
Happy Anniversary Tempura Island

Happy Anniversary Tempura Island

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of Tempura Island, a beautiful sim that is so graciously supported by the Mandala team of Kikunosuke, Chikae and Polly. Many years have passed and many times I have visited the island to just enjoy the gift that it really is as a location for any and all to enjoy. There is the beautiful formal setting for dancing or just enjoying time with friends or loved ones, then there are the outdoor areas that are either lovely to just relax in, or to take up a poseball and get your Tai Chi on.

I was honoured to be asked to write up something for their website commemorating this decade milestone and you will find my best wishes as well as many who have also delighted in this wonderful sim. I wish everyone a very happy 10th Anniversary and hope that it reminds everyone to take some really important time to explore this great world we have here, and be proud that we are part of such a fantastic community each and every day.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio @ Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build


Tempura Island 

Poses by


Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

Alessa Skin – League

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 135 Flair


Lively Hair, NV-0001 – LeLutka


Ayako Dress – Giz Seorn

Thea Top, Bon Booty Shorts – Vinyl

Shoes :

6th Ave Crochet Chucks – Vinyl

Accessories :

Yolo Necklace – Mandala

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