How Challenging
Ok so the handsome and talented Winter Jefferson started a challenge you can see it HERE , I only found out about it by seeing it on Cajsa’s post, and I was so excited. I had been sorting out my BareRose this morning, finding a few random boxes in objects folder that I had yet to unpack. I was also only telling someone the other day that Fia only comes in world now to shop at BareRose, he opens Whats New and if he see’s B@R stuff he lands in the house and tells me brb, and off he goes in a puff of smoke, often I am lucky enough to get a TP lol.
It’s a weekly thing for us to go there, and sometimes more than once, we worked out a long time ago you have to go that often or the items will end up in the actual store store, and only once a month or so do I venture past the actual New Release section.
I have one pet peeve about BareRose *giggles* nearly every time I take someone there they win the ‘Just for being here’ prize, in nearly three years and over a hundred visits I have won once. I have come to the conclusion that it’s rigged to only give to those that are ‘Just There’, and not those of us that are shopping like crazy lol.
I didn’t find BareRose until a few months in world, but then I started working my second day so didn’t get out as much as I should have – don’t do that if you are new, spend a month at least just taking it all in.
I realised as soon as I decided to take up the challenge thrown down by Winter that I was going to find it very difficult choosing what to show, one thing about my inventory is that its all alphabetical, often I will ask friends to pick a letter and thats what I will go to for clothes, hair and shoes, it’s fun a bit whacky but its in order.
So I looked at my BareRose folder, that while open fits my whole screen and noticed that I have one of almost every letter, the strangest thing is that I don’t have an x, y or z, but even funnier is that I don’t have xyz in hair either.
I’m probably losing you on that. It goes Body Parts> Hair > Letter > Store Name > items, same with clothes, skins and shoes.
So I thought that what I would do is one item from each letter of BareRose with the same letter in a Hair Store.
So as much as I will want to talk on and on about every outfit I am going to try and not too much, that’s also because ive been on since ten last night and it’s now 7 tonight and I am starting to see triple.
I couldn’t start without the start, these are the first three items I ever bought from BareRose. I loved them so much then, and I still adore them today. I used to run around in Harajuku Pank all the time, it’s just such a fun outfit. Commando was dead sexy and also has pants that are longer , but I was fixated with my bum back then thanks to the Passport skin by CS . Shy Vixen I thought was very dark and goth like and for the time I guess it was, I really liked the knit effect of the fabric, but didn’t actually wear it much after the first purchase of it.
Being nostalgic and against the whole letter thing, this pic wasnt part of that, but the hair is all Gurl 6 and all purchased around the same day I bought these three outfits, and I loved them so much then and still do now.
Ok really not loving this WP thing argh, so anyway this next pic is the start of my alphabet. One thing about BareRose is that her method has always been to allow people on a budget the ability to still shop, this has always been something I admire and something that also Dark Eden has always given June credit for doing and has always wanted to try and keep along that same path.
This pic is A is for Alicia a stunning suit combination that gives you a few colours to choose from, I went with the pink because who doesn’t want a pink pinstripe suit like this one, and ooo la la look at what you get underneath. The hair is from Aden and I did have all of the styles names written down ,but my pc locked up and none of that text doc was saved, thank goodness all my pics were.
B is For Basilisk, it has open laced sides, chains and feathers, is there any need to explain the love, one thing I will admit to is having a die hard addiction to June’s Latex and Leather, if she only made that for a month I would be in heaven. The wild and fab hair is from bOON.
I am so cheating in this pic, I will explain in a sec.
C is for Cross Bones Lady , that tshirt always reminds me of a hershey bar wrapper, and clothing made to remind me of chocolate wins. The coats and colours of coats in this set are just stunning, superb leather work and I think the pants and belt are wonderful too. Hair is by Curio. I do know the names to at least 98% of the hair shown , I just feel bad if I get one of the 2% wrong, and I had to log out because seriously strange things are happening in world right now.
