• Stylish

    Devil May Care

    Devil May Care


    Shoetopia opened its doors the other day and I went running around barefoot in shorts – worked out you have to wear shorts to Shoetopia because of the chance of thigh highs – and a top and so much excitement.

    I landed straight away and did my rows, I have this left thing, and I have to start at a point of return that makes sense to me, I do not zig zag, so difficult to know what is going on when you weave to and fro. This event makes it easy, I did the 4 extension rooms first,  then ended back at the start with the sponsors and bought up a ton of footwear. I got so many shoes that one set I wore yesterday and kept the HUD on just to change colour every four or so minutes so that I could wear them all.

    These ballet pointe inspired boots are by Slink and they work with the Slink Pointe feet or Deluxe, and if you have on Deluxe the feet will automatically change – wish more shoe creators would use that slink script for that so much ease of use – to the feet needed. If you fatpack – and why wouldn’t you – you can change all aspects of the boots, if single colour you can change the eyelets and heel/sole colours with the HUD, but fatpack lets you change laces too. I kept it black today, because I was feeling hell spawn.

    How cool are these amazing wings and horns I picked up from Neo Japan, another event on at the moment and definitely so many great items. I got taken there by ColeMarie Soleil after we ran into her at Fameshed. It was a very big shopping week. Pose Fair is another event on and I got these poses by GingerFish there, how cool is that as a name.

    The background is great it is a gacha item at Pose Fair and at the price you just want to keep playing them all, so perfect for photos.

    I also went by The Liaison Collaborative and shopped hard as well, I ran around so many times though that courtyard style is kind of adorable and fun to skip around, that I got a little motion sick, and had to recline on my fainting couch. Ok so it was just my couch, but I definitely have had to do that more than once in my years in SL, I tend to get motion sick a lot when being silly.

    Shoetopia April 2018

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build

    – Kait Rustic Dream – Black – Exposeur  @ Pose Fair 


    Poses by

    GingerFish @ Pose Fair 

    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Beast Teeth and appliers – LeLutka

    Alessa Skin – League

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 21 Flair


    Dolly – Moon @ The Liaison Collaborative


    Rosi top and shorts – Miss Chelsea @ FaMeshed

    Shoes :

    Valentinia Boots (pointe feet) – Slink @ Shoetopia

    Accessories :

    The Gate Wrought Wings – Remarkable Oblivion @ Neo Japan

    Yasha Horns – Air @ Neo Japan

  • Stylish

    Credit – POSES (and everything else too)

    Many years ago now – wow that flew by – I did a blog post referring to the different types of Bloggers, because there was a general consensus that we were all the same, a few bad experiences were putting Scarlet B’s on our clothing and it was not a good way to feel, or thing to see. It is four years on now, and things have gotten worse, and blogging has changed a lot, how people blog, where people blog and what is considered acceptable.

    Now whether you agree or not, when it comes down to it blogging is supposed to be the sharing of information, which is very helpful to all, especially on a platform like Second Life. I could write a novel on why crediting is important on all things, and in the past I actually have, as you can see in that older post, but the other day I was reading some comments on Facebook and by the time I pulled myself away from it, my face was contorted into a very awkward position and I think I ended up with a facial tic.

    Crediting POSES was the conversation, and I do not remember who or what started the convo, and I am not about poking at individual people that were in it, but one of the main themes throughout was that crediting a pose when modified in any way was not ‘fair’ somehow. Now I use animare, which is a tool that can be used to move the joints, while it can be used from a standard default ruth stand, it can also mean that if in ‘pose’ you can make changes to the pose that affect it in the moment. It does not change the pose that you can use the pose, again and again, this new way, it just alters it in the moment. For “Fashion” Blogging – please know it is 99% what I am going to be referring to when I say Blogging is Fashion Blogging – this can help with hands that may poke into clothing, or a foot that may go too far back into a stool etc. It can also change how a pose looks if you want to play with it further. Then there is the Neck Poses HUD I did a post on the other day, which in the past I only used animare for. I also use the Slink basic static poses HUD for my Bento enabled Dynamic Hands so that they can sit flat on a bench, or closed fist if that works better, sometimes changing the hand pose, means I don’t have to alter the wrist at all.

