• Fashion

    Scoot – No One Owes Anyone a Sale

    Sasy Scarborough - Scoot - No One Owes Anyone a Sale

    Did you know that if you CTRL ALT F1 you can hide your UI in Second Life. This is very handy when sharing screens live, doing tutorials, or just screen recording for various reasons. I bring this up, because I have had this tool tip in my 1st life section of my profile for many years now, and the other day when at the Welcome HUB this as old as I was Resident, suddenly burst out in open chat with ‘ YOU CAN HIDE YOUR UI, OMG How did I not know this” and I had to ask if he had come across that in my profile, to which he said yes…the reason I asked was because he is not the first person to find it and have that same reaction, the last time I got an IM about it, and how it was so cool to now go forth knowing this. So if you did not know that, you are welcome…if you did know that, then all I did was fill your mind with a whole lot of words, is not the first time I am sure, and definitely will not be the last – I hope. You of course do the same again to get it back.

    While sharing information, it’s worth noting that there are a lot of sales happening at the moment. Black Friday, which was once a very American tradition, has spread globally and become an expectation. For some, that expectation has turned into entitlement.

    Over the past few days, I’ve seen some shocking comments, and I have to say, as my title points out: No one owes anyone a sale, no matter the time of year. This is especially true when it’s based on a holiday from one country. In many other places, sales are more common around Christmas or New Year’s. This creates added pressure for stores, as they might feel obligated to run a sale now, only to face demands for another sale less than a month later. Add to that the expectations around events like Fourth of July sales, and it’s clear how much pressure Second Life store owners are under.

    Here’s how I see it: if a store you love – or even a new-to-you store – advertises a sale, then yay, what a treat! But if they’re not participating while others are, take a moment to appreciate their circumstances. Many creators rely on their income and might have limited time in Second Life. Setting up and running a sale, then restoring everything afterward, isn’t as simple as people imagine. While some vending systems allow for quick setups, they require preparation in advance – and that doesn’t even account for newer items that need to be added. It’s not always a flick-of-a-switch process. Even if you are grumpy about a store you want to shop at not having a SALE, please just keep that to yourself, it just reeks of yuck to put it out there as though anyone has to do so, and even worse threatening with no longer planning to shop in their store because they didn’t, that is actually not just entitlement, but bullying.

    You cannot title a post Scoot and not have the Boots to back that up, and I do, and they are lovely. Mellow Ellie released these Camden boots with a Group Only incentive to not delay on purchasing them. For this weekend only (30th & 1st only)  they are reduced for group members, so definitely a reason to hop on over, and also pick up the group gifts, and check out the previous releases. I like the options with the boots in the full pack, as well as the special colour, which decided the colour theme for the post. They are a great plonk around boot, and I loved pairing them up with the girlyness of the outfit. Tres Blah is also having a Sale until the 3rd of December, and I picked up this open cardigan and eyelet top set. I had to fatpack it, as the tops are wearable on their own, and the cardigan fits over the top so well, that I am fingers crossing it will work with other tops in the future. That eyelet fabric is always my favourite, because in the 70’s it was very common for girls clothing, and one of my favourite dresses had it, and it just makes me so happy. I am wearing with some new denim shorts from Kiwi Co. which was previously Blueberry, and they do have an option of wearing a belt, but I decided to not go that route.

    Sigma is having a SALE as well, and this super necklace not only looks great with the outfit, but it was by default already set to this plum cord colour, Bloggers Fate strikes again. I liked the shape of the necklaces gemstones, because it kind of gives off horseshoe vibes, and I just like the hints of country to my city girl look. The rings are also from Sigma and you can turn off the rings, chosing one hand or both, or one ring on left and the other ring on right, it is up to you. Beautiful waves of Exile hair finish up the look and I am going to go and get a lot of work done now, wish me luck.



