OPEN Call for Models for FACES Agency
Carissa Crimson sent out a plea to the grid tonight, they are looking for models for an upcoming show and they want you to audition via the details below…GOOD LUCK ! and GUYS TOOOOO
***FACES is holding an open call for models to join the agency.
FACES is about showcasing the undeniable beauty of individuals in the Second Life community and is looking for unique models for runway and print.
To apply, submit a notecard containing the following to Carissa Crimson by Sunday, February 17th @ midnight SLT:
1. Name the Notecard !!!FACES MODEL SUBMISSION – your name – IncludeName:SL Birthdate:Inventory count (should be approximated for clothes, skins, accessories, hair, etc.):Is your Shape Modifiable:Are you available for an upcoming job with the following time slots:Feb 28th OR Feb 29th: for rehearsalMarch 1st 12pm sltime : show(*please note that for this casting call you will be hired for a job for these specific dates, as a trial FACES model, you WILL be paid for the show, but you will be notified regarding a permanent modeling position with the agency , which will be based on your perfomance, after the show is complete*)Previous Experience and other agencies you currently are respesented by:Why do you want to join FACES?:
Two (2) IN-WORLD full-permission snapshots. NO textures! FACES does not want retouched photographs. 1. !YourName-HEADSHOT (closeup photo of your face taken from the front view)2. !YourName-FULL FRONT (full or ¾ length photo of yourself in a simple two piece bikini/bra & undies OR if you’re of the male persuasion: a swimsuit/undies)
It is IMPERITIVE that you follow the above instructions closely. PARTICULARLY naming your notecard and snapshots as requested (otherwise your submission may be unaccepted or lost in inventory)
**We are hopefully anticipating a response from some fashionable and aspiring boys. Ladies, we need you too, but if you know a tasteful guy…PLEASE sent their submission our way with your own***
On Monday, February 18th @ 5PM SLT we will contact you directly with details if you have been selected.
Please feel free to contact Carissa Crimson with any questions and we look forward to hearing from you.
<3 Cari