Skin Fair 2024 – Sydd said ZRLY

Skin Fair 2024 is underway, and there are over 200 stores of content spanning 2 regions. I asked one of the Skin Fair Bloggers – Sydd Sinister to give me 4 letters to help me pick an assortment of creators to feature, the only stipulation was one of them had to be Z for Zibska. I guess that means she really only chose 3 but it is much funnier my way.
I started off with featuring the NEW LOGO Lux head, LOGO is a sponsor of the event, so very easy to find, and they have a lovely large booth with lots on offer, including an incredible deal on animations. Their new head straight out of the box was easy to wear. It actually looked close enough to me to feel really comfortable in it, and just had to tweak some sliders shapes wise, but the shape included is also great. I have included a picture of the HUD that comes with and as you can see it is both EvoX and SLUV set, so that means you have a lot more skins to choose from. There are a lot of built in features, but you can also add your own. I am a BOM girl, I love it so much, so used skins and additional makeups, eyes etc from outside of the head itself. It does have eyes included, but as I wished to feature the ones that I did, I used default SL eyes.
Back to the BOM, I love to layer, so with the Skin itself by Nar Mattaru I used her lovely little add on layers, which create the button nose and the accentuated lips shimmer. I then added Zibska eyeshadow as a base as it comes up closer to the brow line, and an additional layer of eyeshadow by Rarer, all about that stacking. I kept the lips bare except for the enhancement layer included with the skin, and then a big change for me brown eyes…I know right, so different from my usual green – truth be told, my eyes are brown in RL and the green happened because when I started Second Life the only brown eyes I had at the time just made me look like empty eye sockets. Eyes have evolved so well since then. These eyes are Medusa themed, supposed to be all fantasy etc, but I just really liked them as a regular eye, they are lovely and that it is possible to do that makes them great.
There are demos of many of the items at Skin Fair, you can even join the Juniper Event group and grab some before you go, especially since the regions are very full at the moment. I suggest trying as much as you can, and have fun with it, go home and look at everything, invite some friends over, and have a party. You have time to spread it out. But definitely attend, because all this creativity in one space, needs and deserves your attention.
Equipment Used
VR Studio and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Marketplace
LeLutka Axis HUD Face – LeLutka
Poses & Props by :
Storin Poses
Body Parts
Body :
Reborn – EBody
Lux Head – LOGO @ Skin Fair 2024
Eyes Applier:
Medusa Eyes – YOROSHIKU @ Skin Fair 2024
Nail Polish:
appliers – Flair – Marketplace
Skin Worn:
Tiamat Skin + Extras – Nar Mattaru @ Skin Fair 2024
Hair Worn:
Mercy – Lamb
System/Bom Layers
Rosaire Eyeshadow – Zibska @ Skin Fair 2024
Ethereal Eyeshadow – Rarer @ Skin Fair 2024
Eshala top – Pox
Low rise wide leg jeans – COCO
Hoop Earrings Reboot – Dark Mouse