
Hair Fair 2012 – It’s your Vanity


Moon Dance


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Shadow Lines

Ok so , while there are a few things running around Second Life about how to ‘fix’ the lines that shadow pictures in Second Life produce, there are no exact things that at this time can remove them entirely…not to my knowledge anyway. There are a few solutions on Jiras, and Elysium Eilde did a fantastic tutorial on how to remove them on You Tube HERE. I had looked into solutions right back when it all started, and sometimes was lucky enough to not get lines at all.

I worked out one thing with all my picture taking though, and think that it may help some of you who find the lines so frustrating you do not want to shoot pics that way anymore. The lines are locked to your mouse…ok that is not technically the way to describe it, but you can test it to see.

If you alt click your mouse away from your body, where you may even crop the image when in PS/GIMP or, just somewhere where you are not too worried about the image, that is where those little lines will cross. Go on test it. Then once you have taken your picture, because you clicked low enough or high enough to not have the crosses go over your body in both directions, or you just have one horizontal line across your legs and you can easily smudge those out or remove using Elysiums knowledge you will be a much happier photographer. Again while this is not a solution to have line free images without doing any after work, it sure does make it less annoying.

Check out more of Elysiums Tutorials HERE.

Moving on to Hair Fair 2012 and the release by Vanity Hair. These three styles are beautiful , and each style comes with a hairbase, the third one comes with the amazing cornrow base that is just stunning.

The Florette style is a short curled flicky uppy do, really stylish and lovely, especially with this great mesh sweater from Toki Doki. The second style Moon Dance has more of an elegant formal style to it, so I could not resist wearing it with the Zoe dress from Glam Affair, this was a past Collabor88 item named after the Manager of Glam Affair Zoe Gloster. This is always a huge testament of the closeness between Designers and their Managers. The dress is not as of yet in the  Mainstore, but I am fingers crossed that it will be there soon, as everyone who missed out on it last month, should definitely get one or more, it is stunning, and the texturing especially around the sides and back is just lovely, and I especially love the belt.

The third style is this Jioni hair, wowza dreads in an updo, so sexy, and the cornrow hairbase is spot on. It definitely has an ethnic look to it, and I just loved that, so went with the new mesh blouse Ashima from Zaara. The blouse is so lovely, the textures are all drapey looking, and the style itself is just perfect for a dressy boho influence. The stunning necklace is from this months Collabor88 and is the Tilly necklace by Maxi’s this the second necklace from this event by them you MUST HAVE.

Another Must Have is the skin I am wearing called Roza, this is a new Glam Affair skin that is released in this make up mix for an event. You can find the details HERE. So much fun to have coloured eyebrows and really fun colourful make ups, but the brows are just awesome, because really you could wear with colourful hair, but there is no need, it is awesome regardless.

Vanity Hair is on the Hair Fair – Water Sim at Hair Fair 2012.

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by : Poseur 

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

Skin Worn:

Roza Natural – I’m Crazy – Violet, Pink, Blue – Glam Affair @ The Gallery Gift Shop Anniversary Event


Florette, Moon Dance, Jioni  – Vanity Hair @ Hair Fair 


Ashima Blouse (M) – Zaara 

Asymetrical Cardigan (M) – Toki Doki 

Zoe Dress (M) – Glam Affair 

Suede Leggings (M) – Maitreya 


Shearling Boots, Salience Heels, Radical Boots (M)  – Maitreya & Maitreya Gold


Tilly Ethnic Necklace (M) – Maxi’s @ Collabor88/July

Classic Nails, Feather Earrings – Izzies 


  • elysium

    hey thanks for sharing my tutorial!
    Here’s a couple more tips (because we can never have too many!)

    If your lines go through a difficult-to-fix area, you can also try tweaking the size of the capture. Many people know that taking the picture at “Current Window” size gets rid of the lines, but that’s not big enough for a lot of us! However, sometimes changing the snapshot height or width a few hundred pixels will shift the lines, maybe into an area that’s easier to fix. (The lines seem to be connected to how many multiples of your “current window” you set the size, so changing that changes their position)

    Most of the time, the lines are only 1 pixel wide or tall. That means the larger you can capture your image to begin with, the smaller those lines will seem in relation to the photo. You can then fix in your photo editing software (or not), scale the image down in size, and hopefully find any trouble spots to be much less noticeable. (i may have mentioned that in the video, but i thought it was worth mentioning as its own concept here)

    I hope you don’t mind me adding to your suggestions, until LL gets this issue fixed for all of us, I figure we need all the help we can get!

    <3 ely

    • Sasy Scarborough

      Thank you Ely and of course I don’t mind. I did try the making bigger thing a ways back, but for me it made the lines double too at one time, I haven’t checked since, but yeah suddenly I had six squares not four eeek.

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