New @ The Deck – My Attic May Edition
Reminders for all, that this round of My Attic is on NOW, do not miss out on all items 95L
Macros for Blogging and Second Life
A few years ago, I was finding it very difficult to keep typing the same things, day in and day out. I spoke to Mel about it and he recommended I use a Macro Keyboard. I jumped on it, as I had not realised that macros could also just be blocks of text, so now I not only have a Logitech G110 keyboard, but also a G13 Gamepad as well. You can see how I use it in the video, because I have so many macros, I could not show you everything, but it is easy to set up, and will be a great addition to your day to day. You will need to have sounds on to hear me in the video.
I have also used macros to name my products, as they are all essentially named the same thing, with a different number at the end. This would probably make naming lots of items a lot easier for some. I do know though you can do that in firestorm by selecting all items and writing in the name section.
I hope you find this useful for you, have a great week ahead.
Sasy Scarborough
Starring Role
I went to Junk the other day, I think I mentioned this in the past, but hit up everything I could…these are some more of the items I collected. It is fun using Gatcha and release items together, in little settings for photos…it gets them out of your inventory for a start, and you don’t have to fill a home to make beautiful spaces.
My Attic is open at the moment, and it is a big “Back to the Future” theme idea ( concept was Justice Infinity’s idea ) such a good one too, as it spans so many decades with the jumping back and forth. It is also the 30th Anniversary of the film, so yay for celebrating that. I was perusing Gizza’s Marketplace the other day, because I knew I had seen something boho’ish there in different forms, and while it is a store I actually love to visit, I just wanted them all clumped together on a page. While looking though I came across Donatella….far from boho, so sleek and gorgeous an outfit, and everything from it is mix and match heaven. I am only wearing the oversized hat – so much love for it – and the blazer that is just perfect, with some great slim boyfriend jeans from Maitreya. The Donatella set has so many pieces and the pants while unusual, were not my cup of tea, I can see using them for something in the future. The ankle boots the come with are great too, as I said the whole set is wonderful.
I did however go with the great Sicily heels by Essenz that are one of the My Attic releases, and I love the striped solid with the transparent look mixed in, very stylish.
We went to a few events actually this week, the hair and ring I have on are from The Fantasy Collective. The hair is by Entwined, who makes great hair, especially if you love long styles. The ring is part of a set by SySy’s and has individual rings you can combine together. The Clutch is from 1992 at Kustom9, and I knew I would have a use for it, just did not think so fast, but it really added to this overall look. I am stylin!
The skin I am wearing is a new one by YS&YS, this skin is actually at two events in different forms. Shiny Shabby has it in this form, and it is just lovely, and then at The Fantasy Collective, you can get the Vampire, Drow or Zafiro look, with amazing make up choices, so look out for both of those.
My Attic
Shiny Shabby
The Fantasy Collective
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
All Furniture by Junk
Location –
Poses by –
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Ginny Skin Appliers – YS&YS @ Shiny Shabby
Karin Mesh Head – Lelutka @ Undivided
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet , Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : YS&YS
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 142 – Flair
LouLou – Entwined @ The Fantasy Collective
Boyfriend Jeans Slim Fit – Maitreya
Donatella Outfit ( Jacket & Hat worn) – Gizza
Shoes :
Sicily (high feet) – Essenz @ My Attic
Accessories :
Prouler Clutch (Noir Croc) – MULIER x 1992 // @ Kustom9
BouledeFleur set (ring worn) – SySy’s @ The Fantasy Collective
Hair Base Alpha & Alpha Hair TUTORIAL
With the implimentation of Mesh Heads to the grid, there are now exciting new HairBase possibilities, just like the ones I showed yesterday from LeLutka. Hairbases on mesh heads are usually their own layer, Slink Visage has a NEW Hairbase layer in their recent update in march.
While wearing hairbases is wonderful and really adds to the overall look of a style, it also gives you the oppurtunity to wear styles that are made as attachments for hairbases only. Slicked back looks and so on. Now with hairbases prior to the mesh heads, you have hairbases on the tattoo layer of your head, so all was fine and dandy.