    These are TOOLS that benefit me as a blogger that uses photos to express a look. They do not take away from the hard work of a Pose creator because it is very often the pose that inspires the photo in the first place. Without a pose, if we all had to start at ruth default stands, we would take fewer pictures and SL would be an uglier place, this is a fact based on those of us old enough to remember that many moons ago poses were very limited, and that you could go to 20 stores in a day and every single ad used the same dozen poses set. Much of blogging was started with the same poses available, and as poses were created we all added to our options from the same pool. Again this work was inventive, stylised, often creating packs of poses purely for the sake of us that needed particular types of stands, sits etc for blogging, we were their customer base, us and Designers.

    If someone found poses we didn’t have, the info was passed on through blog post crediting and off you went. Then photography in its own right became a big thing, so there were newer customers to poses stores, and they usually got their information through blogs, then people new to blogging found out the best places to find poses, through you guessed it BLOGS! Designers shop on blogs too for poses for their ads, and this just goes on and on…then when photographers and bloggers could not find more poses they became pose creators themselves, making what they needed, and then opening stores, with the information spreading through the community. People now just as often buy poses because they take fun snapshots for their own Flickr, or just family snaps and so on, they see someone showing a fun group set, and off they go.

    The idea is to spread the word about the store, the resource more so than this is the exact pose I used in this picture. My VR Studio HUD tells me the exact name of the pose I am using on my screen while taking the picture, but I do not share that information, because the name of a pose does not help someone find the pose when it could be buried in a stand that is one of the dozens in a store. But what that does do is gives someone interested in new poses a store to go shop at. I am not wanting someone to tp in find that one pose buy it and run out again, I want to send someone to a store, have them jump on every posestand in the store, and buy lots and lots and lots, TP in everyone they know that also loves poses, and make a party of it. Whimsy, Ashia and I did that at Ma Vie’s Poses store the other day, buying all the packs we did not already own. When out poses shopping we usually stand on stands close enough to each other so that while I am trying pack A she can be trying pack B and we buy both each.

    One of the other things about poses and pose stores for me has always been that you can take many pictures with a pose, from many angles, but you can also be completely inspired in such a different way than the next person by the same pose. I once used a figure skating pose to get beans out of a high cupboard. Was so far from the concept that the creator of the pose had in mind, but it was indeed that pose creator that made something that inspired the plan. If I had to move my hand to clutch the beans does that mean their creation of the pose and the inspiration it produced is no longer worthy of credit?

    I took some pictures yesterday to show that while I could make slight changes, the pose still is and deservedly so belongs in credit to the creator of the pose. Even if you were to say in your post or next to the credits that it was modified, it still gives your readers and customers a starting point, because you can never know what can cause inspiration to happen, or a real love for a creator that comes from something like, oh they create really good straight up and down poses, those are perfect for clothing ads, or they often do hands in front of upper torso and as a jewellery or accessories creator/blogger these are really helpful to me.

    First Pictures –

    1. Exact Pose – hands are in the position of my Slink Dynamic hands, not the pose.
    2. VR Studio Pose stand turned to see pose from another angle Neck turned using Neck Poses HUD by Amacci
    3. VR Studio Pose stand turned again, Leg straightened using Animare
    4. VR Studio Pose stand turned, Leg kept in position and arm straightened using Animare

    Credit Poses Example 1 Does this make that one pose any less worthy of the credit to the store that I bought it at? I truly believe no. Everything about the pose was beautiful, to begin with, and then tweaking it to get as much out of that one pose to better my post makes it something very worthy of the credit. Second Picture – The second and third picture was again a ‘what I instantly thought of’ compared to the original vibe of a pose, and while I may have moved something it does not remove anything from the pose enough to not credit it. Not too many people would have looked at this pose and thought ‘ I need to get this water out of my ears’ but I did. I had to turn the hand a little bit, and I used the Slink basic bento static pose hud to flatten my hand, but everything else is identical to the poses original look. I also changed my face expression using my LeLutka head HUD. Credit Poses Example 2

    Third Picture –

    Same exact pose as the second, but this time I moved the forearm away from my head, changed my hand poses, and my face expression and then put on some rollerskates and an outfit that suited that look, with some build pieces that also went along with the vibe and voila. Again the pose creator deserves the credit, because without this pose, this photo would not be this photo. The above photo would not be that photo, I may have never gotten the water out of my ears.

