Dark Eden has relocated this week, to a wonderful New build. The store is long and wide, and all the items are clearly displayed for shopping ease. I really like this new location as it seems brighter and customer friendly.
The Dark Eden Club is at the back awaiting the end of the Month when the next Dark Eden Girl of the Month is voted on, and those occasions are always huge. There are also new chairs set up at the back, where for less than an hour sitting and cleaning your inventory lol, or chatting with friends you can earn an item from the vast collection, great way to add to your Dark Eden collections, or in fact start one.
With the NEW build has come NEW goodies, in the form of the latest Mania and Stripped sets. Etain the Prim Goddess has done an incredible job as usual in creating some tantalising treats.
I think and no I didnt add them up, but the Mania set would have to be close to a thousand prims lol, look at those studs and all that incredible chain work.
Definitely not an outfit to wear to a laggy sim, but so much fun to wear for yourself, and definitely pieces you can interchange to create some stunning ensembles.
Today though I opted for making the Mania and Stripped sets the Dominant feature, by wearing them over some sexy bikinis from Dernier Cri – didn’t show those yesterday.
I really like how incredibly well such structured sculptie crop jackets fit to the form, and with two size options included with also the ability to mod, half the work is done for you. The only thing I had to shrink was the belt.
The lower arms and hand attachments are great to wear separately and you have glitch under jackets on all layers that fill in any gaps that moving your body might create. Another great feature is the detailing on the back of the jackets, its a separate flat prim with texture change art on the back, so you can make copies and come up with all sorts of looks of your own if you want to…possibly even ad your own group logo.The Stripped version is stripped of all chains and spikes, with the same wonderful pieces, the jacket body part is a vest so you can also wear it without the under layer and sleeves if you choose.
The jacket, belt and boots as I said all mix and match so well with high fashion or casual wear, its just up to you to create your own unique looks.
I can’t wait to see more Newness from Etain in the future as she is always so creative, and ads flavour to my inventory.
The hair in the Mania pics is Kate from Dernier Cri, Hair in Stripped pic is Steplona by Here Comes Trouble with the texture change hair clips at the back, and this style would look great on guys too that love long hair. Skin in both is from Popfuzz Designs and is the Tan Silver collab with Heart Cupcakes.
If you havent been to Dark Eden in a while now is the perfect time to go and get all the yummies, as well as check out the new store.
Always thankful for
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.
My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.
My eyes which I get complimented on all the time are from Minnu Model Skins the MMS Green which I love.
Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose