Bella – League, Pulse, Gritty Kitty, Essentia
Today after work I tpd over to The Deck – yes, I opened a New Sim on the weekend – thanks to the lovely yellow dots that LL gave us for our mini maps, we are able to see friends when they are on the same sim YAY. So I tp’d over to find Whimsy all ready for some League lovin.
Totally the perfect time for another combined post, I donned my Bella Desastre outfit from League and we were off and sailing. Whimsy is wearing a fabulous outfit also from League but for all her info you will need to go to Virtually Dressed.
The Bella Desastre series has not only the full outfit in dress look, but also an Arm Set which consists of three different Glove styles and attachments, as well as the Bella Desastre Tops that are seperate and allow for different variations with the outfit skirts.The different skirt variations are also a lot of fun, from tattered to clean, and with the gathered bustle intended look, with a short skirt that is just adorable. You will need to be a bit less modesty conscious, and make sure that if your skin is leaning towards the larger nipples that you take that into account, but the Pulse Rebirth skin I am wearing kept my virtue intact lol.
This outfit in usual League style comes in the brown and the black, and the brown is just so lovely. The Asuka boots also by League are the perfect match for all of her looks of this nature, with their gold button down sides, they have such a realistic look to them for this genre.
I cannot wait to see the growth that is emerging from League as a store to be reckoned with, it has changed and woven its course from the start, and it is only getting better along the way.
The hat/hair I tend to wear often with this look is the Thursday style from Gritty Kitty, definitely my go to hat/hair for Steampunk, I did however hand tint the hat this time as their brown wasn’t this brown, but there are all sorts of menu options that are fab.
The skin as I mentioned is Rebirth by Pulse, all the skins in the Pulse range are just fabulous, and there are some new ones you will have to get demos of to see to believe, one is actually more mature by about twenty years or so.
So whether you are looking at a bit more of a revealing Steampunk, or a Wenchy Pirate lass as seen on Whimsy League is the go, remember to go visit Virtually Dressed to see her post.
Click HERE to use the TP’s to the Stores shown, or click HERE to return to the Sasypants.com homepage.
Hair by: Gritty Kitty
Skin by: Pulse
Clothing by: League
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia
Shoes by: League
Eyes by: n/a
Frame Hud by AM Radio from The Far and Away
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed. Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor: Maitreya Digital Dragon Designs Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses Happy Dispatch Juicy Grapevine Mela’s [LAP] Long Akward Pose ANIMAH Ana Lu Fresh Poses Naughty Neko Designs Imperial Elegance Lost Angels Studio Sidhe Vista Animations Dela Le Boudoir Mode d’Ambre Reel Expression Ex- Pose & Roodie Noodie Aphrodite Creations Tuli Mamesando Street Magic Hazel Coppens Poses @ Popfuzz KSCreations
Break Dancer – Dutch Touch, LeeZu,Courtisane
So I’m like, and you’re like, and I’m like I know right. That’s so totally the go with this outfit. I had my concept and I knew as I put the look together what I was aiming for, it had meant to be monocromatic, but then Fia infused some colour and it just heightened the whole thing.
The leggings are to die for, they are the Cat Tights from LeeZu, in the discount section and what a bargain, I will be going back for more of these, but on the day I couldn’t resist the silver. the skirt another dead set bargain is the Nell Skirt, a puffy sculpted tier skirt very reminiscent of the balloon skirts of the 80’s that’s so me and so the look I wanted today.
Have you seen the Electric Boogaloo movies, or any of the breakdance films of the early 80’s I loved them and this is how I would imagine going to dance class and then onto a club after. Both the skirt and the tights are in the discount section at LeeZu so that makes them MUST MUST HAVES.
The top I am wearing is actually part of the Bra Dress by Dutch Touch , I saw the top mixed with pants on her incredible look book mix and match sets and couldn’t resist buying it this morning. The great thing about Iki’s idea to combine her items is she has actually combined them in the store also, so if you ever imagined a pair of pants from one set with the top of another, or couldn’t actually grasp the look , she has done it for you, so those big pictures in her store now are in fact for sale with the items as shown.
The Onyx skin is also from Dutch Touch which I have shown in the past and is just beautiful, check out the DEMOS while grabbing the rest :P.
Now speaking of Onyx leads to Maitreya, which leads to the fabulous Long Scarf worn around my neck, the scarf has 7 options in the menu, for wind blown looks, shorter and long, as well as flexi, fabulous for pic taking. The Armwarmers another must must must, are in different triple packs , the fabulous red being in the sunset pack, these are so 80’s which of course makes them so now.
Up or Down , hmmm lets go up, the NEW today hair from Magika is the Charming style, and it is that indeed, a funky side pony in the white with those fabulous sideswept bangs they are known for. Magika has a HUGE release today of 5 styles and lots of other bits and pieces so be sure to check those out.
The Hair Rose by Essentia is the absolute perfect red to match not only the armwarmers, but also the simply stunning shoes.
The Shoes are from Courtisane , they are the Devoue Sandals in Red. I don’t know where to start on these shoes, the wickery look platforms are just divine, the polka dot gathered uppers are beautiful and just the right type of texture for this style shoe, the fact that they tie at the back is just beautiful, lending itself to the idea that you can do more with the shoes dependant on your mood, one day wearing this way, another possibly wrapping the ties around once more to the front of the ankle. They have such divine possibilities. Finishing them off with a lovely rose.
The Courtisane Devoue Sandals come in a gorgeous array of colours and believe me I will be showing these again, but don’t wait for me, get your own FAST, they are so vintage decadent I adore them.
They also go with everything lol. A little more casual I have been romping around the grid in the Siske overalls by Dutch Touch on and off for days now. Now they do come with a shirt, but seriously I can’t help it, if overall bibs cover up enough I am all for shirtless lol.The other reason, and I swear this is a reason lol, the way these have been created,is to have the mid section belted look, keeping them from gaping when you move, so seeeee even Iki designed them for me to wear without a shirt :P, ok maybe not for me, but for everyone lol.