Now about the cheating, some of you know I used to blog on Appearance Mode a million years ago, well this challenge gave me a chance to revisit those posts, and wow there were a lot on BareRose, so I took the pics from there and put them on my flickr, it’s amazing to see the difference nearly two years can make to your posts, I still talk as much then as I do now :P.
So anyway in some ways I am redoing some older posts with this one, you can see old ones on there if you are curious. One particular item I was so hot for, and that was the Decadence set.
D is for Decadence, but in this case D is also for Decadence Maia, you see many many moons after the first June released a second set, she used to do that often, and the second was incredible because of the amazing bright colours, the yellow is amazing. She did change it a bit too, the original had a more open front jacket with a prim tie, but the second and that sweeping open neckline is just awesome. The hair is Deviant Kitties.
E is for Envy, this cute parka pack – theres that word again – comes in a few colours with denim capris, simple and fun to play around with, I am a fan of the toggle buttons on the ties of the hoodie, its that attention to detail that makes us all wow at Junes talent.
F is for Fantasy, I wore this so much when it was released, its a stunning style and the colours and prim work are exceptional, incredibly stylish and who can resist high waisted pants, this was definitely the sign of more high fashion items to come from BareRose. The Hair is from FFS.
G is for Gabrielle, again a stylish combination suitable for the business minded, the texturing on the skirt and jacket is wonderful and the way that June has managed to make a long tight look skirt with prims and pants is just remarkable, she is always pushing the envelope.The hair is from Gritty Kitty – confesses that thats one of the 2% I don’t know the name of off by heart.
H is for Hell Fire Lady, again incredible coat work with graffitied pants giving a very urban edgy look to the combination, complete with bandage wraps for the arms and thighs. You will notice too that many of the sets have incredible accessories, Jewerly and other items, and this is where I have to disagree with Winter on the transfer love :P. The hair is from HCT.
I do adore being able to run to BareRose and grabbing something I know someone likes, or I want them to see, and at the price if they don’t like it once I give it I don’t mind, but there are so many incredible pieces that come with sets from there, that I wish there was a no xfer option, but in BareRose doubling all those prims would be horrific, I don’t want to break up sets, but I know I would love to make use of all the pieces by having them in different places in my inventory, I’d also love to be able to make copies to keep safe.
I is for It’s Only a Paper Moon, I have no idea where the inspiration for this outfit came from, but it truly is incredible, the texture , the prims and the adorable lily and hat attachments, this gown is art. The hair is from Ingenue.
J is for Judy Tweedly, everyone has to love tweed, I saw that written in some really thick book once, so you know it’s got to be true :P. This combo comes with either the flared flexi jacket bottom or a tighter fit with the system skirt, Junes ability to shade a system skirt has me in all sorts of rapture. This is a definite need for this seasons cooler climate. The hair is from Junwave.
K is for Kaguya , When this set was released I couldn’t blog it,Torie knows why and thats cool, but now I have the chance to do so, this is a style that June has redone recently but this is still such incredible work and just made my jaw hit the floor when I saw it. It actually does come with its own hair also, but this hair is from KUROTSUBAKI.
L is for Leo Lady, when this series first started Fia and I were so worried that she would only do one per month when it was that zodiacs turn, thank heavens she didn’t or I would still be waiting for my starsign. The whole concept of these is incredible, and the detailing is divine, the claws do scare me I have to admit but everything about it is just Queen of the Jungle like. The hair is from Lagroki.
I hope so far you have been paying attention to the skins I am wearing too, there will be a quiz at the end 😛 j/k
M is for Mystic Lady, this is again a time to point out that many many sets at Bare Rose have incredible seperate pieces, and often you can search all over the grid for something that you would find in a set at BareRose, I know from years of seeing people ask for things that capes and cloaks are often much desired items. The ones in this set are fantastic, and yes ONES there are at least three from memory. The chainmalle loincloth armor is so damn sexy.
This is the kind of set that when you put it on you wished you roleplayed – ok maybe YOU don’t but I do. The hair is from Maitreya.
N is for Night Gazer, again the latex leather love comes shining out. this set makes me happy that my Vista AO has a crouch walk that does back flips, because thats the kind of moves you want to do in such a high action set like this one. Definitely a second skin it even made my bum perky. The hair is from Novocaine.