    Credit Poses Example 3

    So while you may think you shouldn’t, you really really should. If a creator of the pose thinks it has changed so much they do not recognise it, well again they started the ball rolling and I am sure would not mind too much you sending customers their way.

    Next time you hesitate to credit something you have changed, think about if tinting a hairbase would mean not crediting it, or if you are like me and you upscale vases almost every other decor filled post… adding strands of hair does not mean the hair is no longer the creation if the hair store, or changing the hue saturation to your picture creates a tone of skin that that skin maker does not do, does that mean you shouldn’t credit the skin?

    Second Life was literally built on modifications, the ability to do such things as tweak a pose is a thing we are so lucky to be able to do now with the tools available, because again years ago there was no such thing as animare, or a neck poses HUD, you had to edit the hell out of things, or do tricks of layering with hair on and then off or a big dress skirt off then on to just get your hand outside of it.

    Don’t disqualify the original creator of a product you use, that inspired you, made the picture what it is, or helped you along the route to that picture, just because you made some changes. Again the readers want options, they do not want to entirely mimic your look so much that they even stand around on a platform for the day in that pose, they want to know where you shop, just as much as what you bought when you were there, or what you may have received in a bloggers pack etc. They want to jump on a posestand and cycle through things and be inspired too.

    I had a lot of fun taking these pictures, and I so loved these newish items from Blueberry in my first picture, the ability to select different colours for the various parts on the shirt dress and the divine boots – that come with three height options as in ankle, knee high and thigh high – was just marvelous. Fitting the dress over leggings by Sn@tch still a must visit for appliers needs, that makes mixing and matching mesh items so much more functional. I felt bad that this hair only got a look in the other day, so full shots this time, it deserved the spotlight.

    Then moving over to the great styles of hair by Argrace, we were there shopping in the store the other day and cleaned it out, then I ended up realising that I did not already own the wet look hair that is a must have, for any sort of upcoming summer shots. It made the picture even more fun for me, and then the excessive bangs style in the third pic, also from there with a bangs option that completely covers the eyes.

    I really hope this post changes some peoples minds on crediting even with alterations, I personally think it shows a lot of initiative to have done so and told people you have, because those that may have that pose, or know that build or have that hairbase, may never have thought to go in that direction with it.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Neck Pose HUD – Amacci

    Animare HUD – Animare

    Props, Furniture, Build


    Poses by


    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Alessa Skin – League 

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 127 Flair


    Sofia – Limerence @ Shiny Shabby


    Bette Dress Shirt – Blueberry

    Jersey Leggings – Sn@tch

    Shoes :

    Sammy Boots – Blueberry

    Accessories :

    Minimalist Rings – Yummy @ N21

    Splish Splash – Using

    Summer Swimsuit – Ane

    Chizuru Hair – Argrace 

    Kelby Copper Hot tub – Trompe Loeil

    Roller Baby – Using 

    Stair Backdrops Vol. 1 – Black – BIGBULLY

    Skateboard Ramp

    Kim Loose T with Bra – Addams 

    Mimi Headphones – Monso

    Skates – N-Core

    Gym Shorts Gacha – Paper Arrow

  • Stylish

    Boxes by Bob


    Shoes, Shoes, Shoes…I kind of had more of an excite than intended today, because these new Wedges by Vale Koer are so many options fabulous in the ability to colour coordinate to your look, but when I started rezzing other shoes I owned I realised that they were all mod, and while one may think of only having things mod because you can edit how you wear them, it is also true that it makes for some fun photography options. Also the ability to find some older BOXES that I could rez – I am not a fan of unpacking HUDs, mainly for this reason…I feel like I lost a ton of props in the past year, because now we do not have bags, and boxes and some of the most amazing items to unpack from are now no longer created.