    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes (lower), Willow Eyebrows, cotton panties, strapless cotton bra – Nuve

    Garter Socks – AviCandy on Marketplace

    Hair Worn:

    Taylor – Exile Mainstore


    Open Cardigan, Open Cardigan insert – Tres Blah Mainstore

    Ceres Shorts – The Kiwi Co


    Camden Boots – Mellow Elie Mainstore


    Taxco Necklace, Spear Rings – Sigma Mainstore

    Cuffed Lip Jewellery, Heavy Lash – Alt 3 Mainstore

    Balmain Gemstone Headband – Flair – Marketplace

  • Information

    Oh Joy Oh Rapture

    Sasy Scarborough - Oh Joy Oh Rapture

    One of the biggest changes to the grid of late, has been PBR, and I have seen so many opinions on this subject, but one that stands out a lot, every time I have seen it, is one by KillJoy creator Killer Bae aka Amorenna Sierra. She has stated that because of the ease of PBR and how texturing can be so much easier for her now, she has been able to add other body add ons to her range of offerings, that she would not have been able to in the past. This has a lot to do with no need for additional shading etc to the textures, or in some cases having to have no shading at all, the smaller breast add-ons are usually the ones mentioned. This is a delightful outcome, not only for her, but for those that have been finding it difficult to find creators making for them. KillJoy also has all their items MODIFY enabled, so with PBR that makes for a whole range of tweaking options. So when I was wearing the boots by Breathe in a blue colour, I was able to tint the dresses white version just enough to keep them in the same family…there was already a blue on the included HUD, but it was the wrong hue, so this was just all winning for me.

    Now as I think I have mentioned multiple times I am a Bakes on Mesh underwear wearer 24/7. The only time the bra comes off is if it needs to, and I have skin cover bakes on mesh textures under it anyway, I am modest by layer upon layer. Anyway, as I was changing and put on this dress, I still had on the bra and well I liked it like that, so while it is not the intended look for the dress, for me, this is the perfect way to get more looks from one item, that and the awesome trim options being a separate material slot, so that you can change those via the hud or tint, as you wish. The white and Blue looked so good with the blue and silver option of these Breathe boots, I even made sure to turn a bit so that you could see the even more detailed stud work on the heel and back of the boot, how awesome is that. Along with these oversized costume jewellery pieces by Mandala, that are stunners, I was ready to take on however the night works out. I am also wearing a new style by ADE, this is a beautiful style, that as is my preference, wears behind the shoulders so well, to show off the décolletage.

    I have never bothered with the HD appliers versions of make-up in the past, but Nuve had released these Pixel Pout lipsticks, what I liked also, is that because they are on layers, you can decrease the coverage to blend in a bit more with your look, so that the HD while it gives full power, does so in a more subtle way.

    The Second Life Bloggers Network feed, run by Linden Lab and often curated by Strawberry Linden, is back up and running as of this week. If you missed the announcement, make sure you are set up to receive the blasts from Linden Lab as they happen more frequently lately with all the new features are being rolled out, so you won’t want to miss out on the news. You will find the checkbox with your other email information   
    You can also make sure you are getting offlines to email, and offline group messages to email. I could not function without those options, and I check my emails before I log in, so that I know what needs my focus first and foremost. They have also created individual category feeds so that if you only have interest in decor or fashion you can choose, or go all in…personally I would go all in, I have no idea where I even fall in this list, because I don’t cover fashion, but the occasional information and tutorials, and then there are those rants I am known to do. Either way, make sure you follow along, because there are hundreds of people that are dedicated to sharing their Second Life experiences with the masses, and they all deserve attention. It is a sign up thing, which they posted about earlier. Also the network is curated, as mentioned, so that means that even if 100 posts go live in a day – there are more, but just as an example – you will not see all 100 of them, so think of it as a tasting menu of information. Then also check out IheartSL feed, which will have you finding even more Bloggers that as long as they are on the feed, their posts will always appear. I look forward to finding new content to read, and listen to, and I also plan on doing more in the New Year, and I hope you will join me for that.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Pixel Pout Lipstick Set 2 – Nuve

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes (lower), Willow Eyebrows, cotton panties, strapless cotton bra – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Zarina – Ade Mainstore