To achieve the same look with mesh heads, the creator needed to use an alpha channel texture that means the hairbase is full of alpha, and will clash with other alpha – example, when your hair seems to cut away the windows in your house and other things – this is NOTHING to do with the hair creator doing something wrong, this is a very well known SL Bug with alpha sorting.
Hair creators will have to keep that in mind when creating new styles for the mesh head population, and some already have styles that work really well. But there are others that can be ‘fixed’ so to speak. I use the fixed word loosely, because there is nothing wrong with the hair, or how it is made, it was just created with no alpha conflicts possible at the time, but now that is more likely due to heads.
A lot of hair is still MOD, some may show no mod because of the huds they use, but if you can rez it or go into edit on it while worn, you will be able to tell. If it is no mod, then this wont work. You could contact the creator and request that they make their hair mod, as some tend to think no point with rigged hair, as you cannot move it anyway, but things like this come up, and it makes everyones life easier when the customer can do the quick ‘fix’ themselves.
This may not work for all styles, as it will depend on the style, how the alpha and other textures are created, and whether the faces line up properly. I will show you before and after pics, and explain the process.
This came about because Justice put on this first hair earlier, and was sad to see she would not be able to wear it. I thought about it, asked her to rez it and try what I was guessing ‘MAY’ work, it did…and now she can wear the hair, and I decided to share the outcome.
1. Either wear or rez the hair on the ground – depending on your editing abilities, ground may be easier for some.
2. Choose SELECT FACE in your edit menu, and then click on the area the alpha texture is on the hair. You will see in the texture window if you have an alpha selected or not, as it will not be filled in completely.
3. Change the transparency to 100 – do not use an alpha texture to do this, or you will end up in the same boat. Transparency and alpha are two different things in SL , and how they appear/sort with others differs. We are removing the alpha components by making it transparent.
4. Check you have all selected or do them one at a time, if there is more on the hair attachment or hair that conflicts with the hairbase layer.
5. Close edit and gaze at yourself, and say things like “Dayum I am the hotness!”
6. IM all your friends and repeat the words of step 5 to them.
7. Go through your whole hair inventory, and find every style that this will work with. Now you have more hair to wear 🙂 and also know what will work with styles you come across in the future, make sure always that the hair is Modify.
I did some GIFs to watch the process also
The hairs I am wearing in this post are Aida by Wasabi Pills, Ellie by Lelutka, Swish Ponytail (part of full hairstyle) by Lelutka, Cachet Ponytail (part of full hairstyle) by Lelutka
Ciara Cornrow
Adding to the Undivided section of LeLutka, are the NEW hairbase Huds and hair attachments. Each pack has three attachments, and each pack contains 3 – 4 hairpack textures, so it’s a steal. Not only do you get three attachments, but if you love trying everything with everything like I do, you can mix the cornrows bun style that is supremely elegant, and the long version together, to get this beautiful mix.
You must have a Lelutka mesh head to be able to use these hairbase huds, as they only apply the textures to that head. Other than the cornrows style, you also have the option of the shaved base set, that has such a cool shave that it could be worn on its own also.
Beautiful hair, and stunning jewellery by Mandala, and the latest release of the Milla skin appliers for the LeLutka heads by League. I felt like I was coming home putting on this appliers set. Over the years I have worn hundreds if not thousands of skins…and there have always been only a handful of stores that owned my body for long stretches of time, one of them is League, and I am so glad to have the head to toe package now – now she just has to also release Slink Visage appliers and I will be stoked.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Location –
Poses by –
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Milla Skin Applier – League
Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands, High Feet & Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : League
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set – 57 Flair
Ciara Cornrows Hairbase & Attachments Long & Bun combined – LeLutka @ Undivided
Naked Slip Dress – Miss Chelsea
Shoes :
Acajou Wedge Sandals – Azoury @ Shiny Shabby
Accessories :
Pear Rain Season – Pink – Mandala
Rainy days of Winter
I am Gatcha’d out today, we hit up the fantasy gatcha fair in the early hours of the US morning, and then hit up Junk and bought everything in sight. Not only the gatcha’s but also the fantastic pieces available for purchase. This city lights behind me, is actually a small lamp, but as it is mod, bigger is better.