    Did I mention shoes? shoes are aces. What is also fun is that Slink just updated their feet so that you can turn off the feet and just wear the ankle section on all their feet, so if wearing sneaker styled shoes that are often lower than this, you still keep your pretty ankles. Update using re-delivery if you already own some.

    I grabbed these at N21 which has changed over some of its booths to include 11 New to the event Guest Designers, a nice change up indeed. I like the layout there, as I was able to land elegantly and then just speed around as a floating head and buy all the things I needed. I got a great ringset by Yummy that lets you choose from metal and gemstone options as well as turning off or on each individual ring. Then wearing this adorable knotted T-shirt by Vinyl that has solid or print options in the fatpack, and the gold colour button on the print has this so cute best friends image of french fries and a burger.

    I teamed it up with some sporty shorts by The secret store, that also helped tie in the colours I chose on the shoes. All things come together like a treat and with the fatpack options to choose all the parts and colour as you see fit, you have combinations for the rest of your days.

    I also ran around Shiny Shabby yesterday and got this beautiful hair you can barely see by limerence, but it does not mean you do not have to go and try it and buy it and love it too. It is lovely and so casually elegant, in a low pony style/

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build

    Shoes Glorious Shoes – Ottoman – Winx & Flair 


    Poses by

    Shoes Glorious Shoes – Ottoman – Winx & Flair 

    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Alessa Skin – League @ Skin Fair 2018

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 38  Flair


    Sofia – Limerence @ Shiny Shabby


    3am Knotted Tee – Vinyl @ N21

    Jeanne Sporty Shorts – The Secret Store 

    Shoes :

    Rebeca Wedges – Vale Koer @ N21

    Clingy Heels, Bow Wedges, Usagi Trainers, Harley Sneakers, Street Glamour Heels, Bella Suede boots – BOXES by Bob – Vale Koer

    Accessories :

    Minimalist Rings – Yummy @ N21

  • Stylish

    Big Plans

    Big Plans

    A hotel corridor can make for some interesting photo opportunists, groups of people, solo options, night and day or even different time periods depending on the situation. Just like history it helps when you remember a time in yours when the product bag was a suit carrier, making for a great prop for this picture – and this is why I do not delete old things, even the bags/boxes come in useful.

    This is a corridor prop by FOXCITY that is at this round of Kustom9 and it is delightful. Adding some decor and turning on the light (not scripted just did that by selecting the face of the inside of the lamp and making it a light) really made for a lovely scene.

    Adding the very girly new Cami top by Vinyl also at K9 and it has an older styling look, but with a modern twist of the great pants. The lace of the cami has colour change options, and the colours available for the it are just beautiful. Important to note, the keyhole cut out in the cleavage region needs you to possibly alter your cleavage slider in your shape setting, this is often the case when items have some kind of feature in that zone, because of being built on a shape type in software that is not always the same in world. So if your breasts are closer together it can warp the mesh, you may have seen this on bras in the past and not known the cause, well that is it 🙂 a very simple alteration and you are done. It also makes a lot more sense in this style of top, as it isn’t a structured enough style to be pushing them together anyway.

    The jewellery pieces by Yummy were perfect in the girly girlness of the top and the hair which is a new release by Exile just fit the bill. I am wearing a Skin by Lara Hurley that is at the current Skin Fair, and it is very youthful and pretty, with brow options and lips and eyeshadows. There are also other appliers for lipsticks available.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build

    Photo Booth – Meet You There – FOXCITY @ Kustom9

    Sugar suitcase miss daisy – Tentacio

    Marble Coffee Table (edited) – Pilot

    Mirror – Industria Collection Gacha – Ex Machina

    Tulips in Vase – We in London – Tableau Vivant


    Poses by


    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Chloe Mesh Head LeLutka

    Amy Skin Applier – Lara Hurley @ Skin Fair

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Lara Hurley

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 8 Flair


    Marcia Marcia Marcia! – Exile


    Digi Lace Cami – Vinyl @ Kustom 9

    Tre Linen Bootcuts – Vinyl @ Fameshed

    Shoes :