    Mirage Dress – KillJoy Mainstore


    Tomi Boots – BREATHE Mainstore


    Closer Jewellery Set – Mandala Mainstore

    Cuffed Lip Jewellery, Heavy Lash – Alt 3 Mainstore

  • Fashion

    On my face

    Sasy Scarborough - On My Face

    So the other day, while logged out of world and catching up on some work, I was perusing Facebook and a post by the owner of Alt 3 caught my attention. It included some Genus items, and accessories, and as soon as my eyes fell upon the cuffed lip attachment I was sold. The lashes also looked great, but at first glance my mind took them in as appliers, I was so mistaken and then some. I tpd to the store and a lovely layout it is, when I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were demos for both. The first thing I did though was demo the lip cuff. I have been wearing the natural pierced mouth from Genus for a long time, using the included ring piercing, but recently changed to the heavy mouth option, which looks similar enough without the piercing. But as soon as I saw this cuff, I was ripping my mouth off and adding back the other – having all my parts in my favourite wearables makes this super easy to do. I tried the demo and it was as perfect as advertised and the price was incredible, so that was a huge yes, buy, do not pass go. Then my eyes ended up at the lashes and I saw DEMO and thought, that is rather odd, as lashes do not tend to go the demo route, and then realised that they were in fact actual attachments, not appliers only. I grabbed the demo, put them on and insta love. There are three different sections that you can tint, you can make glow, there are different options of thickness of lash strands, as well as a gradient option, this set gives so much, and I love them. They come made for particular eye shapes, but I think they are all covered – Almond, Bunny, Cat, Foxy, Mono, Puppy and Round. As mentioned and excitedly so, they have demos, so you need to go and try them and all of the other lovely items at Alt 3.

    Also super excitedly, Fashionably Dead has these new pants at the Belleza event currently, which happens every two months at the Belleza mainstore grounds. That does not mean though that items there are only made for the Belleza body, the creators that participate include all their regular body types, so definitely worth a spin through. These pants are gorgeous, you may have noticed that I love a wide legged pants, and these make me so happy, because the colours available make them must haves. I was looking for some casual footwear to go with them and funnily enough found an unpacked set of sneakers by Fashionably dead from a Gacha that is eons old lol, but how perfect they match, we may have to entice her into doing a set similar again. I have mentioned many times, that I love my inventory, I love that it is full of new and older items, and that mixing things up is still possible. That can sometimes mean that something I have on may be unobtainable now, but with much of Second Life, there are often other alternatives that you can purchase or may in fact already own, the images are inspiration for the looks. Speaking of older, this tank worn as bakes on mesh layers is a gorgeous style, it only came in three colours, why I do not know, but the colours it does come in are perfect. You can still grab them on Marketplace.

    I needed a bom layer shirt so that I could wear my jacket by The Kiwi Co. This was their first release, and I have wanted to feature it ever since it came out, but I am glad that I waited until now, because it was just the right style for this look. The Kiwi Co.’s recent release though was a collab look effort with Truth Hair, and this hairstyle is the one that was the outcome, it is the Ceres hair and while it looks adorable with the bandana, it does have a bandana off option as well which makes me so excited to have those two looks as well as style HUD options. Definitely a go to for many things hairstyle to have.



    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes (lower), Willow Eyebrows, cotton panties, strapless cotton bra – Nuve

    Bubblegum Gloss – AlaskaMetro Mainstore

    Hair Worn:

    Ceres Hair – TRUTH Mainstore


    Short Tank Top – League on Marketplace

    Lowrise Canvas baggy pants – Fashionably Dead @ Belleza Event

    End Game Jacket – The Kiwi Co.


    Sneakers (old gacha item) – Fashionably Dead


    Cuffed Lip Jewellery, Heavy Lash – Alt 3 Mainstore

    Continental Caged Bucket Tote/Purse – Black Bantam (older item no longer available)

  • Fashion

    Musical Spectrum

    Sasy Scarborough - Musical Spectrum

    I put together this look so easily, it was scary how things just slotted into working with each other without effort. The ties on the side of the mini dress by Cynful – that I am telling myself if pulled give me at least 3 more inches of fabric – come in options of length and played against the very similar strapping of these beautiful boots by Breathe, even better still the colour combinations are very close to each other making it even more fated.

    I wanted something to wrap the look together, something there, but also not there…something that added to, but did not take away from the dress. This jacket by Sinoux did just that, with its built in sleeves (you have to hide your arms so that the fake arms look works) and off the shoulder look it is fantastic. Then I decided that I needed some headphones, which is even funnier still, because I had this feeling, when I put the headphones on that, I had done this combination before, so I double checked that I had not already blogged the jacket, not that I ever care about using the same item more than once, but I wanted to see any way, and while it was not the jacket that I had previously blogged, it was a top that was part of the same collection, that was by the same designer, and when I showcased it, I also wore the same headphones, which made me love that even more. The last time I wore the on ears version of the headphones, this time the neck set, I love that Mandala gave those options, as it just feels more fun.

