• Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Minty Goodness





    Ok so I am like trying to catch up and stuff, and all the while unpacking and sorting and ooooing and ahhhing. But first a public service announcement …Dearest Darling Designers, Pleeeeeeeeease for the love of all things buyable, do not set your boxes and bags to NO COPY, when the items inside them are copy. Also if the items inside are copy and the box/bags are copy DO NOT add a picture or notecard that is no copy.

    If trying to unpack and the box ends up no copy, two things can happen, either the box gets deleted because someone has those warnings off. Or the item has to be taken back to inventory which makes the whole inventory go back to where the box was, not where you unpacked to. Another reason, having copy boxes/bags makes keeping inventory to a minimum an easier task, as once worn you can delete the folder knowing you have the whole item safely in a box. But the most important of all, to both designer and customer should be, SECOND LIFE IS NOT THAT RELIABLE! there I said it, I love LL so hard, but honestly mixing perms is a big no no. If something hiccups, you have the added risk of your items becoming a neverending supply of resendable items…DO NOT RISK IT.

    Ok now on to the yums. FIrst off Exile has an awesome release for Hair Fair this year, ever since his first in 08 Kavar has continued to grow and grow as an incredible hair creator. I love his names for the hairstyles this year, and also the effort he put into making the hair very theme friendly for the event, double yum on the oceanic theme of Aroha. I went with an all blue theme from Riddle, yay for all colours so you have the option to do such things as theme runs. Riddle clothing is always so hot, and I especially love the sexy tunic look, very romanesque.

    Next up we have hair from Iren, she did such an awesome job with her booth this year, really love how she decorated. The bonnet hair is adorable, and so perfect for hippie boho looks or just getting really authentic and hitting the RP circuit, it is extremely Little House on the Prairie hair.With boho in mind I went with the Boho tube tops from Addict, I really like these with or without the sculpted portion, so it is really two in one. Of course I couldn’t resist wearing Nora jeans, my fav highwaisted jeans to date.

    Frou Frou has done it again with some great statement styles, and no one is going to be able to outdo the post Gidge did on it, because I swear anything you were eatting or drinking while reading was going to come splurting back out. I laughed so hard. The lingerie I am wearing was a great find with Whimsy while out shopping one night, the prices are incredibly reasonable, and the workmanship turned out way better than I imagined, the ribbon set on the left in the blue is just perfect for this cute pinup inspiring hair.

    Lastly for now the RedMint booth had me all excited, their hair makes me happy. These styles are fantastic too with the addition of the lock on the 10 hair and the feathers on the 11 which actually have their very own HUD, this hair and the leather dress also from Redmint is SEXY.

    You still have until friday night to buy more at Hair Fair 2011 and also time to enter the latest contest which is super exciting, imagine a year of Flickr Pro account, a year of poses from adorkable and your very own VR Studio…and second and third prizes also. So make sure you enter, the info is HERE .

    Whose Hair Will you Wear

    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka

    Tattoo Make Up v7 v4 – Nuuna’s


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Aroha, Glory , HollieDae – Exile @ Hair Fair

    Masha, Mathilda, Dhalia – Iren @ Hair Fair

    Loverly, Picnic, Agnethe  – Frou Frou @ Hair Fair

    Hair No9, Hair No 10, Hair No 11 – Red Mint @ Hair Fair


    Meia Tunic, Corduroy Pants, Cableknit cutie , Spring has Sprung Dress – Riddle

    Nora Jeans, Boho Summer Tube top – Addict

    Bl&BE Ribbon Lingerie, Ethnic Set, Stripe Set  – Dimbula Rose

    Leather Dress – Red Mint


    KIA – LeLutka


    Milky Way ring – Mandala

    Tote Bag – TIA

    Love Knuckle RIng – Addict

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – What a Man-lady


    I love when you know a bit about the stores you are blogging. Like who they love and adore, or just things like fav colours or what not. So when you get to specifically blog a designer and take the time to make sure that the items you put with them are some of their friends, or located in the same area and so on. Todays post I wanted to do that, because they are all so talented, and just because they always make me giggle as a group of people.

    Bubbles adores his friends, and he is never silent about that, it is why he is even more adorable himself. If you are a big fan you need to get over to his booth at Hair Fair and not only grab all the hair, but also the goody bag, because you will find inside an autographed picture of the man lady himself.

    Clawtooth by Clawtooth always does such feminine hair, and this time is no exception, even more so with length this time around, adding an attachment that adds length and the ability to move easier without losing said hair in said chest.

