such a big difference, well for starters SHOES! This now means that men can get in on the footwear that is often only available to women, and not only that but get onto the idea of feet having more than one position. In my pictures I am using the Slink Physique Original Bundle body, which comes with the deluxe feet, which means I can use the Pointe feet, and then added the Margot slippers that work on all the feet heights, so in the second picture one foot that extends is in pointe and the one under supporting is in kitten, just that left and right and ability to do something to make the male form look more realistic is wonderful. I had so much fun gearing up the male look that I then went with the female option.

Dancers are often very small breasted, and the Petites Augment that has been around for about 2 years now by Slink looks fantastic not just in everyday wear, but is so well suited for this dancer vibe, or just if you like a smaller chest, again you just wear it with your Original or Hourglass bodies by Slink. The sliders of your shape work on the augment, and I have it pretty high up, so you will be able to go very small if that is your preference. I am looking forward to sharing some other looks with these Augments in future, and the head I am showing partially is also at Skin Fair in the Slink booth as it is the New head Miranda, all Redux (bakes on mesh) and she has adorable dimples and a very strong nose that I really like. Speaking of heads, just a little trick for those that are now aware, and really just to show how incredibly talented Second Life Skin creators are, the MALE uv and the FEMALE uv of the SL heads are the same…I know right, so that means that you can use a male skin on a female head and vice versa. I am wearing one of the other female heads that are by Slink and it came out great with the help of an older Redgrave skin I was hiding in my inventory.

Skin Fair opens on the 13th of March and is a two region event, where you can find mesh body parts, skins, shapes, makeup options and more, so mark your calendar.


Equipment Used:


VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Dance HallFox City

Dancer in Black –  Flamenco Pose – Touch of Flare Poses

Sylvia – GlamrUs

LeLutka Axis HUD

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Slink Visage Ashlynn & Miranda Redux Heads – Slink @ Skin Fair 2020

Physique Original & Hourglass Bundle REDUX (bake on mesh compatible) Slink

Physique Original Homme Chest Augment – Slink @ Skin Fair 2020

System/Bom Layers:


Slink Physique Redux Base Skin 02 – Included with Bodies

Chris Skin – Redgrave



Chignon & Hairbase – Tableau Vivant @ The Arcade March 2020

Clothes :

Toeless Leggings – Flair

School ballet leotard black – 318


Margot Slippers – Slink


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