One of the Siske 2009 sets came with toeless socks, and I loved the look so much I went to investigate, are there more of these gems ? YES and not just one or two but two packs of SOCKS that are toeless OMG these are so yummy. I am wearing the Plaid version in Grey and I loves them, there is also a different print pack that is much bigger than the plaid so buy that too, I couldn’t resist both. Dutch Touch has so many mix and match items.
Another New style from Magika is the Summer, this style is a lovely front facing lowtails look, there is a sunny version as well with braids, check out the NEW Styles asap. This style has a lovely headscarf wrapped and ending with a bow at the back, it’s also texture change on drop down as well as mod, so make a copy and play with your own textures on the headband if these don’t suffice.
The Jewelry is from Persona and is the Crack Metal large bangle, the Wood Metal bangles and the Wood Metal Necklace, with the bronze metal they matched up to the metal detailing in the Siske overalls by Dutch Touch really well.
Click HERE to use the TP’s to the Stores shown, or click HERE to return to the Sasypants.com homepage.
Hair by: Magika
Skin by: Dutch Touch
Clothing by: Dutch Touch, LeeZu
Jewelry/Accessories by: Maitreya, Essentia, Persona
Shoes by: Courtisane
Eyes by: M.Fox
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for: Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed. Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor: Maitreya Digital Dragon Designs Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses Happy Dispatch Juicy Grapevine Mela’s [LAP] Long Akward Pose ANIMAH Ana Lu Fresh Poses Naughty Neko Designs Imperial Elegance Lost Angels Studio Sidhe Vista Animations Dela Le Boudoir Mode d’Ambre Reel Expression Ex- Pose & Roodie Noodie Aphrodite Creations Tuli Mamesando Street Magic Hazel Coppens Poses @ Popfuzz KSCreations
Popfuzz and the Concrete Flowers
So I was out with Fiachra looking at Prefabs and was half focused on what was in front of me. Thinking that it was Fia in front of me, his response in voice was ‘No I am not wearing a Berry covered in Cupcakes as a bag”, if something is going to make you sit up and zoom in, that would be it.
Loving Inspect as much as we do, you know that right click on a prim attached to a person, and hit inspect which then gives you creators name etc, I was off and running to the store Concrete Flowers. The backpack that I got a quick glimpse of and was able to inspect in time was fantastic, makes me wish I had done more with my cupcakes – might just have to now – but alas as much as I combed every inch of the store I could not find the Berry/Cupcake Backpack…if it exists somewhere else, please let me know as it is so cute.
But equally cute is the Num Yum Strawberry Backpack by Concrete Flowers, don’t you just love that name. The texture and detailing on this bag is just great, and fun to wear..it is really inexpensive too, and some of the items in this store are WOAH out there lol, so make sure you check them all.
The New Nadia dresses by Popfuzz that I showed you the other day in the baby pink for RFL come in 13 rich colours. When changing back and forth something wonderful occured to me, the ability to use the prim collar, and cuffs in a contrast way, means that you get so much more for your moola. The fatpack is an insane price, so if you like more than two buy it as a fat pack, you will save money.
A quick trip to HCT this week had me realising that Babyboo has added to the dollarbie wall, now way back when this style was released myself and a friend nearly broke our necks trying to get to it. I have tinted the prims on Nice as they do come white,pink and black originally, but all colours in this style for only 1L is awesome.
I know I am starting to look very festive in this red and green get up, so to finish off that Elfy mood I am wearing the Heavy Metal boots in Ivy by Royal Blue. They are lovely little ankle boots with a lot of strap and buckle detailing.
Have you noticed my ample cleavage yet?.Not only is that due to the fabulous Nadia dresses, but also the incredible Indulgence Skins by Popfuzz, they are a new skin line not yet released by Popfuzz, but as a special Gift to all that join her Subscriber Service it can be yours, the skins come in all tones as a Gift – 9 of them to be exact – and also have the Cleavage enhancement Skin included.
What a gift and what a skin, to get yours all you have to do is go to the Popfuzz Main Store, click on the subscriber in the doorway, and then click on the Gift Skin box next to it. Make sure that if there are many people trying to do so that you wait paitently to subscribe, too many trying at once may not work.
Feeling very Referee like in this mixing of the white and black Nadia dresses – Fia said I can’t be because I am not stripey – but either way I am loving this look, I could play like this forever with these incredible dresses.
The Diva heels are from Tesla and were just perfect for this look, the LuLu Tube socks are a must have from LuLu by Celestial Studios store, which all this time I have not realised was relocated to a seperate part of the sim, so an extra Slurl has been added under L on my page, as you know I am a huge fan of the skelly socks in the past, well that sock collection just expanded when I went to get the new slurl, at only 30L a pack of three pairs they rock.
Also Starley has been spring cleaning, and in doing so has added a new section to her CS store, a discount section filled with Hair, Manicures, Clothing and Shoes.. all the items are incredibly affordable and lets just say PANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTS .
Another of the fab 1L styles from HCT is the Mariela hair , a lovely lush pony style.
While changing back and forth to come to some decision on what colour contrast to do next it suddenly hit me. The perfect shoes for the Nadia dress are in fact the Marie shoes by Tesla, the two tone mary jane t strap style, that comes in such a huge contrast arrangement, that I think every colour in the Nadia can do.Just so that it is in type and I cannot deny it, I actually really like this purple so wanted to be sure to show it as one of the many beautiful colours in the range, still cranky there is no grey though. Also with the dress I am wearing the Tintable Stockings from Popfuzz, that I have tinted in appearance mode to a goldish colour, matching the dress and prims really well.
Bringing more pazazz to the look is the Funk 80’s Bangle from CORE, this is a stacked bangle look that is in fact mod, so resizing was cake. The stacked look is fun, and when you have bare arms in a dress like this one, adorning them with something as fun and printed as this is great, also it comes on both right and left attachments, so you can decide which one works better for you.
