• Stylish

    Culture Shock – In for a Penny







    Culture Shock Map

    The new nails I have on in the top pic are my new fav, they are Camo nails, the print of course being camo print, but it is not that that I am so in love with. The nails come also with cuffs and all the incredible detailing on the nails and rings and so on. The dress I am wearing I know is supposed to be a little more evening wear, but it struck me as very camisk like as well, so I teamed it up with the new Cassia Sandals from SLink. These are of course Romanesque in theme, and have that gladiator sandal look with a more modern take, very cool. I was lucky to be able to watch Siddean making these in Zbrush which was a really great experience.

    Then adding the most recent release of hair from Red Mint , this style comes with an attachment of longer strands, but it is also the incredible chain work that has me so liking this hair. The next three styles are from Exile and are part of his Culture Shock release… three great styles covering all sorts of hair needs, from Uppydo to loose and luscious.

    The second dress is a gown also by Azul, stunning colours and print, and the design is marvelous. I love the high collar and plunging back, with the train skirt just adding such a lovely effect. I am wearing part of the new Pearl Parade set by MOOD which you all got a sneak peak at during project theomery last week, well it was so popular and so gorgeous, that Jori has added some earrings (not shown ) and an incredible hud allowing for pearl and gemstone changes, and the colours are divine.

    Moving off from the evening wear to spring/summer pretties, the Indie Rose dress is just lovely. This colour matched so well to not just the shoes options, but also the incredible new Natasha Bag from Orta, also a Culture Shock item, that comes in many more colours than those shown. Back to the shoes though, I forgot to mention that each colour comes with the option to be either brown or black leather, so really it is two shoes in one, so versatile for different looks.

    Also ingenious and thinking of the customer, the Indie Rose people now deliver their items in a HUD not a box, so you can wear the hud, pick the colour – if purchased fat pack – and that colour only will deliver to you in a folder, wear it then delete. You can do this as many times as needed as the items are in fact in the hud, and all copy. This is kind of like the closet system but done for you, so cool.

    Now a better look at the make ups for Scarlet by Glance, remember it wont be out until next week, but definitely grab the demos and go home and get nakey, because the body on this skin is HOT HOT HOT. Cleavage options and 6 make ups, so DEMO DEMO DEMO.

    Don’t forget 1st of May is Culture Shock so save some room in your inventory for lots and lots of goodies, and make sure you give yourself lots of time to spend there.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Scarlet – Glance


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Hair No.5 – Red Mint


    Mila – Azul @ Culture Shock


    Cassia – SLink


    Camo Nails – WTG


    2nd Me:


    Liv – Exile @ Culture Shock


    Linda – Azul @ Culture Shock


    Nana Heels – Enkythings


    Parade Pearls = MOOD (COMING SOON )


    3rd Me:


    Penny – Exile @ Culture Shock


    Frilled Tubetop Dress – Indie Rose @ Culture Shock


    Cassia – SLink


    Katharina Sunglasses – Orta

    Natasha Bag – Orta @ Culture Shock

    Fallen Tears Set – MOOD


  • Stylish

    Culture Shock – Luscious Latex



    Culture Shock Map



    I have always been in two minds about latex gowns, while I don’t usually like them because of how latex comes across on prims, I do understand the need. It stems from the fact that for many in Second Life, latex is the ONLY fabric, and they consider the gown just a gown. But not in this case, because there is no way you could call this ‘just a gown’.

    It is one of the items soon to be released at Culture Shock, an event we have been waiting for for many months. Over 150 stores are participating and the range of items is amazing. Each store will be donating the proceeds of one or more items in their booth to Medicins Sans Frontieres.

    SyS is just one of the stores participating, and this gown is just incredible. Not only the gown skirt which is a voluptuous display of sculpted latex, but all of the added bits and pieces that make the incredible ensemble. It is always very sci fi over at SyS and the Ebonyte is no exception. Without the skirt it becomes a great catsuit also, with all the gadgetry and sci fi pieces or without. Really wonderful light reflections on the latex, I hope they do more of it.

    Culture Shock starts May 1st and is a Chic Management Production.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Ebonyte – SyS @ Culture Shock Event May 1st


    Khrome Boots – SyS


  • Stylish

    Artilleri needs your love



    Antonia Marat has lost the use of her computer, which for someone that relies on it for all her creating and maintaining of her Second Life business this is a big deal. Now many of us have everything she makes clothes wise, but not always everything Home wise, so for those of you that have thought there was nothing to buy, think again, as the HOME store has added a few great items only recently, and think of the Flamingos.

