
  • Stylish



    It is POSE FAIR time of the year again, and I am so excited about it because it is the release of the VR Studio 4.2 . I am fortunate enough with Whimsy and our other friends to be the Beta testers for this system, and every new feature just has me in awe. I am able to use it for so many things other than just posing myself. I can pose others, wear the Mobile Library hud to locations that do not allow rezzing, and pose myself, or even better I can pose others. Then I have all the other incredible features, including lights, and rotation without moving the stand, an awesome backdrop and so many other great things.
    The most amazing NEW feature is the Focus Aid…it gives you the incredible gift of making depth of field so much easier to use. I have taken a few shots with this this week, and honestly, the difference and ease of it is remarkable. You can see all the features and information on the whole system HERE on the VR Studio website. You will be able to get yours at Pose Fair, and I have used the VR Studio for 6.5 years now, and I could not survive without it. I even use the camera lock features to send notices from my subscribo in the store,  from 2000+ metres in the sky. There is also an amazing projector pack at the event, that you can inject into your studio, and if you already have the VR Studio, updates are free.

    I took a quick set of pics earlier today, while trying all the fun new features, plus I was looking awesome with my Urbanista look of the day. The pants I fell in love with from Gizza, the texturing on them is amazing. The top is from a store that Whimsy found called Miss Chelsea. It is actually from the same creators as JD shoes, and the fit is fantastic as it comes with Slink options for my body, no alpha needed on some items, but some do need a little something, but it all works great. The fab glasses are a new item from Livalle, great aviator lenses that you can tint and colour change the frames to many colour options on the hud.

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:

    Luth – Retired Poses


    Ellis – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    LeLutka Mesh Head Ever – LeLutka

    Skin Appliers for Aria – Glam Affair @ LeLutka

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 – Flair


    Alice – LeLutka


    Cropped Long Sleeve Top – Miss Chelsea

    Leather Cargo pants – Gizza

    Shoes :

    Some Boots – Deco

    Accessories :

    Twillight Aviator Glasses – Livalle

  • Stylish

    LeLutka Head HUD – How to Use it!

    Tunic 1

    Tunic 2

    LeLutka Mainstore NEW2

    LeLutka Mainstore NEW

    LeLutka Mesh Head Hud

    Happy Birthday Whimsy Winx

    So on our whirl wind birthday tour, we hit a lot of stores and events, while Whimsy played busdriver. We often do that, delegate who has to be the one that does all the tping of our little band of shoppers, usually it is me because I tend to lack patience waiting, and usually find that Whimsy got distracted on her way from the website with the slurls, to my IM box.

    It has been a great week so far, with the release of the LeLutka Mesh Heads, and that incredible New build. If you haven’t been over there yet and explored it all, you are really missing out.

    I have been having a great time with the LeLutka heads, especially playing with the head hud. Not only does it control the main features of wearing your skin, but it also does a lot more, you just have to know how to use it, and it is very intuitive. All shimmers and Gloss effects are only visible when using the Advanced Lighting Model option in Preferences (Ctrl + P) then your graphics tab. You can choose to turn it on and use the None option on the dropdown beneath it to not actually have your shadows in play, just to see the glossy looks without it being too hard to render everything else.

    Section 1

    On the top of the hud you have the controls for the head itself… pretty simple really, mouth closed or open, eyes the same, ears hiding or showing – which is either great for wearing other ears, such as the brilliant ones from Mandala, or turning them off because they poke through a hairstyle you are wearing. Then you have the blink on/off options, so that you don’t blink through a photo, or just because you want to wear someone elses mesh lashes and as you cannot get those to blink with the head, stopping the blink makes it work perfectly.

    Then you have the necksize, so 0 works great with the Maitreya body, as do the other sizes, as I do believe they are all the same, or you use 5 for the Slink physique body, as both are a great fit for the head. They could work for the others out there, but those two are the ones that they know do work, and as I am wearing the Slink in all my posts this past week, you know that is true.