Speaking of what works best, the Joh hairstyle by SLink is another New Release, a Unisexy style that looks just as delish on boys as girls. Using the slick SLink hud to texture change dependant on what you purchase this is so easy to just change colours when needed rather than reattaching a new wig.
The style is lovely , but definitely a bit on the oo la la side when you follow the line of that strand at the front, if you have to start telling who you are talking too to raise their eyes to yours, don’t blame them blame the line of this wonderful hair, oh and um Popfuzz’s Skin lol.
This is the perfect chance to demo this new skin release coming soon, do not miss out on these incredible Indulgence Gift Skins by Popfuzz, they will not be staying put for long.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: HCT, SLink
Skin by: Popfuzz
Clothing by: Popfuzz
Jewelry/Accessories by: CORE, Concrete Flowers
Shoes by: Tesla, Royal Blue
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more.
The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Relay for Life Clothing Fair – SLink, Fleur, VR Foundry, CKS Designs, Adam n Eve, SySy Designs
Roslin Petion of Fleur always has this insane ability to catch me on a posestand, it used to be not so strange as I was pic taking all day for a long time, but the last few times it has been bloggers fate for sure.
I was one pic in and as soon as I saw the New Shoujo skins I knew I had to start over.
The post today is items that are featured at this years Relay for Life Clothing Fair 2009. HERE Is a list of all the sims and the stores that are featured on each one, tomorrow is the last day, so make sure you head on over.
This first dress is the VR Foundry Relay for Life item, during the fair; the money from each sale of the Deep Red Fantasy Dress will go to Relay for Life. So many people I know, and people I have come across just loved the Black Fantasy, so to have such a deep and gorgeous Red available now is a MUST HAVE!, but I have been informed that there are other colours to come soon as they have been requested by all the Fantasy fans.
The Deep Red Fantasy Dress comes with not only the long and sexy dress, but also the sheer crossover straps teddy which you can wear seperately and is just a lovely extra. The other extra and something I wear often with pants, shorts whatever, is the incredibly delicate belly chain that comes with the Fantasy dress. So remember all sales during the fair of this dress in the deep red will go to RFL.
The hair is an older style from ETD but so elegant, and is the Anisa style, ETD is still under construction but soon to be re-opening.
This is not one of the New Fleur Skins but an older one, the Vivant Lalique which is so sultry and the perfect colour blend for this dress, there are many beautiful deep make ups at Fleur, the newer ones are very light and incredibly delicate, sooo gorgeous but I wanted to wear this one for this dress.
The Medalion Set of Earrings and Bracelet, and the Burgundy Hair Rose are all by Essentia, and well you know I think they are Must Haves, there are DEMOS at the Essentia Main Store.
The Shoes I am wearing are brand new today, they are the Caged Platforms by SLink, and as they are SLink shoes that means they have feet. Since the Glamour Shoes I have shown in the past SLink shoes have gone even further in the HUD additions.
Motivated by how VR Foundry Posestand HUD has two sides that rotate depending on need, the Omni HUD that comes with the SLink Shoes now flips around to give so many more options, and WOW what options. Not only do you get the tintable skin options for the feet, but there are so many incredible extras for the shoes.
Lockable Feet is an option that is similar to the Boot Fixer, giving the ankles an animation keeping them in place so that straps and the tops of the sculpted foot don’t interfere with your stylish look. But not only lockable ankles but also now the addition of Pointe, so that those that are going with the bare foot look from SLInk can kneel or sit coyly and it will only enhance the experience.
More metal options for the incredible prim work of the Caged Platform Heels themselves, and the amazing detailing up the front of the foot into the straps. More Toering options for left and right or without. A huge assortment of toepolish colours, as well as the addition of Nail Art for the larger toes.
Now also with the addition of stocking toes, for when tinting feet to match stockings or pantyhose you may be wearing, now I am not a huge fan of open toed and stockings, but in some cases it is acceptable it depends on the shoes, but the fact you can do it rocks lol. There is also a slider resizer for those that don’t want to feel that size 0 feet is the only option.
The prim work as stated is just incredible on these shoes, each part of the cage work is individual primmage, and it really shows the dedication that Siddean has to making our feet feel treasured and pampered.
I have seen people in chat – which makes me cringe – comment on the negatives of prim toes/feet etc, and it is always about how hard it is to tint them etc, just remember something very very important, you cannot get them 100% spot on, because every single skin uses different methods to reach the desired tones, every single person in SL is seeing SL differently than you, it will never matter if you are all using the exact same WL settings unless you have the same pc with same graphics and same exact lighting RL you will see things differently.
ALSO and this is the most important part, no ones feet are the exact same shade of skin colour as their legs lol, we spend so much time with our feet inside of shoes, that it is natural for them to slightly differ, just like our torsos don’t match our arms. So lighten up on yourself and others, and just enjoy the pretties, because otherwise you will either send yourself balmy trying too hard , or you will miss out on the fun of having sexy shoes.
Popfuzz released this Nadia Dress recently and this tight and sexy number is in pink for RFL Clothing Fair , there are a huge range of other colours available but the sale of this one will go to RFL during the fair.It has a zippered front that if it was RL you would have to pin on the inside to ward off any lecherous zipper attacks lol, or not, depends on if you like suddenly baring all.It is tight, tight, tight, and in true Popfuzz style it has taken into account any issues with the system templates, Popfuzz has added prim sleeves to the dress and even though it looks like they arent there at all, that is the point, they are purely to neaten up the template line of the sleeve, she goes above and boyond with all her creations that way.
There is a super kinky Naughty Nurse Nadia dress costume also for sale, not for RFL.. that is a special complete set including skins that you need to check out also, I will be showing that another day.
The Skin I am wearing is the Shoujo by Fleur in the Boutique Azalea tone, the make up is number 5 and there are 6 make ups in total for this release that is due out tomorrow. As per usual the bodies of the skins are soft and romantic, with all of the delicate features that you love from Fleur skins.