    Artilleri HOME

  • Stylish

    Me, Myself and I




    So Mel and I were exploring Second Life the other night, and actually revisiting old haunts, such as were his original store was and so on. It is amazing the changes that can happen over in mainland over a shortish amount of time. So with all the tooing and froing I found a store that I had never heard of, and that had the look of some really beautiful pieces in it, I was just able to grab the first item, but remembered to go back last night.

    The first set does not come with the bra top, it is in fact a tad more revealing, but the strands of texture pearls are fun and so old school. It is of course the skirt that was instant love, and does come in I think two other colours, but this green and sunflowers are just gorgeous to walk around in. The bangles all came with the outfit and the price was really great, I also was so excited that the bangles fit without resizing, I mean even the top one, goes to show I always knew my arms weren’t big, it is these newer designers that need to eat more chocolate, or if not at least make the darn things mod because resizers make bigger everywhere and that’s just silly. But yay not the case with these.

    So I went back again last night and OMG, the Lady Hawk ensemble is just GORGEOUS. The whole thing comes together so beautifully, and also has dress pants as an option if not wanting to go the full tulle skirt, but the skirt is just divine, I have always had a love for good tulle in SL and this is finished off so well at the ends it actually moves as though incredibly soft and billowy, a MUST HAVE. The lace yoke and face mask are all just fabulously made, the whole ensemble is a great set of pieces that I could see mixing and matching with others, and again the price was fabulous for something this amazing.

    Two or in this case four other amazing things as well for this post, are first of all the three new styles from Maitreya. Not only do we get gorgeous new hair, but in some cases new textures. There was a need for some darker blondes and lighter browns, so Onyx spent some time getting the right balance to please as many as she can, and I am loving the results.

    A sneak peak also on the new Glance skin that is coming out next week. The skin is a step up for Glance and so exciting the skin actually has more than one tone, so for those of you that always want Glance but the tone isn’t always one you want, well this might be your chance. DEMO DEMO DEMO.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Scarlet – Glance


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Jordyn, Lara, Lara II, Uma – Maitreya


    Anais – ME Fashion

    Lady Hawk – ME Fashion

    Bra Top – Alessandra



    Hair Rose – Essentia


  • Stylish

    Dear Mr Humble


    1.not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.

    By name only I feel that you will take what I have to say on board. Isn’t that in itself interesting? that because of your last name, I automatically assume you are of course ‘Humble”, and would be open to what I, Sasy Scarborough, have to say.
    I am worried about the future of Second Life “Residents” we were all and have been all considered Residents in all our years of Second Life, but now due to the so called ‘ new and improved ‘ sign up for Second Life, everyone is a Resident by default, and by name also.


    1. a person who resides in a place.

    Which has us at reside – a person who dwells permanently or for a considerable time: She resides at 15 Maple Street.

    From my understanding, and how I have addressed myself and others I know, a resident is someone that has made Second Life something important to them, a Second Life from their first, somewhere they come to to enrich their other life. So how can you be a resident before even walking in the door? But that isn’t actually my concern, my concern is what you are taking away from possible new residents, as well as adding to what you were so concerned was too stressful.


    A Resident will never age:

    I have a friend, you all know of called Whimsy, when I refer to her in person, on voice or chat, I 87% of the time call her Whimsy Winx, why? because I love it. I love her name, it is so her. It is not only her personality, but there is something about how it sounds, or feels to say, that just makes me happy. Now Whimsy Winx has a very odd talent…and we used to just laugh at it, but recently it has really made me a bit sad, because of the way things are now.

    Her skill is knowing how old someone is without looking. Now she isn’t always spot on, but more often than not she has them down to the two months that usually was the length of time a name had. Many of us are able to do that, but usually only based on who we know with the name. For instance if I ever met another Fairchild or Zebrastripe I would probably hyperventilate trying to catch up to them to find out who they are and what they do, because I would know that like Phaylen and Washu, they would be OLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Whimsy Winx though has it about people and names she doesn’t even know, because she is a watcher of people, and with all the groups she is part of, and events she has taken part in, the names stick.