    Section 2

    Next section is the skin tones, and the shimmer (specular/normals) for the head. So the ten skin tones used are the ones that Glam Affair makes, perfect fit with the Maitreya body, as they come with the same tones in their HUD and you can buy the appliers for the Slink body. So once you have your skin tone ready, and the face of course – there is a different face for each of the heads, you can actually mix and match the head huds, or appliers. Then you have a shimmer slider, a slider which is so cool just being slidable, which increases or decreases the shimmer on your skin, which is like a lovely shine effect. This is the default specular maps for the head, which may be replaced with other shimmer effects once other creators start releasing huds. You can remove the effect with the Remove button, and Restore with the Restore button – Restore will bring you back to the original default, if you have used something else.

    Section 3

    Eyeshadows area…right now there aren’t any separate eyeshadow appliers, other than the ones included with the head itself, but they are wonderful. You use the Show or Hide buttons, they do the function they are named for. Then you have the Blend and Shimmer sliders. Blend is my all time favourite slider, on both this section and the next. The Blend slider controls how much of the texture is seen…so if you have a really strong Green eyeshadow for instance, that is like super heavy for night time looks, you can use the Blend slider, and decrease its opacity and create your own early evening, or day time shadow look…BRILLIANT!  Then you have Shimmer, again like the above it has its own default that you can Restore or Remove, and when you use it you will see the increase in the shine to the eye area. You can also choose to not have the shimmer on by sliding the slider all the way down, but keeping the Blend all the way up, different looks whatever way you use it.

    Take Note: Some skin appliers will have makeup included on the skin applier itself, you cannot control those layers with the blend or shimmer/gloss sliders. 

    Section 4

    Lashes, two types pretty straight forward, you just toggle between them. You can also turn them off, to wear other lashes you may be more in love with…but remember to turn off your blink, or you will look a little odd. Then below that you will see a Tint Lashes option, an arrow that opens a panel that has a colour picker you can go to town with. Create so many different colours you like.

    To the right of that you have the hairbase option. Included with the head package is a hairbase hud. Once you wear that and choose the hairbase you want to wear, you may need to use the SHOW button on the Head Hud. You can turn it off with the Hide button, and then below again a drop down colour picker, and you can tint the hairbase to match other hair you have, or possibly rock out some great colours and match your tinted lashes to them.

    Section 5 

    Now you have gotten together your look of awesomeness, and you are about to be tpd somewhere where you have to look completely different…do not despair, the 5 save preset slots are here. On the left of the hud, you have an arrow to click and out pops 5 shiny buttons. Got your whole look together? skin base, eyeshadow, lipstick and shimmers and glosses all where you want them…then you tinted your lashes and hair base and you look fabulous! Now left click and hold down on one of the presets and it is saved for when you want that look again. You could make up day and night looks, and just toggle between them. Run out of spaces you can either save over them by holding down on them again, and a drop down will ask if you want to save over it, or you can make a copy of the hud and save another 5 on that.

    If any of this confuses you, you can click on the ? button at the top of the hud and get zoomed on over to the website where there is a FAQ.

    For those wanting to know, the make up appliers kits will be available at LeLutka from the 6th of April, and the handpicked skin creators will be releasing a little while after that.

    So I was out shopping as I said, and the lighting and everything over at Kustom9 looked great, so I put on my VR Studio Library, already packed with my Marukin poses from C88, and posed away. I love that thing, that and the VR Studio and Hud, are my everything.



    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:

     Marukin Poses @ Collabor88


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Aria Head – Lelutka

    Aria Skin Appliers Clean – Glam Affair  @ LeLutka

    Candy Lips applier Dark 03 – Glam Affair @ LeLutka

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 – Flair


    Selina – enVogue


    Mirage Tunic – Polka – Celoe

    Shoes :

    Smooth Suede Thigh High – Lethal 

    Accessories :

    Quilted Handbag – Lethal

    Piercings (modified) – Punch

  • Stylish

    Ahoy there



    My Attic is about to close up for another session on the 31st, so you need to make sure you get on over and take advantage of the incredible items. I am wearing one of the beautiful vintage inspired dresses by Dead Dollz, there are three colours to choose from, and they are all superb. The fit is also excellent with my body I just had to turn off my legs and midsection with the Slink Physique alpha hud and I was ready to go.