The faces of the Shoujo skins are just lovely, so pretty in features, and soft and alluring. I really love this new range of make ups too and they worked perfectly with the range of clothes I was shooting, so timing is everything.
The hair is another New release by SLink or recent release, the Lorelei hair is a long tail style with different bands traveling up the tail itself, keeping such a thick tail tame. The hair at SLink also comes with an incredible hud to change textures with giving you so much range with the one wig, the bands also have texture change capabilities.
I of course had so much fun changing Toenails and metal features with the Caged Platforms, also by SLink, DEMO DEMO DEMO.
One ofthe Must Haves with the New Shoujo Skins is the New Stella Dress by CKS Designs, Kit being a huge fan of all that Fleur does it was a no brainer on reshooting. The Stella dress is a mid thigh asymetrical Cocktail dress, that comes in this lovely pink cherry colour for RFL.Other colours are also available at the fair, and this is only one of the RFL items on offer by CKS Designs. The foral look adornment on the dresses one strap can be worn with or without, both ways looks great, and the strappy back is definitely inviting trouble, what man can resist straps lol.
With the Stella dress I am wearing the Love Song Necklace from Sable Rose, the colours in this lovely necklace just enhance the whole romantic look. The Jacquie hair is another style from SLink and I really like the Jackie O style updo, this is not the first retro look style with a Jackie O name that has come out of SLink, so I am seeing a real vintage influence in her style.
The lips on Shoujo are just wonderful, had to share that observation, coz I like so totally paused then.
Another Incredible Relay for Life item is the Marblelous Gown from SySy Designs, very steam punky in texture, this gown has such a lovely essence about it. The colour scheme has this mix of leather against bare skin kind of feel to it, but you are completely covered… a bit naughty if you ask me.
I love how this looks with the innocent look of the Shoujo Spring 4 Make Up, the blush on the cheeks giving it a demure and bashful look, where with the illusion of the dress can be incredibly striking. The Marbelous gown also comes with the wonderful beaded choker, featuring a soft flower at the front, a great piece that you can wear with many other pieces in your inventory.
The Ashley hair by SLink has so much more going for it than I captured in the picture, a lovely braid amongst the loose bun style, you will need to check out the DEMO for yourself, a fabulous transition style which can move from casual all the way to formal, and everything in between.
Make sure you pay attention to the wonderful Eyes I am wearing in todays post, these are the Chemistry Grey Eyes from PanJen , very beautiful and we all know how much I loves my grey. While you are checking out the eyes, make sure you grab all her lashes as well, they are amazing.
Lastly not a RFL item, but featured at the fair this year is the amazing Glamour Gown by Adam n Eve. This gown has three skirt options, the full gown as shown and a micro mini and flexi mini. The gowns that come out of Adam n Eve are always so amazing, this is no exception.The colour for a start is remarkable, the shading and detailing on the bodice of the dress is superb. My favourite part as I am sure it will be everyones is of course the sequin effect across the breasts, thats almost a blend of silver and gold, which I just love.
The Jewelry I am wearing is from Primagine, a set that is by name Everyday, but in this incidence could be called Special Occasion. Beautiful craftmanship on these pieces, the heart featured on earrings, necklace and bracelet is just lovely with its Diamond insert, the bracelet is my fav of the pieces because it has that charm bracelet quality I love, all the pieces tie in so well with the gown.
Make sure you do not miss out on the items at Clothing Fair, it ends tomorrow so you do not want to miss out, and even if you have been already, give it a whirl again, you may find something that you missed the first time.
Such an incredible cause, and so much hard work has gone into it, a big congrats to all that took part and a huge hug for all those that ventured over with the right frame of mind.
Don’t forget also the Shoujo Spring skins will be released Sunday 22nd so make sure you DEMO up a storm.
Remember the clothing is all available at the RFL Clothing Fair click HERE for SLURLS.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: SLink, ETD
Skin by: FLeur
Clothing by: VR Foundry , Popfuzz, CKS Designs, SySy Designs, Adam n Eve
Jewelry/Accessories by:
Shoes by: SLink
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more.
The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Resort This – DeLa, Bebae, LeLutka
This is the hair I was referring to yesterday. The Ohara hair by LeLutka is just beautiful, obviously inspired by Scarlet herself, definitely a Must Have.
Also a must have and total system skirt love for me is the Newish release from DeLa of the Leta Skirt and Top, and the Leta Jacket, sold as seperates and in such a broad range of gorgeous colours. I really love the Leta jacket as it reminds me of vintage bed coats, which I have a lot of RL , they are so adorable and became very popular to wear as shrugs over cocktail frocks for a while here.
The wrap and tied front to the skirt is lovely, giving it a turned over look and finish. The style is very resort wear and I found myself luxuriating on the beach in one the other day very blissfully. This combo would definitely also fall into the date wear category, very feminine and dressy, without being too stringent and uncomfy.
The Silvera shoes and Tiana jewelry are also from DeLa and as shown in the past they are superbly crafted. This set is also available in a gorgeous colour at Clothing Fair with all money going to Relay For Life, also DeLa are one of the sponsors of this years fair which is awesome, they are such lovely girls both Kura and Eitaro ♥.
This next pic is the same Leta combo, but I couldn’t not show this fantastic deep pink, what an amazing colour. With such a heavenly pink I didn’t want too much in the way of lipstick, so the Coral Skin by Bebae shown in both pics has such a wonderful range of make ups that this choice was easy.
The eye make up on the Dare make up is just divine, again those incredible full lips and perfect nose with the deep smouldering eyes creates such a perfect look. As I said before I would show a little more of these skins over the next few posts, and more you see in the form of my tummy lol.
It really is such a striking skin and definitely enough range to make it a go to skin, the type that you have in all make ups for all sorts of conditions, it also has such a lovely sheen to the skin especially in the Cinna tone, so as I said yesterday DEMO DEMO DEMO.