    But what of the Residents ? I mentioned this post and this the other day to her, and her words made my heartbreak…’they will never age’ for her, it will mean that she will always assume a Resident is new, it wont matter if they join now or this time next year, it will always be something that we associate with newness, which of course will in some cases deem the person lacking in anything to bring to the table, so to speak. A resident applying for a job over a duo named avatar may cause them to be dismissed as even an option…because they are ‘new’ and that newness being stuck in the heads of many, will mean that those same many may forget entirely to look at profiles for proper age.

    It will be like posting on a forum as a newbie indefinitely, even on those your status changes based on time spent contributing.

    What will they gain from their name :

    I am Sasy Scarborough, known as that by many, for different things I have done, or been part of over the years in world. I have a facebook account as Sasy Scarborough, and as funny as this seems to my partner, every single thing outside of Second Life that I join, I join as Sasy Scarborough and know many that do the exact same thing. Second Life gave me the ability to freely and without thought, join up to other worlds, other concepts and networks as an identity already made, something I am proud to be and stand by.

    I also know hundreds of people that have done the same, if not thousands, and Whimsy and I and also many others go to other worlds we may not even participate in and make sure that we are the only ones with our names there too.

    There are so many businesses in Second Life that are in one form or another an extension if not right out based on the owners name. Again Whimsy Winx has a store called W.Winx, I myself have had and still create under the name Flair, an adaptation of Scarborough Flair my original blog, which is of course a take on my name and the song. I cannot imagine Rebel Hope Designs as just Rebel, I would assume it was some punk store, not the higher end fashion house that it is. Nicky Ree would not resonate for me as much as it does, if it was just called Nicky.

    Those people have been proud to not only name their stores their name, but proud to stand by them and behind them as a label. To give all of themselves as an avatar to their business, and that is something that I cannot imagine being so much the case with someone that just signs in the first time as John or Maria Resident. There are also many stores that use initials of their avatars to create a brand, example is ETD which was based on Elikapeka Tiramisu Designs, and now rebranded is half of the first and last of her names Elikatira.

    Let us not forget Digit Darkes, her business started as X3D but for her it was so much about branding and designer recognition that in 2007 she changed it to Digit Darkes as a brand as well.

    Which leads me to my next observation.


    Names bring people together:

    Starting with Digit Darkes the perfect example is that in may 06 three girls joined Second Life, Sasy Scarborough, Digit Darkes and Aleri Darkes. Ok my part in that is only coincidence, but it was funny that I did end up working for both of them the following year. But anyway, these two didn’t know eachother, but through a mutual friend were introduced because of the names and hit it off so well from the get go, that they joined forces, shared workspace and went on to call eachother sisters for the rest of their time in world. So many actually believed the sisters part, because they were so incredibly similar in personalities.

    On my sim at The Deck, I have two Winx’s and two Noel’s but over the past year or so have had a third Noel also, which as silly as it seems

    made me really happy. You will also notice that when you know one of a name, it is easy to introduce them to another of the same name, or be introduced to another, because you feel a connection to the name already. I know as a crazy Scarborough I could honestly IM every single Scarborough in search and have no issue saying Hi. I do know that I looked once and couldn’t find a single content creator amongst them all, I am convinced that Scarborough’s are in Second Life just to help others with their work lol.

    Look at the same name people you know, are there similarities? is that something you point out on occasion, what similarities will be noticable with Residents? oh I know, they all have the same name :(.

    When I joined Second Life I came from Yahoo – yeah yeah you all know this story 😛 – but anyway, in Yahoo I was a Sassy with an S last name too. So when I came to Second Life I went to do the same thing. The names feature was stricter back then and because it seemed I had ASS in my name, it wasn’t allowed – they have changed that since, but I love my name how it is now, so thank you for that – so it took me ages to work out that was why it kept saying unavailable, it wasn’t actually said why, I had to guess, and as soon as I dropped an S I was in. It was not that hard, because I WANTED TO GET IN. I had already seen Second Life on a friends webcam, I wanted in badly, so I didn’t care how long or how tedious the process was.

    I have actually never met a person who has ever said that the name part was hard, if anything we have over the years encouraged many to go out and come back in again with a new name, because the ones they signed up with were dumb, and if they did have ambitions and wanted to be taken seriously, because Second Life isn’t a game, then they might want something other than the one they had…and most of those people did just that, coming back in a few minutes later with new names, so how hard can it be? I do know that at one point when making a business alt a large percentage of the names tended to be ethnic, and I found that strange, actually limiting the amount of names to about 4 that I would choose for myself, mainly because with a work alt you want something basic. So if that was a time people were joining and choosing full time names, well yeah, that would make it complicated, but I do understand the need for world appeal.

