Thanks to Creamy
In my post last night I forgot in my haste to make one clear Thank You.
Creamy Cooljoke of FreeStyle posted some amazing links to us on Fashion Finds at Ning, for us to play with background and colour stuff and this awesome site she gave us for doing MORE to your pics , I played around with it last night , which is why i did my Robin Hood pics lol.
For me though wayyyy to much time was spent on the link for one picture lol, so its not exactly useful for how I blog , I’d be there for ten hours and lose track of all time lol.
But it issss so much fun, and so many different tooks you can use , its kind of like having PS on a website. You can find it HERE , and if it changes your life. make sure you thank Creamy too ♥.
You may need to click on the photo to see the water move,or it may not work at all lol but it does I swear , so go play with it yourself.
xox Sasy xox