We were waiting for the ItGirls skin to be released for the LeLutka heads, and they did not disappoint, loving the severity of the whole look, very glamorous. It also comes with the Slink physique and hands and feet appliers included, so that was a bonus big time.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build
Rainy Days Umbrella/Pose- Lisp
City Lights – Junk
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Alessa Skin Appliers – ItGirls
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Flat Feet, Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : ItGirls
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set – Flair
Luce Hair – Tableau VIvant @ Collabor88
Watson Trench – Emery @ Collabor88
Josie Pants – Gizza
Shoes :
Lavy Flats – Ingenue @ Collabor88
A few weeks ago, on one of our many shopping rounds, we hit up TMD. We tend to actually go outside of buildings when we visit stores, it’s such a novel idea for many that tend to tp in and out of the same location, but we visit. You never know what you are going to find, and in this instance we found Seven Emporium. The five of us in a mad flurry of right click buying, bought up everything that wasn’t nailed down, and some things that were.
We were not satisfied though, we had to find the main, and on arrival all the beams of purchasing started all over again. I think we maybe left 3 things in the store, and may one day go back for those too. If you have not been, you have to go, because as far as props go, and just things in general, it is a wonderful place to shop at.
These leaning frames and hanging lights are from there. The frames let you drag and drop a texture in, so I used some that Cajsa Lilliehook made in the past for backgrounds. Another great place to shop is of course Collabor88. These shoes started the look, with their cutesieness, and the socks are an option, so they look just as fantastic without.
This great blouse is by Baiastice, and was made to fit some highwaist shorts she also did, but the Ison shorts also fit it perfectly….got to love that, as that is way more bang for your buck.
Speaking of bang for your buck, I am wearing the new skin appliers by Lara Hurley, and I bought two tones, because they are gorgeous. Also because I tend to go tanner because Mel likes it, then I feel too tan, and run back for lighter, this time I planned ahead, and honestly at the price way worth it. Not only do you get one applier for your heads, you get 6 because she has tweaked for each face type, which also means you can mix and match for all heads. There are also different brow options, moles, clean face and freckles, then also lipsticks and some shadows. Go and try the demos.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Square Frame Wall Leaners, Hanging Bulb -Triple – Seven Emporium
Location –
Poses by –
!Bang Poses
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Alena Skin Applier (For Karin Head) – Lara Hurley
Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Flat Feet, Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Lara Hurley
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 148 – Flair
Yuliya – Mina Hair
Gina Blouse – Baiastice @ C88
Chiffon Shorts – Ison @ C88
Shoes :
PennyJanes w/Socks options – Fri.Day @ C88
Poppin Out
Planning a bike trip through an Italian village? you should definitely consider Slink West as your destination. The build is fantastic, the landscaping gorgeous and so many areas to take stunning photos. I may be a little biased as it was Whimsy Winx that did all the landscaping, but well deserved praise.
I am wearing the new boyfriend jeans by SPIRIT that are torn perfection, really using mesh techniques to create the tears rather than textures. I went with a whole carefree spirit for adventure kind of look today, and the beautiful jewellery by Mandala, really brought it all together for me.
I am also wearing the recent release of Adore by Lumae…this skin appliers pack has EVERYTHING included, I do not know if there is anything she missed, but I am covered for both bodies, hands, feet, and heads I wear. I am wearing it on Emma by Slink at the moment, and just really love the clean look of the skin, and the great lips. So many appliers included, so definitely go and check it out in the store.
Essenz has been creating so many beautiful flat shoes of late, with beads, tassles or metalic finishes, you are set to get your boho on. They always have metal and sole options, and lovely colours to choose from depending on which you buy.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Location –
Poses by –
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Adore Skin Visage Appliers – Lumae
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & Visage Head, Physique Body – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : Lumae ( all included)
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 163 – Flair
Hia – Iconic
Wayat Boyfriend Jeans – SPIRIT
Nicole Tank Top (part of jacket set) – Blueberry
Shoes :
Gran Canaria – Slink Add ons Flat – Essenz
Accessories :
Lustful Jewellery set – Mandala
We all tpd over to The Chapter Four tonight, so that we could get our hands – or faces – on the NEW Silke Skin appliers by The Skinnery for the LeLutka mesh heads. It has a very strong Asian look to it, and I did try it with different heads, and decided that Ever was the winning head for my look. There is only the one face option, and it has black liner harcoded into it, but as it is at an event, I am hopeful that there will be more options in the future. It is a great price, with 4 brow options as well as freckles on the redbrows, and dimples, which is fun.