    Margot Ballet Slippers – Slink

    Accessories :

    Spring Bouquet Necklace and Ring – Yummy

  • Stylish

    Those Late Night Blues

    Those Late Night Blues

    I am pretty sure I have mentioned before how Whimsy Winx can just create a scene in minutes from her inventory, and have done many a post using those areas. Lately when we go shopping and she buys any backdrops etc that I also tend to buy, she is the first to unpack – she likes to claim first rights – but that usually benefits me, because I log in and find myself surrounded, and inspired. Such was the case of this awesome backdrop/prop. When wanting something to really capture the late night awesomeness of this dress  this scene really had me thinking of those times where going to some random place to find a note on the back of a car told you the location of some pop up rave party and off you went. Finding yourself climbing through a broken wall or up some fire-escape steps to enter the back of some gutted factory. Those were the days.

    The build also has a great big neon sign and while not really visible and not actually casting the light, I used my VR Studio and rezzed some lighting and controlled it via the VR Studio HUD and coloured it to suit. I don’t usually do coloured lights but this was really perfect, to not only set the mood, the environment etc, but to also show off the fabulous materials set in this dress and these shoes by Narcisse.

    My favourite thing about this dress other than the texture and materials is the lacing aspect, not only because it is dead sexy, but because it is done so in a much more appealing way. My bum is not exposed only my cheek is, there is enough visible, without all being visible and that is definitely hotter and more realistic. Because of that it has a sense of belief that the amount showing is up to the wearer, the ties could be tighter or a size smaller worn and looser – this is of course not the case, but it alludes to the mindset – which creates a whole how much could I tug on it before it would give…

    The shoes are also by Narcisse and while not at the same event, you will want to make the trip to get them. These look fabulous with the dress, but I also have such a desire to wear them with suit pants, or a pencil skirt because they have a definite authoritarian vibe going on with them that is hot. The shoes have all manner of texture change options in the fatpack, and again the materials cause them to reflect lighting perfectly look at that red light sashay across the leather.

    This hair is a MUST HAVE it is from Sintiklia and available at BLUSH which closes on the 18th and is a fabulous event, so well layed out and just too many fineries. The hair is so soft and delectable that with the styling hud giving you options of left or right front and behind, it is just everything right now. I got the Naturals pack which is my go to pack in most hair stores, if you do it, I will get it, for bloggers, store owners and the like it is the perfect taster of colours because you just don’t know when you need to not be blonde that day or need some firey red in your life.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Neck Pose HUD – Amacci

    Props, Furniture, Build

    Antisocial – Ninety


    Poses by


    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Chloe Mesh Head LeLutka

    Bianca Skin Applier – Murray @ Skin Fair

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Murray @ Skin Fair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 8 Flair


    Xia Hair – Sintiklia @ Blush


    Nelly Lace Up Dress – Narcisse @ Kinky Monthly

    Shoes :

    Andrea Lace up Heels – Narcisse @ The Liaison Collaborative 

    Accessories :

    Coffin Nails Empire

  • Stylish

    Amacci Neck Poses HUD – YS&YS @ Skin Fair

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B7Zp2w6KHI&w=560&h=315]

    Marvelous MaVie Natalie - YS&YS

    Carina Larsen of Amacci has released a fantastic new Neck Pose HUD that gives you 31 options to move your neck, very quick and easy, giving you so many options for your photos, whether they are for blog posts, fashion pictures, or vendor ads.

    I am using some great poses in this post from MaVie by Mavi Beck. There is a 50% OFF SALE in her store and on Marketplace at the moment, no set end date at this time, so make sure you check those out, there are amazing editorial style poses.

    I am featuring a Skin Fair exclusive skin by YS&YS in this post, it is the Natalie skin and it is just lovely. Great lipstick, eyeshadow/liner and blush/moles/freckles options on the HUD with brows and no brows options available. I am wearing tone 02. I used to wear 04 and then slowly lightened up over the years.