    Someone once told me that it was the Lindens who found choosing names difficult, is that true? have they heard of a phonebook? don’t get me wrong I love all Lindens even if you were to take their names away and call them Residents, but seriously, hard? let’s take a page out of the sims for a moment and seek some help over there. Woah look at that a name generator for Sims.

    Lets talk Sims for a moment, as so many of us were and are Sims addicts at one stage, imagine if the sims families had no names *gasps* Imagine if they were all just Sims. The names in the sims, the ones that we all started with had character, they meant something to the identity of the characters that held them, they were also distinguishable as the ‘games defaults’. By making all new Second Lifers Resident by default, you have actually brought them in as something that seems lacking in a recognisable trait or character off the mark.

    There were also a lot of names there where from something or alluded to something in the older named days, for instance there is a whole history behind the Therian name that I myself only learned of recently. Therian was a name made available to those coming here from There, another virtual world that had seemed to be going under at the time, so many migrated to Second Life and were made to feel welcome with the name Therian as an option, when I read that I put it down as reason 416549841416 why I love Second Life.

    I also know that when The Sims Online closed up the name Morgan was around, because I know that history, I know that Lexi came to Second Life from TOS with all her friends from there, so her name is another timeline for other things and meanings. I know that Tomsen and Nikolaidis are names from March 07 and that because of a documentary on TV in Australia two girls joined Second Life the same week and became great friends years later.

    Mr Humble, please don’t take these things away from the future of Second Life. I know that you cannot go backwards now, I know that the system is already in place, but could you and your team consider setting up a new add on system that rewarded Residents that want to become one with the community that is Second Life. Maybe after they have been here a certain amount of time, say three months, they could choose a permanent name? maybe even make it part of being a premium or a one time fee that is not that ridiculous high priced fee you have for changing names, but a token payment one time only thing, and still from a list.

    Once people are here for that long they are here for good is my opinion, so don’t make them residents forever, that is just too cruel, they will never feel the same passion we do, and they will feel resentful of being different from others, I mean in a way you are making them a closed community within a community and that is not fair to anyone. I know you think Display names will fix it, but no, the display names are not even now being used how they were intended, I don’t see anyone using a RL name above their SL one, all I see are silly characters and silly names that people use for laughs…it has made a mess of friendslists, thankfully it is a feature you can turn off, but then by doing so you have people referring to people by different names, and that in itself is even more confusing.


    Mr Humble please give Residents a chance to be real Residents.


    Yours Sincerely and Proud to be

    Sasy Scarborough of the Second Life Scarboroughs

  • Stylish

    Pretty Flowerful


    I am doing some hair catch ups now, hair in Second Life is always a big OMG Must Have for me, and with Hair Fair coming up in July, I for one cannot wait to see everyone leveling up and coming up with some truly amazing styles. But luckily for all of us, they still continue to make styles usually right up until the event, spoiling us rotten.

    Exile has released four stunners in the past few weeks and I am loving the big hair looks of many of the ones over the last few months. Some of these are a little more subdued and equally lovely, and now with the addition of the Exile hairbases – free in the mainstore – there is just a beautiful hairline really rounding out the prims so well.

    I was running around looking for something earlier this evening and came across the really pretty dress I am wearing, so couldn’t resist. Grixdale has really amassed a huge collection of newer clothing over the past few months, and I like what I see more and more.

    The new Paige skin by Adam n Eve is a lovely youthful looking face, a really nice base make up comes with the skin and so many tattoo options for eyeshadows and lipsticks, you will definitely have fun trying on all the varieties.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Paige – Adam n Eve


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Ivy, Laurie Blue, Erika, Sirena – Exile


    Sun of a gun Vintage Doll – Grixdale


    Tassele Wedge Sandals – J’s


    Hair Rose – Essentia


  • Stylish

    C’mere Stud



    I have been teased and tormented with this hair for weeks now, one of my must haves as a teen was a hair crimper, because of course it was the 80’s and that’s what it was all about – that and glitter hairspray – I loved my crimper, it burned me so often and I think I lost a whole clump of hair once not paying proper attention…but it was incredible fun. Now we have hairplate straighteners, and those are just awesome too, but this hair for me is amazing.