The hair I am wearing in this pic is another from LeLutka which is Venessa 2, I remember getting Venessa 1 as a group gift way back when they started making hair and falling in lust with it, so 2 had to be had lol. Finishing off the look with the Stella pumps in deep pink, the bows the bows its all so prettyful.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: LeLutka
Skin by: BeBae
Clothing by: DeLa
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia, DeLa
Shoes by: DeLa
Poses by: LAP
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more.
The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Tartan Power
Callie Cline is always up for some fun, and with the Tarty Girl sets it’s that and more. I love tartan, checks, plaid, gingham it’s all fabulous. The cute girly girl dress has an edge to it with the tartan in this case, and I really like the semi scoop in the boostier top.
One thing I did notice about the dress, is they don’t come with glitch pants, so make sure you have some sort of leggings or tights handy or you may just be invited to more parties than you want to be :P.
I am wearing it with another Callie Cline creations which is the Snow Baby Forever Sweater, these sweaters come in three different lengths with the prim collar, cuffs and actually a very scots like beanie hat – not worn.
The necklace and earrings are from Dark Mouse and are the Big Flower sets, stunning long chain for the necklace that is really appealing, drawing attention to the lovely scoop of the dress.
I saw Thema last night at an event and she had on hair to die for, I hadn’t seen that release from LeLutka and was so over there first thing today, only to find that with the new layout there were wayyyy too many styles I never saw released :(, I made up for it though lol. This is the Dianna style – not the one Thema was wearing – a beautiful smooth bun.
Wanting a bit of an edgier look with the tartan I opted for just the top, as it comes with variations with the dress. This is the Zippered top from the Red Tarty Girl- Tarty Party dress. I really like this as a top, especially with the zippered look, the pants I am wearing are fantastic Leather Pants from Adam N Eve, they come in lots of colours and the leather work is great.
Speaking of Fantastic, the New J’s 3 way Engineer Boots are INCREDIBLE! these aren’t just Must Haves these are more like, omg if you don’t own these you are bonkers. I am all about boot love, and especially biker/engineer boots. These are so well textured and the colours are amazing , but in the usual J’s style you do not just get one pair but numerous options in the one pair.
These boots are scripted that you get full up look, turned down look, and turned over 2 look, but even better is that you get to choose right or left as you do it, so you can wear one up one down, swap them around etc…that is a lot of looks with one pair and such a bargain.
The belt I am wearing is from Virus Co. the Scrap Mechanic just added a bit more fun to the look, it even comes with a hand held wrench as an extra with it, and is in a few sizes as well as mod.
This hair is the DJ style from LeLutka, another New to Me style which is actually a fab Unisexy style. The Leather Wrist Cuffs are from Sable Rose and they come in various leathers as well as other fun styles, they make a great addition to your edgier looks.
Lastly another mix and match look using the fun pieces from Callie Cline. The Forever Sweater in Brown is a beautiful shade for this time of year, I love brown mixed with other colours, especially like here mixed with pink.The sweater also has a second option for the collar, shown on the top pic with the scarf, Wearing also the beautiful Jeans Sculpted Skirt from Dutch Touch in brown, this skirt is lovely, the texture is great and the fit on the sculpties was easy. This skirt comes in other colours and the new seperates from Dutch Touch are perfect for coordinating with each other.
Recently when Newdoll, Whimsy and I went on our last big shop we ended up at Jaywalk, and while I was praising and ooooing about the fantastic socks there I realised there were many I didn’t own, so fixing that these are the fabulous Kelly Socks. These are the 3way Engineer boots in another colour, these are so fabulous you really Must Must Must get them.
This last hair style is the Sasha hair, a fantastic concave cut from LeLutka, beautifully styled and covering one eye, it really is lovely.
Now about those skins, Bebae recently released Coral , a New skin that is just all of the things we already love about Bebae and more. Beautiful bow shaped mouth in the glossy lips that Torie does an incredible job of everytime. I really don’t know how she manages to create such a natural gloss but it is definitely her fortay.
I will show more of this skin in the next post but as a glimpse the cleavage and shading on the upper body you can see is just beautifully orchestrated. Each skin comes with three eyebrow options depending on what colour hair you wear you have choice, choice is wonderful :). The make up in the Coral range is as superb as usual too, some rich and glossy looks combined with some basic looks for day to day wear.
Lastly and importantly 😉 they has shaved o/, lol. Remember DEMO DEMO DEMO.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: LeLutka
Skin by: Bebae
Clothing by: Callie Cline, Adam n Eve, Dutch Touch, JayWalk
Jewelry/Accessories by: Dark Mouse
Shoes by: J’s
Poses by: LAP
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more.
The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Springing into LeLutka
The collection is inspiring, the creators are exceptional, and the way in which you wear any of these items will have you feeling that spring is truly in the air. The LeLutka release was a fabulous show and the looks you are seeing today were actually put together for the show by Mariya Nesiote one of the Stylists for LeLutka who did an incredible job. I will show a variation of some because thats just me lol, but for the most part they are exactly as we saw them :).
The Valentina dress is elegant and stylish. The ruffle is a beautiful addition to the style of this system skirt pencil dress, but you can wear it without and have a completely different look. The belt adds that little extra with a stylish L for LeLutka to show that you know where to shop for classy creations. The earrings that are a MUST HAVE as is all of the Jewelry by Miabella Foxley for LeLutka, but seriously the Hampton Earrings are to die for. Nana Heels you should all have by now are from Enkythings and look fantastic with this dress as they pick up the same shine in the black as the dress does.
Sophie hair by Maitreya is such a wonderful transition style moving from uppydo to casual retro creatively.
This style is the one that nearly brought the house down. Marleen and Whimsy both stated that they want to be buried in this Gigi Trench, and I must say that they can, but I want to live in it as much as possible lol. This is such a vintage 60’s inspired look, I love the texture and shape of the coat, and its ability to be worn as a shorter top you will see further along.
The lovely tan/cream Kitty top is so soft and a definite staple, very well paired with the fabulous Chocolate Heidi shorts. The 100%Plastic bag was given as a group gift early yesterday and is just fabulous fun, the portfolio has me giggling all the way to my own shoot.