    The clothing I am wearing today is from Nylon Outfitters, a store also at Tableau where Clawtooth by Clawtooth is situated as a mainstore.I love (NO) it is the kind of store that you want to ‘collect’ everything from. I spent the morning on Marketplace on their 32 pages, and added a few new pieces to my collection. The skin I have on was actually an event skin from Designers United last year, the one they had after the one that they had, you all remember – it was the space on that had a different number at the slow sim – anyway the skin is fabulous and by Tres Blah. So even though you may not be able to get this make up exactly, you should pop over and grab some demos of the others.

    I have been more about bags lately, Whimsy, Mel and I went to Sey a few weeks ago and bought lots of them, the one on the right is from there and has four fur options on click. The bag on the left is from TIA and I adore this bag, the style is gorgeous, and the prints and colours available in the range are just great. This one reminded me of an owl, and owls are all the rage lately.

    I really hope you do get a chance to wear some NO with your Clawtooth and Tres Blah, because honestly, it just feels kind of cool knowing that not only does it look great, but that the people that created it all are such wonderful friends.


    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Space Mod – Tres Blah (event skin)


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Pretty Words, Darling, Take it Easy – Clawtooth by Clawtooth @ Hair Fair


    African Carved Rose, Well loved dress, Crochet Lacey Wrap, Patchwork Jeans – Nylon Outfitters


    Montsegur Pumps – Mon Tissu

    Saffron Heels – LeLutka

    Dandy Boots – Miel


    Wide Belt – CoCo

    Fur Bag – Sey

    My VW Thing Sunglasses – Surf Co.

    Tote Bag – TIA

    Diamond & Pearl Bracelet – Whippet & Buck

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Rollerbaby


    So I was saying the other day, about how there were a lot of ‘launching’ hair stores at Hair Fair 2011. I love the excitement that a new adventure can bring to a designer, especially one that has been a creator in Second Life as long as this one.

    Blue Galaxy is an incredible sim, the avatars and other pieces are so well made, and the creator herself is just too many shades of adorable. Ash has been a resident of SL forever, and had never made hair; until a few friends got together and suggested she participate in this years Hair Fair…yay for those friends.

    I got to watch the creation process of Ash making her first style EVER, which is the one in the middle, to then doing her own textures and coming up with these great hairstyles. You would never know these were her first ever wigs, and they are so much fun, and in keeping with her own niche market.

    I love all three of these styles, the headphones style is not only awesome because of the headphones, but I especially love the combed back height at the back. The tails remind me of Pocohontas but in a very sci fi way, and the flow style is just way too anime good. Make sure you visit Blue Galaxy’s booth at the fair, and check out the build she did inside, so cool.

    The clothing I am wearing is from Magoa with a cameo appearance from Zaara lol. The first dress and headphone hair just made me think of rollerskating, so it went from there. All three looks are fun and flirty, and you will find that Magoa has had a face lift, because as of today they have a new mainstore at the Chic sim that opened about 6 minutes ago.

    The new sim has many great stores, and a very english countryside layout, including sheep and horses. There is also a new weekly event starting up at the sim, every sunday some of the stores and guests will have a reduced item out in the little location set up at the sim, so make sure you check it out.

    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Airhead – Curio


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Stereo, Flow, Tails  – BLue Galaxy @ Hair Fair


    Barcode Dress, Streamline Dress, Peepshow shirt  – Magoa

    Niti Skirt – Zaara


    Skates – N-core



  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Brownzilla


    I am all brownzilla again today, which is always fun. I have been playing with shadows the last two days, the one thing that makes me nuts is hair alpha though with them, that and of course things with invis prims and full bright. These are all things you have to work around with shadows on, but I do like these pics, so excuse the blown out blonde – that would make a really cool colour name.

    Elikatira’s Hair Fair release is as usual really sweet. I especially like the medium length true bob, it is such a nice everyday wear style, you can see some taking on as a permanent feature of their av. The headband style is really delicately pretty, with a dancers kind of look to it, or a trip to yoga perhaps. If you already have it all, then you also need to run over to her main for the flf release today.

    I am wearing some gorgeous dresses from MichaMi, I adore this brand, she has grown into such an incredible designer. The styles she is producing lately are such beautifully finished products, that it is things like stitching and seam work that really helps you appreciate the brand. Also MichaMi clothing is hell sexy, so be sure to go by and pick up everything.


