Swallow Damnit
Hi all, what a week right? I swear being a day ahead of everyone sucks sometimes. Last night I kept saying I had a meeting in the morning, and it is actually tomorrow, so I would have woken for nothing, If I wasn’t already up at that time anyway. There is so much going on at the moment, have you heard that SLU has started their own feed? SLU has always been so community driven, Snapzilla is an incredible resource that I know many have been addicted to at one time or another. The forums help so many find things, and gather advice….mind you when they go on the attack they can be brutal. I especially love how when you post about new content the pic becomes a thumbnail on the sidebar of the pages. Cristiano is so talented, I once sold him a whole range of business wear and he lost it all 😛 ah SL used to have some way funny bugs. We did get it back for him 🙂 and he was great to interact with in person, and he went on to great things.
On a side note, why is it that when something tastes awful, or you know/think it will you hold it in your mouth afraid to swallow, and yet it is being kept in your mouth where the taste buds are that lingers the awful taste…we are so silly sometimes.
What else has been happening? well Celestial Studios has announced it will be closing down on the 25th May, this is sad news for us oldbies, even though we may or may not have the whole inventory, it is still heartbreaking to see one of the founding fashion houses leave. That is what I call the ones that started the whole crazy in my opinion. There are still many of them out there, but seeing anyone that has influenced fashion so much pack up and go is a sad day. Not only clothing, but hair too, Celestial Studios hair was so cute, I was actually addicted to her demo texture. I still think to this day her cowgirl hat/hair is awesome. Her pants are amazing and the hobo bags in every single pattern are a must. It is such a shame that LL has made listing on Marketplace so complicated, because throwing it all on there to still buy would probably be something more stores would do rather than depriving us forever.
If you are looking for ways to waste time this weekend, try my new addiction Word Squared, seriously biggest Scrabble game ever, and you don’t have to wait for someone to have their go, which is the control freaks dream. The first time I played I came up with a 7 letter word, I was so excited, but typically no one saw it, so did it really happen ? I should have done Kalli’s thing and Gyazo’d it for a keepsake.
Ok on to the fashion. Mon Tissu released some goodies this past week, but also some great items from weeks past. I mixed the new skirt and lace top with the older jeans jacket. At first this was because I couldn’t find a suitable undergarment for the lace crop top, as it is a tad revealing. But I really like the Jean Jacket with this look, especially as weather down here has gotten cooler. The denim also tied in with the Troupe boots from Miel that have so many colour options and combinations they will keep you entertained for ever. Which also made me want to revisit the other Miel shoes Jane, so adorable these are, and as usual everything changes texture wise, so many combos.
In the middle my little nautical look is derived from the beautiful print top from Mon Tissu, the sculpting on this is wonderful and such great colours in the prints. The shorts I have on are the latest from Zaara, even though sculpted they are only side sculpted, so that you don’t have too much conflict ao wise, they are cute little flared shorts and have a kind of vintage shorts feel going on. More on the vintage front is the long line blouse from Mon Tissu. This blouse is styled to have that belted and pulled up and over look, and they pretty much nailed it, my only issue with the blouse is that the belt no matter what colour only comes in that brown. Which is not a great brown to match too, and I think if there was a black option too or even the colour of the lace, or all of them lol it would go a lot further in the mixing matching department. So even though I am on the brown spectrum with the look, if the belt had come in a darker brown it would have been bliss.
The hairstyles I am wearing are from Exile, these are three new styles and the middle one I did think was short from the poster, but it is in fact a longer style that is twisted around the skull, kind of Helga girl looking without the braids. It is very cool once you wear it, and the pinned in place effect just cries out for accessories, I was in the mood for big earrings, but I was worried they might get caught in my sweater :P.
Off you go and have a good one…
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Poses by :
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Skin Worn:
Gem – LeLutka
Ellis – LeLutka
Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka
1st Me:
Talia, Saja , Mae – Exile
Scattered Birds Skirt, Lace Crop Top, Porter Jean Jacket – Mon Tissu
Patterns of Spring Top – Mon Tissu
Neha Spring Shorts – Zaara
Cords – Celestial Studios
LongLine Blouse – Mon Tissu
Troupe Shoes, Jane Mono Lights Shoes – Miel
Straw Tote Bag – Mon Tissu
Sweater Wraps – DeLa
Hobo Bag – Celestial Studios