    All of this rose gold, copper and plum made me go for a redder hair colour, and this hair is from Exile, and I fall in love with it every time I see the ad for it. I hope you like the l0ok as much as I do.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Heavy – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph



    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes, Willow Eyebrows, Body & Face Shine – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Gemini Hair – Exile Mainstore


    Ready In Mini Dress – Cynful Mainstore

    Pear Jacket – Sinoux Mainstore


    Shina Heels – Breathe @Tres Chic – Event (Oct/Nov 2024)


    Eargasm Headphones – Mandala Mainstore

  • Fashion

    Willowing the day away

    Sasy Scarborough - Willowing the day away

    This new skin by Nuve is called Willow, she even has matching brows, and they are a nice change from my usual – still a Noah brows fan for life though. It got me to thinking about the meaning of Willow in Second Life history. It kind of became a word to mean abundance, and a shorter way of saying, you want it all, those that know, know. For those that do not, once upon a time, there was an avatar called Willow Zander, and she was very influential, so influential that she pretty much created the concept of the ‘fatpack’ and Elika actually named her fatpack of hair for her store Willow Packs. Willow used to Blog and had her own store at one point, but she was very much a part of the “Quad’ and all that entailed back in the day. So doing a post featuring some incredible pants by Elikatira with a skin on called Willow just seemed perfect.

    Speaking of these trousers, I have mentioned recently that I am smitten by creators that are doing both high and flat versions of their pants legs hemlines, this makes for really versatile clothing, and these trousers look fantastic in both. They also have a belt on or off option, with metals and leather colours to choose from, but the pinstripe without belt won me over first of all, while you get a few pinstripe versions the solids are stunners also, these pants are fantastic, and I cannot wait for more.

    I grabbed this great tank top by Rowne over the weekend, and just loved the way the neck area becomes a string tie kind of look, very stylish but with a punk leaning, that was why I just had to layer it over a bakes on mesh t-shirt of old. Really old actually it was part of a set that contains sculpted skirt pieces, but it was just perfect to layer with. So look in your inventory for bakes on mesh layers – just means system layers – clothing you may have from days of old, and see what you can do with them to punch up your look.

    It created such an edgy corporate look in my opinion, and the hairstyle by Monso just brought it all home, with two bangs options to add, this razor asymmetrical look was just the perfect finish. It also allowed me to show off my Sigma earrings, with the tucked behind the ear look of the hair.



    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Heavy – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph



    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Willow Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes, Willow Eyebrows – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Rei Hair – Monso Mainstore


    Sloane Trousers – Elikatira Mainstore

    Reine Halter Tank – Rowne Mainstore

    Twister Tee – Sn@tch (marketplace store)


    Seon Slides – Flair


    Flat Clutch – Baiastice Mainstore

    Eve Earrings – Sigma Mainstore

  • Fashion

    Lounging About

    Sasy Scarborough - Lounging About

    Each week, I set out to attend the Linden Meetings – which, thanks to time zones, are often at the crack of dawn for me. I usually try to dress the part – business-minded if I have time – but it’s all about my mood and the early hour. Today’s look is ideal for those early mornings, and since I’m an hour and a half early, the temptation to sneak under a bench for a nap is real. That said, one of those animesh creatures they have rezzed here would probably step on my hair, and we can’t have that. Recently, Linden Lab has been recording the meetings – not all of them, and not always live streaming, but you can catch up on the Second Life official YouTube channel if you’re interested.

    This outfit mixes pieces from the soon-to-open Mellow Elie line and Fashionably Dead’s latest release of thermals at Tres Chic. When creators have impeccable taste in colours, styling becomes effortless. Take this soft, vintage baby tee by Mellow Elie – it has that luxurious look, and if you join the group early, you’ll get discounts and more perks. The launch is Saturday, 9th November, and the group is currently free – just search “Mellow Elie” in groups.

    The thermals are adorable – though they come with their own top, I went for a blended look with pieces from different creators. I can’t resist arm warmers or gloves, as you’ve probably noticed. The shorts are so cosy and eye-catching that I even changed my photo template to show you the back view. With their snug, thermal texture, they’re just perfect for the season. I’m also working on making my blog photos ‘float’ with a white background. If you’re a long-time reader, you’ll know I love switching up my blog layout, trying to keep it fresh.

