Marni’s Eggs are brown
Years ago I did a post that contained a skirt. Not an ordinary skirt, and not even a girls skirt, but none the less an amazing piece that many I know ran out and purchased…it was squee worthy.
Today again this skirt has those same qualities, it is designed for men, it is an amazing structure of prims and mesh, and if I could have it in more colours, I would probably wear it all the time. The little shirt jackety blousey thing is so cute too, and thank you to Lexi from Stellar for coming through with a nice tshirt for under so that I could bare a little tummy.The Yum skin from Gala @ Curio was a perfect choice for the look and wonderful hairstyle from Maitreya, and with the Moxie shoes having the built in socks, it had that western/eastern meeting thing of socks with geta. I am so loving this look…so don’t be surprised if you see me in it at some stage over the next 24 hours. Unless of course I get motivated to do more blogging.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Uma – Maitreya
Skin: Yum – Gala @ Curio
Clothes: Capless Sleeve Tshirt – Stellar
Mens Skirt , Shirt white body – Fore
Shoes/Boots: Moxie – Maitreya GoldÂ
Glitz Bangle – Armidi
Diva Lashes – LeLutka
Eyes by : Fusemelon
Poses by : Merukin
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Trips the lights fandango, or something like that
Kawabanga Baby – not sure if that is the correct spelling, but oh well. I am feeling so surfer girl today. Especially with my first picture. The weather down here cannot make up its mind, I am cold, but then overheating, it is a bit crazy. Speaking of crazy, how was yesterdays grid roll, seriously, I was trying to get some Megas from the SALT hud – most awesomest free tool – and none would come, then hours later I got sent everything in offlines lol. Way to lag!
I am so excited that there are six new gorgeous hairstyles from LeLutka today, one is Aradia 2.0 a sculpted take on the original straight style that was incredibly popular since Hair Fair 2008. That is the second style shown, the first is one of the new Swift styles, there are three of them in all, and I swear this style is going to look HOT on the male surfer types that have a penchant for all things 70’s. Think ‘That 70’s Show” if your too young to remember.
This one comes with the headband look, with texture options, my favourite being the denim. To work with the denim of Miseria’s new Delirium jeans release, I have missed releases from Miseria, so so glad she is back. Wearing again the Military coat from Aoharu, this coat has that soft weather worn look that is totally perfect for after you rode some waves at dawn, showered off the sand and are heading back home for breakfast.
I haven’t worn the Addictia thongs for a while, so this was as good an oppurtunity as I was going to get, so easy to use the hud etc, but I did use a different alpha base this time, the one that came with wasn’t doing it for me for some reason.
I am wearing the new Phoebe 2 skin by LAQ today, more pics to come with that later, but she is so lovely, all the LAQ skins have such delicasy to them, and I don’t mean you can eat them, mind you some days you just feel like noming maybe, with halloween coming up maybe steer clear of Zombies.
A little bit of Call for Couture with the second pic, the racerbacks by Addict, and the padded denim by Royal blue are both at Call for Couture, and there is still time left to go over and enjoy all the goodies. I am also wearing some leggings from Fishy Strawberry and Rotten Toe, which while is a creepy name, has some fabulous fashion.
Berries Inc just moments ago released the Frost scarf and she told me that it is freeeeezing her way, so this is definitely appropriate, really pretty too, with different versions per colour. Lastly the jewelry and glasses I am wearing are from Deco, these were at Jewelry fair, and I got way behind on posts for that, but can still be found in the Deco store, and both are just gorgeous. Everyone needs a strand of beads called Fandangle.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Swift – LeLutka
Skin: Phoebe 2 – LAQ
Clothes: Delirium Jeans – Miseria
Military Coat – Aoharu
Shoes/Boots: Tropica Flip Flops – ADDiCTIA
Lashes – LeLutka
Eyes by : Fusemelon
Poses by : Poseur
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Aradia 2.0 – LeLutka
Skin: Phoebe 2 – LAQ
Clothes:Â Padded Gen Denim – Royal Blue @ Call for Couture
Jersey Racerback – Addict
Woolen Tights – Fishy Strawberry
Vintage Boho Tights – Rotten Toe
Shoes/Boots: Ariadne Ankle Boot – SLink @ Call for Couture
Lazies Shoes, Vo Pumps – Kookie ( past flf item )
Lashes – LeLutka
Fandangle Necklace, Cats Meow Glasses – Deco
Border Marche Bag – MixxES
Oh Deer Antler Headband – Addict @ Call for Couture
Focsani Bag – Armidi
Frost Scarf – Berries Inc
Eyes by : Fusemelon
Poses by : Poseur
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
We went down to the river to play
While Mel was recently away I sat and pined on my new Lovers Garden. There really is a sad option, but I didn’t want to put it on the post, because with all the pretty Mel and I pics, it ruined the yummy.
Lovers Garden is a beautiful small space you can rez wherever you have the room and the 12 prims. In this case I just rezzed it at The Deck behind one of the builds so I could still work and take pics and chatter with Mel, Whimsy and Newdoll….multitasking all the way.
I was able to grab him to myself for a moment though and get these great shots. The Lovers Garden not only have single poses, but two pages of couples poses, and some of them are just all fun. There is a falling together into the bed of flowers that you have to try out for yourself. Easy to use, and easy to love. It is created by Eku Zhong who it seems has many talents in Second Life, so be on the look out for more from her.