Miabella has done something with the Reese necklace that I myself haven’t seen before, she has added shading to the prims so that it actually casts a shadow on the body, very well done and the textures in her pieces are just gorgeous, all that experience in PS has totally payed off for those that are going to be big fans of her in world creativity.
I am wearing the Chloe hair by Maitreya in this shot because the cream cap just adds to the light tones in the outfit so well, the beanie is of course texture change on click , but this cream was perfect.
Who wouldnt love Green Zebra stripe, the Zeba Skirt is just gorgeous. Worn here with the Olimpia Sweater and Carla jacket, they are styled together but you will need to take the Olimpia collar off to wear it properly, or at least edit the prims enough so it fits realisticly. The coat is cinched in at the waist with the gorgeous Michelle belt, the accessories in this Spring 2009 release are just amazing.
The hair is Messy by LeLutka and the shoes are their new foray into footwear, making them now an all rounder, the textureson the shoes are beautiful and rich, these are the Shanon heels you will see throughout the post in carious colours.
Everyone oooo’d when this dress hit the runway, this feminine floral creation is the Flora dress, the plum pink mixed with the vibrant green is stunning and because of the lovely ribon trim can be worn as a top easily, as there are different options for the layers. As I said accessories are beautiful and the bags are so incredible through the whole range, this is the Glen top handle bag, a great hand held bag thats not too small you can’t fit all you need inside of it.
The hair is the Donatella style from LeLutka decorated with the Hair Rose in plum by Essentia. Another gorgeous pendant by Miabella@ LeLutka is the Florence, a Glass pendant with a metalic inlay, its really beautiful, reminiscent of a monacle.
When this outfit hit the runway it immediately made me think of Thora, this is totally her style.. Sinner or Saint is the question or is it just a statement, why choose?. The Masha pants and Tank Top are fantastic exploring wear, fun in the sun can be shielded with the protection of the fabulous Fedora hat, the hair I modded a lot under neath it is the Peta style.
The Sack Bag is a Must Have and if you are in the group a Golden Rod one was sent out yesterday with various other fabulous items, I am so in love with not just the bags from LeLutka but the inbuilt AO’s, I actually emptied one out of the bag and added it to my other handbag AO also made up of LeLutka bag poses and walks so now I have a left and right, I am planning a tutorial on that shortly.
The Jewelry is the Drop Pendant and Earrings in Mayan, and the fun and fabulous Cuff bangle in Lime by Miabella@LeLutka, so delicate and so many beautiful colours to choose from. Korina Ballet Flats are so sperbly textured you would swear they were velvet soft.
This isthe Lotta Top, a gorgeous sculpted top with a beautiful one sided straps look. The fabric in this top is just gorgeous and bring sthe whole look together beautifully. The jeans are the Mischa jeans, cuffed bottoms giving them a very cool old school look. The Wooden Bangle 2 and Wooden Cuff with the Tate Hair all give it a hippie chic feel that is very well established with the Love Junky Logo across the leather label on the back.
Not part of the collection already styled is the Olimpia Sweater and the fabulous Mona Jeans skirt I couldnt resist. Again using that fabulous Michelle belt to cinch it all in and add a little bit of the soft tawny colouring that is finished up with the Shanon shoes.
Silver hoops by Miabella are always a girls best friend, and these are dangly ones that don’t put the hoop through the earlobe but actually just rest nicely hanging from the hook, such lovely detailed work. The hair in this pic is River 2 by Maitreya.
I adore, love, cherish, and wish to live in these pants. They are the Olimpia pants and so far I have three pairs and want all of them. These are the perfect yoga style pants, they are full flare and just so gorgeous. The top is the Mila top and again sculpted and so pretty in the tiered style.
Another fantastic casual day look, with the perfect Sunglasses which I also love and there are many colours to choose from in the store, as well as the Cuff bangle, Sack Bag and Diamond Shanon shoes, finishing off the look with the Mary Kate hair by LeLutka.
Another incredible dress and in such a stunning green is the Lea dress, now everything shown today comes in a huge array of colours, so even if you don’t like the ones shown make sure you look to see what other ones are available. The Lea dress is actually so beautiful as a top also, I was wearing the top to this one with the green Olimpia pants and the look wonderful together.
The sculpted top needed a touch of fitting for me at the breasts, but edit linked parts is your friend, or use the resizer script like I often do in a copy version of the top, so you can do minimal changes at a time. The scalloped bottom to this dress is just wonderful and it flows around you so well with movement. The Hair is Eva 2 by Maitreya, the Eva styles are must haves for sure.
There is something too fabulous about high waisted shorts or pants, in this incidence its all about the shorts. The Michelle shorts are just that kind of fabulous, in such wonderful soft pastels, but the selling point has to be not only the high waisted look, but the perfectly cure contrast colouring on the arch at the bum, alluding to definite perkyness.
A wonderful way to get the most out of the Gigi trench coat is to wear it as a cropped tied up top, and with this ensemble it is just that, whether with something like the Silky Shirt underneath or without. The hair is a Electra and the lovely jewelry by Miabella that compliments the style and the colours is the Grace Pendant and Earrings.
Another show stopper is the Simone Dress, the perfect frock for spring, the dresses texture is like spun sill and the lovely style is just reminiscent of walks along the beach and sipping Pina Coladas on a deck at your favourite seafood restaurant as the sun sets in the distance, ahhhhhhhh. The Glen Top Bag and the Shanon shoes again perfectly accompany this look, adding the beautiful Mayte hair by Maitreya to the mix.
The talented Valena Glushenko has incorporated alot of elegance into this collection with a stunning assortment of Gowns. The Maria Gown in Violet is just gorgeous, a bit of tweaking needed by me for the top and the waist sash but nothing painful, the only labor intensive part was by choice, making a copy of the top of the gown and reattaching to the spine so that I could wear the delicate and so lovely Cluster Necklace and Earrings by Miabella with it.