    When I saw the pants I am wearing at Sn@tch I instantly thought of the greatest Aussie Icon Olivia Newton John, and her last scene in Grease. The other night I was wearing them and even joking with Whimsy on the whole ‘ Frenchy can you help me’ scenario. So teaming the pants and the hair together, well it is all “C’mere Stud” loving.

    I presonally think that Thora has been watching some oldies on telly lately, because all the styles scream vintage tv. How amazing are the pigtails, and made with chest attachments so that the tails don’t dig into your body when striking a pose. Speaking of striking a pose, Whimsy and I went nuts the other night and bought about 5 ao’s – ok maybe I bought that many lol – from Mr Sigmunds, they have such amazing animations for such low prices, and they are super sexy. I used slow animation to capture the poses used today, but will show more later on.

    If you are reading this and it is still the weekend, then run to MOOD. The set of pearls I am wearing comes also with an incredible ring, and for this weekend only as part of Project Theomery is only 75L , so don’t miss out on that because they are gorgeous. Also check out the new Style Academy Feed, it is new and has some wonderful ideas.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Rykiel , Hera 2, Watson, SJ, Renta – LeLutka


    Too Tight Pants – Sn@tch


    Esprit XTD – Maitreya Gold


    Parade Pearls – MOOD ( project Theomery set for this weekend)

    Wide Waist Belt – Fri.day


  • Stylish

    I see Rainbows




    There was this big pile of poop last year around blogging, and bloggers. Some such nonsense about us pooping rainbows or some such rubbish. For a start I poop the same as everyone else, as I am sure do all bloggers. So when I went to the new store which has opened in Second Life by a creator from IMVU, and saw all the rainbows, I giggled the whole time I was there…you see I may not poop rainbows, but I do tend to see the rainbows, and love looking for them too. In Second Life we are surely blessed by these amazing miracles each and every day a person takes the time to express their creativity in either fashion or the arts. Now thanks to this great and fun store, I can show how I choose to SEE only the beauty.

    The store is called Blue Slush, a funna name from the start, and such a lovely lady is the designer as I have had a chance a few times to speak to her over the last few days. First off I fell instantly in love with the ruffle panties. Some of you that have been reading me over the years know about my ruffle panties dancing posts, and alas CKS is long since packed up, so no more ruffle panties, or so I thought. Now these ones have not only gorgeous ruffles at the back, but also at the front…I spent all night last night running around the grid in these.

    On a whim at the very end of our explorations I wanted to stop by G*field and squeeled that they also have these incredible ruffle top socks, in three lengths, so it was fat pack all over the place. There were socks like this in only black or white at the sock shop in RL back in the early 90’s I used to want them so badly, but they were pricey and I knew that with my stocking luck they would end up with a cigarette burn in them first night out, so I never got them. Now I has them in 16 colours, and because the ruffles are so versatile, they look great in contrast as shown, and may even look great over other socks you already have.

    The hair I am wearing is also a new release, from Sadistic Hacker, this style is shown as a mens hair, but pfft they are not going to be the only ones that get the four incredible styles just released, with hair bases included. They are so awesome and the black texture at SH is just wonderful. The other hair I am wearing is Nakita from Milana, the style is really pretty and wavey, some amazing styles are coming out of Milana, a great collab store, but you can still so see what is Asuaka’s she has such a ‘her style’ way of creating hair that is awesome.

    Very 70’s early 80’s are the great print tshirts and this one of a Unicorn throwing up a rainbow yet again made me LOL at Blue Slush, there is definitely Unicorn love going on in that store as you will see when you get there yourself. The eyes of course were an easy decision, made even more so when the green were also called Irish.

    Finishing all of this off with the great newish skin by Adam n Eve called Tanisha. Tanisha comes in darker tones only, this being the lightest. So many goodies come with also, lipsticks, brows, mani pedi, eyeshadows all on tattoo bases, as well as socks and gloves for extra mani pedi’s if needed. DEMO DEMO DEMO and tell all your friends that are always upset there aren’t enough dark tones around to get on over there and try them too.

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by : C’est La Vie

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Tanisha Latte – Adam n Eve


    Rainbow Irish – Blue Slush


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Gen Hair w/ Base – Sadistic Hacker


    Gilda Top – Sn@tch

    Ruffle Panties – Blue Slush

    Ruffle Socks – G*Field


    Platform Pumps – J’s



    2nd Me:


    Nakita – Milana


    Mini Skirt Denim, Unicorn Glitter Tshirt – Blue Slush

    Ruffle Socks – G*Field


    Platform Pumps – J’s


    Rainbow Set – Essentia


  • Stylish

    Paper cuts



    I have felt a little off the last few days, so off in fact I wore the same hair for four days straight *gasps*. Just as well the hair is great. I did get to watch all three seasons of “What I like about you” though…fun show, and for us 80’s teens a flash back to perve on Dylan and Brandon for a few episodes was funna.