    The hair by Lamb is such a cute style – clips on either side of the part add that sweet, girly look I adore. I even went with a more colourful shade this time, though my dark roots still show, so I’m not fooling anyone into thinking I’m a natural blonde with pink highlights. Isn’t Second Life just brilliant for experimenting like this? I also remembered a sleep mask gift from Tres Blah – it adds the perfect finishing touch and definitely says I need some rest!

    Now, let’s talk pampering. If you, like me, are ruled by your feet – no joke, this is a thing – Breathe has you covered with their cloud-like slippers. It’s like walking on air, keeping me cosy and comfy all day.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    retro sports tee wall cushion (modified for picture) – Junk

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Heavy – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph



    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes, Noah Eyebrows – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Cosmic – Lamb Mainstore


    Vintage Baby Tee – Mellow Elie Mainstore

    Thermal Shorts, Thermal Gloves –  Fashionably Dead @ Tres Chic (Oct/Nov 2024)


    Renka Slippers – Breathe @ Dollholic Event (Oct/Nov2024)


    Sleep Mask – Tres Blah Mainstore

  • Fashion

    On the road back to Second Life – Mellow Elie

    Sasy Scarborough - On the road back to Second Life

    When you’ve been in Second Life as long as some of us, you see people come and go – but the returns are always the best part. Some creators leave, come back, leave again – and each time they’re welcomed back with excitement. This has been true for people like Anya Ohmai, and now, more recently, Emma Gilmour.

    Emma, known for her early work as Sand Shack Surf, later rebranded to Surf Co., she then joined projects like Armidi and went on to open Body Co. as a collab project (she does love a good “Co.”), Mon Tissu (another collaboration with Julliette Westerberg of Tres Blah), and her recent return had her teaming up again with Legacy to launch a collection based brand with Ginza. Now, she’s returned to her roots with her own brand, Mellow Elie. Her style is unmistakable, and those of us who’ve worn her designs since the early days can see her signature touch in each piece. Emma began as a creator back in the days of system layers and prims, then moved on to sculpties and mesh – staying consistent with her unique aesthetic throughout.

    If you’ve seen her real-life Instagram or her previous real-life blogging, you’ll know her look and feel are the same in and out of Second Life. Her designs don’t just reflect what she creates – they also embody what she’d want to wear herself. But Mellow Elie is more than just clothing – it’s a brand experience. For instance, if you visit her new in-world store, you can pick up a Mellow Elie gift cup without joining the group. Group members, however, get discounts and other incentives to be part of this growing brand. You can join by copy-pasting the following link into local chat and clicking it, or simply searching for “Mellow Elie” in groups:
    secondlife:///app/group/1f3fc3ec-58ff-16bf-5fe5-2b1be9b0b52b/about The official opening date of the store is the 9th of November, but as a group member there have been soft opening options, so check out notices for more info.

    Emma has always been about creating a “vibe” – from her packaging to her product displays. She carefully considers how her customers will wear her designs and what experiences they’ll associate with Mellow Elie. She’s bringing back the social experience that many Second Life stores used to offer – a sense of community where people shared styles and ideas. For many of us, this return to form is something we’re excited to see unfold. The new collection is about versatility, pieces that are mix and match with themselves, or go on to enrich the style of multiple brands. I decided that this Bomber jacket – it is sold as single solid colours but in the fatpack options you can change the colours of the body, sleeves or trim, giving you a contrast look – was the best fit for this camo inspired look, the tan option with the black picking up the tan in the camo.

    One thing that surprised me about this collection is how seasonally themed the colours are… when half the world isn’t in the same season, it makes you think outside your stylish box a bit more than usual. I personally hope future releases might broaden the seasonal approach, as it could limit the appeal of certain items outside that specific season. Second Life itself has adopted a “more is more” approach to colours in recent years, and we want our basics to fit that – pieces we can mix and match with everything are a must these days. The right colour can really lift a look, and having options makes all the difference.

    In the theme of renewal and returning ‘home’ I wore this beautiful Swallow necklace by Sigma, it was just a perfect way to symbolise what is going on with Emma and Mellow Elie, and that hopefully it all results in growth and happiness for her going forward. I was so glad that the Jacket fit over this lovely bandana top by Fashionably Dead that is an actual Group Gift and has so many options, a print panel, a solid colours panel and a denim panel, with a lot of colours in each panel…It has been my go to top for a few weeks now, when I am in the middle of working out what I am doing, I have been popping it back on. Then with the wrap skirt by She Said Destroy, who amaze me every time they do something, because they create such eclectic looking things, but with that ‘that is so them’ feeling to it all. I am a big fan of camo, no idea why, it is a teen in the 80’s thing I think, and with the beautiful greens and slight hint of tan, I was able to mix it in with the duo combination of the jacket. I had to wear some leggings in Bakes on Mesh though, because it is a bit shorter at the back than I am comfortable with, but it does cover what it should. Finishing off the look with these ankle boots I picked up over the weekend from Dazzling, they have the option to colour the individual parts, and had the perfect olive green to tie it all together.