O is for Open my Black Heart, this is another older set I have blogged many moons ago, and the chance to revisit it thanks to Winter made me happy, the cute latex love mixed in with a night out on oxford street look that is unbeatable. Think the skirt is hot look at those pants, yes sculpted shorts that are just HOT HOT HOT, and you really can’t beat that hat. The hair is from Old Gravy.
P is for Pirate Princess, once a long time ago I used to have half a pirate ship in my living room, yes it was a pirate household, when this set came out with also the Pirate Queen version I was so overjoyed to have something so incredibly made that was also exactly what I imagine a female pirate would want to wear. The hair is from Philotic Energy.
Q is for Queen V,I have to admit this is the only set I don’t really get the name of. It’s an older style and really cute for just chillaxin, but again don’t really get the Queen part. The hair is from 69 oh I forgot Q was the other letter no hair stores for, so if you know any let me know, and if there arent any and you plan on making hair soon, then definitely consider starting the name with Q, X, Y or Z because myself and Whimsy both don’t have any with those letters – just realised she should look on the savoir hair blog before she makes such broad statements.
R is for Ran, this dress is just beautiful, simple and extremely elegant, system skirt loving all over the place , but if thats not your thing then totally consider the top with pants. The hair is from Ravenwear.
S is for Sentry Lady White, there is a dark sentry lady version that came out later. This was also a much loved favourite that I wore often before working in clothing stores. It has three different combos and I thought it was just too cool, I still do, but I clearly remember tping to a friend once way back when, and them just being in awe of such an item, that day they became BareRose fans too. The hair is from Shop Seu.
T is for The song of an island , another item I have shown in the past and last time I was with Jaydie and the lovely Manager of BareRose Tori ♥ , she is an incredible lady who I enjoy talking to often, she loves me for my chimera, and I love her for her. This set also comes with the shoes shown I mean WOW and that banjo WOW again. This is definitely one of those pieces sets, even the goggles are adorable. The hair is from Tekili Li.
Last one because I crashed at W and I have blogged it before lol.
U is for Ukifune, again a wilde and sexy combo in a huge array of colours in the set, what I really like about this one is that June has made the system skirt appear sheer at the ends to blend in with the sheer in the prims. This is very Xanadu/Amazon like looking to me, and thats all I need to make me whirl around all Wonder Woman like – thank you Jim and Kit for that gesture ♥. The hair is from UA.
V is for Vampire Fish, did you even know there was such a thing, this outfit is blood heating sexy and we know the Vampires like hot blood lol. A Few different options in this set, not only with either pants or skirt prim, but also the way the tops have been done, the one on the right is a bit revealing through the netting, so you will have to get your own :P. The hair is from Vixen.
That is my partial ode to Bare Rose, I personally show my love for Junes creations regularly as do many , and I wish that Fia had been able to get in world to take some pics too, but he starred in his own BareRose movie some time ago , so he is off the hook, if you haven’t seen that it’s HERE.
I want to thank Winter very much for this challenge, as sometimes blogging takes on a different kind of tangent; and it’s nice to step back and just appreciate why we do it in the first place. So thank you Winter Jefferson you made my day.
About those skins, I know you were getting all excited while I changed make ups and such, they are the NEW Anael skins from Bebae, and the other lovely Torie has moved to a new Main Store right next door to Nyla Cheeky of House of Nyla, I am planning on sitting right between both one day and having a singalong , Nyla will love that :p.
The tones are just lovely , and right now if you join the Bebae group there is a special Winter skin – hee hee Winter is everywhere – that is just beautiful and I am wearing that one in C is for…you can get it out of the archives and use it as a great demo to see the incredible shading on the body, I mean don’t look at my chest look at your own but you can soooo see what I mean, divine.
The Make Ups are ranging from simple to dramatic and there will be more in the future I’m sure, the new store looks fab and you really need to check it out, along with all the DEMO DEMO DEMO’s.
To everyone at BareRose keep on doing what you do so well ♥ .