
  • Information

    Oh Joy Oh Rapture

    Sasy Scarborough - Oh Joy Oh Rapture

    One of the biggest changes to the grid of late, has been PBR, and I have seen so many opinions on this subject, but one that stands out a lot, every time I have seen it, is one by KillJoy creator Killer Bae aka Amorenna Sierra. She has stated that because of the ease of PBR and how texturing can be so much easier for her now, she has been able to add other body add ons to her range of offerings, that she would not have been able to in the past. This has a lot to do with no need for additional shading etc to the textures, or in some cases having to have no shading at all, the smaller breast add-ons are usually the ones mentioned. This is a delightful outcome, not only for her, but for those that have been finding it difficult to find creators making for them. KillJoy also has all their items MODIFY enabled, so with PBR that makes for a whole range of tweaking options. So when I was wearing the boots by Breathe in a blue colour, I was able to tint the dresses white version just enough to keep them in the same family…there was already a blue on the included HUD, but it was the wrong hue, so this was just all winning for me.

    Now as I think I have mentioned multiple times I am a Bakes on Mesh underwear wearer 24/7. The only time the bra comes off is if it needs to, and I have skin cover bakes on mesh textures under it anyway, I am modest by layer upon layer. Anyway, as I was changing and put on this dress, I still had on the bra and well I liked it like that, so while it is not the intended look for the dress, for me, this is the perfect way to get more looks from one item, that and the awesome trim options being a separate material slot, so that you can change those via the hud or tint, as you wish. The white and Blue looked so good with the blue and silver option of these Breathe boots, I even made sure to turn a bit so that you could see the even more detailed stud work on the heel and back of the boot, how awesome is that. Along with these oversized costume jewellery pieces by Mandala, that are stunners, I was ready to take on however the night works out. I am also wearing a new style by ADE, this is a beautiful style, that as is my preference, wears behind the shoulders so well, to show off the décolletage.

    I have never bothered with the HD appliers versions of make-up in the past, but Nuve had released these Pixel Pout lipsticks, what I liked also, is that because they are on layers, you can decrease the coverage to blend in a bit more with your look, so that the HD while it gives full power, does so in a more subtle way.

    The Second Life Bloggers Network feed, run by Linden Lab and often curated by Strawberry Linden, is back up and running as of this week. If you missed the announcement, make sure you are set up to receive the blasts from Linden Lab as they happen more frequently lately with all the new features are being rolled out, so you won’t want to miss out on the news. You will find the checkbox with your other email information   
    You can also make sure you are getting offlines to email, and offline group messages to email. I could not function without those options, and I check my emails before I log in, so that I know what needs my focus first and foremost. They have also created individual category feeds so that if you only have interest in decor or fashion you can choose, or go all in…personally I would go all in, I have no idea where I even fall in this list, because I don’t cover fashion, but the occasional information and tutorials, and then there are those rants I am known to do. Either way, make sure you follow along, because there are hundreds of people that are dedicated to sharing their Second Life experiences with the masses, and they all deserve attention. It is a sign up thing, which they posted about earlier. Also the network is curated, as mentioned, so that means that even if 100 posts go live in a day – there are more, but just as an example – you will not see all 100 of them, so think of it as a tasting menu of information. Then also check out IheartSL feed, which will have you finding even more Bloggers that as long as they are on the feed, their posts will always appear. I look forward to finding new content to read, and listen to, and I also plan on doing more in the New Year, and I hope you will join me for that.


    Equipment Used

    VR Studio and HUD/Library  – VR Foundry Marketplace

    LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka

    Important: Moles featured on face or body unless otherwise stated are created by me, for me personally. If wearing moles or freckles etc layers by other creators they will always be credited. As my face moles are the same always, it will be clear to know it is mine not part of the skin.

    Poses & Props by :

    Base Pose (heavily modified) – Loel Poses

    Body Parts

    Body :

    Reborn – EBody


    Genus Morph Head – Genus
    Straight – NoseMorph
    Natural Pierced – Lipmorph
    Round – EyeMorph
    Triangle – HeadMorph


    Nail appliers – Flair – Marketplace

    Pixel Pout Lipstick Set 2 – Nuve

    Skin Worn:

    Emma Skin (face), Rhea Body Skin – Nuve

    Head and Body BOM Layers:

    Peaceful eyes – Insol Mainstore

    Sassy Eyelashes (lower), Willow Eyebrows, cotton panties, strapless cotton bra – Nuve

    Hair Worn:

    Zarina – Ade Mainstore


    Mirage Dress – KillJoy Mainstore


    Tomi Boots – BREATHE Mainstore


    Closer Jewellery Set – Mandala Mainstore

    Cuffed Lip Jewellery, Heavy Lash – Alt 3 Mainstore