    Tuli released a new skin called Sara, she is a beauty, and wow you should see Whimsy in it, she looks amazing. This has got to be one of the greater faces for Tuli fans, as it really does have some subtle changes that can really enhance a shape.

    It comes in six base make ups, lipsticks on tattoo layers, lashes, freckles, cleavage and brows. The amazing thing is that it is also available in ten tones, so many choices, when you look from dark to light, but as you can see very close to eachother when going along the line. I recommend a touch darker if you are torn between two, what with the warmer seasons coming up, you will want a more summer glow about your skin.

    What better way to think of summer than with a new bikini and how adorable are the tankinis from Touche, they are fruity fabulous. Not only are they hand drawn and so well done, but the added bunches of leaves just make them so cute. They are created by one of the new teen residents, not new to SL of course, but new to the regular grid, and already so talented.

    Mon Tissu had a great release last week, the cardigans are so pretty and charming. I am loving the use of prints in them, as it is soft enough to work with solids and not too overwhelming that you have to be spot on with the colours you combine.

    Other new items in the pic are the fantastic Punk Boots by Red Mint, these are so great, with their scrunched down warmers and the fabulous string/rope adornments on the legs and ankles, they all change colours with a dropdown menu activated by a mini hud. They also come with the option of no ropes, so you can get a few different looks.

    Paper is the newest hair by Elikatira, and this long pulled back on one side look is very girly girl. Allowing you to show off earrings, some make ups, or just to show off your new glasses, also by Mon Tissu. The high rise jeans are from Deetalez, a nice change from all the low slung jeans out there at the moment, and still sexy.

    Go get your freak on…


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Sarah – Tuli


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Paper – Elikatira


    Juicy Brakini – Touche


    2nd Me:


    Paper – Elikatira


    Picnics & Flowers Cardigan – Mon Tissu

    Hard Alley Jean Shorts – Sn@tch

    Antique Bra Top – Maitreya

    House Lounge Bodysuit – Royal Blue

    Highwaisted tight mini skirt – LMK by Petruva Clemenceau

    High Rise Jeans – Deetalez


    Punk Boot – Red Mint

    Olea Boots – Surf Co.


    Four Corners Readers – Mon Tissu

    Day Tripper Bag – Addict

    Fallen Tears Set, SIddean Set – MOOD


  • Stylish

    Ruling my Roost



    I put on this wonderful hair, with its great hairbase, and it inspired my day, and my looks.

    The hair is from Milana, the wonderful duo of Asuka Martin and Sharifa Morenz. Once Sharifa got here from the teen grid, Asuka was ready to join forces. Those that remember when Asuka got here herself will also remember she left many talented friends behind, so now all is well again with the world. I really love how the hair base is really soft and fluffy looking, especially in the platinum tone, and this shaved on one side style is all sorts of fun.

    All the Milana styles are just excellent, and while I am writing this Whimsy and I are on our way over again, because she wants the hair I have on in the second pic lol. The first pic though, aside from the hair, look at that coat, OMG it is so incredible, I love bustles, especially on skirts, but on a coat like this it is extra win. Not only win, because even though I bought mine on marketplace for more, the store has this coat at only 50L which is kind of criminal I think, it is just too divine, but as well all have gotten used to over the years Pixel Dolls and its prices never make much sense. Not saying I want everything to be a lot more, but I do wish that things would stay priced accordingly for longer than they do.

    I grabbed the more fitted jacket as well while I went over for a second coat, one off marketplace one in world, that is how I found out the price difference…and loved the idea of it with these fabulous booty shorts from League. Both looks work extremely well with the Whitney boots from SLink.


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Penelope – YS & YS


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Willow , Milana Hair Base – Milana


    Bourbon Bustle Coat – Pixel Dolls

    Leather Pants – Deviance


    Whitney Boots – SLink


    Byzantine Cross set – Essentia


    2nd Me:


    Arielle – Milana


    Bourbon Top – Pixel Dolls

    Booty Shorts – League

    Knee High Socks – The Strand


    Whitney Boots – SLink


    Byzantine Cross Set – Essentia