    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :

    Long Awkward Pose

    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Airhead – Curio


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Pretend, Story, With – Elikatira @ Hair Fair


    Leather Dress, Vee, It’s a Wrap  – MichaMi


    Secret Boots, Move Pumps – Elikatira


    Pashmina, Ramya Wood Bangles – Zaara


  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Strap me in


    Chino 2

    Chino 3

    Chino 4


    I thought I could be tricky, I did. I thought that I would be able to take a pic of one colour with all the strap options, and then show all the colour options after that. Tricky schmicky, once I started changing straps and colours of the overall shoe, I was like a woman posessed. The contrast combinations on these shoes are FANTASTIC. The colours are subtle and soft, but have such a great impact either as a full colour or the contrast looks.

    It doesn’t stop there though, I mean look at the design, the straps, the concept of strap to heel look, these are some very sexy, and indecent thought provoking shoes. The other side to them, is that they are classic, and can actually allude to prim and proper, but don’t be fooled, these shoes will have you in all sorts of sweaty situations I bet ya.

    Now few and far between are Maitreya clothing releases, so having them release these gorgeous Allegre shoes, and to release clothing at the same time, is like WOAH. The style of clothing was a super exciting surprise too, not your usual summer wear, but totally summer must haves. The soft cotton blends, the style of fit, pants to die for. It all wraps up into one great big parcel of yum. The colours are cool and sensual, and blend with so many other glorious pallettes.

    I am only wearing part of the release, there is more, and with the shirts there is a sculpted middle section prim that I left off for two of the pics to show how incredible it can even look deprimmed. The sleeves are a great length and again, the pants are amazing. I feel like I have waited my whole SLife for pants like these ones… Classy, Elegant and just divine to wear. Do not hesitate in this release, the parts fit perfectly, I just had to increase the top of the pants 3x by +5 and done, but they are edit modify I was just being lazy lol.

    The hair is of course from Hair Fair 2011 and is a release from LOGO. The Logo hair has gotten even better in the last year, and I am looking forward to many styles being released in the future. If you haven’t grabbed them already do, and once you rez the bag they come in you will fall instantly in love, and not just with the hair.


    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Karissa, Leona, Vanessa – LOGO @ Hair Fair


    Tucked in Blouse, Acer Chino Pants – Maitreya


    Allegre – Maitreya Gold


    Trei Ensemble – MOOD


  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Slinky Fish


    Great thing about Hair Fair, is that a lot of the stores that do more than one thing, tend to only make hair leading up to the event. Such is the case of todays store, and the other store featured is one I keep trying to bully into making more hair, as she has in the past but then just stopped.

    At least Fishy Strawberry didn’t stop making clothes, or I would be rather bare in this post. All of the clothing items worn today are from there, so you can browse for these and lots of other goodies while there. I kind of had a white thing going on, I think it is such a fun tone to work with sometimes, and by adding a splash of colour in accessories, it can really change a look.

    Some casual, some a little dressier, but all lovely. Now speaking of lovely, the hair. This hair is all from SLink and yes SLink makes hair too. She goes through stages with hair creation, but with these great new textures she has definitely felt inspired lately. These three do’s are in her Hair Fair booth, and the one in the middle was sneak peaked earlier in the month to much ahhhhing and ooooing in an ad she did for shoes. It is a hard choice for fav between that and the one on the left, always a huge fan of concave bobs.

    Seeing as all hairstyles at the fair are donating a percentage this year, I think you will just have to get them all. In the middle on my feet are the Sheila thongs from SLink also, they are the update to the previous Sheilas, so you will be able to update them.


    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka


    Alexi, Angel , Rebecca – SLink @ Hair Fair


    Peyote Mini Dress, Lace Details Sweater, Tropic of Cancer Dress, Aragon Skirt, Neo Romantic Blouse – Fishy Strawberry


    Sheila Thongs, Quinn Boots, Marina Boots – SLink


    Kabuki Necklace, Milky Way Bangle, Milky Way Nails and Rings, Senjyu Earrings – Mandala

    Abime Necklace – sYs

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – I played modify today


    Today I played ‘let’s modify’ with some older and new items. It was great finding out that I could make a whole different look from a dress, by turning it into a skirt.

    The new hair is of course all from LeLutka at Hair Fair. The styles are gorgeous, the one on the left is just miraculous, the headband is an amazing retro style, with scalloped rows of incredibly textured yummyness. I want to call them scales, but scalloped will have to do.

