
NEW! LookBook SL – May Edition

Look Book SL - May Edition

The excitement is real people, the ability to make a cuppa, get comfy on the sofa and slowly go through some great makeup options is coming to you live on the 27th May. Now I personally see people often asking after makeup appliers, where can I find this or that, and people throw some names at them and off they run. But this new LOOKBOOK HUD system is going to save you a lot of TPing around, and give you the things you may have not known you were ever in need of until you see them there live and lovely.

On the 27th of May as in very very soon, you can get this HUD for FREE! from either the Marketplace store or locations at various stores around the grid. The heads catered to in the HUD are LeLutka and Catwa primarily, but you will also find that some of the creators have included Omega, other heads and even System layers for people that do not wear mesh heads, or for the upcoming baked on mesh.

Once you first wear the HUD you can choose to search using the option at the top of the HUD and input the name of the store you know is participating, or if you are unsure, you can type a store you like and see if they are participating. The other great thing about something like this is that you can be introduced to a brand you may never have found tping around the grid, and now you have them on your radar to visit their store when you are finished lounging at home shopping from the HUD.

Ok so again you wear the HUD, you find an item you have interest in, and you click the DEMO to try, it will send you a demo immediately and then you can buy from either the brand button for the head you wear, or the main picture which means you get all the options available. When you first select an item it will ask you to grant it permissions to accept payment from you. If you try and buy something you have already purchased it will just send it again, this HUD will be something you can go back to over the month if you do not buy it all in one go.

The HUD has options for lipsticks, eyeshadows, eyes, lashes and some very cute highlights for the face. Something for many of your makeup needs. I tried on many items from many great creators and put together some collages of the looks on my wonderful new Faith skin by Glam Affair that is at Kustom9.  I am also rocking out another great top for the Slink Petite Augments, and rocking is right, rocking and rolling.

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots

VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)

VR Studio ” Winx & Flair (general)

VR Foundry Marketplace

Props, Furniture, Build


Poses by

Stare Pack – BodyLanguage @ Uber

Skin & Body Parts Worn:

Spencer Mesh Head LeLutka

Faith Skin Applier – Glam Affair @ Kustom9

Dynamic Mesh Hands (Bento Enabled) , Deluxe Feet & Hourglass Physique Body Slink

Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Glam Affair

Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57  Flair

Jigawatt Highlighter – LeLutka Appliers – Adored/LookBook May

Sticky Mascara – LeLutka Appliers – Rosebun/LookBook May

Crow Marks – Clemmm/LookBook May


Bree Hair – Sintiklia @ Blush Event


Eirlys Tops – Slink Petite Augment fit – Asteroid Box

Skinny Leathers – One Bad Pixel @ Slink

Shoes :

Olga – Utopia Design

Accessories :

Iggy Necklace – Nanika @ Shiny Shabby

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