    This top by Tee*fy really inspired my look, it is a stunning creation, and I just love the femininity of it. Then adding some beautiful hair roses by LeLutka and the most amazing earrings that I got at On9 when shopping with Ashia and Whimsy. There is also a glorious necklace choker style piece that is epic, but the earrings won me over and I have been wearing them for days.

    MaVie SALESkin Fair 2018Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Neck Pose HUD – Amacci

    Props, Furniture, Build


    Poses by


    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Natalie Skin applier – YS&YS @ Skin Fair 2018

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : YS&YS

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 38  Flair


    Lia – Mina


    Coco Flowy top – Tee*Fy @ Collabor88

    Sadystika’s Flare Jeans – Cynful

    Shoes :

    Siren Stilettos – Slink

    Accessories :

    Scare Earrings – Shanghai @ On9

  • Stylish

    Anya – Slink Petite Augment – Adam n Eve – Skin Fair 2018

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyxTHv2FuFY?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

    Anya - Adam n Eve
    Adam n Eve Tones 0AB

    Adam n Eve Tones CDE
    I have been watching all the great posts done by Bloggers for this years Skin Fair. Official Bloggers of the event were asked to include a specific number of posts in the ‘Old School’ format, that in Second Life Blogging usually means a composite of pictures of either tones or make ups of a skin. Going back years this was done on every skin post by many bloggers, but faded away for more of a look book, look of the day style of posting.

    I have seen a few mentions on how this is out of peoples comfort zone, and they are not sure how to go about it etc. We all struggled back in the day, many had tricks or processes they would use, actions in PS and the like, then along came Photoscape and made life very easy on everyone. This software is not only easy for Bloggers and those that do not have PS at all it has a huge arrangement of editing options, but the section focused on today is the Page section which is like a whole lot of smart objects you can drag and drop to.

    I am today featuring the lovely new skin at Skin Fair by Adam n Eve. Adam n Eve skins were skins I wore for my first few years Blogging, every day…another thing that happened in the olden days was one skin – and its options – were worn for sometimes years – they also were about ten times the price of skins now, so we are lucky to have so many options so readily available and an event like Skin Fair just shows such a great range of options and stores to make note of to visit in future.

    The skin is called Anya and it has such a lovely face, worn in my picture with the Spencer LeLutka head. Adam n Eve has made the skin a one click apply and detach HUD option in the LeLutka version, so you can drop it straight into an outfit and bam you are done.

    It has no brows as the base skin and there are brow options available. Adam n Eve has also updated their body appliers to give more options and today I am also wearing the new Slink Petite Augment which means I can have smaller breasts that the original body breast size could lower too. This is an add on piece that you wear after wearing the body, and it will remove the mesh from underneath and voila you have a whole new shape to play with. At the moment the Augment is too new for mesh clothing, but applier clothing looks fantastic on it, and I just really liked how the combination of the Petite Augment went with my Hourglass body. I also love this top. The reason I combined the Adam n Eve with the Petites is that they have shading options in their body appliers allowing for a softer look for smaller breasts, they even have a de-hanced look which is as close to flat as you can get.

    Going with a more casual style the top and these amazing pants by Ison really fit my lazy days bill. Coupling them with these amazing shoes by Zaara – there are so many options to personalise these shoes and the jewel encrusting is magnificent as always with Zaara pieces – that are at this round of Collabor88.  The shoes and the look really kept up with this amazing prop build and the hair choice from Mina not only suited the beautiful skin and my look overall, but the location and pose. Got to love when that happens.

    The petites also made me smile with glee, when looking for a little something extra to wear, I put on this great talisman necklace also by Zaara and loved that no editing whatsoever needed to happen because my breasts were not in the way or clipping.

    To show off the skin tones available I chose the beautiful lingerie by Mutresse also at Collabor88. This lace style is a bit more revealing than I wear frontally on my blog, but you are used to that by now. It comes in an abundance of colours and some gorgeous options to change, and once I went all black I just couldn’t resist colouring the bow on my bottom. You will actually see the HUD in my video so much to choose from and the style is just divine.