    I am wearing the Mell hair by Mina, this style was a perfect showcase for the look, with its behind the shoulders look, and the half up-do style that we tend to have as a go to often when dealing with longer hair. It was the perfect pairing with this look, and has a no bangs option also.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Loel Poses 

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph (Straight – NoseMorph, Heavy – Lipmorph, Round – EyeMorph, Triangle – HeadMorph, Ears Human) – Genus


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes, Noah Eyebrows – Nuve

    Tempter leggings – Flair – Marketplace

    Hair Worn:

    Mell – Mina Hair Mainstore


    Wyoming Jacket – Mellow Elie Mainstore

    Bandana Top (Group Gift in Store) – Fashionably Dead Mainstore

    Hysteric Skirt – She Said Destroy Mainstore


    Maeve Platforms – Dazzling Mainstore


    Swallow Pendant – Sigma Mainstore

  • Fashion

    Beary Joyful

    Sasy Scarborough - Beary Joyful

    I am Beary Joyful today after the round table meeting held by Linden Lab with Philip Rosedale who is back at LL now full time, heading the meeting and answering many thought provoking questions. It was a delight to attend, even though it was 4am down here, and for many, but I actually saw a few Australians also in attendance. You can see the meeting here on youtube. It is exciting to have such a change happen this late in the year, it brings excitement for the years to come. Philip has also created an in world group called Friends of Philip for people to chat about things related to Second Life and bring up topics that may be of interest to Linden Lab and what he hopes to achieve going forward.

    Options are exciting, and that is why I am loving my look today. The pants by Just Because, come in two versions, high or flat feet versions, which makes such a difference to how you get dressed, and I just love that they have provided that attention to detail…there are a few stores that do that, and as a pants wearer often in my looks, I am loving it all. The top by Elikatira was a fatpack must, it has that piping detail that I enjoy so much to give contrast to a look, and a textural feel to the clothing. You can contrast the look with a different colour, or chose the same, the HUD has so many options in the fatpack. It is also MOD! Which is a huge win, because with the piping being so minimal, you could tint the colour to get a better match if needed.  Just as I did with these glorious earrings by Sigma, the style of them is just divine, and the set worn, I tinted the pearls to be more beige, but the image close up, I left as one of the default colours you get in the HUD, so as not to confuse people. They come in both PBR and Classic texture options.

    Do I have to go through the whole I am obsessed with Hat Hair thing, or is it a known statement now, just kidding, I never tire of saying it. This hair is so stylish, and the adorable hat is a separate item, so you can wear with or without, essentially getting two styles in one, and then you can also use the hat for other hairstyle you may have a lot of fun with too. I hope you enjoy the look and the rest of your week.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Loel Poses 

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph (Straight – NoseMorph, Heavy – Lipmorph, Round – EyeMorph, Triangle – HeadMorph, Ears Human) – Genus


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Noah Eyebrows – Nuve

    Spring Beauty Book Makeup – AlaskaMetro Mainstore

    Hair Worn:

    Cozy Hair & Hat – TRUTH Mainstore


    Sarina Sweater – Elikatira Mainstore

    Dinah Pants – Just Because Mainstore


    Kassel Boots – KC Couture Mainstore


    Anania Drop Earrings, Chunky Stone Rings – Sigma Mainstore

  • Fashion

    Witch Arrival – Nightshade 2024

    Witch Arrival - Nightshade 2024

    Nightshade is coming to an end at the end of day 28th of October 2024, so you still have a chance to get your fill of the lovely items at the event, and get dark and spooky. The shopping guide is HERE. You can also see the incredible work that the Juniper Event Bloggers have put into featuring every single store in the event that provided items, an amazing job by all of them HERE, as well as posts done by Bloggers that are part of the individual store teams.

