

Hair Fair 2019 - Noirette Region Edition Pt 3.gif

I am so excited that I made it through all the sims with time to spare, which means I will be able to, I hope, get in some last-minute stuff before Hair Fair 2019 comes to a close this Sunday Night 1st September. It has been a whirlwind of an event, and I am so glad that so many familiar faces were able to join us this year and some newer faces that just brought their A-game and how.

No.Match made me laugh with one of their great styles being called No.System and Bake on Mesh went live this week, so now the whole grid is all about the System layers return. Both styles are gorgeous in their curly splendour, really need to rock out the curls more often, because these styles had me wanting more.

Hair Fair 2019 - NoMatch.png

I ran to see what Liquid Moon had in store for me this year, by me I mean us, by us I mean me. But the booth was full of Male hair…I had words with the creator, nice words, kind words, but I will not lie I did pout a bit about no girls hair. HOWEVER not to be left without goodies, I tried my luck and while I was trying not to swoon all over the ads – those were some handsome looking ads – I got the Parker hair and I love it. Then to make it even girlier I added these stunning hairpieces by Lode also at Hair Fair. If you have ever visited my blog before you will know Lode is Love for me, but with the both combined, I was rocking it out, so Liquid Moon feel free to do Girls or Boys or Both in future, I will work it out.

Hair Fair 2019 - Liquid Moon and Lode.png

Ade released some beautiful soft and flowy styles. The style huds give you many options and a firm favorite for me is always going to be behind the shoulders, it just makes getting dressed so much easier. I also love the behind the ear placement, I almost went full sticky outy ears with my head HUD but decided to save that for another day.

Hair Fair 2019 - Ade.png

Emo-tions is blowing my mind, from elegant uppydo’s to full blown fantasy/rp looks with a little bit of casual sleek in between. Not that I am surprised really, Mirja has those mad skills, and she is also incredibly organised, you know she just makes hair, like literally just makes it and makes it and has styles backed up potentially for months. I used to announce a theme for My Attic back in the day and within hours she would already be sending me the ad for something that was not going to happen for a month. All events should have her in their rotation.

Hair Fair 2019 - EMOtions.png

Tukinowaguma was able to set up some beautiful styles this year, also ranging from the more casual to vintage elegance. With some great options for hiding and showing tendrils and alphas in case of hair base clipping, I thought that was pretty neat. This victory rolls style is just gorgeous, and the low hanging pigtails are much fun.

Hair Fair 2019 - Tukinowaguma.png

That is it for my region coverage of Hair Fair 2019. You can see all the previous posts here also. I hope you have enjoyed it, and I hope that somehow my pictures and words resonate with you enough to visit the event.






Hair Fair 2019 Booth Regions

Blonde Region SLurl

Noirette Region SLurl

Redhead Region SLurl

Cam Regions

Streaks Region

Perm Region 

Foils Region

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build


Poses by AMACCI

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

Skin Applier League

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

Avatar Enhancement Skin Appliers : League

Avatar Enhancement Nail Appliers: set 142 Flair

Makeup Appliers – Alaska Metro

Picture One:


No.System, No.WTF  – No.Match @ Hair Fair – Noirette Region


Lulu Dress – Tres Blah


Picture Two:


Parker – Liquid Moon @ Hair Fair – Noirette Region


Symphony, Meadow – Lode @ Hair Fair – Noirette Region


Sweetheart Top – Tres Blah


Picture Three:


Hailee, Skylie – Ade @ Hair Fair – Noirette Region


Mexican Folk Shift – Tres Blah


Picture Four:


Riley, Dora, Margery –  EMO-tions @ Hair Fair – Noirette Region


BodyCon Dress – Tres Blah


Picture Five:


Cassells,Gillett, –  Tukinowaguma @ Hair Fair – Noirette Region


Celine Dress – Tres Blah


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