    The other styles are just heavenly, and there is even a dollarbie style called Pinned that is a MUST HAVE. The exciting part of the LeLutka release is that they have finnally created hairbase tattoos for all colours, and if that isn’t awesome enough they are mod, so you can tint them to get a closer fit to other hair too. The bases will be sold seperately at their mainstore after hair fair, but for a treat they are included in the hair fair packs, so buy at least one fat pack and get them all now.

    The Minnu dress a recent release is actually the middle look, except I didn’t attach the upper portion and using edit linked parts I reduced the middle part to a small shape inside my torso. I love love love how this turned out, I am hoping I can convine the powers that be to make a skirt only version.

    My second mod was only the length of the Poncho, so that it actually let you see the dress underneath, with the fabulous hip slung belt. Also it gave me a chance to see my avatar warm and snuggly, because I am FREEZING cold down here.

    Did I mention that LeLutka has a discounted area now? not sure if I did or not previously, but up one end of the mainstore there is a TP to a suite upstairs, and there are lots of previously released items. I think the MO top is one of them, which I am wearing with the gorgeous Flow cardigan. This Cardigan is so beautiful.

    Make sure you get all the LeLutka goodies at Hair Fair and remember a portion from EVERY sale at the fair goes to Wigs for Kids, and Andrew their rep was in world and did the four sim tour this afternoon with me and thinks you are all so talented and amazing to do what you are doing, so keep on shopping.

    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka



    Nicole, Loose, Shoop – LeLutka @ Hair Fair 2011


    Minnu Dress (MODIFIED) , Anna Dress , Corinth Poncho (MODIFIED), Mo Top, Flow Cardigan, Caprica Jeans – LeLutka

    Cropped Tank Top – Mon Tissu


    Mischa Slate – LeLutka


    Woven Tote Bag – Beetle Bones

    Wanderer set – League

    MaiCao Bag – LeLutka

  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Tears for Fears


    A bit of pic in pic today, just because I felt like playing with shadows and came across this wicked effect in the Firestorm settings. Ok so mentioning that, one of the new features for Firestorm is a little blogging miracle, or for anyone that likes to keep track of what they wore with what.

    Ok so while that is cool and everything, it kind of pastes difficult to understand, or if you wear all layers etc it is still a lot of work cutting out what you don’t need. If like me you also have a system, I have a template I paste in each time and just fill in the slots…so for my needs it is handy to have and do later, but I fill in the blanks as I go.

    The one very crucial thing for this to be painlessly awesome though, is that designers will need to start putting their names in front of every item, instead of in some cases just leaving that to the folder name. Also with a lot of symbols and abbreviations, it can be as complicated for the owner of the item to work out the real deal for the readers as it will be for you. A great start though, but please do start branding your items, I have mentioned the reasons this is gold in the past, but now it will definitely benefit you with this new feature.

    Example of what is left once I remove the repeats etc:


    Ultima black
    /Wasabi Pills/ Mochi Hair – Night shadow
    A:S:S deluxe – Pearl-brow – female
    VvB 9inch D’ORSAY Platform Shoe
    [LeLutka]-2011 lashes/curl/touch me

    Anywho, so Wasabi Pills has made a big impact this Hair Fair, her hairstyles are adorable, and she even has a mens style (not shown) that is stunning on women too. One of the styles, the middle one, is actualy a duo, you get a single side pony and the tails version in the same pack. I felt very feline, so the new latex set I have from Catch It was perfect.The heels I have on are killer, they actually have an amazing hud, not with a million nails options, but so many great stocking options, including tonnes of latex colour and even fishnets, so cool.

    I have on if you can  see them some amazing Pearl Brows by A:S:S as well as artificial tears, these caused a lot of grief at my house because while they are beautiful, and I will wear them again, they are supposed to be worn in the middle of the eye. That freaks me out, and so I like to wear them lower, along the eyeliner potion of the eye, where I can imagine they are either pierced into the lid, or just glued on with lash glue, because the other alternative freaks me the hell out.

    Regardless of how you wear them, just wear them, they are stunners, and come in male female versions.

