
Purple I can sink my MMMmmmmm Into

I should really really explain my thing about purple, I am always saying its not my fav, and half the designers I know think I hate it lol well thats partially true.

There is ONE purple I hate, especially in clothing, but its that bright neon purple and rarely are great clothes made in it. The purple I LOVE the most though is PLUM! any shade of plum is Delish- and yes I go ga ga for the fruit too.

There is a designer called Ivey Deschanel that you may not know by her name, but I am sure you will know her by her store Snatch (if searching make the A a @ because blogger wont let me use it without turning it into a mail to ).

Ivey definately has a wow way of posting notices on fashion consolidated, and some of you may have even closed them out without looking at her items, and from what I have seen of her blog posts etc, I think that Ivey would kind of be ok with that lol. She is definitely a lively character and that shows in her work.

I recently posted a comment on her blog saying I haven’t had a chance to visit her store as I am always up to my nose in stuff when she sends release info, and today was the same…but when I saw this outfit called HELLBOUND, well I actualy IM’d her and asked for it to be delivered lol and apparently I’m the first to have done that to her so far- probably wont be the last now lol.

I couldnt resist though, even though I was already taking lost of yummy pics for another post I had to just pause and show you all this Yummy set. First off the notice was very descriptive as hers usualy are, and I really fell in lust with the image the set created. PLUS its PLUMMMMM lol , ok so that beautiful cut out plum top is a fabulous colour for starters and the style is raunchy as hell – oooooooooo I get it now.

What really struck me as a Must Have part to it too was the divine corset with incredibly tight vinyl front and stunning zebra back, and the most adorable trim. I am going to put that to soooo much use in the future. Now usualy I take lots of pics and try and look at all the wonderful ways you can wear a set, and believe me there are many, but that I am going to leave up to you this time…but definitely know that the top is a beauty on its own.

The set comes with the long gloves and those fabulous zippertopped fishnets, that make me think of all sorts of uses for those. You will really love how this set looks when you dress it up and play with all the pieces, and the full skirt has a great layer of tulle to it also, I was having mucho funno swirling about as you can see, I didnt even want to wait for it to settle before snapping the pics.

I knew instantly what Hair I wanted to wear with it, its the Nalirra hair by HCT , which is one of my super duper favourites by Babyboo Glitterbuck, I have it on in the Raven which has a lovely blue/black sheen to it. The skin is by PopFuzz Designs and its one of the ones I showed earlier today in Vixen Shadow. The very sexy Promiscuous shoes are by Mary Jane Shoes and I adore these as a wrap around style.

So DONT be like me and leave visiting Snatch until you have nothing to do, do it NOW . Good lord there is so much I know I am missing out on, and she also has from what I hear an abundance of fabulous freebies on offer at various times, in various locations in her store.

xoxo Sasy xoxo

Always thankful for:

Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

Nuclear Boutique for my lovely Lashes that I wear when I think of it and because Ari is awesome.

My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

Poses and Stands always used by me while taking pics, even if some end up on cutting room floor:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
[LAP] Long Akward Pose

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