
Join Me with




Join Me

I don’t know what you do in your day to day, but for me there is a lot of conferencing with others in world, and often out of world dependant on their schedules. Skype is the usual software of choice in that department, for more than one other it is perfect, well kind of perfect. Skype lets itself down in one area, the ability to screen share with more than one other person.

Often has been the case that I will be in a three or more person conference and someone wants to share something happening on their screen, or show what they are working on in Maya/Blender or whatever they are using. Or I myself may have learned a new PS trick and want to show the girls, but either have to explain it in words, or show them one at a time, and vice versa.

Recently Siddean Munro of SLink set up a channel on UStream so that anyone interested could watch her in Zbrush and that was awesome, but took so long to set up, not only for her, but also for myself as a visitor just wanting to watch. So I did a bit more investigating and found Join Me.

I am over the moon with this product and best of all, for the kind of uses I need it for, and am recommending it for, it is FREE. It will allow more than one on one to share screen up to 250 people can watch, no sign ups needed. The viewer does not have to have the software themselves, the system comes with built in chat, for those that aren’t in skype or just use text to communicate…and best of all and I have tried this and it is OMG so cool, you can actually take control of the persons computer you are viewing. So if you were trying to explain to someone to just move something a smidge, or you wanted them to realise that perhaps that would be better if it was hot pink, you could actually just do it for them, rather than spend time trying to explain in text or voice.

All you do is download the software if you want to share your screen EVER, and when you do want to you just click the JoinMe button and it will open a control at the top of your screen, you can then click on the control and copy/paste the JoinMe link and number that you then share with your friends, they click the link and voila their browser now streams your screen to whomever you want to see it. The safety level is that you see how many are viewing so you are able to know if someone is looking that shouldn’t be, but as it is a new link/number every time that would be pretty impossible unless it was sent to them from someone you shared with.

I also watched on of their videos HERE , the one that is normal, the others are a bit insane lol goes to show they have an over-active sense of humor at because one of the vids was just plain crazy.

I love JoinMe and have been using is so much since I got it, all my friends have it now, and I have been watching Mel in Maya, and Whimsy in WoW…Ashia even came to inspect some hair stores with me earlier today without having to log into SL at all. So many uses, so have fun with it.

Culture Shock is in full swing now, and these are a few bits and pieces interspersed with some others, old and new. The hair from Shag is very sweet, and I am really liking the new sandals from Elate that go with the upcoming hippie summery styles being released. If you are in the mon tissu group and did not get your two group gifts this week, then make sure and check your notice archives. My notices are so broken for groups now since the expansion of how many we get, I don’t even use the full amount and now I don’t get what does come.

Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

Poses by : Vrai

Equipment Used:

VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

Skin Worn:

Gem – LeLutka


Ellis – LeLutka


Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

1st Me:


Girl Next Door – Shag @ Culture Shock


Bicyclette Body Suit – Ingenue @ Culture Shock

Nyad Swimsuit Sarong – Elixir


Theia Sandals – Elate


Vintage Candy Bar Sunglasses – Fishy Strawberry @ Culture Shock

Chrysalis Necklace & Earrings – MOOD

Straw Tote Bag – Mon Tissu Group Gift

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