The tones it is available in, are Honey, Champagne and Toffee, which I am wearing. I wanted to be all sleek and stylish, so went with the other NEW and Exciting item, the Hilary hair by Elikatira, who is back with 6 new styles. I really adore this pulled back low pony style, which is adorable because the hair length is above shoulders, so it would make a perfect little girl hair also.
The Dress is at C88 for a few more days, and is a stylish creation by Ison, so definitely grab that. It did not fit the back of my Slink body, so I changed to my Maitreya, perfect to have both and be able to mix and match as needed that way. Mind you I could have worn long hair, but this has me knowing it works really well. Needing just a little bit of sparkle, the jewellery is from the very talented Mandala, and everything about the set is just delightful.
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Location –
Poses by –
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Ever Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided
Silke Skin Applier – The Skinnery @ The Chapter Four
Lara Body – Maitreya @ Undivided
Avatar Enhanced Mesh Hands & High Feet – Slink
Avatar Enhanced Skin Appliers : The Skinnery
Avatar Enhanced Nail Appliers : set 142 – Flair
Hilary – Elikatia
T-Belt Shirt Dress – Ison @ Collabor88
Tempter Leggings – Maitreya Appliers – Flair
Shoes :
Jujubee Heels – High feet addons – Reign @ N21
Accessories :
Prophecy Ring & Earrings – Mandala
Girls Girls Girls
Seeing as we usually go shopping in a pack, we tend to buy up all the same things…it is usually not a case of coincidence though, we are close enough that ‘YOU HAVE TO GET IT TOO” is often heard being yelled at each other. We do tend to respect eachothers colours though, so it will be a case of ‘Justice got it in blue, I got it in cream, you have pink or orange left’ if the final girl wants it in a colour already purchased, one of us usually makes the sacrifice to buy another, and let her have that option instead, so much sacrifice in getting more stuff.
This was another range of items we got from Creators Collection Box, and we just wanted to take a quick pic – did not stay a quick pic, waiting for Whimsy to get herself together, same outfit and it took her ten times longer, gosh we love her. We took the pics in one of her location creations she does, she is incredibly talented at putting together montages to take pics in, she should do it more. I loved the idea of us being three girls backpacking around Europe who just happened to come across some Gypsy settlement for the night. LOVING IT!
Make sure you visit the blogs of
Equipment Used:
VR Studio 4.2 and HUD and Library for location shoots–
VR Foundry Mainstore (adult)
VR Foundry @ The Deck (general)
Props, Furniture, Build –
Location –
Poses by –
Focus Poses Friends 68 ::
Ellis – LeLutka (no longer sold)
Skin & Body Parts Worn:
Ashia – Megan Skin Appliers – Glam Affair @ Undivided
Stella Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided
Lara Mesh Body – Maitreya @ Undivided
Mesh Hands – Slink
Sasy – Megan Skin Appliers – Glam Affair @ Undivided
Karin Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided
Physique Mesh Body – Slink
Mesh Hands & Flat Feet – Slink
Whimsy – Sophee Skin Appliers – Izzie’s
Lotte Mesh Head – LeLutka @ Undivided
Lara Mesh Body – Maitreya @ Undivided
Mesh Hands – Slink
Jaden – Wasabi Pills
Kayla – LeLutka
Hair 44 – Eaters Coma
Ashia, Sasy, Whimsy – Denim Short Pants, T-shirt – Silvery K @ Creators Collection Box
Shoes :
Dahlia Socks – Maitreya
Trinidad Sandals (Slink Flat Feet add ons) – Essenz @ Tres Chic
Cowboy Boots – Silvery K @ Creators Collection Box
Accessories :
Midi Rings – Izzie’s