    One of the fun things, especially for newer residents, is discovering items that spring to life as soon as you arrive somewhere. This emitter by Venge does just that – but a full disclaimer, it only works on landing after a teleport, which made capturing it on film quite the challenge! Believe me, I tried. Between teleporting, hopping on a posestand, and hoping the snapshot tool would catch the particles before they disappeared, I nearly made myself motion-sick! In the end, I took a separate shot of the particles and layered them into my final image to give you an idea. There’s a choice of designs too, including a cute skeleton, music symbols, a pumpkin head, and a skull – plus sound options for that extra Halloween vibe.

    Today’s look has that downtime feel, with the week’s spooky fun winding down. Sometimes you just need to get things done around the house – these brooms, after all, are not just for flying! And I’m definitely feeling extra dewy with Nuve’s gorgeous new body and face shine BOM layers, giving my skin a lovely, fresh glow. I’m wearing the 75% layer, which is perfect for that radiant but not overdone look.

    I’m also in love with this new hair from Ade. Usually, I go for styles tucked behind the shoulders, but this one has soft falls over each shoulder that look so natural and frame the neckline of this gown beautifully. I don’t usually go for theme prints, but this one has just the right subtle touch – it leaves you wondering if those are actually bats or just a pattern on the dress. Subtlety, right? And while subtle in some ways, I couldn’t resist adding a bit of drama with this stunning crown from the Omen set. It also comes with a fabulous blindfold, but let’s be real – I need to see if I’m going to get anything done around here! Also full disclosure, the broom I am holding is a prop with three sit poses, I just needed to stay in today instead.

    NIGHTSHADE_2024_Juniper Events


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Loel Poses 

    Girls just want to have Fun – Broom Pose/Prop – PinkMoon @ Nightshade 2024

    Maynard Paneling, Bramble Sconces (Gift at TSS Party event)  – West Village @ Apple Fall

    Lick a Witch Sofa – Someone Stole my Sign @ Nightshade 2024

    Swing – o – Ween Telepoofer – Venge @ Nightshade 2024

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph (Straight – NoseMorph, Heavy – Lipmorph, Round – EyeMorph, Triangle – HeadMorph, Ears Human) – Genus


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Sarah Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Face Shine, Body Shine, Noah Eyebrows – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Taste – Ade Mainstore


    Noche Dress – Mantra @ Nightshade 2024


    The Omen Set – Crown – BadWolf @ Nightshade 2024

    Thorn Ribbon Necklace – Sigma Mainstore

  • Fashion

    Manors Always – Nightshade 2024

    Manors Always - Nightshade 2024

    Did you see what I did there with my title…I am getting my Roleplay look on with these items from Nightshade. The circlet is so cute, with the whole thing being Mod and PBR so able to use the hud options for the metals and so on, to create a compatible look to the rest of the outfit. It is awesome how real the gold looks, especially the bashed metal look of the pendants on the sides. Worn above the beautiful Fiona hair by Monso, which while not intended did make me chuckle because of Princess Fiona from Shrek and she would have rocked this dress by Senzafine, that comes in an assortment of colour combinations. I like the short front and longer back of it, more room for dancing or running away from the Evil Queen – I may be binging Once Upon a Time at the moment.

    The displays behind me are all part of a set by LouChara a lovely vignette of pieces that rez as one piece, but can be edited to break them down into multiple if needed, and just to show that I am in fact Roleplaying and not in medieval times, I snuck back in my Niamh doll display also a Nightshade item, because while the Stone Warden from yesterday was sleeping I stole her back to live with me another day. Isn’t she just adorable. She comes as hand held, displayed and even a box, and poster for your wall, so much attention went into this set by Beenicorn.

    NIGHTSHADE_2024_Juniper Events



    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Rave’n Dance – Nantra Poses @ Nightshade 2024

    Nyx Collection Furniture – LouChara @ Nightshade 2024

    Maynard Paneling – West Village @ Apple Fall

    Niamh Doll – Beenicorn @ Nightshade 2024

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph (Straight – NoseMorph, Heavy – Lipmorph, Round – EyeMorph, Triangle – HeadMorph, Ears Human) – Genus


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Noah Eyebrows – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Fiona Hair – Monso @ Collabor88 Event


    Agatha dress – Senzafine @ Nightshade 2024


    Zoran Circlet – Portal @ Nightshade 2024

    Janus Choker (GIFT) – Boys to the Bone @ FLF -WEEN