a BIG Mix
You should all know by now I have a thing for Etain Peregrine – sorry Alexa you have to share 😛 – My favourite song by Metallica is Master of Puppets and Etain is definitely the Mistress of Prims – get the connection huh huh.
Well the New set from Dark Eden is the Obsidian n Silver Medb – get it ? silver is a metal :P. Just look at the incredible work that has gone into the bazillion prims in this set.
There are three options for coloured loin cloths and large and base sizes for most of the INCREDIBLE prim attachments. One of the incredible details to this set is of course all the Bondage Fae that adorne all parts of this scrumptious ensemble.
They are just everywhere and so wonderful , you will find yourself dismantling and scattering this set into many of your ‘looks’ for the future. Well as its Copy you wont actually need to , copy paste is your friend lol.
A tip Cajsa Lilliehook of MDR reminded me of and one I never thought to mention , that I do, and I assume many do too. Is when you have pieces in a set you love , make copies and put them in your accessories/jewelry folders. Such as the incredible arm bands and the divine necklace of this set, that way you won’t forget them as an option next time you are trying your best to be Primtastic.
I am soooo glad this time around the set has modesty layers , many silks sets dont , and well some of us like all the pieces but dont necessarily dooo nipple cups etc. The hair is the divine Delilah Hair from Analog Dog , and the skin is from Rosemar and is the Creampuff Skin – Manhattan – makeup SPECIALTY 1- BROW 4.Now speaking of skins , Insolence has released some new skins , and its been a while since the last release way back when I used to blog – its funny how thats a time line for me.
All individual faces for each skin, and a mix of photo real and smoother as Camilla says herself, wanting and knowing; that her customer base leans more towards the photo real look.
With each skin comes a mod/copy shape as a starting point to create your new you, as well as a lighting guide to help you achieve the better results in which to see her vision.
I am wearing my own shape and using my own lighting , just because that way you get to see the skin on different shapes and see how they can still achieve that individual balance.
The first one is Carol in Tan with Silver Make-up – yes I know it was there so had to be worn 😛 , She is a really cute kind of face, but with attitude and I love the lips on Carol lots.
Now as I am showing a few pics, I am actually wearing a mix of the same items with the same hair, so lets start with the hair. The hair is f.wi arrange vol.02 – which I have no clue what the store name is , or what the hair name is , but I do have a LM so a slurl will be as usual at the end .
I’m assuming the hair store is F.wi and even so its such a fun bunches style and only came in two colours for 70L each in some little mall in my travels , but it was too cute to leave behind.
The Leather Flower Vest is by Studio Sidhe , as all of them are in various colours and on all wonderful layers , yes Faery Sola made more clothes and I’m excited. Seriously its been a Flower Power week for me and this just tops it off perfectly.
Yes Im a cornball but I really really couldn’t do a post on Fae and not include items from Faery lol. The Jeans in this pic and the following are a mix of Long Jeans and Capri Jeans called Stacy. They are a recent release from the lovely Dela store, as of course are the fabulous Namid 2 sandals with their wonderful colour change gemstones.
The Jeans and the Capris both come with either flared or rolled cuffs , which is a fun way to mix; and get more wear out of your pants.Claire tan Silver skin by Insolence is I swear so much like a girl I have known most of my life its eery.
Petulant mouth and light smattering of freckles , I once told her that was caused by thin skin pigment and the over eating of vegemite – and yes she was blonde too.
But I love her, and so do the boys lol , so this skin is sure to get you some attention.
I am all for loving these Leather Vests , Faery has done an incredible job on these , and all because she made a pretty flower , we all benefit :o). I personally love them because yet again , going back to the 70’s and childhood they just remind me so much of craft days when it rained, and making felt flowers and story boards.
This is Estelle , and for me she has more youthful look but on the verge of womanhood, and look at that button nose, again light freckles and this time smokey eyes. Estelle would be great with a darker updo and an incredible gown.
Lastly we have Faye, and faye reminds me of the blonde actress in that show with the bowling alley, you know the one , she is a teacher and its called ED , ok it took me going on to remember the name :P.
But anyway her , it looks like her, and thats a good look to have, coz she gets all the babes lol.
Now you may have noticed that during our little introduction to the new faces of Insolence , there were some little people milling about.
Well those little people are from the Good and Evil set from Dark Eden. Bound Imps and Happy Imps , Bottled Imps and Sitting Bondage Fairy’s. this set has them all.
The necklaces of bottled imps in jars are too adorable , and the ropes are wonderful. You also have the display jar options for a mantle as decoration.
The head fairies and the left and right shoulder ones are always a favourite for me, and the head one totally takes care of any hat needs you may have.
I was already accused of being the little devil on Efe’s shoulder when shopping last week , or something like that , so there is totally a need for these as shopping Must Haves. You also get the Magic Tag earrings in the set , and I am not sure what their magic actually is , but it might be responsible for catching the little imps in the first place.
Dark Eden
Analog Dog
Studio Sidhe
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My Posestand is by VR Fetish/Fashion and also available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose
Ana Lu Fresh Poses
Naughty Neko Designs
Imperial Elegance