    When visiting Skin Fair there is a complexity limit for the first week, so that lag can be decreased. It is set to 50K at this time which is an ample amount to still keep your bodyparts on as needed, just tone down your hair wearing complexity, possibly just use a hairbase and you will want to see your body appliers etc, so using an applier swimsuit can help, then derender everyone and turn down your draw distance and you will be good to go.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build


    Poses by

    Spanish Patio – Exposeur

    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Anya Skin – Adam n Eve @ Skin Fair

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Petite Augment – Hourglass fit – Slink @ Skin Fair

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 39  Flair


    Shelley – Mina Hair


    Marta Lingerie – Mutresse @ Collabor88

    Long Sleeve cotton top – Appliers – Eyelure

    Slouch Cotton Pants – Ison

    Shoes :

    Padma Mojari Shoes – Zaara @ Collabor88

    Accessories :

    Banjara Silver Talisman Necklace – Zaara

  • Stylish

    Alessa the Undressa

    League Alessa @ Skin Fair 2018 Alessa the Undressa

    Skin Fair is approaching fast, and we have been over one full sim so far with early access as Bloggers, and you are going to have to dress for the occasion, making sure you wear appliers to quickly turn off or on as needed in a hurry, and hair that is off the face, actually just hairbases are probably better.

    One of the things that the organisers did this year was request that Official Bloggers of the event cover the event OLD SCHOOL! which in the skinning world is showing as many of the details as possible in a post. It doesn’t mean you have to not do a pretty arty picture in your usual style, it just means you also need to really bring attention to the skin/s themselves.

    This is how we used to blog skins before appliers were a thing, before skins were in such abundance and we used to wait months for a big skin release. There were those that did naked, there were those that shot in lingerie and swimsuits. Close ups of the faces and full length, with some major descriptions, because back then there used to be so many layer options that you had to keep track of, now with appliers you are able to turn on different uppers and lowers and add brows etc. In the olden days, you had one skin having upwards of 40 different system skins in all manner of options. It was a great way to share information with the readers, and based on what was shown, what was shared, you often got a lot more information than the demo could give. That has changed a lot now too. I have missed doing posts like that, and while not an Official Blogger for the event, I was granted early access along with SL Bloggerati members, so decided to kick it old school anyway.

    League has made gorgeous Exclusives for the event (only exclusive during the event as in not sold at stores until it closes for the year).

    The Alessa skin is a LeLutka applier and if you are a League customer you will notice the NEW HUD options as they have changed slightly to give you more opportunities of wear. The base skins (no makeup) have 4 Brows and a No Brows option as part of the skin. Then there are 5 Eyeshadows that are now on the eyeshadow layer, this means that you can use them not only with your League Alessa skin, but could also wear them with any other League LeLutka skin applier you may have…also due to the rerouting option on the LeLutka head, you could mix them with other options or stack as you see fit.

    Then there are 5 eyeliner options, catseyes and swoosh styles that are from fine to thick and just gorgeous, they come on the eyeshadow layer also, but again rerouting means you could stack them on the tattoo layer over the shadows. Then there are these amazing glossy lip colours, they are more like liquid gloss than lipstick, and they look amazing, you can even blend them with the LeLutka HUD to soften them. I have shown a mix of the options on the HUD but you can try more with the demos.

    Then you have a mix of moles or freckles with the remaining five buttons on the HUD so you have combinations that you will have a great time mixing together. There are also clear buttons on the HUD but you can do the same with the LeLutka head HUD so whichever is easier.

    Because there are so many head options and shape variables, League has included an A and a B option of the Skins, they vary only slightly but depending on your head and its shape, you may prefer one over the other, but as both are included you could even use both to occasionally change your look just that little bit.

    There are shapes also at the event, and some brows and lipstick options for purchase, the lipsticks also have the A and B and they really do change your look. I haven’t taken pics of those as of yet, because I got distracted by my own hotness. Well that and the lovely hair by Exile that is at Blush at the moment,  and just suited my whole mood for this post.