    I am very excited that the new LeLutka heads are coming, and that everyone will get to experience them soon…but also the build, which is just magnificent. I will do more on how the heads actually work closer to release, as I wanted to be sure nothing was going to change on the information from when I first got the heads, as they were still in beta stage.

    The gorgeous shoes I am wearing are at Uber by Pure Poison and not only come in different versions for Maitreya and Slink but also mid and high versions, in case you do not have one or the other, how cool is that. Equally awesome is this lovely full bodied hairstyle by Exile, love the waves and just felt it needed me to be blonde in it.


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 4.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Ever Mesh Head – LeLutka COMING SOON

    Ever Skin Appliers Clean – Glam Affair @ Undivided COMING SOON

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 10 – Flair


    Electric Soul – Exile


    Brenda Leigh Dress – Dead Dollz @ My Attic 

    Shoes :

    Belle Pumps (Slink High Feet add ons) – Pure Poison @ Uber

    Accessories :

    My Vintage Radio – Le Primitif @ My Attic

  • Stylish

    Ever lovin

    Ever Lovin

    Ever Lovin 2

    Ever Lovin 3

    Lacuna has made this stunning Lingerie set for My Attic. It has appliers and also system layers, so you can look super fabulous. I love the colours available and the lime green really shouts out to you. As they are only 95L during the event you can get as many as you can carry out the door.

    This stunning bedroom set is by Cheeky Pea, it is a stunning mix of items,and I just loved the earthy tones in this one, there was another option more colourful in the boho theme of last Uber, but this one won me over. The bed is so neat too, it is scripted to have the bed linen fold down when you lay on it, and it has a lot of poses for great pic oppurtunities, or you know sleeping and stuff. I am wearing the Lana hair from LeLutka but I did play with it a lot with my tablet, because I have to get used to that thing, and my shoulders were getting chilly.

    Wearing one of the COMING SOON LeLutka heads with the Clean skin appliers on it. You will get the clean option in every make up skin package when buying your appliers for these heads, so that is a definite win, when you consider all the looks you will be able to create once you build up a collection of make ups in the future.


    My Attic @ The Deck


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Delilah Set Earth – Cheeky Pea

    Location –

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Ever Mesh Head – LeLutka COMING SOON

    Ever Skin Appliers Clean  – Glam Affair COMING SOON

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Flat Feet, Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 1 – Flair


    Lana – Lelutka


    Mae Lingerie Appliers – Lacuna @ My Attic 

    Accessories :

    Prophecy Ring – Mandala @ Uber

  • Stylish

    LeLutka Head Stretch

    LeLutka Head Stretch Collage

    One of the exciting things about the LeLutka heads COMING SOON is that there is the ability to use the shape sliders for Head Stretch and Head Length. You will need to also adjust your eye sliders to get the perfect look, both eyespacing and eyedepth. The top left image in this collage is my own original shape, where my headstretch is 24, I went up by 10 for each image, so that also means there are another 60 looks if I had gone up by 1 slider number instead. So even if buying the same head as your bestie, you will be able to tweak enough to look different. I am wearing my red hair again, but am only using the default skin layer with options off for shimmer etc, so you can focus on the changes to shape.


    LeLutka Head Aria – LeLutka COMING SOON

    Aria Skin Default Included – Glam Affair

    Phsyique Mesh body – Slink

  • Stylish

    The Aria

    The Aria

    The Aria 2

    I decided that with a name like Aria, this head needed some oppulance, so I went with this lovely gown by Gizza. Mixing it with one of the COMING SOON Skin appliers for Aria by Glam Affair, this dramatic makeup is stunning. I did already give my being a redhead for a while up, because when creating this picture I did like the depth of the darker hair better. The hair which is a bun attachment will also be included with the Lelutka heads, as well as the hairbase options, so straight out of the bag, you are going to be set.

