
Perish the thought

Some of you who are on my friends list may remember a few weeks back me screaming about how Feri Beckenbauer had sexed me up in the sky. Yes that is exactly the kind of crazyness that my friends have to endure on a regular basis.

Some of you already know that Feri is a designer/creator behind Beckenbauer Productions a store that started out with the Doc Marten styled boots, and has grown from there to include all sorts of items; ranging from boots to samurai armor and of course some incredible goth/punk/sci-fi themed sets also.

Perish is the set that he sent me and I was instantly drooling over its mix of science fiction meets classic film-has anyone else noticed that in many big movies with a sci-fi theme there is always some vintage looks going on?. Feri was very proud of his ability to tackle feathers for this creation and I am very impressed also, the style of the jacket is just divine, it’s slimming texture and leathery highlights just make it delish.

The pants took a while to work out as I was clicking all ready to go into edit and then realised the man is an angel- I already knew this but shhhh don’t say I said so. He has taken the resizing hard work out of what is the thigh hugging prims, and made them texture for the most part and then the prims on the side for a more natural look. So for something at first glance that looks like some work may be needed for a slim fit is not the case at all YAY!.

Pictured with the Perish creation is the Apoca boots also by Feri that are incredibly chunky and totaly work with the sexy ensemble, but as he is a boot maker extraordinaire you have many styles to choose from in his store and in a variety of colours.

In keeping with my future/past look I opted for one of the Newish Seductive Glow Skins by Digital Dragon Designs designer Zoey Pinkdot-dont you just wish you started SL when that last name was available- that was another crazy day of conferencing to group. Zoey has created a huge assortment of make-ups in this collection and I am wearing the Marilyn (smokey) and its just beautiful.
The make up is sultry and effective, and there are wonderful themes throughout the collection; Drama being one of them lol. I really love the skintone and the shading around the cheekbones giving real structure to the face shape overall, and you cant beat the subtle beauty mark that just enhances the whole vintagey feel.

Now it was time for hair and who better than the original Rock-a-billy Godess herself Antonia Marat of Artilleri -who for people like me who love the vintage look weeped when we finaly found her store. The hair shown in two of the pics is Sarah Jane and its perfect for this look and the colour red is YUMMY! so much so that its a perfect match to the beautiful red lips in the Marilyn make-up.

All in all the combo to me was perfect but I couldnt stop there. I knew from the minute I saw the top of this set that the grey and black combo I would love to mix and match, so I did. A simple pants change to the Editorial Pants from the Editorial Set by Last Call that I think you can still get the outfit for only 100L and the pants alone are worth that, stunning pinstripe with prim cuffs to die for, and of course the incredible detailing that Last Call is renowned for.

The grey in the pants and the jacket work in perfect harmony with each other and the feathery collar just enhances that vintage Chic business look, I decided this was the Perish Diva look so of course what better shoes than the Diva Heels by Tesla, I loved these shoes instantly, they are so different than the norm; but again so proper vintage looking, they are more shoes that have that discipline look thing going on, and thats just sexy.

I wanted to see what other looks I could come up with, and I have a large variety of grey/charcoal in my inventory but wanted something a bit more feminine. I went again to my Devilish Cupcake folder remembering a skirt pack I picked up there the same time as I bought the Merry Dress and Voila! the Claire skirt was the perfect option .
Now while I was typing all this I got an IM from Abby Coalcliff of Devilish Cupcake and she told me that her Main Store has been rebuilt, which most of you probably already know.

The new link is the new slurl, and she let me also know that her store is now a Mosque that inside is an 80’s themed Roller Rink-omg could you ask for more Funna!.
Also that right now as you read and I type-ok thats not right because until I finish typing you cant read, but anywho- she is in the process of making rollerskating outfits for men and women so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for those.

So back to my Perish Prep look, Claire Skirt as stated again looked fabulous with the Perish Jacket from Beckenbauer Productions, then I went diving for softer looking hair but the same general theme, so back to Artilleri Hair folder and mmmyummy Mariya – I fell in all sorts of love with this at hair fair-decided that Antonia had more goodies I needed and found the stunning Black Silk Scarf and Gladys Glasses in Black to finish off the look, of course swapping the feather collar from Perish with the scarf, and as the jacket has a lovely neckline anyway you can even go without-I was just having too much fun *grins*.

The Essentia Black Tipped Grey Hair Rose of course went with all three looks and is one I wear probably the most often, and even though I could have changed make up a dozen times from the stunning assortment Digital Dragon Designs has, I will leave that up to you to do ;o) DEMOS DEMOS DEMOS!.

xoxox Sasy xoxo

Always thankful for:

Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.

Poses and Stands:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch

My Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.

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