    Then we have this lingerie that if you saw this at Frou Frou event and did not get it you need to go back it is hot hot hot. It also comes in separate pieces even though the demo is all in one, which upon reading the notecard demo I realised and that was an instant yes from me. You only have a few more days to go there, so get prepared for all the lovelies to be found.

    What better way to show the skin and lingerie than a fantastic bedroom set by Cheeky Pea that is at this Mod Round of Uber. Love the linen on the bed, and this magnificent headboard, the chest of drawers is so fun also in its vintage look. It is gorgeous and such great duo tone colours for a mixed room.

    Skin Fair 2018

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build

    Tippi Bed, Closet & Flowers – Cheeky Pea @ Uber


    Poses by


    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Alessa Skin – League @ Skin Fair 2018

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 Flair


    The Idea of Her – Exile @ Blush


    Anais Lingerie – Big Beautiful Doll @ Frou Frou

  • Stylish

    Skin Fair – Not Soon Enough

    Skin Fair - Not Soon Enough

    So this post was a hoot to bring about, I honestly had the skeleton needing skin idea a few days ago, finally got in to make it happen, felt lonely clones myself and then ended up looking like an Album Cover. Have to love how SL Blogging can grow from a kernel of an idea into a complete tree.

    So the thing of it is this, SKIN FAIR IS COMING! and I like the majority of the grid am super excited. It is an annual event spanning two sims, and has mesh bodyparts, skins, makeups, shapes and tattoos, everything you can wish for at a Skin Fair as big as this.

    The event has been running for many years now, and always has such a great mix of looks and varieties of items to cater to many needs by many people, even if on a budget you are sure to find either an item to buy there and then, or to make note to put on your personal wish list for a future purchase. Like any annual fair it also enriches your knowledge of creators out there, that you may not normally be exposed to. So whether on the look out for a new skin, or any of the other options available, visit anyway, take some friends and explore all the options. Demos will be sent out in their group, so to keep up to date with all things Skin Fair and Pale Girl Productions, visit their website HERE.

    PaleGirlProductions Presents Skin Fair 2018

    The Backdrop I am using is this incredible pipes set by Paparazzi that is at this round of Shiny Shabby, we went nuts when we saw it, and the texture work is incredible for many pictures in various angles etc, I thought it was perfect for my pic, as it looks like I was part of some kind of toxic waste accident.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build

    BACKDROP – Pipes Walkway – Paparazzi @ Shiny Shabby


    Poses by

    Le Poppycock

  • Stylish

    One Day

    One Day

    When I saw that Black Bantam had done Slink Pointe/Deluxe feet Ballet Sneakers I got so excited. They are part of their adorable release for this round of The Arcade, and not only are they great to look at, they are tintable, which means the colour options are pretty much unlimited, and you can actually change independent parts so that you can create a mixed look.

    I thought about the type of picture I wanted to do, and was thinking about how there are so many girls out there that want to dance, have dancing running through their souls 24/7 but may just have to also do boring day jobs to afford dance classes, but even while emptying the trash or reloading some stock, there is a moment in which dancing cannot be turned off.

    Mixing them with the great new bodysuit by Blueberry, and the denim shorts that fit snuggly over them (using the tucked in option of Bodysuit) I was definitely ready to blow this popstand and dance my buns off, my blueberry buns.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

    VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

    VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

    VR Foundry Marketplace

    Props, Furniture, Build

    Backdrop Scene #1 – Lemon and Wetcat

    Cardboard Box Cart – Soy

    Home Improvement, Life’s a Mess – Second Spaces


    Poses by

    Skin & Body Parts Worn:

    Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

    Esther Skin – YS&YS @ The Chapter Four

    Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : YS&YS

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 99  Flair


    A-NV-0003 – LeLutka


    Frappe Bodysuit, Frappe Shorts – Blueberry

    Shoes :

    Tintable Street Ballet Sneaker (<3 These Things) Gacha – Black Bantam @  The Arcade