
Make a Bandana for Hair Fair

 help Wigs for Kids

Bandana Kit Box Poster.png

Grab your kit on Marketplace

Hair Fair is a little over a month away, starting on August 17th 2019. Each year we ask the community of Second Life to help us further by creating Bandanas that we sell during the event and round out the event with the last day being the official Bandana Day.

Each year we receive bandanas either textured variants of the bandanas we provide in our kit or unique mesh created by those that want to help support this cause. We invite anyone interested to grab the kit available and help add to the money raised through this annual event, this is the 12th Year of Bandanas and we are so moved by everyone’s eagerness to help. You do not have to own a store or be a creator to help, look at the information to see how you can participate, thank you.

Hair Fair Bandana Kit info HERE



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