A – Z Challenge – Y you so good looking
I have a folder in my inventory, probably everyone does, that is called STUFF! it is really actually called !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STUFF because exclamation marks take items to the top of your inventory, so anything I want to be important has a lot of those before the name.
This will make more sense as I go on. So todays feature letter with my Reversed A – Z Challenge, is Y, and it was a no brainer that I covered Yummy and YS&YS, as both stores are worn possibly the most throughout the year by me in some way or another.
Now the items that are Y related in the Stuff folder are my rings. These delights were a gacha item by Yummy, and they became staples for a long time, that is why they were in my Stuff folder, as it is where most of my Stuff always worn resides.
I love Yummy items, especially when she gravitates towards collectible and somewhat sentimental creations…which I have blogged in the past. She also has a very real sense of humour so sometimes the items are a bit on the over the top side, but definitely worth grabbing what works for you.
The new bells necklace for C88 is so pretty , comes in gold or silver options and has a real elegant look to it with the tied off satin bow…very festive. Loving the yellow in my rings, I added some statement earrings as well from an older release, and I am loving the whole look.
YS&YS have always been a favourite skin creator, but since making appliers we have all just been so lucky to have such an incredibly wide range of beautiful options. They make such lovely skins and make up options, that they do on the heads I wear, Slink Visage and LeLutka, as well as others…so you need to give them a whirl.
They also have a collection of décor and accessories to tantalise you, so a fun location to check out in your skin perusing travels.
Hairology has just started again for its second month, and going great guns. This style is by Vanity Hair, and you can get it and all of the other great styles at the Hairology event for the rest of the month. This style is so glamorous if you want it to be, but also lends itself to being very easy to wear…more please Tabata 🙂
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Bare Tree – Soy @ Collabor88
Nordic Winter Lounge stars – Second Spaces @ Collabor88
Poses by –
Behaviour Body
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Milly (lelutka appliers) Gacha Item – YS&YS @ The Fantasy Collective
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet, Original Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : YS&YS
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 57 – Flair
All about it – Vanity Hair @ Hairology
Shyla Shirt, Mia Jeans – Blueberry
Accessories :
Jingle Bell Necklace – Yummy @ Collabor88
Beaded statement Earrings – Yummy
Garden Cocktail ring, Tiara ring, Ladybug Ring (Gacha) – Yummy