    To finish off the look the divine Prophecy Jewellery set by Mandala at this round of Uber is remarkable. It consists of necklace, earrings and fantastic ring with left or right hand attachment. The metal and stone work are amazing, and honestly his creativity in these pieces is amazing.

    Only a few more days to go until you can get your very own LeLutka head…


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Aria Head – LeLutka COMING SOON

    Aria Skin Applier 05 – Glam Affair COMING SOON

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Slink Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 237 – Flair


    Rogue Bun – LeLutka Head Pack – LeLutka COMING SOON


    Lavinia Gown – Gizza

    Shoes :

    Gabriel (high feet add ons) – Slink

    Accessories :

    Prophecy Jewellery Set – Mandala @ Uber

  • Stylish

    For Ever More

    Ever More

    Another sneak peek at the COMING SOON heads by LeLutka. This is Ever and she is a delightfully strong charismatic face. Using the hairbase that will come with the LeLutka Heads, I was able to wear the older LANA style by LeLutka that is combed back off the face, and the combination is perfection. I fell in love with the red brows in the skin appliers by Glam Affair, that I think I will stay red for a while, or not…I tend to flit about in that area, but today I am going to pretend I will stick with it.


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:



    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Skin Applier for Ever – Glam Affair COMING SOON

    Ever Mesh Head – LeLutka COMING SOON

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands, Physique Body, High Feet – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair


    Lana – LeLutka 




  • Stylish

    The Leda

    Leda 1

    Leda 2

    If you are a member of the LeLutka group, you will remember that when they released their NEW textures for their hairstyles, they announced they were in the process of building a NEW Sim. There have been a few LeLutka builds over the years, and every one of them has been incredible. The last one was around the same time a few years ago, and it was the Mayfair build that many of you will be familiar with, as it is often used in photos.

    This time though it is LeLutka mainstore getting the makeover, and the sneak peek teaser pics were shown on their flickr feed just the other day HERE. It looks incredible, and I can honestly say, that personally having been there already, it is astounding what those two ladies can achieve when they put their minds to it. Not only will it be amazing to shop at, but it is a blissful location, one which you will want to spend time at for either photographs of your own, or just because it has such a lovely ambience.

    But that is not the only NEW news, those that have been admiring the Lelutka ‘heads’ for years now, when shooting their ads, will now have the opportunity to purchase, not one, not two but three different head styles when the sim re-opens. This is an exciting time for them, and those that are big fans of their work, and also big fans of mesh heads in general. The other excitement is that those that wear the Maitreya Body Lara, will have the instant matching of the skins included in that package, to work with the heads as all the textures and tones are Glam Affair creations. This too works in regards to Slink Physique fans, as you can see in the image, it is the Slink body that I am wearing. So you have two fabulous bodies that will work with the LeLutka heads.

    I am wearing Leda, she is one of the three available, and I did not think she was my style from the begining, but now I have trouble taking her off. The other two heads are Aria and Ever, and Aria you can have a sneak peek of HERE, with Minnu being all sexy and lounge singery (yeah it’s a word, even if I just made it up 😛 ) The heads come with many features, and as this is an early teaser, I am not going to go into all the details on them yet, but get excited!

    So while you all wait patiently for that, how about you come visit My Attic lol nice segue don’t you think…it is on until the 31st of March and the theme this round is Rock-a-billy Retro. I just love all the high-waisted items, and fun bright colours, and especially the amount of navy and red – love those combos. SySy’s did these gorgeous high-waisted shorts and bustier tops that come with appliers for Slink and Maitreya, as well as system layers so you do not miss out.

    I am shooting my pics on the Dice poses prop Whimsy Winx and I made for My Attic, and the stunning shoes created by Bushu…the heels on these are stunners and as usual everything at My Attic is 95L during the event, so get over there asap.