The store is a treasure trove of low prim furniture from roll down desks to smooshy couches and incredible balinese outdoor furniture, so pack up the kids and grab the trailer, because there is a whole slew of shopping to do.
Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.
Picture :
Hair: Taryn – Maitreya
Skin: Nellie – LAQ
Clothes: Decay Dress top – Sassy
Cords – Celestial Studios
Shoes/Boots: Illeid Boots – LeLutkaÂ
Lashes – LeLutka
Eyes by : Fusemelon
Poses by : Eky Zhong
Mel is wearing
Hair by Armidi
Skin by Belleza
Eyes by LeLutka
Clothing by Whippet & Buck & NU I
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shoots – VR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck
Adam n Eve do Valentines Yummies
Sachi Vixen and Damen Gorilla of Adam n Eve have done an incredible turn around from their regular ‘theme’ items they are known for.
If you haven’t explored Adam n Eve in recent months then you are in for a shock, Sachi has added some definite saucyness to her style of late, and Damen has enhanced that by his incredible workmanship on shoes and accessories.
I happened to be on my way to the store earlier today for a quick look around and got an IM from a wonderful friend *waves to Efe* who wanted to look at some skins, and asked for some suggestions.
I tp’d her to join me, and while I was in the store I was lucky to be in IM with Sachi and mentioned I needed to update my latex that she has done recently- I got all the ‘what about these’ folders and now I don’t actualy know what ended up on the shelves lol-so while Sachi was correcting that for me, she dropped something else on me, and it was INSTANT LOVE!.Now yes I had planned to strike a pose in latex this evening but there was no way in the world I could not show off this dress, Decollage by Adam n Eve is a stunner, the fabric is just divine and the style overall is beautiful. Plunging back and front which is a favourite for me, especialy when wearing Pandora Skin- Sasy Make-Up 😛 -also by Sachi which has the most beautiful back detailing.
The dress is LIMITED TIME ONLY! which kind of makes me weep, but the reason being that the wonderful sash and waistband has subtle lovehearts on the print, in keeping with the valentines theme. I personaly want to see her do the same dress without hearts in every colour imaginable, because the fabric is soooooo sexy it caressed my skin and got me all geared up for romance, which is the point, right ?.
What are the other reasons for the love? well let me tell you lol , one thing that just screamed at me was the fact that the pants looked wicked without the prims, and I got a whole other look out of a gown, which is always a bonus in my mind. So a quick change of hair and I was ready for a night of shaking it at some fabulous club somewhere. The other brilliant thing about Adam n Eve is that there are DEMO’s, all the clothing, skins and shoes
all have Demo’s so that you can be totaly sure you are going to love what you get.
So whether you have a date for Valentines day or not, this is a Gown-and pants-set- that you will get so much enjoyment out of.
Now speaking of Shoes, and I was*points to the paragraph above* Damen was in the process of completing the matching shoes to these Gowns and I squeeled in his box ‘Gimme Gimme’ -I am so ruuuude I know, but he luvs me, they must, there is a dart board with my pic on it in their studio *giggles*.But I had to have the matching shoes because Sachi was being naughty and sent me a pic already, so there was me in brown casual shoes running around in a gown waiting for them to be finished, and then they came and wooot.
These VSP shoes will also only be available until the end of Valentines Day, so get thee to the store, all sculpties and divine contrast heels on the deep red version-because of the contrast in the gown also they look fab with either Gown-, and I just adore the mini sculptie heart charm attached to the back.
I needed a new Up-Do for this Gown, just because any reason is a reason for new hair lol, so I popped over to Frangipani , and as I had never been there before I was really impressed with the red pack having such delightful assortments of red in it, Lauren I am wearing in both the Sangria and the Ruby and the style is a lovely side swept bangs style with a nice side loose bun, accentuated by the Grey tipped Black Hair Rose by Essentia.
The second look with the pants needed some hotness so I went with the ORIGINAL Bombshell style by Armidi , I have no idea how this style may or may not have changed, but from what I have seen, either way its still a gorgeous do…. I so have plans to do a post soon on Armidi because I have an interesting theory about the shopping in that sim lol its all good I promise :o).
To finish up this fabulous Valentines or any time look, I opted for the Jet Set Diamonds set by House of Nyla because I have wanted to find a reason to show it off for ages, and what better way than here lol. Nyla Cheeky does some beautiful work with beading both in RL and SL and it shows her love for the craft in her incredible Cloche hats and this stunning Jewelry set.
I love a good choker and beaded ones are just a delight, the matching bracelet is lovely and the fact there is no blinding bling is a bonus, these are just beautiful pieces of jewelry and you can see the detailing on the pieces, the way you should be able to.
So in preparation for the upcoming day of romance, go and take a look at the incredible pieces shown here today and remember DEMOS,DEMOS,DEMOS
xoxox Sasy xoxo
Always thankful for:
Essentia for my Beautiful Hair Roses and Jewelry many pieces of which I have watched being made, and had the pleasure of wearing first as they are custom fit to my shape-I’m blessed.
Poses and Stands:
Digital Dragon Designs
Pixeldolls Empire Dress AO poses
Happy Dispatch
JuicyMy Posestand is by VR and available on OnRez HERE!, not only does it have hide/show, but also has 3 options for changing poses, lights built in you command on/off in chat, and it rezzes a prim sphere around you that allows you to turn your camera 360 degrees and take pics without moving your stand, the sphere also changes colour on chat command too, its brilliant!.