    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls


    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Gem – LeLutka


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka



    Libby, Mochi, Trish (double) – Wasabi Pills


    Ultima Black Latex – Catch It


    D’Orsay 9inch Platforms – VvB Heels


    Artificial Tears and Pearl Brows – A:S:S


  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – FOWA



    I am thinking of taking on Gidge for Monarch of an Alien Planet, but I laughed so hard at her post that I think she most definitely wins Supreme Ruler of all. But if I was to throw my hat, um hair into the ring, it would most definitely be one of these new to Hair Fair styles. Traditionally we have always had one or two stores ‘launch’ their hair brand at Hair Fair, and this year we have several which is incredibly exciting.

    Haunted ZuZu is one such store, owned by the talented creator behind Material Squirrel. She has turned her sites on hair design, and she has always been very fond of the fantasy and RP scene, so this is a great thing for hair lovers of that lifestyle. I will point out though, that for me the hairbase at the front is a bit too low, I like my forehead to stay as it is in most cases, or I feel like my cheeks are being pinched really hard.

    I really like the extra detailing to the hair, and I am looking forward to more releases from Haunted ZuZu. A couple of weeks ago I was adding Swansong to What’s New SL and got excited because of their big sale. So TPd back with me, and TPd Whimsy and we bought a few things each – maybe more than a few, but anywho. I really like what this store is producing, and the mens label across the way is hot looking too.

    All three outfits I have on today are from their range, and I especially like theirprint work and girly girlyness.Teaming them up with the MStyle Rivea pumps and Pout 2 skin by Curio and there you have it….



    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Pout 2 – Curio by Gala Phoenix


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Love Bravely Hair , Door to the Stars, Fly away Hair – Haunted ZuZu @ Hair Fair


    Breeze Kaftan, Ahoy Shorts, Ahoy Top, With love Dress – Swansong


    Rivea Pumps – MStyle



  • Stylish

    Hair Fair 2011 – Ploomage


    Happy Independance Day to all, and I think there are some other big celebrations internationally this week/end, so if so,YAY for you too. Those that have been to the Hair Fair, will have noticed I am sure that one of the middle sims is actually called Independance. We didn’t actually plan it that way, but we do love the red, white and blue nautical lookthat is so cute. So it all worked out really well with the dates and all that jazz.

    Some of you that got in early, even in the first few hours of opening, will have noticed that Ploom was not fully set up.She did however put out a fabulous goodie bag to keep you all warm and fuzzy. The skin I am wearing is part of that bag and is HOT HOT HOT. Finally she did make it in, and her new styles are fun and exciting to wear.

    I love the hud system she has with her packs, and streaks. The NEW a little bit of everything is the pack of choice for serious hair lovers I think. You get so many options it really is amazing and fun. I specifically like were Ploom is goingstyle wise, and she has recently moved to Maya to build her hair, so we should see some really interesting looks comingfrom her.

    Now as I am wayyyy behind in posts, this Mon Tissu release is a bit overdue, but great timing for this week – bloggers fate I think, and wow long time since I used that line. The ginger shorts are fun cut off shorts and are definitely a specialty of their creator. I especially love the pocket hang down look, it is just so true to the look.

    The tank on the left is an old favourite of Maitreya, but the one on the right is Mon Tissu. I did have to edit the length of the prims on it, because of my torso length the clothing layer was longer than the end of the prim. Not hard to do at

    all, but edit linked parts and uncheck stretch both sides, and just drag downwards slowly…do of course make a copy first in case of sculptie anarchy. I love how easy to edit Mon Tissu is, even the shoes/boots are editable which is awesome. The middle look is lovely, the gauze skirt I first off imagined longer, not sure why, but it fits just perfectly and I cannot help but love the littlepeek of belly button you get with the combo of that and boxy blouse.

    Adding some nice delicate jewelry pieces from Mon Tissu’s growing collection and I am done…

    Hair Fair Banner 2011

    Hair Fair Slurls

    Click HERE to SLURL’s Page.

    Poses by :


    Equipment Used:

    VR Studio 3.0 and HUD and Library for location shootsVR Foundry Mainstore , VR Foundry @ The Deck

    Skin Worn:

    Maia (from goodies bag) – Ploom @ Hair Fair


    Ellis – LeLutka


    Natural Curl Sculpted Lashes – LeLutka

    1st Me:


    Diji, Jasper 2 , Kisha – Ploom @ Hair Fair


    Ginger Shorts USA & Faded Roses,Gauze Skirt, Boxy Blouse, Cropped tank top – Mon Tissu

    RB Tank – Maitreya

    Side Gartered Stockings – League


    Provence Riding Boots, Montsegur Pumps – Mon Tissu


    Oui Necklace, Floral Disk Pendant – Mon Tissu