    My Attic

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:

    I feel Lucky set – W.Winx @ Flair @ My Attic


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Leda Head – LeLutka COMING SOON

    Base Skin Leda – Glam Affair @ Lelutka COMING SOON

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 231 – Flair


    Sharla – Ploom @ Kawaii Fair


    High Waisted Vintage Shorts and Retro Bustier – SySy’s @ My Attic

    Shoes :

    Carmen Shoes (High Slink Feet add ons) – Bushu @ My Attic

    Accessories :

    Reclining Feline Earrings – Paper Couture

  • Stylish

    Cafe Rules

    Nudie Cafe

    Skin Fair is in full bloom, and I have been back and forth a few times. I am wearing Chelsea, a fantastic new skin from Adam n Eve. Not only is the skin divine, but she has been creating make ups such as these luscious lipsticks, with spec maps so that they actually look almost wet and moist to the touch, it also gives the appearance of each little ridge in the natural shape of the lips, very sexy especially in this amazing red colour. So the Skin appliers are separate and Chelsea is just lovely as a skin, then on top I have the separate lipsticks for the Visage heads by Slink, so top to toes I am all mesh as usual lately.

    Then adding a little more with these new make up options the Elymode eyeshadow from her Cosmic release that is already on marketplace, so grab those and all the ones at Skin Fair too.

    We went over to Kustom9 the other night, Justice, Ashia and me, and I picked up this great skirt and top from Le Primitif. Now generally as a rule I do not usually mix and match within the same release, then I feel as though someone else dressed me, but this time I made an exception, because they really do compliment eachother. The simplicity of the v neck cropped shirt, with the wrap style of this stunner of a skirt.

    It really is the shoes that pull the whole look together though, they are drop dead gorgeous. The St Tropez shoes are another Essenz shoe that is at Whore Couture Fair, and honestly once you have these in your arsenal it wouldn’t be long until you could retire, you know if you really were whoring.

    The collobor88 items I am wearing are the beautiful necklace from MG, it is a lovely mix on a secret locket and letter rolled into one. Then you have this great cafe sign, that is so cool and I will have to find a more permanent place for it, probably near my garage sign. The other day I showed some Pink Hustler hair, I did buy out the store, but this style today is the style I have not taken off since, I love this back behind the ears bob style, it is just perfect.


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:

     Marukin @ Collabor88

    Ruth’s R&R Sign – Intrigue Co. @ Collabor88


    Ellis – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Chelsea Visage Appliers – Adam n Eve @ Skin Fair 2015

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet , Visage Head, Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Adam n Eve @ Skin Fair 2015

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 230 – Flair

    Cosmic Eyeshadows for Visage – Elymode 



    Hair 8023 – Pink Hustler


    V-Neck_Crop T S – Cherry, Tie Me up Long Skirt – Le Primitif @ Kustom9

    Shoes :

    St Tropez – Essenz @ Whore Couture Fair

    Accessories :

    Secret Love Letter Locket – Maxi Gossamer @ Collabor88

  • Stylish




    I love when What’s New SL takes me to new to me stores. Yesterday I shopped till I dropped at Pink Hustler and it was hair galore, so make sure you run over and grab everything. The dress is a divine creation from Ison, and it is at C88 this round, it has very sexy leather strapping, and is otherwise a very modest dress, so the combination is rawr. The shoes are stunners from Essenz at the annual Whore Couture Fair, they have the greatest mule look in their high awesomeness, and have texture change options for the metals.

    Skin Fair 2015 is upon us and Deeetalez has released a new skin called Amy with Visage head appliers that are just gorgeous. You can also purchase hairbases separately, and the skin options are super. You get multiple brow options, different mole and freckle options or clear, and then different lipsticks and one smokey shadow as well as the nude lips and eyes options. Mixing them all up gives you lots of looks, and now that Visage has make up appliers options, you can be as unique as you want to be.

    Skin Fair 2015 Sim 1

    Skin Fair 2015 Sim 2

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore,VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Props, Furniture, Build :

    Location –

    Poses by:

     Posesion Poses


    Ellis – LeLutka

    Skin Worn:

    Amy – Deetalez @ Skin Fair 2015 

    Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Feet and Visage Head and Physique Body – SLink

    Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Deetalez

    Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 238 – Flair


    8040 – Pink Hustler


    Wednesday Dress – Ison @ Collabor88

    Shoes :

    Lisbon (Slink High Feet) – Essenz @ Whore Couture Fair