The stunning silhouette this gown gives is just wonderful, and as an overly appreciative member of the audience said, a Perfect Bridesmaids gown. The Piper 2 Hair by Maitreya and the White and lavender Hair Rose by Essentia finish it off so well.
The finale wouldn’t be complete without the Wedding Gown, and this one takes the cake.The Odessa Wedding Gown is INCREDIBLE, sculpted roses underneath a tulle layer, if you have seen Sex in the City this gown should have been in that movie, it is that perfect. With the gown you get the lovely Lilys and an option to have them connected to the skirt as one or seperate which is very handy indeed. Wearing the the Nahla hair with this gown and the Beautiful Silver Hair Rose by Essentia which I actually have the matching wedding boquet of lol, I am ready and waiting – dodges the shoe Mel just threw at my head 😛 just teasing you ♥.
I know you thought that was it, but I couldnt finish without talking about the Skins worn. They are all the London Revolution skins that come in many tones, but I was wearing the sunkissed through out the shoot. The make up is beautiful and not too overly dramatic unless needed to be, the shading as usual is lovely and the face is just lovely with its full lips and expressive eyes.
All available at LeLutka there are 48 skins being released and many are being released in the Mens section also, I am only showing the backs of the skins in other tones today because I didnt want to change out of my Olimpia Pants in Black lol.
All of the poses today are from Long Awkward Pose, and some of them are the love bloggers pack which is great for minimal movement of the torso, fantastic for vendor pics.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: LeLutka , Maitreya
Skin by: LeLutka
Clothing by: LeLutka
Jewelry/Accessories by: Miabella @ LeLutka, Essentia
Shoes by: Enkythings, LeLutka
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more.
The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package HERE, or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed.
Volumen Lashes by LeLutka which I wear all the time and would go spare without.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Toy Story
I think I am doing a relay with myself in this post. So I was with Newdoll in Voice and then Whimsy got online, so it ended up one of those crazy grid hops. While Newdoll was in my ear asking about one place, I was spluttering at Whimsy about her not having enough from another.
I didn’t make it out without picking up some fun stuff myself, the trip to Canimal let me get the bra to one of my favourite corsets the Lust Corset, it is actually hiding underneath in pink and funnily enough the red version is what Newdoll was wearing under her shirt last night too – ooo maybe I stole her baton lol.
The adorkable Tshirts are also from Canimal and are a pack of five Streetwear Little Miss Tshirts in Canimal Style with more funna Little Miss’s. Atop my head is one of the New Piggy‘s from Pink Fuel , these I got yesterday and they are as adorable as the deer, so you must get them too.
Doing some light reading with the Crone book of Shadows from Dark Eden, part of the collection of Magical bits that were a recent release. After we left Canimal we hightailed it over to MNK Newdoll had been recently and wanted me to see the latest, I am never to familiar with names of some stores until I land, and both Whimsy and I are sure we have been in the past, there are so many wonderful items there.
The Tweed Short Pants come with medium length and short versions, and I just had to have in all colours, tweed is just fabulous and these will make great mix and match items.
The hair is Messy by LeLutka which is closed at the moment, but big things are brewing over there, it is going to be an amazing re-opening I can just feel it.
Another item I just couldn’t resist from MNK – and do not do what I did and buy just the one, because the pack is a steal – I was laughing so hard at those two in IM that I wasn’t paying attention, which is always dangerous when shopping. This is the SugarCake outfit in brown, and OMG how cute is that baloon skirt.
I am such a teen/young adult of the 80’s so fashion like this is love, I don’t care what you say, if you are in your mid to late 30’s and were trying to pretend you were 18+ in the mid 80’s you will know what I am talking about, there was fashion, fantastic fashion actually, there was just too much teeny bopper stuff in music clips at the time too that overpowered.
Ok rant aside :P. The Sugar Cake set has this incredible layered balloon skirt that to me and as the name suggests looks just like cake, I mean HELLLLOOOO could that be more funna?, this is the only time when cake goes to your hips that you can be happy. Ok the short upper portion perhaps isnt designed to wear solo, because the glitch pants are mid length, but throw on a pair of shorties or not 😛 and you have a mini balloon skirt, the skirt is made of solid prims so you can totally get away with that no worries.
As you can see you get two style tops in the set, and again grab the pack of two colours because the difference is like 50L so well worth it.
The Bangle set is from Dark Mouse and is the Lotus Flower and Bamboo bangles , these are just lovely work, I did however have to tint the inside faces of the prims as they were red and with those poses it was a bit in your face, but in a good way trust me. The Hair I have on is the Lisa style again from LeLutka as is all the hair today, I really love the long styles over there, and as you know I am a huge fan of the textures as they are shared with Maitreya, so the ability to grab your favs from both stores is rocking my world.
You want to know where my skin is from don’t you ? I can hear you getting crabby at me from here lol, well I aint telling until I tell :P.
I should tell now though, because you will think I am going to tell at the end, and then you will scroll ha ha ha tricked you. The beautiful New Infinity Brand of Skins are all created by Annyka Bekkers of Blowpop. In November of last year Annyka sent some people some Beta test bases for her new skins, we were asked for input and I had my comments, bet you can guess what one of them was :P.
Annyka made some changes and sent again a few weeks later, and then we only heard the occasional peep as she worked very hard to release these all hand drawn skins, but not just one skin but I do believe there are 4 , the reason I am not certain is that I have three but saw a flickr pic of hers with four, anyway regardless in the weeks to come there is going to be the Newly Rebranded Infinity Line of Luscious Skins by Annyka Bekkers.
This first one I am showing today is Ava in the Pure Honey tone, the make ups are look 1,2,3 and 4 not in that order lol but you will see when you DEMO DEMO DEMO.
The tone is just lovely and that right blend in around sunkissed. The collarbone as you can see if gorgeous and the shading all up and down the body is remarkable.
The face is beautiful, especially that nose and mouth, I think the face is just charming and the other skins in the line are equally so, you will see them soon I promise. One thing I didn’t grab a pic of and I should have, is that the skins all have a hair base, and no for once I am not talking down there, but actually on the skull, yep no more of the men only getting that option, allowing for a hair base for unrezzed sculpties, or the comfort of deprimming at lag filled events, you get both with and without hair options, so make sure you check out the demos of those as soon as they are released.
The tank top tshirt I have on is from LaLa FooFoo and is so pretty in that shade of pink, with lots of layer options of both tucked and untucked. The pants are another Must Have from MNK , they are the Stripe Pants Set and come in various colours, but you get all three options in the one pack YUMMMY, I can’t pick a fav pair in the three because they all rock.
The Hair is Venera by LeLutka and this style and Lisa are two of my favs from their range, being that dried by the sun kind of look. The Tortoiseshell Bangle and Soft Pink Hair Rose are by Essentia.
Ok so both Newdoll and Whimsy headed off, and I went solo for a bit, ok a lot…I ended up doing a quick scan of the feed and came across Chic’s Blog – I always smile when I open her blog, because seeing someone name their blog after one of your rant/thunks is pretty awesometastic in my opinion. Anyway she was posting on the Twisted hunt and I hadn’t had a chance to check it out yet, but what caught my eye was more the name of a store not the items only.
So off I tp’d to Dilly Dolls and was happy to see they are having a 70% off Sale at the moment, so while I was there not only did I grab some bargains and help a girl win on a lucky chair, but picked up this fabulous set called Darkened Mad Hatter, seriously this store has some serious Alice in Wonderland themes going on , but this set with or without the hat to me was screaming to be had.
This set is gorgeous and very very swanky indeed, I think this is a must have for both sexes especially at the sale price. The shirt portion is so obviously hand drawn and is so cute, all of it is, you do get shoes with the set but I couldn’t resist posting in the New Marie Jeannes from Insolence.
These gorgeous patent shoes come in a variety of shiny colours, the pink are just so pretty and the camel and beige are lots of fun with my brownzilla love. I totally can see these getting lots of wear and tear this coming season and they look so delish with socks its not even funny.
The hair is Peta by LeLutka and is a great bun style for a more conservative approach.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: LeLutka
Skin by: Infinity/BlowPop
Clothing by: MNK , Canimal, Lala Foofoo, Dilly Dolls
Jewelry/Accessories by: Pink Fuel , Dark Eden, Essentia
Shoes by: Insolence
Poses by: Long Awkward Pose
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
Bootfixer by Tatiana Niven that I wear 24/7 but often toggle on or off depending on the pose used, but for AO’s it is a MUST HAVE.
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
The Sexy Velvet dress is from a store called Sassy Kitty, so how could I resist.I actually came across it on xstreet and decided I was in the mood for taking a gamble, I can’t help it but xstreet still feels that way for me, onrez was so safe *sighs*.
Anyway I purchased this dress and it was exactly as I hoped it would be, actually a bit sexier on I have to admit. The fabric is lovely, and the ring cut outs are very shagadelic. I tp’d over to the actual store last night at Sassy City – have to admit feeling a touch corny being there – and grabbed these fabulous Skull gloves, for 20L they were a bargain and a half and come in other colours and other prints, but skully ones are a Must Have.
Wanting to wear something that was going to show off the New Grace Skin by PXL this dress was it. The new skin has a very charismatic face, beautifully shaded with full lips and a great nose, if you haven’t already worked it out I have a thing about my nose.
The body detailing is as usual very meticulously carried out, Hart Larsson of PXL takes a lot of pride in his attention to detail, there are alot of options in the Grace Skins, there are 7 lip colours and 4 eyeshadow/make up options as well as dfferent brows and freckles versions also.
There are also different ways of fat packing the skins, by either purchasing based on eye make up or lipstick. THe liquid liner effect especially in this one shown is just lovely.
The boots I am wearing in both pics are from Lya, they are the Valentina slouch boots, they are beautiful leather ankle boots, with gorgeous colours and the ability to have them lace topped or not, not everyone likes lace. What I really like is that without the slouch portion these boot bases will look fantastic with dress pants or jeans, they have that biker boot feel to them.
The stunning hair I am wearing is from Magika and is the Raid hair, I really like long tails that have bands wrapped around them at various lengths.
I really don’t grasp the quickie idea very well do I lol. This next set is from UnZipped, it is called Vintage Steam Punk and is a great set with different options of wear. One option not shown is a full length ball gown skirt that is just gorgeous and I still have on, but that you will have to see when you visit the store.
The other fab options are the short style skirt and the fabulous bloomers, the back and front straps on this set are just lovely. I have added the Gloves from the MAiiKI striped strapless set, I love these gloves and have begged forever for them to be sold as seperates in lots of colours.
Again the Grace skin looks so beautiful especially when wearing the gold/tan colours of the set, they really highlight the beauty of the tone of Grace by PXL . The hair again by Magika is the Lulu hair and you cannot really see it well enough on these pics, but it is braided around the back which is just gorgeous.
Click HERE to TP to the stores shown.
Hair by: Magika
Skin by: PXL
Clothing by: Sassy Kitty, UnZipped, MAiiKI
Jewelry/Accessories by: Essentia
Shoes by: Lya
Poses by: DeLa, SM, LAP
Posestand Professional and Hud by: VR Foundry
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed. Xstreet HERE
My VR Posestand Professional/VR Posestand HUD/Library is by VR Foundry , The NEW Features include Keyboard Controls, MONO, HUD Controls, Locking Camera and Pose Positions, ability to save Colour Sphere Presets, Return to Poses Locked previously and SOOOO Much more. The VR Posestand is sold seperately as is the VR Posestand HUD , or in a Package .Xstreet HERE or at the VR Foundry Main Store. now also with stand alone Library HUD, for on location shoots in no build areas – no notecards needed just throw in your poses.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from LeLutka the MMS Green which I love, but alas are no longer available but there are still fabulous eyes to choose from.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses